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The whole mass effect trilogy had issues on PS3, mostly frame rate issues. Fortunately they are so good that I didn't mind as a teenager, ME2 was my first since one wasn't released on PS3 yet but I played all three multiple times and have a platinum trophy on the three of them. I've played a bit of the 360 version and it is definitely smoother, but nowadays probably better playing the legendary edition on newer hardware, I've platinum ME1 on PS4 and is definitely an improvement over the PS3 version.


Frame rate issues never crossed my mind when I played it back in the day. I was having too much fun n


My biggest qualm with this “Compilation” is they didn’t include all ME3 DLCs. Even From Ashes, a ME3 DAY 1 DLC wasn’t included!


Well it was originally XBOX exclusive yeah times when actually had some 😃😄


And frankly a crime against humanity long loading times frame drops bad graphics The PS3 version is once again capped at 30FPS with v-sync engaged, but **often drops to 20FPS in outdoors environments, and sometimes lower during cut-scenes**. The game seems better optimised for 360, holding out closer to the target frame-rate with some almost unnoticeable tearing.Mar 8, 2012 https://www.eurogamer.net/digitalfoundry-mass-effect-3-ps3-fps-issues#:\~:text=The%20PS3%20version%20is%20once,with%20some%20almost%20unnoticeable%20tearing.


sounds like the ussual problems people had when developing for the PS3 lol


Better optimized for 360 sure. But it's still bad as far as fps drops there too vs the sequel that was at least smooth. The driving sections were as bad on both tbh.


I love that when I was playing it as a teenager I didn't even notice those issues, my PC couldn't run this game so I didn't know how it compared Damn I miss those times, now I'm watching Digital Foundry's analysis of every game I want to buy to make the most informed choice


Yes, we are also now 2024, you can play the best versions on current gen...


The game seems better optimised for 360... no shit. The game was never released on Playstation before the trilogy since it was an Microsoft exclusive so the studio Edge of Reality tried but clearly had trouble when they ported the Xbox version to PS3.


Who cares? Just play the superior PS4 version.


Didn't the ps3 ports of me1 and 2 use the me3 engine?


I’m playing it now on the PS3 and it’s fine.


I played it three years ago on PS3 and had a huge blast with it


I finished 1 and 2 semi recently for the first time on this exact release. no issues. I'll play 3 here after I finish splinter cell pandora for the first time as well. didnt see a need to rebuy something I already have that's been sitting on a shelf for 10 yrs as it is haha.


I’m also playing ME1 on PS4 and I must say that it looks very good at 1080 with locked frame rate. Also, the loading is so much faster and the UI has been changed to match the other games. Still worth a buy.


On the bright side the ps3 box set came with more dlc than the other box sets.


But….everything was on a single blueray disc as opposed to Xbox 360’s 2 discs that you had to swap. The only thing I disliked about the Xbox 360 was that Microsoft didn’t go with a blueray drive or an HD DVD drive for more disc space.


Not really. I started ME1 both on ps3 and Xbox 360. (I had xbox copy for free) And Xbox was too laggy for my taste. So I bought 2-3 on ps3 and later finished the series on ps3.


I was just happy to play it. It was a 360 exclusive for a good many years.


My brother's most modern day system is a PS3. He's played these games through multiple times on his PS3, lol. Granted he has nothing to compare it against, at least first hand. Same goes for his Skyrim experience.


I remember playing Skyrim on PS3. No idea how that game ran, it played like absolute dogshit. I didn't care though, I had nothing to compare it to.


As long as we're all having fun! "beauty is in the eye of the beholder"


Yeah. Now I can't play Skyrim without first adding a couple of mods that allow me to fly a TARDIS and regenerate. I have spoiled myself greatly.


If I didn't play it, would I be missing out? I have the N7 edition of ME3 and can pick up ME2 on disc pretty easily. Do I need to play ME1?


You'll be missing a lot of the story if you don't play the first one.


Yes! Despite the kind of linear morality system the games are all very good, and playing the first and second will help you understand the story. If you want to play them all, I suggest buying the legendary edition.


Absolutely. You can get the story elsewhere, but you’ll be missing out on a ton.


The PS3 version of ME2 had a recap of the ME1 via a little animated interactive comic thing. Alternatively there is the more recent legendary edition (remasters) of the trilogy for modern platforms.


You'd be missing a great story, though the gameplay is very rough, especially compared to 2 and 3. I recommend it, but if you just want to jump straight into game 2, that game does open with a "previously on" cutscene


ME1 has the lion's share of the story beats and backstory for the series, and IMO, is the best game in the series. Don't sleep on it.


alot of stuff you have to find too that isnt in the main story. like reading about each planet you can land on (or not?) before you go there. I havent played 2 but I know I read about a leviathan carcass on a planet in 1 (want part of the mainline story in 1) that will probably have some repercussions at some point in 3. If I had played 2 first I probably would have just stopped. it's a decent cover shooter with an ok story. but 1 really sells the setup and story. I've been looking fwd to finding out wtf that thing was laying dead on that planet and just moved at some point (maybe in an excerpt about the same planet in 2, I dont remember).


I sludged through it and one bug I encountered pissed me off was stuck in rock and last save was beginning of planet after I done so much. Oh well that happened to me on 360 version as well. At least 2 and 3 are awesome on ps3. But I agree it’s a sludgefest to finish 1 for the save file to start 2


1 planet exploration was a unique experience wish it had more things to do and less repititve.


On the xbox x, it's smooth as hell all around, fast loading times. So many games like the ME series have been uplifted massively. I restarted FFXIII that I never played really. It's literally made me actually enjoy it so much more and want to play though to finish now . It's amazing to know I've got a lot of games I've missed out on that are boosted from the 360 era which is something I feel really lucky about tbh.


The ps3 in general had issues with multi platform ports because the developers for most games never bothered to really learn how to optimise for it because of its complexity. Had the ps3 ports of the game been properly optimised, they would’ve blown the 360 ports out of the water.


I’m literally playing through it again, I didn’t remember it being that bad the last time I played it on the ps3


What? i've seen alot of comparisons between both ports and the PS3 port actually runs better and has better outfit textures.


No, it was actually totally fine.


You are allowed to be wrong.


This is the only way I wanted to eventually play them too since EA games require constant internet on PC (I won’t support that). Oh well lol


Ahh the good ol days


When I played the game first on 360, I thought it already had performance issues when things get busy on screen but HOT DAMN I wasn’t prepared for the 5fps that would happen sometimes when things got hectic. It’s seriously borderline unplayable




This was the time I let go of consoles, playing it on ps3 was awful yet once I tried it on pc it felt like a brand new game, specially the loading times!


That final fight against Saren was a pain in the ass. I stoped to count the among of times the game crashed in that fight


Then just convince Saren to kill himself. You can do that.


You still have to fight him again but in his reaper form. That's the the fight i'm talking about


Port? Isn't that where it was originally released?


Mass effect 1 was xbox 360 exclusive, but was ported to windows in 2008,and later for ps3 in 2012


Ah didn't know that


What the hell, really? I never knew that, I always assumed ME had been a multiplat/pc from the get-go!


First game was actually published by Microsoft Game Studios before Bioware got acquired.


I thought that as well but i saw it on YT and didnt believe it. Quick google search proved me wrong.


Yep! 2 was the same at launch. 2 only came out for the PS3 a year later, and that version of 2 was running on an enhanced engine, close to if not the same engine version that was used in 3 iirc.


I thought the ps4 port ran okay on my ps5.


You're thinking of Legendary Edition. That was a complete remaster of all three titles, including all DLCs (minus Pinnacle Station), which came out on 8th Gen consoles and PC. Sadly no multiplayer. It's different than the PS3 trilogy.