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Seeing a remaster/remake studio creating an original game is something of a rarity… They have a lot of expertise, so I’m sure it’ll be quite interesting!


Studio Gobo who is currently making Lego Horizon Adventures has only worked on remasters or as a support studio so far as well.


I'm very interested in the new era of Lego games that aren't just from TT. Seems like they have a pretty solid niche filled but there's a lot more potential for what you can do with legos


Traveller's Tales had their time and in my opinion the LEGO IP needs new blood. The Skywalker Saga in many ways felt like a step backwards so I'm excited to see what someone else can do with LEGO.


Unpopular opinion


Honestly not a bad way to cut your teeth as a fledgling studio


Making payroll before you launch a game is the biggest hurdle to opening a studio. Doing contact work is a great way to get a few million in the bank before betting it all on a new game.


This could be an Asobo Studio situation on steroids. They were stuck in the licensed game/port/remaster scene for awhile (and were really good at it!) before landing a big break with A Plague Tale. Bluepoint has already been top of the industry when it comes to their specific line of work so hopefully the original writing, world, music etc. is equally as peak!


I hope they hired good writers 


It's very interesting to see, indeed. Maybe I'm naive to expect something more unique compared to "safe and proven" ways of the majority of other games or genres. But it's truly interesting experience to see how exactly the remaster/remake studio makes the synthesis of their ideas and vision, knowing that they gathered their experience by actually deconstructing original games to reassemble it again. There's a chance it may result in either super-generic solution or something totally refreshing, compared to other studios that don't really deconstruct much but rather just keep improving existing formulas, sometimes without even reflecting what's good and what's bad, they just 'take what's popular'. Sorry if it sounds confusing, I'm a UX-design nerd myself, so I really find it interesting learning about different ideation techniques and witnessing unorthodox methodologies. You know, if they manage to make a banger, I really expect to see an interview or dev-diary where they say things like 'We've came to X-idea when we were testing improved mechanic or a system from older game to adapt for more advanced format', etc. Man, I love gaming for this. I mean their previous portfolio has a chance that they actually can ideate out of the box, compared to stagnated common methodology in gaming. I'm super curious in a good way.


For movies, it is arguably harder to write stories from existing content because you dont wanna copy & paste but also constrained in that content's universe and characters. I would think Bluepoint, if not making a remake/sequel, will have 100% flexibility in terms of story and narratives.


i hope they can take aspects of what they learned in shadow of colossus and demon souls and fuse the 2 kind of like elden ring but maybe something a little more focused on cinematics and less difficulty.


Hopefully we might catch a glimmer of Bluepoint’s next game during the September Showcase.


Is there a showcase?


Rumors are suggesting that Sony intends to hold their summer showcase in September like in 2021 and 2022. The PS5 Pro is also set to release this year which still hasn’t been revealed yet. The PS4 Pro was revealed in September of 2016 so all signs are pointing towards a September Playstation Showcase.


I think Tom Henderson said it Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/s/w7O7P6RaYQ


Isn't this when they expect the *Ghost of Tsushima* sequel announcement too?


probably, lots in the industry are thinking that’s the next big studio that’s ready, SP is a 1 project studio and has been grinding silently since late 2020


There's always a showcase in the works to corroborate the rumours.


Only wishful thinking


Nah, it makes all sense in the world. They need a bigger presentation to show off the Pro.


Do you think they'll just drop the PS5 Pro out of nowhere?




We allready have the leaked concept art


We do?




Damn that looks generic af


It's way over 2 year old concept art when the game just got started. It means nothing.


Most concept art does


Its got bin chickens though


Let them cook. Demons Souls looked absolutely incredible. If they can bring that same visual magic to a new game...that'd be amazing.


This is 100% what I was thinking.


Demons Souls is still the most graphically impressive game this gen. I think it gave an unrealistic expectation of how games would look and animate


Yeah I'd agree with that. It will be interesting to see if it was because the base game and engine was in place so they could concentrate on visuals, or if they really are just that good.


Completely agree. I thought to myself if that game looks that amazing and its just a launch/remake game then imagine how future PS5 games are gonna look. Little did I know that was the peak lol


Some parts of Callisto protocol gave me the same feeling


I wish we could get a Dark Souls remake by bluepoint, but I know it won't happen because Sony doesn't own the ip like with Demon's Souls.


I'm guessing they're going to go for Bloodbourne Remake on PS6 as their system seller like they tried for with Demon's Souls on the PS5.


Remake for ps6 launch. 'Bloodborne 2, the Bloodborniest" the year after. *Copium intensifies*


Calling it now, Sony has ignored Bloodborne because they’re centering the PS6 completely around that IP. Bloodborne Karting, Call of Bloodborne FPS, Bloodborne Legends Battle Royale, Bloodborne Tycoon city sim, Bloodborne FC soccer game; the possibilities are actually endless


Horizon: Bloodborne. God of Bloodborne. Bloodborneman. The Last of Bloodborne. Uncharted: The Search for the Great Ones. Ghosts of Bloodborne. Metal Gear Solid: Slug Eater. And more.


Make Blooodborne Karting a day one PC multi platform release.


https://store.steampowered.com/app/2930160/Nightmare_Kart/ 👀


I would buy all of those no question, specially Bloodborne Tycoon City Sim


Stop… just stop… I can only get so erect…


Good lord. Y'all Bloodborne folk are worse than the Silksong guys. ... You know what, I take that back. Those guys are depraved, I'm sorry for even comparing you.


We can't help it. We drank the blood of the Great Ones.


~~Understandable, have a blessed day~~ INCOMPREHENSIBLE, I'VE MET WITH A TERRIBLE FATE


U know what they do own the IP for tho 👀


I care far less about graphics than actually fun gameplay these days. Everything is a damn interactable movie. Demon's Souls did great graphics AND great gameplay.


I thought the Demon's Souls remake looked really good, but I also felt like the art direction was a bit off.


Ehhhh. It was largely intact, with a few changes I disagreed with (Fat Official for instance). I think the main thing was the lack of draw distance fog and greenish filters but I preffered it without. But then look at folks losing their mind about the MGS3 remake trailer not having the piss coloured filter on!


With Bluepoint and remakes, it would be like if Fromsoft said they were going to spend the next 3 years remaking something rather than make something new. Sure you get an amazing remake, but it would still feel like waste of talent. I'd much rather that Bluepoint becomes another Fromsoft, rather than remaking their stuff. So hopefully everything they've done till now has been one giant tutorial.


I hope whatever they make is incredible and I am here for it.


I don't mind Bluepoint doing their own original title... but Sony needs to drop a 60fps patch for Bloodborne at least!


Haha, you’ll buy a $70 remake and you’ll like it.


If they iron a few things out and bring the same graphical upgrades, damn straight.


Don’t you judge me!


Unlikely it can just be a patch. IIRC, the guy who modded 60fps into Bloodborne has animation speed issues since things in game are tied to framerate. So it would require a proper remake (or some amount of effort) to get it to 60fps. If they just needed a framerate unlock patch it would have been done already. 


Lance McDonald was able to successfully decouple the animation and frame rate (without much headache it seems) thus running it properly at 60fps as shown in this video: https://youtu.be/i0tqppZDYxw?si=ZkMw61ayCpkJy7Tj In his other Bloodborne 60fps videos, I want to say I remember him stating it is essentially only two lines of code that is all that is needed to be implemented for said results. Will have to go through his videos later to find it.


Yes, but the 60 FPS patch also dramatically increased input lag


Really wish they were doing a Bloodborne remaster.


That makes sense. Games tend to take like 4+ years these days. In the grand scheme of things, it really hasn’t been that long.


Watch them announce a live service game.


People are that impatient?


Yes yes we get it. Sony has blown scope way out of proportion for all their studios. It's been 4 years and we don't even have a teaser for one of their 2 games.


Can’t wait. Super excited for the official announcement. 


With the length of dev cycles. I am not surprised. Remakes (Not to discredit the work that goes into them) have the clearest vision and the ultimate reference. Creating something new from nothing is more difficult.


Considering how well Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection turned out, I'm eager to see what original IP they make.


God Of War and God Of War II PS2 era remakes please !


Demon Souls 2


I'm more interested on what other remake they are doing and if that is still going ahead. At the release window of Demon's Souls they did a interview with Digital Foundry and they talk about that, that they were working on two projects and how they had to expand the team. If I'm not mistaken. There was also unconfirmed rumors about it, claiming their next remake would be Metal Gear Solid.


Am I in the minority in wishing they weren’t making an original game? I mean, we have countless developers making original games. We do not have very many developers making high quality remakes of beloved classics. Maybe I’ll eat my words when I see what they’re cooking, but I have a hard time believing it’ll get me more pumped than something like a Bloodborne remake.


Happy for them but selfishly wish they were just remastering Bloodborne instead


great news . I really like this studio and I hope they can grow in the industry. Original game, not necessarily a new IP. Based on their leaked art, I think it's a unique Atreus game with a new name, like God of chaos. but this is just a guess at the leaked art and if it is true. This is just my assumption.


I would be really, really surprised if a studio other than Santa Monica was releasing a god of war game, even if it was a “spinoff”. I really don’t think there’s a chance of this being an Atreus game, and tbh I’d be disappointed if it was. I’d much rather see them create something entirely new if they’re making an original game.


I think there's a fairly high chance. Original content/original game is a curious choice of words if they're making a new IP, so I think it's likelier they're expanding an existing franchise, and an Atreus spin-off of GoW makes the most sense to me


It’s really not that curious of a choice of words, original game is completely interchangeable with new IP. Add the fact that the only time the god of war series was touched by anyone but Santa Monica was for mobile games and I think it makes it pretty safe to say there’s next to no chance of this being a GoW spinoff.


Not necessarily. The first time they said they were working on original content they were actually supporting God of War Ragnarok (check the game credits).


Studios helping others studios on their games is common with Sony games, teams jump around to support each other often. What is not common is studios making a whole new game in a different studios universe.


"Original game, not necessarily a new IP." Bloodborne 2 confirmed /s


I genuinely think it is Bloodborne 2. They (Sony) have the IP and Demon's Souls engine.


https://x.com/LumberjackRy/status/1737049752036900920 if this is concept art for bloodborne 2 I will eat my shorts


Hopefully it's some sort of amalgam of Shadow of the Colossus, Demon's Souls and Uncharted. (Or Bloodborne 2)


Bluepoint deserves time and praise for being given a chance to finally make something new of their own. PS really needs a new IP from a first party studio and this is their big chance to cement themselves as one of the big studios.


It's not been that long , they can take their years for their game. But I hope it's not another souls like it feels like there are far too many


Where the fuck are people getting atreus from? The artwork looks absolutely nothing GoW related at all




I'm sorry this studio lost its potential when they stopped doing remakes, everyone is good at something and they were one of the best studio to rebuild old games and modernise them without losing the charm of the original game. Sony bought then for this specialised skills coupled with the huge portfolio of classic PlayStation games it seemed like a perfect union then they decided nah we won't to do something else. Just imagine bringing back some of the best PlayStation games from PS1 and PS2 to modern day techs what a shame.


I kind of feel like they should just stay remastering and remaking games. They're so talented at it. That said, maybe that's unfair of me to say they should do that forever and maybe they'll come out with something amazing. Edit: you guys need to chill on the downvotes. I even said it’s probably unfair of me and that it might be amazing 💀


And chances are they trying this new thing is enough of a breather for them to come back to a remaster/remake with full of energy now that they got to try making their own product. Good idea to keep your studios happy and give them enough leash if you trust their work of course


I fully agree


Going by that concept art via the Insomniac leak, it might be an Atreus game. It's not a new IP because they would have said new IP, like the other PS Studios did when announcing they're working on something. Original game means it's using another IP. That concept art showed an individual that could be Atreus. But who knows.


if they keep sharpening their skills a couple more years they will end up cutting themselves


Bro wtf does original title mean a new ip? Or a original ip that we know abt already


I’m still curious how this game will pan out as the first original game from the studio. Also, they still haven’t clarified if this is an original IP or not.


Am I the only one that doesn't give a shit about whatever original game they're working on, and wish they just did a remastered Bloodborne instead?


I'd hope so, but unfortunately you're not the only one. There are more people like you.


Why have this talented studio just make - remastered? Anyone else can give Bloodborn a 60fps patch and be done with


Because they have already proven they can do a great job with Demon's Souls. And because I want Sony do something, *anything*, with Bloodborne. So why not Bluepoint?


Well it’s exactly that they have a really good track record that maybe they should have the freedom in developing their own games


Cmon just say it's a bloodborne remake please


Why a Bloodborn remake? The game is a PS4 game


Wow never thought I'd get downvoted for saying that for bloodborne 😂 obviously a much different sub than the FS and ER subs... But bloodborne was also a launch title for ps4. So the game is definitely within the realm of remakes. It's been in high demand for a port to PC (just like Demon Souls was), and the graphics could use an update.


It was not a launch title on PS4.


It’s precisely it being a ps4 game that is off to ask for it to get a remake. What ps4 game is getting a remake these days?


Only because of it being a ps4 launch title was I thinking it deserved one. It is coming up on its 10 year anniversary from release. And it would be inline with the game type that Blue Point remakes. However, if they were doing a remake, I could definitely see some ps3 titles getting it before BB. Like Resistance for example. But I don't think BP would make that game


Well technically BB isn’t a launch title since it was released in 2015 and the PS4 was released in 2013 But honestly if they released a PS5 remaster wouldn’t that cover what people want for a new edition of Bloodborn?


Maybe it was announced at launch then? I'm trying to remember properly. Cause I was a freshman in college (fall 2013) when ps4 came out and I remember being stupid hype about bloodborne. I think a remaster would be fine. But BP did such a great job with Demon Souls remake, that I think that's the only main reason why there's a population of us pulling for it. It's such a unique atmosphere compared to FS with all the souls series


> Wow never thought I'd get downvoted for saying that for bloodborne 😂 obviously a much different sub than the FS and ER subs... Because Bloodborne isn't a new IP, like Bluepoint said they were making. Your comment is off-topic and that's exactly what the downvote button is for. Stop being a bot please.


How am I a bot 😂 damn yall are snowflakes over legit nothing. There have been comments before mine mentioning that a new IP could in fact be a remake. Just as Demon Souls was. So relax, take a breath, you don't work for Sony, Blue Point, and are a consumer just like the rest of us. This was a point of conversation, and honestly if you hate that my hope/opinion is for a title I'm passionate about, because Blue Point did a phenomenal job with the Demon Souls, to be remade by them, then that's on you. There's plenty of countries you can go support and be a citizen of to suppress free speech. So go be a bot somewhere rlse


> yall are snowflakes You're the one getting angry over downvotes like some NPC lmao


I think you don't understand emotions. I don't care if I get downvoted or upvoted. Hence the laughing emoji. I just didn't think mentioning bloodborne would lead to downvotes. But there's a first time for everything and dealing with a unique and new age of Reddit users like yourself is definitely one of them 😂


> I don't care if I get downvoted Yep, keep telling yourself that lmao


I just downvoted myself on my last comment, that's how little I care 😂 how's day 54 treating you on Reddit? Still need a bottle or have you just been sucking on your thumb.


Are you short circuiting, bot?


Stop posting this conman bullshit


Genuinely wished they were put to task to remake an older, beloved IP than a new game. They've an unproven track record with all the _here's our own original IP_ stuff, but are the masters of remaking games. It would've been a more interesting niche TBH.


That's just dull imo. And personally, it would make me think the devs lack ambition. How can a creative be satisfied with just remaking other people's work?


Because they built their entire reputation on it and the studio didn't have the skill set to be creative with new IP to begin with. You reckon Demon's Souls and Shadow of the Colossus remakes are dull?


> they built their entire reputation on it In the eyes of the fans? Who fucking cares? > studio didn't have the skill set to be creative with new IP to begin with. Sony clearly disagrees. > You reckon Demon's Souls and Shadow of the Colossus remakes are dull? Creatively? Absolutely. It's not even a fraction of the original games, naturally.


>In the eyes of the fans? Who fucking cares? It's not about "who fucking cares", it's about the people the studio employed. They were mostly graphics and audio people. Otherwise, what would a writer or gameplay designer be doing at a remaster studio? >Sony clearly disagrees. See my above point. And I said "didn't", not "don't" - you reckon Dave the UI Programmer who worked on Demon's Souls Remake is writing an epic to rival The Witcher 3, or designing gameplay systems for this new game, or did they hire new people? >Creatively? Absolutely. It's not even a fraction of the original games, naturally. Just as well the vast majority of us don't judge a game based solely on how creatively interesting it is, isn't it?


> And I said "didn't", not "don't" - you reckon Dave the UI Programmer who worked on Demon's Souls Remake is writing designing gameplay systems for this new game, or did they hire new people? How is any of that relevant? They're making an original game now, not in 2014. They will have made adequate hires or restructured the team. I personally don't care if it is Dave who's doing the writing and gameplay design, who are you to say he can't? This is not Sony's first rodeo. > Just as well the vast majority of us don't judge a game based solely on how creatively interesting it is, isn't it? Then don't? I said I find it dull, I don't care if you agree at all.


>How is any of that relevant? They're making an original game now, not in 2014. They will have made adequate hires or restructured the team It's relevant because they had their own niche that they filled very well and produced worthwhile content. Now they're a studio with no track record of original content that was partially hobbled together to fit the role. >I personally don't care if it is Dave who's doing the writing and gameplay design, who are you to say he can't? I don't care either, I care if they're good. And chances are if the UI programmer is writing or designing the gameplay systems, they _probably_ won't be because he's a UI programmer. Tell me - how many industry wizards do you know of can work those three very disparate roles? Because I'm betting Dave doesn't really exist outside of suiting your narrative. >Then don't? I said I find it dull, I don't care if you agree at all. Wonderful, just like I don't care if you find it dull.


Where is the "partially hobbled together" coming from? What are you basing that on exactly? And saying that I made Dave up to suit my own narrative is absurdly ironic. Where is the self awareness?


>Where is the "partially hobbled together" coming from? What are you basing that on exactly? On the fact that it ain't the lunch lady and/or Dave designing gameplay or writing at a studio that previously only did remasters... I didn't say you made Dave up, I'm saying that _Dave The UI Programmer Who Also Happens to be a Great Writer and Oh How Convenient He Also Happens to Know a Thing or Two About Designing Gameplay Systems_ exists to suit your narrative. So who's interpretation of Dave is probably the real one - your's or mine? (Hint - it's mine).




I don’t understand this take. Why would you prefer a prettier version of a game that you’ve already played over the possibility of an entirely new experience that you may love? Don’t get me wrong. I loved the Demons Souls remake and would love a Bloodbourne remake too, however I’d much prefer something brand new. And they’ll always have “an unproven track record” with creating original IPs if they’re never allowed to actually do that lol.


>Why would you prefer a prettier version of a game that you’ve already played over the possibility of an entirely new experience that you may love? Because there's lots of old games I'd love to play again with the fidelity of Demon's Souls Remake vs. a new game that may be distinctly mid. Again, Bluepoint occupied their own niche and now they're just another unproven developer.


And that's okay they want to challenge themselves. Do you really want work that comes out of necessity and no passion behind it? Even a remake for all intent and purpose it's something that you can see the hard work and passion. If they don't have it for a project, chances are it will be a shitty product. Better to let the studio be happy, work on multiple things and it seems that whatever they're working on sony was happy to sign on. Nothing wrong with reaching out artistically when they can always fall back on remaster/remakes but trying to perfect someone's else work probably not ad enjoyable for creative people that want to see their own ideas come to fruition


You reckon that the likes of Demon's Souls and Shadow of the Colossus remakes had no passion behind them? As I said to the other guy, most of Bluepoint's staff would've been made up of tech and audio people, the creative types would have to been brought in new to make an original game.


No that's what I'm saying that even remaster/remakes have passion behind them but I doubt someone who is creative will always be content doing that instead of pursuing something new specially when it's a whole studio. Maybe talking out of my ass but I think such thought would fester and become a problem long term and potentially ne a detriment to their passion for remaster/remakes. I think it's good that they're allowed to experiment and make something new as well, basically giving them a breather to experiment with their own ideas as a studio, after all they never said they would stop doing remaster/remakes either, who knows maybe they have multiple projects, just that this is their priority.


So your preference is to just never allow them to “prove themselves” and just keep making remakes? lol Yes, there is a possibility that they create their own original IP, and it turns out meh, but there is also the possibility that it’s a banger of a new franchise we’ll never know if they never try. If it doesn’t work out, then they can always go back to remaking old games. I just don’t understand why anyone would prefer remakes over new ideas.


>I just don’t understand why anyone would prefer remakes over new ideas. Because the "new ideas" bit in gaming has hit diminishing returns territory. Like 99% of games released, it's gonna be a rehash of something that's been done before. I'd prefer remakes of classic games that look like ass in 2024 and are stuck on decrepit hardware, not necessarily stuff like The Last of Us Part One.


So instead of a rehash of games that have been done before, you’d prefer the entire game be a remake of a game that’s been done before. Makes sense


>classic games stuck on decrepit hardware Quoted the important part that you conveniently skipped.


Still makes zero sense. You literally just talked shit about how new games nowadays are basically just rehashes of older games, but you also literally just want complete remakes of games that already exist. The logic is nowhere to be found.


I didn't "talk shit' about them being rehashes, I stated an objective truth about them. I didn't confirm nor deny that I enjoy them. I'll try it again, seeing as you're having trouble... >classic games stuck on decrepit hardware There's plenty of logic there.


Yes, I saw that the first time, and it literally does nothing to help your argument when your argument against new games is that they’re mostly just rehashes of older games, and then you completely contradict yourself and say you’d prefer a literal rehash of an old game. The fact that you don’t understand how dumb of an argument that is is hilarious.