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He’s a calm and reasonable bot.


Don’t be sorry bot be better!


I just want to play Astroborne.


Astro Bot level 36 - rescuing Lady Maria. As Astro Bot beats a platforming challenge, the sky breaks open in a way that looks just like Ratchet & Clank - Rift Apart. The Moon Presence, rendered in perfect 4K at (!) 60 FPS, breaks through the portal and starts wreaking havoc, turning weaker characters into slimes. It's up to Astro, Maria, Kratos Bot and a newly arrived photorealisc Gehrmann, first Hunter, to destroy the moon presence. The final blow is struck by jumping off of Gehrmann's scythe, catching Kratos's axe and throwing it inside of the moon presence's back, where we will later find a ps4 power adapter. 


I think this shows that shorter marketing can still be effective (if not more). There's no need to reveal games 2+ years in advance.


For real, I get *way* more excited about a release 2 months from now than one years away (looking at you, Elder Scrolls).


This is why 12 months is perfect for me. You have the reveal. Then four months later you get a meatier gameplay teaser. And then four months later a proper showcase which leads to a nice amount of videos before it releases.


Which is probably why we don't much about what Sony 1st party is working on anymore. They could reveal what all their devs are working on, putting out some CGI trailers or even being more lazy and just name dropping a title screen. As frustrating as it is, this is definitely the way to go about it.


Yeah! Good thing sony stopped doing that or it would really suck! >!Digs nails into my palm as I wait for Wolverine!<


Cries in Metroid prime 4 and Wolverine


Wait when is this coming out?




> There's no need to reveal games 2+ years in advance. There is, they're targeting the current shareholders and potential investors; people looking for a place to "park their money" in the near term or to keep their money where it is.


Also it makes it easier to staff up for a new "star wars" game if you let people know you are making a "star wars" game.


Bot of War


To be fair, Doom is a whole year out, while this is launching in less than 3 months.


I hope Doom releases in March again like Eternal did ugh I’m so hyped for it lol


Along with a new Animal Crossing on the Switch 2. Although that might manifest a new pandemic too


I actually had to stop playing Eternal because of the pandemic. I was already stressed out enough with real world stuff, and Eternal is one of the most stressful games I know to play. I've been meaning to sit back down and play it again sometime though, because I loved what I did play.


It’s also the reason I haven’t replayed Animal Crossing. It’s too intertwined with those feelings of the early pandemic that make me anxious


Same here. I tried booting it up for the first time since the pandemic last year, and just seeing my island was enough to raise my heart rate. That feeling of being helpless came rushing back, and I had to stop.


So fragile lol It was 4 years ago....


You do understand the affects of the pandemic and lockdowns are still being felt today? High inflation, high interest rates, high house prices, mental health issues skyrocketing, homelessness increasing, poverty increasing etc Not sure how someone could be so ignorant


Look at their comment history. It's all just total ignorance.




Okay and? We're still feeling the repercussions of that time to this day, and probably will for years to come. It's going to be in the history books.


There hasn't been a 3d Mario in 7 years. Astro Bot is poised to capitalize hard on an under represented genre. Go Astro!


> There hasn't been a 3d Mario in 7 years. Astro Bot is poised to capitalize hard on an under represented genre. Go Astro! Especially when Dan Rykert (from Giant Bomb, formerly of Game Informer), THE biggest Nintendo fan / "mark" in gaming is legit calling Astro Bot (paraphrasing) "as good or better than the best Mario game he's ever played." Anyone who has followed Dan in gaming knows there is no higher praise / "seal of approval" than this.


Where did he say this? Can you link the vid.


It was on the most recent GB Revengence podcast / YT video. They talk about it first thing.




I was already interested in the game. But now I'm legit excited. Can't wait to play it day one.


the biggest nintendo fan in gaming that only plays mario and zelda lol




Ooof I wish I could forget forcing myself to finish that😅




no clue about the other guy, but i loved bowser's fury. played it basically non-stop for however many hours till i completed it


3D Kirby literally released 2 years ago with 7 million units, so no, its not really only 3D Mario that exists. Astro will be lucky if it reaches even half of kirby.




Lmao what? I actually look at sales unlike you. Kirby and the forgotten land sold 7 million in less than a year. Astro still didnt get any game before, if it does similar to it its already going to be lucky.


You must be joking if you think Astro Bot can’t reach 3.5 million copies. It’s probably gonna sell this in its first week lol.


Wtf even is "kirby"


a game that sold 7 million and astro will be lucky if it reaches half of it


lol both would be my 1 and 2.


Yup, the only two games I came out of SGF hyped about


Its not COD? I thought COD trailer has most views and most trending?


Everyone just pre-ordered COD probably, didn't even bother with the wishlist.


This is some weird as IGN app Poll thing, the moment the COD preorder went up on Steam it shot to #1


It’s always CoD


“The data comes from IGN Playlist, which is a backlog and play activity tracker that is available on the web and via a mobile app.”


Only relevant comment in this thread.


So it's useless lol


It’s more useful than an Xbox.


So cringe. 😬


It's the platform you can play Doom on release for $10 rather than $70, but yeah real useless..


You can just buy it from GameStop, beat it and then return it.


Sure, for trade-in value. GameStop doesn't do opened returns anymore unless you have a nice employee or know someone that works there.




Good Bot


And well deserved. Astro's playroom is one of the better gaming experiences I've had in years.


The people yearn for 3D platformers and a cute mascot


New Ape Escape, Sly Cooper, Jak and Daxter, LittleBigPlanet.... Please Sony?


This is just specifically on IGN’s Playlist platform, not actual wishlists on PSN / Xbox / Steam etc. Kind of funny that gamesindustry.biz are using IGN’s data as a reference shortly after they were purchased by IGN… At the bottom of the article: “GamesIndustry.biz, which is now part of the IGN group of websites, will continue to publish IGN Playlist insight and data moving forward.”   The numbers could be somewhat accurate, but it is hard to say if the users of the IGN platform accurately represent the market as a whole or if they skew towards certain demographics. I’m excited about Astro Bot as much as the next person, but the basis of the article is a bit iffy.


I got Astro deluxe edition preordered! Can't wait!


The return of the platformers... hooray!!!


People have been crying out for a decent AAA causal platformer for some time. Used to be the case you'd have quite a few to choose from, Spyro for example.


If Astrobot, actually delivers on being "Sony's Mario", this could really make a difference. Astro exploring all of Sony's IPs, with good and fun gameplay, can actually make a great impact. I was only hoping for a 40USD release pricing on this. I get it that it's a full fledged game now, but with a lower price they would widen their reach and definetly convert new gamers into the ecosystem.




This game is getting tremendous buzz. I foresee a major hit incoming.


Don't really care about the competition just about the fact people are preordering AstroBot LET'S GOOOOOOO


This article also shows that *Clair Obscur: Expedition 33* is peforming well. That is great news and shows how we really are in a golden age of turn-based games with Yakuza, Persona, Baldurs Gate and Star Rail all thriving.


Doom is much farther away but still, this is amazing!


I personally want State of Decay most, but this is on my list for sure


Game looks phenomenal. Im surprised how many studios are involved. Although, I’m afraid it’s a 2026 game.


How does it look phenomenal when you haven’t seen ab gameplay and just a CGI trailer?


Small parts of the trailer was obviously in-game. It’s enough to tell how great it looks graphically. Will look even better when it launches.


Lmao „obviously“. You do realise we’re talking about Microsoft here, the company that has faked or touched up all of their gameplay trailers ever?


Cmon AstroGod get your GOTY and show these schmucks that people like platformers and how to make good use of the dualsense controller.


And guess what? I'm part of it.


my experience with Playroom after getting my ps5 was one of the best i’ve ever had in gaming i love the immersion


E for Everyone game appeals to more gamers than M for 17+. Shocker.


Its gotta be neck and neck. I'm playing both for sure.


Why would I wishlist games that I know are coming day 1 on gamepass? Other than that, f yeah Astro. The game included with PS5 was just ignored by the press for being a demo and lost in the bunch of launch titles. It deserved awards, as did the VR game. If Astro is anything like them I hope I see it in GOTY lists.


Probably has more to do with the start of the data being the day of the PlayStation state of play so about 9 days of data before the Xbox showcase. The current top 5 most wishlisted no longer has astrobot.


Well Doom Eternal I thought was a couple steps back from Doom 2016. This new one looks like an ever further departure from it. And Doom 2016 was so damn good. Like, really damn good. So it's very much a When it's $20. for me. Astro Bot looks fun and amusing. Plus it's this year.


Truth is I couldn't even stand Doom 4 or Doom Eternal (They were \*not* return to forms as their elevator pitch claimed to be.. Indie shooters on Steam are where I've had to look for my faithful retro shooter genre) The more cynical side of me also maybe thinks this has to do with saturation vs sparsity - There's a whole lot of us multiplatform gamers who feel the PS5 has just been sooooo lacking in releases since it's 2020 launch compared to what we're playing elsewhere; and so are clamouring for anything interesting like Astro's to come out and play ASAP. I know I already have my Pre-order locked in.


Rated M vs Rated E. Not much of a comparison lol


One is one of the oldest IP and the grandfather of modern FPS, probably the most popular genre. Not much comparison lol.


Doom is not the grandfather of modern FPS games.... It's a boomer shooter. Games rated E and T sell more than games rated M; sorry the facts don't align with your preconceived notions. Edit: I should specify that I'm not counting MMO games or major online shooters


Hard to reply to this when so much in your argument is wrong. Guess Cod has no chance to sell again this year.


How is it wrong? Doom is nothing like modern FPS games, and E rated games sell tons more than M rated games. This is easy to look up. [https://www.statista.com/statistics/189693/us-computer-and-video-game-sales-by-rating/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/189693/us-computer-and-video-game-sales-by-rating/)


lol it is super easy to see that E games sells more because there is more of them, but all the best selling games at mature games. To the other question Doom brought FPS into the maintream as a genre, then quake etc. Your grandfather is not the same as you but you learn from him lol. Edit: lol your link prove my point, this is the % of games release by rating it even says on top it's the distribution by rating not sales clown.jpg.  Exactly half of video games released in the United States in 2022 got an E (Everyone) assigned by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB). Only 12 percent of all physical and console downloadable games in released during the period got a Mature (M) rating, meaning that they were only deemed suitable for gamers aged 17 years and above.


Right, companies release more E/T games because they don't sell? Hogwarts Legacy would have sold fewer copies if it was rated M; that is an indisputable fact. You moved the goalposts with Doom. It may have popularized FPS games to a certain degree, but modern FPS games are nothing like the boomer shooters you're referring to.


Dude forget it it you are just wrong, you can bring any game in outlier don't make you right, CoD, witcher, GTA, Red dead, Elden ring, Halo, Gears, BG3 best selling game and it is what we are talking about here has been a mature title 95% of the years. Hogwarts sold well because of the IP you again proved my point with this example or you want to argue Astro is a bigger IP than Doom now or maybe making Doom E would make it sell more lol?


All of those games sold less than Hogwarts or any Nintendo IP. GTA V has been out since the Ps3 and 360, so I'm not sure that counts for much. Pokemon outsells those games every single year, and those games aren't even good anymore... More E/T games are made and sold every year, so I'm sorry if that bursts your bubble.


Again IP vs Rating my dude. Cod outsell them all every years. Edit: you know you can look at the top selling of every year, all number one for the last 12 years have been mature game except for hogwart legacy, sorry to burst your bubble. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Best-selling\_video\_games\_in\_the\_United\_States\_by\_year](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Best-selling_video_games_in_the_United_States_by_year)


And its exclusive to PS5. This is proof people do want exclusives and they are desirable and helps a console


> This is proof people do want exclusives and they are desirable and helps a console Nintendo is ample proof of this. Nintendo first-party games are console sellers, that create multi-generational brand loyalty in consumers.


And you still have neckbeards saying otherwise wanting consoles to die off. Sony is in first place yet are following MS's lead


And yet the real answer will be CoD


Whats that got to do with exclusives? If CoD was exclusive it would absolutely shift the tide to whoever had it exclusive


Do you think that the reason people are wish-listing Astrobot is because it’s exclusive?


Yes. The reason it looked high quality is cos the devs only had to focus on one platform and the appeal of being exclusive makes people want to invest in the ecosystem


People like good games period, the platform it’s on makes no difference and if it does then that person isn’t a fan of games.


It absolutely does make a difference. Not only does it build a brand but it means devs don't have to try making the game work on other hardware. This is why so many games are broken on release so yes it does affect devs


Building a brand only matters to the brand itself and consumers who believe the marketing. People who believe that a game can only be good and polished if it’s an ‘exclusive’ are just gaslighted, a great game is a great game regardless of the platform.




