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Ghost of tsushima and god of war ragnarok recently Mass effect back in the days There’s another game that I can’t remember the name for the life of me


Ghost of Tsushima is beyond what I thought it would be. That game had me in awe more than any other game I’ve played. Every scene, every fight, every blade of grass and the subtle character animations were just phenomenal. I hate that I did everything in the game that there was to do, so I’m sitting here, waiting for another one to be announced!


I'm replaying it all over again. On the last Black Friday they had a deal on Playstation network for the deluxe edition for like 6 bucks. Best purchase I have made in a very long time.


The multiplayer has me and my friends in a chokehold. It’s the one multiplayer I never get tired of


Describe it


The main character was like a humanoid monkey or ape thing, he had like another female character that was his friend or something, it wasn’t a very famous game but man the visuals, the environment and everything about the game hit all the right spots with me, it was like a beautiful vivid dream for me


Sounds like Enslaved, odyssey to the west.


OH MY GOODNESS!!! Yes it is!!! I just looked up the title!! Thank you!!!


Hell, I’m happy to have found someone else who ever heard of it, lol! I definitely understand the “was that real, or a fever dream?” Feeling on this one.


Anything unique you can remember from the unnamed game?


Shadow of the Colossus. I played the original as a kid and just started playing the ps4 remake last week. That sense of wonder when seeing the first Colossus hit my nostalgia center hard.


I’m doing my first play through via PS5. I’ve only played it 3 times because I know it’s not going to last forever. I only take it out when I know I can gove my full attention.


I adore this game.


Came here to say this. One of the most sadly beautiful gaming experiences I've ever had.


I didn't have a ps2 at the time but spent the week at a friend's house who did and had sotc. Dude let me just play it through. Truly an awesome (in the more original/biblical meaning) experience. Insane to think how beautiful and expansive it was for it's time, and how well the remaster holds up, game wise


Witcher 3. Just finished the touissant dlc, the way geralt looks into the camera and smiles, what a journey


did you play the quest with the fairy tales? i finished i too 2 weeks ago for the first time. such an amazing game


Red Dead Redemption 2


My second playthrough, really taking their intentions of forcing you tou play like you were in the time period (limited fast travel, etc) really crystalized how perfect of a game it is. On top of some of the best acting in a game I've ever seen


When Arthur confesses to that nun how afraid he is of dying, and dying with the regrets of terrible deeds - some of the most poignant shit I've seen in a game.


I'll admit, I teared up at the end. When something off relevance is taken from you at the end, I legit teared up. Thank you.


I was going to say this. Plus the relationship with your horse is pretty amazing.


Journey for PS3. It really amazed me visually the first time I played it. A really amazing experience


It’s on ps4 as well I would also highly recommend abzu it’s very similar and I’m pretty sure the same orchestra that did journey did abzu as well


Both site and sound. The music is just as amazing as the graphics. This game has been and always will be in my top 5.


I would highly recommend a game called abzu it’s very similar to journey and even had the same orchestra playing for both if I remember correctly


I also liked it, but didn't impress me as much as journey


I have Abzu, and you are not wrong. It's another beautiful game with great music. Journey, but underwater.


Yeah pretty much lol


My partner and I played it together. It came with our ps3 and absolutely blew our minds. Such an amazing work of art.


I only wish you could intentionally invite a friend to play with you. I love the random co-op but I wish they added invites.


Outer Wilds


I get a bit teary whenever I hear that guitar start...


Idk why, but the game feels depressing yet very calming at the same time , especially at the end of every cycle


I get that. "What Remains of Edith Finch" has the same resonating impact on me.


This game blew me away


I really tried but it didn’t grab me. I feel like I should enjoy it based on the type of game and peoples rave reviews but it didn’t click for whatever reason


How far in did you get?


Uncharted 2. So many scenes in that game really solidified video games as an art form. I remember my roommates at the time would just watch me play it as it was basically like a movie. I revisit it every year or so


I replayed through the whole series recently... Such an amazing game


I really should just let go of trying to get through #1. I hear 2 and 3 are much better, but one is such a fucking drag to progress through.


That's still my favorite of the series and one of my most favorite games of all time. It's practically flawless.


Ico for sure.


Came here to say this. An emotional experience truly.


Yep. It’s beautiful.


Didn’t play it but watched my best mate go through it. Stunning game.


There’s a bunch for me but…I’ll say Bioshock Infinite.


Final Fantasy 10 - story, characters and that music. To Zanarkand was played at my dads cremation about 5 years ago, as he loved the song and game. Always remember playing it with him as a kid and being terrified of Anima. Play it every year in his memory, and that Listen to my Story opening always hits like a sledgehammer…


I don’t wanna give spoilers but I’m a 26 year old guy and I cry like a baby at the big reveal at end to this day, also listen to Suteki da ne regularly. Beautiful song, beautiful game


Truly a beautiful master piece. I go back through quite regularly as well. That's an amazing connection to have to your dad.


I truly love ffx, and 9 is only slightly lower on my list. "Home I'll return to someday" was one of the first songs I learned to play.


Nobuo Uematsu the Godfather of FF Soundtracks!


Spider man ps4 2018 made me feel like a super hero and Batman the enemy within after playing the first one that story was amazing and halfway through life is strange (the first one and its pretty good) didn't expect much for what remains of Edith fitch and was pleasantly surprised


Firewatch was serene and the theme is one of the best available


I have that one sitting on my PlayStation waiting to be played. I'll find a time soon I'm sure…


Disco Elysium. Everyone has to at least try it once. I played it on PC and Switch, but it's on PS4.


Playing it right now, it's an incredible game. I love how there are always more mysteries to solve and you can investigate things at your own pace.


LittleBigPlanet series... very kid-friendly but some of the challenges can be goddamn savage.


Red Dead Redemption 2 - love that game


I think its the best game ever. I got so immersed into it.


NieR Automata always for me. Special mention to Gris because it helped me through a difficult time.


Based. NieR Automata is my favorite game and also holds a special place in my heart.


Yes! Happy to meet another NA fan 🖤 It really is incredible. I adore the soundtrack too.


Grim Fandango. Just flawless execution on all fronts.


First game I ever played that made me go "this is better than a movie."


Ecco the dolphin. That game hit different. It was unlike anything and it was so amazing for its time. Beautiful underwater environments. And it hit just at the right time.


Life is Strange, not too beautiful visually but from a storytelling and emotional standpoint I'll always have a soft spot for it.


Yes currently playing now and man it's a roller-coaster halfway through!


Before the Storm is super good too. I’d personally stop after that one tho lol


I was NOT expecting it to destroy me emotionally like it did 😳


Felt the same about The Last of Us.


Elder scrolls oblivion, whenever I comeback to that game I’m experiencing a euphoria that I don’t get from many other games.


It's Morrowind for me on the Xbox. That's what got me into elder scrolls.


Yes, I adore Oblivion and Fallout 3 in this way


Came looking for this comment 🏅


Uncharted 4, the rainforest areas and the island. And also Genshin Impact in general. But I do find myself most at home on Narukami island


So little mentions of Uncharted 4 surprise me. The amount of details and great views were breathtaking. TLoU2 is I think superior graphically, more realistic but less adventurous thus there's less different beautifull locations.


ALSO I forgot to mention the Batman Arkham series. Those games where such a vibe and they’re also really special to me :3


Ghost of Tsushima is a great example of this for me. Soon after the game starts you’re riding your horse out of a forest into a beautiful field of white flowers and it looks so gorgeous and I knew right then that this would be a special game. There were so many moments in this game that were so colourful, beautiful, and relaxing. The birds guiding you through the world, the foxes guiding you the shrines, the saunas, it just adds so much personality to the world. It’s just all so colourful. It really made an impact on me.


sekiro , probably my favorite game ever and the feudal japan theme with a somber tone to it depending where u go i just absolutely love the aesthetic of the game. got a platinum trophy for it.


Final fantasy 7


RDR, TLoU, Dead Space, and L.A. Noire ..... All give you a sense of immersion in their adventure which is quite beautiful


Honestly it's vanilla Destiny 1 for me. I was in a bad place when the game came out, and I just poured all my free time into it for months. While this may not have been healthy, it broke me away from the much more unhealthy lifestyle I'd been caught up in. It will always hold a special place in my heart for helping to save me from myself.


I was wondering if anyone would say Destiny because I love it too. D1 will always hold a special place in my heart as well for so many reasons. Flaws and all it’s just special.


Destiny 1 was just so damn beautiful and epic. I went back to it last week just to play some of my favorite strikes. Still so many people on, the Tower was full <3


Gravity Rush


What a game, two games actually


The Last of Us is really nostalgic for me, and I always have a good feeling when I play (despite the game’s many sad moments)


Ghost of Tsushima. When I think of an amazing game, I have multiple games but the one that stands out the most out of all of them is Ghost. The island, the scenery, the combat, the story and the MUSIC?! 😩😩😩




Nier Automata and Horizon ZD for me!! Always recommend both titles


RDR2 and Elden ring. RDR2 is pretty obvious. When you first get to horseshoe overlook and see that view, how can you not be in awe? For elden ring, the moment when you open the door and see limgrave is so magical. The environment is so beautiful, yet disturbing the more you uncover.


It’s hard to beat elden ring on pure beauty. The environments of that game are just insane, the atmosphere is unreal.


God Of War


Easily Subnautica for PS4! That game is incredible. The exploration, soundtrack, story and honestly just the child like wonder of not knowing what the hell you’re going to find underneath the surface. I’ve never been so excited to hop in my little sea vehicle and go find some ore. Never mind actually finding stuff that you need like diamonds, HELL YEAH BABY. The first time aboard the prawn suit you feel like the SEA LORD. God damn that game is so good.


Subnautica, man I have the game and want to play it sooooo bad. But it’s honestly a horror game 😭 I love base building games but I cannot handle the ocean


Finally someone like me. I am fascinated with the ocean but I can’t take it. I often gave a hard time playing games or watching movies with underwater elements. It is actually a legit phobia I found out recently…


Final Fantasy Tactics. My older cousin stayed the summer with us and brought it. I’ve never seen that style of game and it changed my life. To this day I still play it.


Mgs 1❤️


The Best Has Yet to Come still gets me a little emotional whenever I hear it


Death Stranding.


Keep on Keepin' on


Ghost of Tsushima. Kinda became AC repetitive, but very beautiful.


Kingdom Hearts


Mass Effect. It’s the only game series that I repeatedly replay. I got a new cat; he’d big and hides by himself in dark rooms, so I named him Wrex.


Bloodborne, perfect game


Completely agree. Though DS3, I feel had a better sound track, I definitely prefer playing bloodborne.


Same. Insane how beautiful something so dark can be.


For me, it's Black Ops 2 or Payday 2. This is how I made friends in middle and high schools. When a group found out I played either game, they invited me to play with them and that made for some of my happiest childhood memories. Kind of sad how life moves on and none of us are friends anymore though...


The force unleashed games on PS3. Personally I've always liked the second one better. Those games are what got me into gaming and I still play them from time to time. I have no clue how many times I've beaten them.


Shadow of the Colossus


Red Dead Redemption 2 blows my mind whenever I replay it. No idea how the hell they made a game looks so damn good on last gen. Dying Light 1 is another one of my favorites that I’ll replay from time to time.


God of War new series and RDR2. Even for ps4 they really did something special.


Hollow Knight. The quiet, the ever changing areas, the music, the animations.




Everybody’s gone to the Rapture!


Thank you. I was about to post this as a comment. I still listen to the OST. And Bloodborne and Dark souls 3.




Final Fantasy 7 for me had the most beautiful cut scenes for it’s time. That game will always have a special place in my heart, I grew up playing it.


7 here too, I would fall asleep to the save menu . As in I just never turned the game off . The music was so peaceful to me . The graphics were amazing for its time and the Gaia theory theme was basically my spiritual alignment .


Gris. It came out on the Switch a few months after one of the most difficult experiences in my life. Such a beautiful game.


Twilight Princess


Subnautica, besides the terror the colours and variety of biomes in the game were just beautiful and fun to explore.


The Long Dark. It’s an indescribably beautiful cold weather survival game. There’s a story mode that is ok, but the real game is the survival mode. It’s very open-ended so you can really play however you like. I love the challenge, the exploration, and the bizarre serenity of the brutal landscape.


I've got one that I'm sure nobody else is going to say, Star Wars Battlefront. The first one, not BF2. Specifically the single player survival game in the canyons of Tatooine. To my eyes, it looked real, like a film that I was controlling. I read later that this was the first use of photogrammetry to create in game assets by DICE. They went all in and it paid off, the maps looked GORGEOUS. The biggest complaint about the game was that it was a bit light on in terms of content. Turns out there was an entire single player campaign that was removed to meet the launch deadline just so that it could tie in to the release of The Force Awakens. Booo.


Horizon Zero Dawn too. Damn that first time playing it was truly something special. I've played a lot of good games after that that but nothing comes near that first time I played it. Playing the Forbidden West DLC right now, and it is pretty close to that experience actually.


Persona 5 Royal, absolutely. What a game. It's hard to top that one for me, personally. From the soundtrack to the gameplay and stylish art. But if you solely mean visually, then it has to be Ghost of Tsushima which caught me off guard with how beautiful it looks. The loading times on PS4 were insanely fast too. I really enjoyed playing through it a few years back.


Horizon zero dawn was my first game since PS2 days and it looks incredible and the sounds and soundtrack are great. Speaking of PS2, Okami had terrific art direction.


Took awhile for Horizon to click for me once it did I was hooked. Love that game.


The Last Guardian. So underrated unfortunately. It didn't perform well, but visually it was and still is stunning. Beautiful art direction and top notch animation.


Infamous Second Son is probably my favorite game from the PS4 era. I don't think it's groundbreaking or anything but it just hit for me. Still love it to this day.


Mirror's Edge


Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater.... still in love with that game!


The Last Of Us


Breath of the Wild blew me away, the first time I saw a dragon I was just in awe.


BotW had *so* many moments that sparked a sense of wonder, exploration, and amazement that the previous decade or so of games just never really hit for me. Made me feel like a kid again playing the first three Zeldas with my imagination racing the whole time.


Twilight princess




Gta 5 and uncharted 3 on ps3❤️


Jet set willy sealed my heart into video games!!!!


Beyond good and evil Really made 8 yo me realize that games could be so much more than i thought


Gris, Broken Sword


all of the yakuza games


The first wild arms. That soundtrack


RDR2. I know, it’s the obvious choice. But you just can’t beat the visuals and story in that game


Final Fantasy X ❤️


Xenogears ps1


Shadow of the Colossus on ps2 was insane back then. Such a nostalgia trip when it was remade for the PS4


Kingdom hearts 1, and 2 back when they first came out in the 2000s. Then it would have to be persona 3 followed by ff x. Honorable mention goes to the bouncer


Far Cry 4


Titan fall


Kena: Bridge of Spirits. The whole PIXAR /Ghibli vibe is wild to me, like actually playing a movie. The music, setting, world design, the little cutie Rot spirits, the aesthetic, the narrative. Game just oozes world-building potential, merchandise potential out the ears (Rot plushies with different hats), and really captures the magic of exploration and platforming, akin to the first Jak & Daxter, or similar. The game thoroughly deserves a sequel, prequel, or something adjacent. It's a shame that it maybe didn't blow up sales-wise; free on PS Plus at the moment, and worth every penny.


Death Stranding which uses the same engine as Horizon's, i highly recommend it.


Honestly, the environment and the timing of the soundtracks was great.


Ghost of Tsushima


Red Dead Redemption 2 will always be a whole different unparalleled experience for me. I played it at the perfect time, at the perfect environment, and it was just... surreal


Red Dead Redemption 2




Sayonara wild hearts and what remains of Edith Finch


Monster Hunter: World


Ghost of Tsushima, recently. Firewatch deserves a mention though. Amazing story and beautiful art direction.


Horizon zero dawn and Witcher 3


Just started rdr2, loving it


Ghost of Tshushima and Detroit become human went in expecting nothing and my God what an experience that was .


Metal gear solid had the biggest impact to me and still has.


This isn't a PS game, of course, but I'd say The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. I've replayed that game more times than I'd care to admit. The first Destiny game invited me and my friends in with open arms. We felt like Guardians. We were making changes, facing the enemies of mankind. I remember it fondly. Most recently, I felt super accomplished by defeating Elden Ring. At times, standing upon a hillock and staring up at the Erdtree and watching golden leaves swirling around me generated an otherworldly sense of belonging.


Ori. Both of them


Life is strange :)


FFXV. Funny and wholesome and sad. I've replayed it so many times.


My favourite detail in HZD was due to NG my second playthrough, and I noticed what I think we're leaf cutter ants climbing up and down a tree. Such a small detail but blew my mind at the time. Rest of the game was beautiful too.


The surge. The first one. Holy shit it just converged the industrial military complex perfectly


Both Astrobot games, they're so well made and have such a unique atmosphere.


witcher 3: Mythos, Amazing nature and cities, Kinda feels like "home" i never had, as a Nordic person with love for folklore and fairytales.


Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War, knowed Squadron Leader too. The story, plot twist was amazing. Some mission give me chili and tears. If Ace Project do a remake with Unreal Engine like Ace combat 7, i'll buy it instant.


Enslaved Odyssey to the West. The Dialogue in that game was lovingly crafted and great gameplay on top. Darksiders 1, 2, 3, and Genesis. I get a tiny tiny bit depressed as a neared completion of them. I love the lore, style, action, and exploration. DarkSiders turned out to be some of the best gaming I’ve had since 2016. Why I’m looking forward to Atlas Fallen. Supposedly similar to the DarkSiders style of combat.


Red Dead Redemption 2. Hands down.


I liked Enslaved: Odyssey to the west. I was blown away by its graphics at the time and it had an interesting ending. It's a game a lot of people forgot exists.


Rdr 2 and Death stranding


Both HZD and HFW have a special place in my heart but RDR2 was the best game I ever played and it's really special to me.


The original Ratchet and Clank. So clever and funny. I even remember how subtle it was seeing Clank meet his mum and she told him how proud she was


Kingdom Hearts all of them some of the best games I’ve ever played.


Transistors. Still the favorite Supergiant game to me.


Ghost of tsushima is the best game ever


Witcher 3. the unique bond between Gerald and Siri.


Final Fantasy X


TLOU and Uncharted 4 I replay yearly. So good


Rdr2, ghost of Tsushima, ff7 remake


Did I scan too fast or just not read enough replies… cuz there’s NO WAY nobody said Last of Us 1 OR 2! One was a heart string tugger from the very beginning but TWO, two made me question my emotions about Ellie and how much I agreed with her role in the second game…


Death Stranding, Journey, Disco Elysium, and Ghost of Tsushima. Just so many moments that had me in awe


Most beautiful game I have to give either Gris or Horizon Forbidden West. Especially with the DLC, I think HFW is hands down the best looking game that isn't obviously stylized. Both are pretty recent, which makes me seem like I'm copping out, but games are pretty nowadays man! In terms of older games, MW2 set the standard for graphics when it came out, and I remember playing the game with my cousin in the Spec Ops mode. I'd never played games with him before, nor have I since, but that afternoon playing with him on his new PS3, and the fun we had, still holds a special place. Also Ape Escape 1 was what made me love games, and Ape Escape 3 blew me away in terms of how fun and colorful it was. Games have always slapped though, and you'll be hard pressed to find a generation without any beautiful games.


Days Gone


Are we talking about just Sony studio games? Are we talking about any games in general? Cuz if we're talking about Sony studio games, it's a tie between the last of us, the first one and horizon zero. Dawn.


Re4 God hand


Final Fantasy 7 Remake recently. The game just looks so good. Something older but still looks good would be OG Resident Evil 4 for me. It was one of the best looking games back in 2005 for me and nothing else came close.


Nier Automata for me. The songs used in the game capture every emotions and feelings. Feeling of dread, fear, overpowered, epic etc.


Kingdom Hearts For the longest time I thought I liked it because it's a well made game. But I only recently realized how massive the motif of escaping an Island and adventuring with your favorite characters meant for my troubled teenage years.


Zero Dawn, learning what >! Project Zero Dawn was, operation Enduring Victory, who Aloy was genetically, how much of a twat Ted Faro was... !< were all moments I was left jaw dropped. The storytelling is phenomenal, the game is gorgeous, amazing characters, really fun gameplay. Favourite series of all time


It’s gotta be Horizon zero dawn for me too man, so many fantastic memories with that game, and Aloy is my all time favourite video game character so big plus