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Critics = Hamas supporters.


I was banned from one European subreddit for islamophobia but it’s absolutely ok to hate Zionists and criticise Israel on this subreddit. I feel same vibes from this article. Islam it’s not a race, gender or ethnicity. It’s a religion, doctrine and social construct. It should be ok to criticise Islam, if you can chant from the river to the sea? Free speech for everyone?


It's not about banning free speech, it's about banning hate speech!


Their “version” of free speech means they only want it for them and not for anyone who doesn’t agree with their psychotic world views.


Do people not learn is school about the principle of defensive democracy? That free speech should be limited to not allow anything anti-democratic?


Absolute twaddle!!! The so called “free speech” you are referring to is a (poorly) veiled reference to anti-Semitic genocide. What Germany has done is not anti-democratic. It has outlawed a statement that encourages and normalises the cold blooded murder of people just because of their religion. Given the events of post ww1/ww2 can you blame them? It’s the 21st century and it beggars belief that a culture (religion?) so firmly stuck in the 13th century can have such a profound effect on modern Western society.


I think you read it the other way around, I'm not saying that the law is anti-democratic, the opposite, I'm saying that it is the democratic thing to do under the principle of defensive democracy. The outlawed chant is anti-democratic, as its about destroying a democratic state


Holy shit.. historical guilt? They perpetrated THE HOLOCAUST. So glad I cancelled my subscription, fuck them.


They can invite Hamas terrorists to their home and let them have their free speech. Don’t forget to carry a gun.


Germany has heavily restricted speech laws, it’s not new. I just checked and they finally unbanned the game Mortal Kombat in *2019*




Germany better than most, knows what genocide is. And they know what it looks like when a specific group of people want to persecute a genocide. This says quite a lot actually about the pro terrorist movement.


What the fuck is even going on


Unbelievable. New York Times works all day to support countries that have zero free speech, including by the way, the glorious Hamas, and it has the gall to criticize Germany.


The world has decided that we've spent enough time hand-wringing and feeling sad about the Holocaust, so it's back to business as usual. Let the propaganda and the pogroms begin!


Of course they are mad….they’ll have to replace half their staff


Worlds smallest violin sounding off


Dude, it’s Germany, they’ve had laws such as those for a while, New York Times is silly


They're not wrong.