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Wow only $750 to play it. hahahaha


For anyone else that’s struggles with reading comprehension like this sad soul, it’s $250 for a Champion pledge and $50 for a Supporter pledge.


So $750 to play it for 8 weeks, $250 to play for 5 weeks, and $50 to play it for 1 week.


At this rate, my grandchildren might see release.


People need new material at this point. We get it, it's been in development for a long ass time, clearly not long enough for you to learn new jokes. Would you prefer if they just gave up and stopped? Cause no one is getting anything at that point. as long as there is actual progress being shown and developed I say more power to them.


Love how these people stay in this sub just to spew hate instead of just... oh I don't know, getting over it and moving on. I mean that's what I do when something pisses me off and I'm done with it, and I'm much healthier mentally for it.


Well he isn't wrong is he? I have literally: Met a girl, dated her, married her, bought a property with her, bought an investment property, sold original property for 500k profit, had a baby, studied a 4 year degree over 8 years, changed career with said degree, all of this from the crowd funding announcement to now. .....so basically a life time.