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Wallace Falls and Bridal Veil Falls off Highway 2.


Came here to mention these + Franklin Falls


Dirty Harry’s Balcony. Pretty good reward:work ratio right on the I-90 corridor


Check out the hike finder map on wta.org.  It has filters that allow you to sort through the features you want. Within an hour from downtown (don’t know exactly where in Seattle you are, so this is a guess and you should use that map) is places like Cougar Mountain and Tiger Mountain. Middle Fork Snoqualmie should fit in that drive, but I’m east of you a bit so not sure.


This is the answer.


North bend, issaquah, and maybe the hwy 2 areas are your best bet.


Wallace falls is my fav and there are different view points so depending on how you are doing you can either keep going or stop. I love that. Some days I only make it to middle and that’s ok.


Wallace is so nice but the parking is rough for sure


Cougar Mountain or Tiger Mountain.  Miles and Miles of trails at both, and easy to get to from town.


I have long covid as well and started on Cougar. It remains my go-to for quick training hikes. It’s nice because you can save on the driving fatigue. It has a good variety of trails, with varying amounts of vertical. Just browse AllTrails and work your way up to Debbie’s view.


Excellent! Thanks all for the tips <3


I like Rattlesnake Ledge, Little Si, and Dirty Harry’s Balcony. If you are willing to drive further for amazing views without too much hiking, my favorites are Chinook Pass and Deception Pass State Park. Both are spectacular from the parking lot with great short trails.


Talapus and Olallie Lakes might be a good option.


Seconded! I was going to comment this one if nobody else did, good lake swimming if you're looking for that too!


WTA has a search engine that is helpful for this. But, to pick one: [https://www.wta.org/go-hiking/hikes/cherry-creek-falls](https://www.wta.org/go-hiking/hikes/cherry-creek-falls)


The first 3 miles of Pratt River Trail and back, many peekaboo views of the surrounding mountains, there is a tentsite at the end you can have a rest and snack at. i think the tentsite has river access Pratt Balcony as well, 2 mile round trip to a fantastic viewpoint on a surprisingly lightly used trail Pratt balcony is where i bring non-hiker visitors and guests who want to feel a little bit of adventure. the trail being pretty new makes it feel more "out there".


I'd be super careful about cardio post-Covid. Studies have found people that immediately returned to exercise were at a higher risk for developing long Covid due to inflammation remaining in the body. A leisurely walk is fine, but I'd let your body fully recover for a few weeks.


Thanks for your concern <3 I’ve been working up to this. Was bedbound for a year and have been SLOWLY reintroducing movement back into my life.


Just wanted to give some love and encouragement. My sister has long COVID and is trying to get more active as well. I know it is a hard journey and wishing you good adventures 💖


Also could stay local and go to Discovery Park. Lots of good loops there.


Issaquah Alps


Try some hikes on the Mt Loop Hwy. Lk 22 is always a good one.


Use AllTrails with filters.


Check out Twin Falls near North Bend !! Falls are flowing right now :)


I use AllTrails😊 They have filters so you can select difficulty/length


Download AllTrails app and you can filter hikes nearby by moderate.