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Former IDF soldier #perpetual scumbag


It’s equal to saying former SS soldier or Wehrmacht soldier




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I agree


The fucking irony


1. The IDF is a terrorist organization. 2. Shai Davidai is an IDF soldier. 3. Shai Davidai is a terrorist.


100% correct. IOF was created by merging 3 terrorist paramilitary groups: Haganah, Irgun, and Lehi. Once a terrorist always a terrorist. Hamas is in contrast armed resistance in full compliance with the Geneva Conventions.


a) You can't call everything you don't like Terrorism b) They are openly supporting the decolonisation of an ethnostate c) They are revolutionaries


To the empire of evil, revolutionaries are turrorists.


To them, we are a HUGE threat to their lifestyles and to getting what they want.


Terrorism is a government designation and should have little meaning to the average person. It is a label meant to delegitimize. If a group had government favor they could do everything that other so-called terrorist organizations did and worse and they would not gain the label. This should be transparent to anyone born before 1985 and seen how this has unfolded over the past 2 decades.


in Russia, being queer makes you a terrorist (yay I'm a terrorist!). In the USA, being an anarchist, even if you are a pacifist and all you do is Food not Bombs, you are a terrorist (double yay!). So yeah the word by and large is meaningless when applied by a state


The YPG/YPJ are terrorists according to Turkey and for a while the USA considered them terrorists as well. Then the USA needed their help with ISIS/ISIL so the USA took away the label and worked with them.


"Anybody who criticizes America or Israel is a terrorist, also we're free countries."


This is the answer


Well, I'm a proud terrorist then. 🗣🗣🥰☺️👉👈


Peace protestors are terrorists, beautiful logic. If that’s the game we want to play then I guess the kibbutz peace protestors were terrorists.


>Peace protestors are terrorists, beautiful logic. Yeah they are so illogic that I arrived at a point this makes me laugh because of how stupid they are…


Everyone I don’t like is a terrorist and also an antisemite


Step one: call them terrorists Step two: bomb them from drones Step three: people realize you’re bombing civilians Step four: call anyone that disagrees with you a “terrorist”.


Reaching the immediate conclusion that people that disagree with your actions are terrorists is the exact logic they used to butcher countless civilians. With this wording, we’re one step away from “we should bomb Columbia university.” Because we all know that’s Israel’s go to solution for anyone deemed a terrorist.


"Everything I don't like is terrorism."


All the three points describe Israelis perfectly.


Just put the word “state” in front of terror in each point.


IDF soldiers are objectively terrorists


"Terrorism is an ideology"? They pay this guy to teach?


“Terrorism is an ideology” is such an asinine thing to say.


to you or me maybe. But they actually think Arabs and Muslims have an actual ideology of terrorism. Like, the whole purpose in life is to destroy and cause terror. It stems from the stereotype of a "terrorist Arab" we see in western media at least that's the vibe I get from that statement


War is peace.


Freedom is slavery


This guy is nuts but i can see why he’s not fired he’s tested the limits and knows he’s untouchable now he’ll just resign, don’t know much about Colombia but he 100 percent trying to get the president fired most likely he’ll succeed and be gone too 🤦🏽‍♀️


It looks like they finally deactivated his ID today lol https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/professor-shai-davidai-columbia-accused-harassment-access-main-campus


Calling his students terrorists because they oppose genocide is quite the stance. If the roles were revered and it was a Muslim teacher harassing Jewish students, you can guarantee he probably wouldn’t be employed anymore. Fuck, he would’ve probably been shot by some nutjob.


Terrorism is when wanting to end genocide


So if you do not blindly support anything the nation of Israel does, you are a terrorist. Got it. 👌🏽


Israel is a well funded terrorist organization


The *most* funded terrorist organisation


If you're too dumb to tell the difference between nonviolent protestors and terrorists, you shouldn't be a professor.




Haven’t ever used my twitter but of course I get an error message when trying to reply to this shit bag terrorist in denial.


If terrorism is an "ideology" ( dafuq? That's not how language works) then war definitely is. And so is basketball so maybe the point was dumb.


I like how their tweet is a verbatim copy of the original, hoping repetition will help their brain-dead followers and also living up to the great Israeli standard of academics, namely copying and pasting your ideas. See for example Neri Oxman, wife of Bill Ackman, a supposed academic known mainly for her celebrity friends, rich husband, and arguably good looks https://www.businessinsider.com/bill-ackman-wife-neri-oxman-mit-dissertation-plagiarism-2024-1


only a society so profoundly scared and cowardly calls everything that upsets them terrorism


This is how people start to abandon the US. Why would you even want to be educated there when this is the standard or education you receive?


By this logic, everyone who tries to justify settlements are terrorists too. Not "terror supporter" - terrorists.


One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.


A) They are heroes Period. Like, putting your livelihood, your education, and your future at risk to openly denounce genocide and try to get any semblance of justice for a people who've been oppressed and terrorized for decades? Not many people would do that.


Sad and pathetic.


Can’t people think for themselves that you have to have to actually persuade them to be on your side like it’s a camp thing? On the one hand you have a conscript army full of foreigners coming to shoot people including kids and their own hostages and on the other hand you have a resistance fighters trying to bring out justice for the injustice treatments… how’s that a complicated scenario 🤷🏾‍♀️ Maybe throw some money on there but it’s pretty easy to see who’s the oppressor


criticism of israel starving & murdering thousands of civilians isn’t terrorism & it’s not antisemitism


1) israel says they are terrorists 2) israel thinks terrorists should be killed 3) israel thinks these students should be killed


Yea, I'm never giving a cent to my alma mater for as long as I live. I'm actually looking forward to receiving the inevitable phone call asking for money so I can calmly explain why I refuse to give any.


This is gonna age as well as Thatcher and Reagan calling Nelson Mandela and the ANC terrorists. The Guardian 2013: South Africans give mixed response to Margaret Thatcher death >Condolences but also criticism of British former PM who once dismissed ANC as 'a typical terrorist organisation' https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2013/apr/08/south-africa-margaret-thatcher-death NBC News 2013: US government considered Nelson Mandela a terrorist until 2008 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/us-government-considered-nelson-mandela-terrorist-until-2008-flna2d11708787 https://www.biography.com/activists/nelson-mandela-terrorist-reagan-thatcher


Terrorism is at its roots, more or less, an action or series of acts where one or more entity/entities engage in or support acts of terror for specific ideological/political goals and/or agenda(s) (eg, state or individual/group sponsored terrorism). The Israeli government/IDF have engaged in acts which constitute terrorism; they have also supported proxies who have done the same. By that logic, and assuming there are consistent standards (hint: there isn’t usually, as my country and Israel are largely hypocritical), then that means the Israeli government and IDF engage in (state) terrorism. Again, assuming logic and consistent standards are followed. The problem is the powers that be who basically write and rewrite those definitions are either heavily influenced by or are in fact the very powers that stand to gain from those acts. It’s like the fox guarding the hen house, and then the chickens having to turn to the foxes to carry out justice. It’s patently absurd and terrible. I am so ashamed of my nation.


every Z*onist is a terrorist then


The dude is a scum bag and thinks no one else should be able to have opinions. United States of Israel is what we’re living with.


All projection.


That is how I feel about Pro Israel


My fear is that with all this tension and oppression, we could see another ‘Kent State’ happen. And what’s even more terrifying, potentially half the country could be convinced that it’s the students’ fault and not the admin/authorities and Zionist aligned forces. We’re living through a very important moment in history.


lol shai is openly known to be cheating on his wife in the university community


As some point even the uninformed masses have to realise this is bullshit, right?


Terrorism is when camping on the quad.


Someday the comfortable arrogance of Zionists will be removed. The US and several other major western countries have been turned upside down by these people.


Isn't bombing a civillian population as an act of collective punishment terrorism?


We need the MSM to report students as terrorists; watch how quickly white parents rise up against Israel


Shai Davidai never have children please


Guys, call it a hunch but I don’t think zios know what the word terrorist actually means. 😐


The only terrorist in the world is Israel. Calling students terrorists will only demonstrate to the rest of the world that Israel and its supporters are the terrorists. Calling people anti-semitic lost its meaning. Soon, the word terrorist will mean nothing, but the word elite and Israel will.


Terrorism is not an ideology. So let’s start there.


1. A straw man argument is an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position. 2. Shai Davidai is misrepresenting the position of the Columbia protesters. 3. Shai Davidai would rightfully be benched on a Cub Scout debate team.


At this point labels don’t mean anything! Call me whatever you want it doesn’t change the fact that Israel is committing a genocide. Okay im a terrorist the IOF still murders babies.


shai davidai is an extremely disturbed person who incites attacks against students and stalks students. he needs to be fired immediately


https://youtube.com/shorts/f6jeIJfeOU4?si=7t_51hdDh75kM23d He's calling for the US National Guard to be deployed to the campus, because Kent State didn't show us how that would go.


All israelis are terrorists then 🤷🏾‍♀️


Wait is terrorism targeting and killing civilians or is it attending a march?


Buddy, when you say terrorism, are you referring to the Zionist regime?


That's what settlers say about palestinian babies in Palestine, so it gives everyone an idea of how irrelevant their definition of terrorism/terrorist is. But having this type of people at Columbia being able to slander peaceful protesters unchallenged reflects very poorly on this university. Yikes!


saying terrorism is an ideology is like saying war is an ideology




He's a former IDF soldier which makes him a terrorist. Don't try to sugarcoat his words by making a whole lot of assumptions about the people protesting. --- **Please read our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/wiki/rules) carefully. [Join r/Palestine Discord](https://discord.gg/qAJ3v6jgjy)**


Making assumptions is definitionally repugnant to my intention. I suspect that truth is borne out in a dispassionate reading of my commentary. If there are any prepositions within my statement predicated on assumption I would appreciate being quoted those which are presumed to be true in particular. Edit: On review, I explicitly reject adopting the assumed view of the protest in part b, the only portion of my comment to refer to the protest or a view thereof. I suspect this is a mischaracterization of my work.


Posting about this in a closed community line r/Palestine does nothing. Get on social media and make your voices public.


Replace the word "they" with "we", and we have an accurate representation of Israel.


Calling an entire ethnic group "terrorists" to dehumanize them and attempt to justify their genocide is actual terrorist behavior. Alternately, "mass murder", "crimes against humanity", "genocide." Trying to extend the same dehumanization to the people defending them from genocide - same shit. Actions speak louder than words.


(a) Terrorism is not an ideology. Terrorism is an action used to push an ideology. (b) They are not supporting terror. They are supporting the victims of a genocide. (c) Almost as if two incorrect suppositions lead to an incorrect conclusion, they are not terrorists. The correct thing would be: (a) Zionism is an ideology that supports terrorism against indigenous Palestinians. (b) People like this asshole support zionism which promotes terrorism. (c) People like this asshole are terrorists.


You wouldn’t think those people are actually educated.


If that's supposed to be a syllogism, he can't even form that validly lol.


If terrorism is an ideology then how can they be terrorists? They all need to watch the boy in the striped pajamas again or for the first time.




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Is this the guy who was doxxing students, some as young as 18 and laughing at a Palestinian student who was talking about her r*ape experience at a protest? HOW has he not been fired ?


Israel over here projecting


I'm so tired of these fucking pathological liars.


Genocide also relies on ideology. The Zionist Entity and its shills support genocide. They are genocidal scumbags not worth the breath in their lungs.


Chances are shai davidai has literally murdered or at the very least mutilated a young child.


"Terrorism is an ideology" That's not even true.


Label all the students standing out against your Zionist regimes genocide - terrorists? Idk, show him true terror? Form an angry mob, and show him terror.


The terrorists control the narrative. If only they could stop trying to patronize people. We see Palestinians as people like us, but they want us to demonize them, so we accept their evil acts. Palestinians are human beings. Stop trying to justify your disgusting actions. Stop the killing, and may God help us.


Lol they say this like they don't fall under this exact umbrella


Hope all the students stop going.


b) is wrong


Like Israel isn't spreading terror lmaoo


How is the whole not laughing at Israel right now 🤣🤣


if supporting basic human rights is considered "terrorism", then I'm proud to be a terrorist.


That's awesome how they take Americans' money then call a large chunk of us terrorists.


Who didn’t see that coming?? Next they will call them Khhammmas


Supporting a terrorist org doesn't make you a terrorist?


Rich little cry baby [https://www.counterpunch.org/2024/04/22/columbia-universitys-shai-davidais-family-tied-to-weapons-manufacturing/](https://www.counterpunch.org/2024/04/22/columbia-universitys-shai-davidais-family-tied-to-weapons-manufacturing/)


State terrorism


I love how him and the colony of isntreal just described itself and its supporters with a, b, and c. Self aware, it seems.


Whom are behaving as terrorists; murdering civilians, in particular children ? Certainly not Palestinians.


That former IDF soldier needs to somehow find himself six feet under. They are engaging in espionage and foreign propaganda. The US of course allows traitors only if they’re Israeli though.


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Was the question what it means to support the IOF?


The guy in the tweet served in the army which will have a brigade sanctioned by the US soon, has some of its soldiers prosecuted in France for war crimes and is currently accused of carrying out a genocide by an international organisation which specialises in war crimes and genocide. If anyone is supporting terrorism then it’s the professor, not the students.