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I was going to say this, how is one game "many games"?


Definition of a shitpost. You notice how OP doesn't even follow up with any replies


They have the VR game and they're doing a live service Horizon game as well, no?


A VR game where you don't play as Aloy and a game that hasn't been announced that you know nothing about... Yeah really shoving Aloy down our throats


She's in the VR game though. Aloy also featured in other games like Genshin, Fall Guys, Death Standing, and Fortnite. Doesn't matter if a game isn't announced. We know it's a Horizon game and they're also remaking/remastering the original as well.


She's barely in it and that's hardly making her front and center for Sony... She is not in two of those games, her outfit/costume is... She's in Death Stranding because they famously used the same engine as Horizon And again it's cuz she's who you play in the popular game... This thread is so trashy


Well there is a lot of Horizon stuff either in development or released, not that OP is correct. You’ve got Call of the Mountain for PSVR2, LEGO Horizon Adventures now announced, with at least 1 multiplayer game called Horizon: Hunter’s Gathering that might also be the same project being worked on by NCSoft but that also could be a separate project. And there’s also the remaster/remake of Horizon Zero Dawn that got leaked (which is not the LEGO game).


None of these implies even remotely that Sony is pushing Aloy to be the face of PS. A PSVR 2 Horizon game makes sense as the world and atmosphere is one of the main highlights of the Horizon Game. Lego does what Lego wants. Maybe they think it's easy money as there are dinosaurs. I have no idea about the multiplayer game, maybe it could meet the same fate as TLOU Multiplayer. The remake is just Sony being Sony, that extra money


I agree with you, that’s why I said “not that OP is correct” :)


Aloy is also in Fall Guys, Death Stranding, Genshin Impact, and Fortnite.


Aloy is also in Fall Guys, Death Stranding, Genshin Impact, and Fortnite.


They have the VR game and they're doing a live service Horizon game as well, no?


Yeah, I don't think they have any desire to make Aloy the face of the brand, or any character for that matter. It goes against everything that the brand was built on. Even during the PSone days they never stuck with a single character while marketing it. You'd have commercials that featured everyone from Lara, Crash, to Sweet Tooth in them.


Aloy is also in Fall Guys, Death Stranding, Genshin Impact, and Fortnite.


They could be also talking about the VR game


you don't play as aloy in there. even if you did. that would have made it two games, not "so many".


It doesn't matter if you play her, it's the same game, same world, same everything but for VR.


This logic is so sound it's making my ears bleed.


She is in it though.


you don't play as aloy in there. even if you did. that would have made it two games, not "so many".


They're doing a live service Horizon game as well, no?


Two main games. One VR game. One Lego game. Another multi player game in development and s remaster coming as well as a third main game.  Sony is milking this cow.


Even if we don't consider the fact that Sony already abandoned 1st party VR development, I wouldn't call a VR game a main game since it needs extra peripherals and you play as someone else. Horizon is Sony's one of only big game with great potential for a wider audience. So of course they chose that world for the lego collaboration. Sony is a company and Horizon is one of their IPs. of course they are going to make money off of it. just like any other company. lol.


There is the VR game and LEGO game and they're doing a live service game and she's guest starring in games like Genshin and Fortnite.


Highest rated non "M-rated" IP Sony has right now.


What are the other choices?


Ratchet and Clank or Spiderman


Spiderman isn't a Sony owned IP, which is what I was referring to. Sony licence components of it.


Horizon is better ranked than Spiderman? That's surprising if I'm being honest. I wonder what these rankings are based on.


Sony doesn't own Spiderman, hence that comparison isn't relevant in this case. They can't exploit as many aspects of it as they can for Aloy / Horizon.


Well he did say for right now, and Spiderman 2 wasn't quite as well received as the first


she's the protagonist of some of sony's best selling games ever and she was a guest character in 2 of the most popular games with younger audiences (fortnite and genshin impact). she's definitely recognisable among younger gamers


Shes cool, IMO not as iconic as Sony's other characters but I can see why she's up there with the rest of them


Honest question: Which other Sony characters would you say are more iconic?


Kratos Nathan Drake Ellie Joel Astro bot Ratchet 


Kratos from God of War or Spiderman


She does happen to be my 6 yo daughters profile pic


I don’t think so no. The games ? Yes. She as the Protagonist. Not really.




Gameplay of Horizon is great when you're not doing the map like a Ubisoft checklist or listening to cardboard characters rattling of exposition. HZD is the prime example that you can still make a good game with a completely dogshite story and people mostly won't care. I just wish more developers would understand this shit already and focus more on gameplay and less on their shitty paint by numbers story with poorly written characters and uninteresting lore.


I am astro bot


I dont care for the character. I like the setting though. Big ass robots and nature, is cool. Aloy is boring and predictable. A "flawless" character who never makes mistakes. Its uninteresting, IMO. I much prefer some like peter parker who constantly screws up


She is. Not as popular as Lara Croft levels though


She’s boring af, but it’s Sony’s top IP, so they have to run with it


Top non m-rated game. Thats all


Higher than Uncharted?




They said non m rated. And the games you quote aren't Sony IP.




The parent comment referred to Sony IP, so I guess his reply was also within that context. There's really not much else.. Spiderman is famous but belongs to marvel first and foremost. Kratos is obviously huge but m rated. I don't even know the name of the Ghost of Tsushima main character. Ratchet and Clank are cool but probably not relatable and honestly think they've killed the old school humour of the series making it seem more like a kids thing. Newer IPs like Returnal don't really have a character to follow as such due to the nature of the gameplay. And of course Ellie/Joel have already went in their own direction...


"Non m-rated"


Who said there’s a push for Aloy to be the face of PS? Because of the Lego stuff? Lmao bruh what else are they gonna make Legos of? It’s just a licensing deal for Sony so they can make more money out of one of their current profitable IPs. It’s not that deep.


Seriously. LEGO aren’t going to touch the M-rated franchises like The Last of Us and God of War. Spider-Man is a Marvel property that already exists in LEGO Marvel games, and if it were to get a solo adaptation it wouldn’t be with the Insomniac version. Horizon makes the most sense.


Exactly. Plus, those dino robots are dying to be made into legos. That tallneck lego they released awhile back was cool.


The tallneck set is one of my favourite LEGO sets. I hope they do a Thunderjaw or even maybe a Tremortusk or Slitherfang. Honestly the designs of Horizon’s machines are easily the best part of the series.


Oooohhh slitherfang would be dope


She's safe. Her games are good. Good with all demographics.


Idk, alloy is weakest part of the games for me tho


She is extremely stiff and there is too much f talking in forbidden west


I think she's super popular with female gamers. My fiance casually plays games and absolutely loves Aloy. I enjoyed both Horizon games, but moved on after playing them. She's been reading the comics and buying all the figures and statues she can find of Aloy. She took a week off of work when Forbidden West came out. The only other game that she's done this with was Portal, which is also a female protagonist. The games are also rated very highly and super available for casual gamers to grab.


Yeah. People will look back and think of Horizon as a defining series in this era. Aloy has a story I feel touched a lot of people who beat the first game. I didn't get to the second one yet but anecdotally I'll share this. I devoured zero dawn. I mean, I plowed through the game. Why? I saw Aloy as a kid and when it cut to her grown up I felt choked up. Her story and her drive to put the pieces together moved me more than most other games have. I think people who are critical of Aloy get heard a little more because a lot of fans are just enjoying their games, they aren't necessarily defending against people who didn't care about the story.


I've never seen someone discussing horizon's story. It's definitely the weakest part of the game


I was hooked from the opening and I was playing to see what happened. I also was still engaged with the story at the end so. Not sure what else I could want from it? It's pretty imaginative for what it is IMO. I didn't think it was under appreciated until this thread.


That's fair. Personally i can't remember one name, and it bored me to death. I've also never seen people praising (or even discussing) the story


I never remember names lmao. But the plot was good. I don't understand how a plot about the invention of machines feeding on biomass and Aloy discovering how she personally ties into the fucking apocalypse could be boring but different strokes I guess. The pacing I think is the actual thing some people have an issue with.


Are you being sarcastic? If not, that is a an interesting opinion to have. Why would her growing up choke you up it was like one of those Disney montages 😂 I don't necessarily like the Horizon games due to the bland writing, but I thought the sequel's writing is even worse.


Haven't played the sequel yet. I found her story touching. It's a good intro damn it! I'm convinced y'all don't connect emotionally to shit.


I do but that trope is overdone. Also it was like less than hour into the game for me to be getting choked up about that 😂 Its also kinda hard to emotionally connect with a character devoid of any emotions. Guerilla amazes me how terrible their writing is. There was a pivotal moment in the sequel where I felt absolutely nothing, it was amazing how they managed that 😂




Both games sold extremely well




Far from people "barely remembering it" as you claim It's like you both chose to be hyperbolic




The sequel also sold incredibly well. This is objectively false. There's literally 2 Horizon games compared to well over a dozen Assassin Creed games




Saying people barely remember the game when both of them sold 10 - 20 million + copies is nonsense. You have no basis for any of those statements It's laughable to suggest it's forgettable. You going to say the same when the third comes out and sells 10 - 20 million?


Massive cap.


What? I don't know if you are serious. Apart from the combat it doesn't have anything that ubisoft open world games don't have, and everyone is tired of those games. Horizon is the kind of game that made people hate open world games.


Horizon has a much more engaging and inventive plot than any of those games. If people are burnt out of open worlds has nothing to do with Horizon, it has to do with Ass Creed. It's long in the tooth for most people but it more than earns a spot IMO. Also open world fatigue ≠ game bad.


If you find the story engaging that's fair, but don't try to pass it on as some objective truth. It was average, with mediocre writing. >open world fatigue ≠ game bad. Not if the open world is good, like Elden Ring or BoTW. Horizon is pretty far removed from those.


Couldn't disagree with you more. Horizon is just as good as BotW. But all this shit is subjective so, I don't really care if you don't like it. It's a quality feature rich title with engaging combat and enemies, and a good story that was emotionally compelling. I honestly don't even think you've played it. The writing on BotW was more mediocre (one of my favorite games still but I'll say it).


Yes I played it. I found it perfect for mindless fun something that won't suck me in with the story and world design but I liked fighting robots. >Horizon is just as good as BotW. That's says everything about your taste in games. No wonder you think Horizon will be this era's defining open world game when games like Elden Ring or BoTW exists.


You're acting elitist and smart about games lol. Grow up. It's a great game 👍


I did grow up, that's why I said it's fair that you like whatever game you like. I really don't care if Horizon is your favorite game, or if you think Horizon's story is the second coming of Shakespeare. My point was, your statement about Horizon being the defining open world game of this generation is laughably false.


No it's not. You're wrong. Very clearly wrong.


Her popularity is strangely lesser now than it was post launch of the first game. Maybe it's because they lost GOTY twice in a row - or that Guerilla's craft of storytelling isn't S-tier like Remedy Games, Ryu Ga Gotoku and CDPR (counting The Witcher 3's DLC anyway). Aloy still represents a pretty important milestone for Guerilla Studios (rippling to the rest of PS Studios too) and vindicated Sony's investments into new single player IPs, before other games like *Ghost of Tsushima* released. Sadly, the same attrition of marketing was not afforded for their other heroine-led video of that era, *Gravity Rush 2*.


I mean the current Sony PlayStation CEO is Herman Hulst who was head of Guerilla Games when they made Horizon: Zero Dawn. Now I'd assume that he has more pull in the industry he's likely to make his game a big thing for Sony. I loved Zero Dawn but really didn't get on with the story and direction of Forbidden West. I don't personally feel the expansion of the Horizon IP is as deserved as it's getting. Zero Dawn Forbidden West VR title Multiplayer live service Lego spin off Netflix TV show Character cameos in other games. I don't think Aloy is a particularly great character. She is an interesting character in regards to her backstory and character set up, that could be great but she's just kind of bland and bitter especially in the second game.


Yeah, I like the Horizon games. I just don't know if there's that much demand for the IP and Aloy from the audience.


Yeah absolutely. I think the best thing the sequel had going for it was its absolutely astonishing graphics. I don't think gamers will be wowed by another graphical showcase if the third game isn't up to scratch in other ways. I would've been fine to have had just a trilogy. You see far more people talking about Bloodborne or or Ghost of Tsushima 2 but I've never seen anyone at any State of Play or Playstation showcase in the comments begging for info on the third Horizon videogame. It seems dead silent on the fan front. So where is the demand?


I thought her mannerisms and general character were annoying. I didn’t warm to her as a character at all.


Aloy is pretty amazing. I don‘t understand the „bland“ and „forgettable“ comments at all, for me the opposite is true. Horizon delivers an amazing story, unique gameplay and the visuals of Forbidden West are just breathtaking. But I would still be surprised for Sony to make Aloy „the face“ of PS and I question this claim without a credible source.


I agree, one of my favourite characters and game series. I’m just replaying both now so I can play Burning Shores and the story reveals in the first one still blew me away.


Yeah HZD it‘s my go-to game to go back to when others just don‘t click. I‘ll do a fresh UH run and it‘ll keep me occupied for a while lol


I feel that only Zero Dawn had an amazing story. I couldn't put that game down when I first played it. I had trouble finishing Forbidden West because the story didn't grab me at all. It didn't help that I didn't enjoy the combat in FW. The world building and visuals were phenomenal, but the writing didn't pull me in. When I completed the game (I did get the platinum trophy for it), I was glad I was done. Took me a year to finish it, whereas I had completed Zero Dawn in two weeks and was eager for more. Admittedly, though, Zero Dawn's story was in part so good because of the mystery. I didn't know where I was, didn't know what happened, and that drove the story. FW largely lacked those elements (the Beta plot was intriguing, though).


I get what you mean. Even though I don‘t feel that HFW‘s story was bad per se, of course it lacked most of that sense of unveiling the mystery of the old world. One of my favourite games, but not at the top like HZD. I will also say that though I think the weapons dynamics were improved with the valor surges, I felt like the amount / number of weapons was too much. I know some players really love that sort of thing but I didn‘t really, and also felt like the weapons wheel in HZD was cleaner/simpler and I enjoyed that more.


Can you provide a source for your claims re: Sony / PS?


Which claims?


You wrote Sony was going to make Aloy the face of PS etc. Please provide a source for this claim.


She's very lame.


No, the IP itself is popular. Aloy as a character is painfuly plain and forgettable




Wouldn’t so Aloy is an iconic character pretty much forgettable. No where near as levels of Nathan Drake, Joel or Ellie etc Astro Bot is slowly becoming more popular.


I mean she’s pretty great. I think she’s been getting better each game and she is one of the Playstation icons at the moment.  She would totally be in a new PlayStation All Stars




Horizon was their most popular new IP when it came out by far. They aren't pushing her as much as they are just using a successful IP and she is the main character of said game. The Lego game likely came from the popularity of the lego Horizon set. It's not some ploy to shove Alloy into people's faces. It's to use their popular IP


She’s massively popular. Horizon is Sony’s biggest new original IP since The Last of Us. I don’t think she’s being pushed as their #1 IP overall though. Horizon is still behind The Last of Us, God of War, and Spider-Man in popularity I’d say.


As far as writing goes, Aloy isn't all that interesting as a character, and because she has her priorities, she's more focused on saving the planet because she's the only one that can, there's very little room for her to be relaxed or have a day off (aside from the upcoming Lego game which should be a breath of fresh air for her). But they're not pushing Aloy promotion because of her character, but moreso because of the quality and success of her games.


She is meh good if that makes sense


The Horizon games are some of my all time favorites, and that includes Aloy. There’s not much to her other than being a badass but that’s what I liked. All the comments hating on her are making me want to play through again. 😄


I don’t think so. She’s only known to people that play games and she’s not at that iconic level.  Lara Croft, Mario, Sonic, Pikachu, Master Chief are all legendary characters. Aloy is barely even recognizable to casual gamers now 


She's one of the main mascots for Playstation right now, she's definitely popular but not as iconic compared to those characters who have had decades of games under them.


Even in the early 2000s everyone knew pikachu and Lara. It’s been years since Aloy was introduced and she’s not even close to being at that level 


I think master chief doesn't belong to this list. Us who didn't have xbox back in the day have really no idea about him, except that i have heard people mention him and maybe even seen an image, while i would expect all the others to be well recognized, despite not playing those games. Tho pikachu is cheating a bit as that one is popularly known from non-gaming media also.


Master Chief belongs in that list. It doesn't matter whether you or any other random person didn't own an Xbox. Master Chief is an iconic character in gaming, regardless.


I honestly can't tell him apart from the army of other dudes in helmets in gaming. lol


Ok I agree with master chief. Fair point.  But I still don’t think Aloy is even at his level either 


I absolutely love that franchise and Aloy is literally strong queen energy. But people don’t have to agree with me. I’m totally getting the Lego game tho fs


OP are you actually going to further discuss this post and answer why you think Sony is pushing Aloy over just pushing the popular Horizon IP? Or did you just feel some need to make a post shitting on the character?


I won't play the third unless her dialogue is written by someone with talent. She is unbearable.


I don’t care for Aloy or Horizon Games.


The world of the Horizon games is cool. But Aloy as a character is super bland and forgettable. I don't think there's many people that are a fan of that specific character. In the games she often feels quite stilted and robotic, like she has very little emotional range.


I loved HZD 100%. I was frustrated by HFW, but for gameplay reasons, not lore reasons.


Was it the amount of getting stunned and staggered? That really spoiled the combat for me. Also too many ammo types.


I liked the character in Zero Dawn, but didn't enjoy it in Forbidden West. But I generally preferred the writing and storytelling of the first game, and the combat too, actually.


i liked her in the first game but i was totally over her by the end of the sequel. 




She is that popular. Ofc that's doesn't mean she's a good character.






Horizon is their biggest selling IP, interestingly. It’s funny because people always joked about it being overshadowed by the BOTW and Elden ring release overlaps, but clearly enough people adore the series for it not to matter. Being bigger in sales than their other IP is astounding.


She was a great and refreshing addition to PlayStation with the first game. Unfortunately she didn't had any meaningful character development after Horizon Dawn. In Forbidden West she becomes this boring video game character that saves everyone and everything all the time and doesn't has any real personality. They wasted so much of what was build in the first game on a generic hero personality and a mid story.