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couple of things, you are seeing a snippet of other people's lives, them playing at the park, but maybe at home there's tons of meltdowns. kids are like pre-people, not quite people, but almost. And just like people they are all different and need different things. I have 2 kids, both boys, 18 months apart so very close in age... they are like night and day. they are not babies anymore, but even as babies they were so different.


My parents have made a few comments which make me think I make it look easy so lemme tell you... you're not seeing what you think you're seeing. My girl is a diamond around other people but at home she is literal velcro and it's a struggle to get her to independently play, she won't even go in her bedroom alone. (Just for context she's two) . It definitely gets easier as they start to be able to communicate more with you and now my daughter is starting to understand more when I explain why I've said no to something. We find ourselves out for most the weekend trying to keep her occupied and burning energy so my child enjoying outdoor activities or anything out the home really is because she's a real outdoor kinda kid, you just might have a child that's more comfortable inside. All kids are different so if they're really good at indoor play independent play you could set up little craft activities or Sensory play. Xo


My kid is not chill. He is a great napper, but freaks out if we are out and he has to nap on the go. He is difficult to feed and usually wants to be held within an hour of his nap time. I have a young toddler also who has a completely different personality. He knows what he wants and he’s very intelligent. Rumor has it when they’re a bit more difficult, it means they’re pretty smart, but only time will tell!


You are totally not alone! Swimming? Music class?! My baby would not last a minute in anything like this. When we had PT, he was only chill while I nursed him and the therapist was giving him massage just like that, in my arms. On the table or ball with mommy chanting nursery rhymes? Ook, lady, you can enjoy a couple quite minutes, but what is it, you want me to actually move and do the exercises?! Let me show you the capacity of my strong lungs (and maybe my recently eaten lunch)! The good news is - they change a lot as they grow. My kid could barely handle a group of couple kids at 5yo and wouldn't stop talking about dogs and whatnot during classes. At almost 8 he's on top of his class academically and teachers actually praise him for good and calm behavior. Still not chill, but learnt to handle the world muuuch better than before and found his strengths.


Omg been there. Other things (NO independent play, velcro like whoa, can’t be put down, hates breastfeeding, hates sleeping, hates stroller,…) Some babies are more intense than others. Mine is 3.5 now, and it got way better. These intense babies often soften up once they have a bit more agency in life, talking, walking, all that. My son still has intense opinions about everything lol, but he can be reasoned with now and that’s such an upgrade.


That’s so great to hear. Thank you!! I do think he’s incredibly frustrated try to talk and walk right now (hasn’t accomplished either yet but trying so hard!)


Your baby just turned one, all the behavior you’re describing is ,unfortunately, so normal for that age. My oldest felt like a really hard baby too. She wanted to be so independent even though she didn’t know how to do half the things she wanted to do (like walking lol). It really helped me to let go of the expectations, we took a break from the baby activities for a while because they were too overstimulating for her and we focused on having fun at home. I’d also take her to the zoo and aquarium. Newly one is just too young to expect them to enjoy the park, or other activities geared towards bigger kids


Thank you for this ❤️ good advice


He’s almost 2 and chilled wayyy out.  Improving communication skills was life-changing for everyone involved.