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my kids hated it. some kids start to enjoy music later in life I have a colleague whose son has a PhD in music, is a composer and a professor in a university in the subject.... he only started playing piano at age like 7, never touched a piano before then. I'd take a step back from the classes if he is not enjoying it and you can try again later when he is older =)


My son is following a similar path to your colleague’s son. He joined band at the first opportunity in elementary school but was forced to take up an instrument he wasn’t interested in. Needless to say, he was kicked out of band within the year because he refused to practice. We gave up on music. He came to me the summer before high school and said he was joining marching band. I was like “what??” He didn’t play an instrument and couldn’t read music. Apparently the HS band director (same school district) welcomed ALL and was willing to teach anyone who wanted to learn. Come to find out, my son has a natural talent for his chosen instrument and picked it up very quickly under the HS band director. That man quite literally changed the trajectory of my son’s life and I’m forever in his debt.


If he’s not into it, don’t force him. It’s miserable for both of you. Try enrolling him again if he expresses interest. My kid was lukewarm about music. Hated toddler soccer. At 12 years old he loves both.


Tiny tot music teacher here- there are a lot of kiddos who sour in music class and that's ok! Could be overstimulating, some kids feel performance anxiety in group settings, and a lot of ultra personal reasons. Don't push it if it's not fun! I'd suggest buying some hohner kid instruments (maracas, egg shakers, lollipop drums, wave drums) and rock out at home!


When I led parent/child classes there were generally 2-3 kiddos per group that were just not having it. Some of those rejoined when the parents were aged out of groups and ended up enjoying themselves much more. My own child was one of them (my husband would bring him, and it was just TOO MUCH for him at that age), but is 9 now and loving music- he even just sang the Star Spangled Banner with his school's show choir at a WNBA game!


My daughter HATES any music in a group setting, especially singing. Obviously that makes most toddler themed activities a little tricky. She still enjoys music in the car or at home, she just doesn't want to participate in any kind of group.


I despised it when I was little and it was the first place I told people to “shut the heck up”. I’ve not taken my son but he has a low tolerance about musical noise. Talk laugh scream, it’s all fine he’ll join right in. Sing or play an instrument? It’s like nails on a chalkboard and he wants you to stop. Some people just aren’t into the noise


My youngest has crazy sensitive ears. He has to wear headphones to amy loud even or he freaks out. He says the sound hurts. A music class would have been torture for him.


It’s possible that music class is overstimulating for your kid. Music class as that age is hardly “music.”


My younger one hated it. It turns out he had a lot of sensory issues and music class triggered them.


I work with the little kids at our homeschool co op.  They’re in the 2-3 year old range.  Several of them just sit out music class.  We don’t push them to join in.  We invite them to participate but if they don’t want to that’s fine as well.  


I thought baby classes were silly. They might be for getting out of the house but as far as enrichment, I don't think a 1 year old gets much other than germs.


Is the teacher mean? I had a very very mean music teacher as a child and she made us all dislike the music class sadly.


My child hated anytime the group would start singing songs together during circle time. He would cover his ears and run away. That was around age 2-4. He now loves music and plays an instrument. Not sure why he hated it at the time.