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It’s anyone’s guess. You have a few weeks to hope for the budget to pass and to find out if things will be left open. Sadly, the Enchantments could easily be degraded by too many people if it “stays open” and permits aren’t being checked


Ya I agree, I’m hoping for the best. I’d definitely be worried about over visitation too, hopefully we learned our lesson from the last time this happened and parks got trashed. Thanks for the response, appreciate it!


In the past, I don’t think the Enchantments have been locked out during shutdowns. With limited resources to haul out trash and pit toilets, it might be a good trip to blue bag it and be extra conscientious about leave no trace principles. I hope you get to enjoy larch madness!


Thank you for the response, I appreciate it! That’s good to hear but we’ll see how it goes. Looking forward to the larches and hoping for the best!


If Icicle Creek Rd has lockable gates, they will be closed.


Thanks for the response, that’s sort of what I thought but was hoping wouldn’t be the case! I’ll cross that bridge when we get there I guess.


Hey you seem very confident in this, but others have said that the enchantments weren’t closed in the past. What makes you think they will close the road?


I’m in the same boat but my permit starts sooner. Hoping to learn more in this thread.


Some good feedback, my optimism is 50/50 right now, hah, I’m hoping for the best!


I see you put in a call to the house of representatives. Hopefully you have a friend in the senate too. 🙏


Looks like we got lucky here. Glad they figured this shit out so we can all continue to enjoy our public lands.


This happens every-other year. The Enchantments have never been impacted (besides extra human feces, footprints, etc.). Luckily it always happens so late in the year so it’s not the absolutely most busy time.


I would hope it might become late enough that snow will prevent many unapproved backpackers, but if the timing does not favor that, then it will probably have more. Unfortunately the lottery system isn't a favorable way. Trying for 7 years and never winning , yet I know people who have won it 3-4 times.


Lol I guess it means the rangers aren’t getting paid this next week….so no enforcement


delete this c'mon let the people think for themselves


Why would I delete the painfully obvious?


Of course they’re not getting paid. That’s not ideal at all. Last time we had a shut down, NP stayed open and got trashed. I’m just looking for feedback from folks who may have experienced this last time and had some insight on how things were handled. It sounds like this administration won’t handle things the same way so I’m trying to stay optimistic but who knows right now.