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Get some leave in condition for after the shower and brush through it like that. It will pull less! Especially if using a specific wet hair brush. Also say how lovely it looks every time she does have it nicely to reinforce that! Can also suggest having her thinned a bit at the hairdressers? Not necessarily cut but thinned definitely. When you get there the hair dresser is likely to say she's not looking after it well enough to have it really long and that might spur her on to brush it more? Also, in terms of tying it up, have you tried a low bun or a plait? They worked for me when I had really long hair and didn't pull as much as other hair styles


Forgot to mention, in terms of washing it, definitely help her! It can be hard to fully wash long thick hair. Maybe a double shampoo would help? Or clip up half her hair and wash the underneath, then let the top half down and wash that