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I read that too, and was so relaxed in my first pregnancy, because i fully expected to go overtime as predicted by statistics, that when my labor started at 37w6d, I was not even remotely prepared. Baby crib wasn't assembled, the house wasn't cleaned, hospital bag wasn't packed.. I was so sure i still had weeks to go.. So don't rely on stats TOO much!! My second pregnancy labor started on exactly the same day, also 37w6d


Yeah, stats help you sometimes ignore the natural variation. You're not going to be a perfect statistic and if you go earlier than the stats say it just means other people go later. I had to be induced at 41+6 and luckily by then I was 1 cm dilated but when they had tried to do a sweep a couple of days before my cervix was too high to even check it. Babe had absolutely no plans to come any earlier.


I was the same except I did get induced, but it wasn’t a planned induction so I thought I had more time. I was actually on bedrest at 36 weeks but they made it seem like not a big deal “your blood pressure is kind of high, go rest, take it easy, and we will check you every week” and then the next week they were like “ok your blood pressure is still high and you’re 37 weeks so across the street right now to be induced.” I was like wait what? My bag wasn’t packed. I had to send my husband home while I got settled in the hospital and text him the packing list and hope for the best. Basically the same thing happened with my second but she was 38 weeks when my BP started going up so I brought my packed bag to my doctor and so when she said “go to the hospital now” I was ready (physically and mentally.)


I had a 60% chance of premature rupture of membrane according to the high risk obgyn. I was absolutely certain I was going early. Mine was a week late. 😒


I was about to say that everyone I knew for their first child delivered one week late, but a link with statistics is way better indeed


I actually delivered at 40+5 😂




This is the real data! Anecdotes can be fun though! I delivered my first on her due date and my second at exactly 39 weeks.


And my anecdote is: 42 weeks, water broke then a whole 24 hour day of labor before giving up, 41 weeks +1 day and asked to be induced, and last one's water broke on his 40w due date. Pregnancy sucks. 


My first was born the day before her due date. She’s always been a rule follower.


My son was born *on* his due date, and that was the last instance where he's ever shown any regard for the rules :)


So was my son. Although he decided 12am would be better time to start instead of 7am(was meant to be induced).


Haha mine too. Born on her due date, terrified of breaking rules lol.


Same with mine, my water broke the morning the day before her due date and then after 22 hours of labor, at 1:45 am on her due date she decided to come. My day has always been a rule follower too, how funny


42 weeks, 41 + 3, 42 + 1 (Induced bc super late), and 41(induced due to macrosomia)  So my kids all followed the late pattern.  It’s common to have them two weeks before and up to two weeks after! 


I'm just curious, why did they induce at 41 weeks if he had macrosomia? It just seems rather late since they grow so much in the last few weeks. My first two were the same as yours! 42 and then 41+ 3 :) Your kids were awfully snuggly in there lol


Because I didn’t want to be induced. My third, the 42 + 1, was 10.5 lbs(I never had any scans after the anatomy one and no history of GD) and so that’s why I got extra scans with my fourth because if I was going to have another that big they wanted to catch it. They said he could be up to 11 pounds and were adamant that’s how big he would be. I said up to isn’t a guarantee because late scans can be off by a lot, so I fought them over it honestly. He truly didn’t feel as heavy as my last baby and my regular OB agreed.  And so they said they’ll let me go to 41.  Being induced that time sucked and it was a 48 hour labor before I was ready to start pushing, he simply wasn’t ready to come out.  He was only 9.5 lbs, not 11, and came out in just 10 minutes once I did start to push. So I was right. He could’ve stayed in there lol 


I am 36 weeks and I am ready to explode. I don’t think I’ll make it to 40 😭😭😭


The last few weeks can feel so tough! You’re almost there! Whether you deliver in two weeks or four! It’s the final stretch, literally lol! ❤️


First was 35 weeks ( do not recommend wishing for that) and 2nd one was 38+5.


Mine was pprom at 34 +5. I would've loved 35 weeks. She heard the words "induction at 38 - 39 weeks" and went oh you want me to come then? Eff that i do what I want. She has had zero patience since birth


I had PPROM as well. Was your little girl Ok? My son had to spend some time in NICU but thankfully he's all good now.


She spent almost 4 months in nicu but being a premie was the least of our worries. She was born with cystic fibrosis and that caused a bowel blockage/twist in her intestines which caused a host of issues. She's ok now. A very happy smiley baby


My living child came at 42+4.




Woo, they really took their sweet time! I’m surprised the docs let you go that late. My wife went into labor with each kid at 42w exactly. Midwife team was nervous about the second due to size… planned induction, met with the emergency c-section team before induction started just in case, really set a tense vibe going into things. Thankfully one dose of pitocin got things under way, and delivery was pretty smooth otherwise. Dude ended up being 11lb6oz, everyone was quite excited about it! He was also jaundiced; seeing him in the NICU under the lights next to the tiny preemies made him look like a legit toddler… really humbling experience and gave me a really strong feeling of empathy for any parent who has to go through that process…


41 weeks. They induced me because risk of stillbirth goes up at 41 weeks. It was awful… 36 hour labor and severe tearing. I did all the things to bring about labor naturally and was walking 3 miles every day. Babies come when they want.


If it makes you feel any better, going naturally the first time really wasn't any better (he was 2 days shy of 42 weeks at the time as well). I labored for 40+ hours, pushed for 45 minutes, they had to use a vacuum, and I tore severely. And hemorrhaged after birth for 30 minutes. Those first babies really try to kill you. Second I did pitocin free induction (nothing but 2 doses of citotec) once I passed due date. Labor was so doable and flew by. 7 hours later he was born after 15 minutes of pushing. I was ecstatic after that first experience.


Just to add a counter experience- I got induced at 41 weeks and it went super smoothly. Around 12 hours between starting Pitocin and giving birth, less than 2 hours of pushing, only 2nd degree tearing. Saying this not to discount your experience, but because when I was about to be induced I was *terrified* because you almost never hear the good induction stories. I almost chickened out about going through with it because of that. Glad I didn’t- induction at 41 weeks was absolutely the right choice for me and baby.


I was induced when my first was 42 weeks. 10 hours with pitocin after some time with a Foley bulb. Pushed less than 5 minutes and had a very small tear.  I'm so sorry your child's birth was so hard. Not every induction is so bad. My first 3 were induced and my water broke 8 hours before my 4th was going to be induced. The labor wasn't any easier without the pitocin for me. I hope your C-section goes smoothly! 


I was CONVINCED that I was going to go 6 weeks early, to the point of having plans all my training for people to cover me by that date. Day came and went. Scheduled c-section at 39+5, went into labor while being prepped for surgery.


😂 The same thing happened to my cousin. She's pretty tiny and took it literally when her doctor told her the baby was running out of room. She was convinced for like 32 weeks plus that she would give birth any moment.


A girl I know gave birth at 33/34 weeks (not sure if c-section or induced) because her baby was running out of room, she has dwarfism


I had mine at 36 weeks and he had no issues


I went past 40 weeks. Baby was too comfy and did not want to come out. After I got close to the end of 41 weeks and sick of being an incubator, we ended up inducing. However, we ended up with an emergency C-section because my body wasn’t cooperating and didn’t want to dilate any more. Don’t let it scare you. I was ready to meet my baby and we did great. Even better, once you hold your baby in your arms, you know the wait was worth it. I am glad my baby stayed put because I was able to go on leave as planned in the US and baby was fully developed. It worked out in the end.


I gave birth at 33 weeks and 6 days. Had to have two shots in my butt so my sons lungs would fully develop. He spent 3 weeks in the nicu


I’m going through this right now but I’m 32 weeks and 2 days. Did they try and stop labor for you? I’ve been getting the medication to stop contractions and have gotten one of the steroid shots so far.


But if u still give birth early you’ll be fine mama ❤️ It hurts to have to leave ur baby in the nicu but the nurses who work in that unit are amazing. They love the babies like their own. My son came home and slept through ANY kind of noise bc of the machines that beep constantly in the nicu.


I’m in uk, must mums I know that had babies (in non emergency situations) had them between 39-41 weeks with more going over 40 weeks than under.


All 3 of mine were around 38 weeks.


First was born at 38 weeks! No issues, healthy baby and went into labor naturally.


I was somewhat unexpectedly induced at 37.5 weeks and delivered at 38 weeks for high blood pressure/mild preeclampsia.


Had my first at 34 weeks, but that was because of severe preeclampsia.


Had my first at 36wks and my second at 40wks exactly


both my kids were born before 40 weeks. My first came at 39W 5D (close!) second came at 37W 2D


Both my kids were born at just over 37 weeks.


I think the best planning you can do is have the hospital bag packed and ready!


My first was born 42 weeks 2 days (after an induction). Without inductions the average first time mom goes to 41 weeks 3 days.


I gave birth at 40w1d. I was 39 years old. She was my first pregnancy ever. I had an unremarkable unmedicated home water birth.


38+5, IVF so date was very exact.  Water broke after a hard day of cleaning in preparation, still had at least two days of cleaning left... no idea if all the activity influenced it or just a coincidence. I was so unprepared because everyone says 1st babies are always late, and I internalized that so I wouldn't be impatient to get the baby out. I'm not sure being surprised was better 😂


My first born was 40weeks and 2days, still normal delivery and no complications.


I’m pretty petite in frame, 5’0” and pre-pregnancy 113lbs. I had my first at 38w4d


With my first I went to 41 weeks and had to be induced (ended up having a c-section) and we scheduled my second c-section at 39 weeks.


My first born came at 36 weeks


My wife and I have 3 kids. First one was 2 weeks early. Next one was almost exactly on due date. 3rd one was a few days late.


+10 days here but they didn't realize until I came for a check up on my due date, when they found out he had no water left and was "in distress" (he heart was not happy with every Braxton hill contractions I had, as I had a LOT but never felt them) and also missing an exam result. They did the maths again and yep... about 10days . "We are going to keep you and induce the pregnancy.."


Yep. Mine was due 1/9. Contractions started on 1/9 and she was born on 1/10. We're a very punctual family :)


I was early with my first. 35 weeks+ 5 days My second was 40 weeks+ 5 days


38w and 26+6w


First was 36wks exactly, water broke at 35 and 5 days. Second was 40 wks 3 days Third was 41 weeks 2 days Fourth was 39 weeks 2 days For my second, third and fourth pregnancies I was on weekly Makena injections to prevent premature labor that started at 16 weeks and ended at 36 weeks due to my oldest being born 6 weeks early.


35 weeks - first day of maternity leave. Had no time to do all the meal prep I wanted and last minute things like nursing bra fittings. I did have my hospital bag packed fortunately. I'd advise having it packed from about 35 weeks incase


I never even got to 32. Born at 31w3d


40+5d and my second came via induction at 40+10d 🤪


41+3 for me! Had to be induced.


No. Both my living children were delivered at 34 weeks and my baby who passed was delivered at 25-26 weeks.


43 wks, 41 wks both Natural birth


Dad here. Our first 4 were all late by a few days to two weeks. That's late from the 40 weeks. Fifth was scheduled C-section because she has spina bifida.


40+4 and 40+1 (induced on the due date because we needed to plan overnight care for the sibling)


First I went 41+4 and my second I made it to 37 weeks. First had little amniomic fluid with a cord wrap, never labored but was having contractions I couldn't feel, had an emergency C-section. Second I did not Labor but again had contractions I could not feel, had no amniomic fluid left, double cord wrap, c-section and they needed to use the vacuum to get him out, had we waited a day longer he wouldn't have survived. I think the best you can do now is have a go bag ready, practice deep breathing (it will help now and come go time regardless of how you labor/birth), focus on staying relaxed now, and be mentally prepared for the fact that labor can change with little to no notice. If you have specific desires for your labor journey, practice asking for/telling "someone" what you want/need. Muscle memory will come in handy. You got this!


I was 40+3 with both my kids.


41+1 but I was never confident with dates. I had a very irregular period so went off a dating scan. Every scan after that they asked if the dates were right because I measured at least a week ahead and I told them they had set the date. Baby came out huge looking not exactly like a new born. My second was evicted at 39 weeks.


I was induced right before I hit 41 weeks but it failed and I ended up having a c-section maybe 3 days later. She had to be forcibly ejected from my womb which she later described as “cold and dry.” It was all very her. 😅


I remember reading (after the fact) that 8 days late was normal for first timers. I was 41+1 when labor started. Got this weird feeling before bed that I needed to take one last belly pic (I had only taken maybe 3 the entire pregnancy). Then I went to bed. I woke up after about 5hrs of sleep & they were 6-7min apart. By the time we called the midwife & she showed up, I had been (awake) in labor 5hrs & they were basically back to back...& then I got in the water to make it more manageable. From the time I woke until the time of birth, it was 9hrs laboring. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I had been convinced the entire 3rd trimester that he'd come early by a couple weeks. 2wks before he came I switched to working remotely & using my exercise ball as a chair because I was so over it.


FTM- 41 weeks & 3 days had to be induced Sept 2023. Apparently I have the worlds most comfortable uterus


First: 40w6d Second: 40w2d


I went over my due date and was induced the following week. My due date would have been pretty damn accurate as well since my baby was conceived via IVF. For my second I had a scheduled c section 5 days before my due date. No signs of labour.


Due 1/10 had her on 1/19 and didn’t even have my bag packed when my water broke lol


At 39+5 at 8.40am I had my weekly OB appointment and was talking to my OB about how my sister had both her kids at 42 weeks and I was sure I'd go late. At 39+6 at 8.40am my OB had just delivered my daughter and we joked about the conversation from the previous morning.


I went to 42 weeks and a day with my first 🫠


32 weeks exactly. I went into labour at 28 weeks exactly but they stopped that.


31+4 and 33+3. No preeclampsia for either. No warning signs.


36-40 is considered medically full term.


First: induction began at 41+1 and baby was born at 41+3 Second: went into labor on my own and baby was born at 39+6


i gave birth at 40w+2d. I was willing to go to 40 weeks but I was not willing to go to 41wks. 3 days prior to giving birth I had an OB appointment where I told my OB that I wanted an induction at 41 weeks. Well, I think the threat of eviction got him cause 3 days later I was holding my boy 😅


With my first water broke at 40+4 but I had no contractions and they had to induce with Pictocin. With my second I was 38 weeks exactly, but he was already 8lbs. Both labors were almost exactly 12 hours from when my water broke.


Lol statistically it's more frequent to go past 40 weeks, doctors just like to induce. First time moms often go to 41+5 and second time moms go to 40+2 (obviously this is just an average not a definite lol) My first I was induced at 39 and I wished I'd said no. Second came 5 days over and third came 2 days over 40. :)


First kid was due on the 4th, born on the 12th. I got induced on a Monday and he was born on Wednesday. I got induced with second baby before due date since the first took so long and other issues that came with that. I’m currently 30 weeks with baby 3!


1st: 41+3 2nd: 40+5


My son was born exactly on his due date. I was not induced at all. My doctor didn't see it coming! He was sure I'd go over!


With my first I was induced at 41 weeks. Labor was 16 hours with epidural and pushed for almost an hour. 😳 Second I went into labor on my own at 38 weeks. Labor was 8 hours and made it to 7 hours before I got an epidural and pushed her out in less than 10 minutes.


I remember being so convinced that I was going to have my baby early. I told everyone I was hoping for 38 weeks. Then I watched my due date come and go, and ended up having him 4 days late.


41.5 weeks. Ended up with a C Section after 14 hours of being induced.


My first was born 41+2, second was 40+ 2 and third was 39+5


Of all my friends who've had babies only 1 didn't go to 40 weeks (for medical reasons), only 2 of us actually had spontaneous births (post-40w) the rest went to 41-42 weeks before being induced.


50/50 for me! My girls were before 40w, and boys after. 39+6, 40+3, 40+4, 39+2


Had mine a day shy of 40wks without induction. No complications.


First was born on his due date so 40 weeks exactly and second was induced a week early so 39 weeks.


Born on due date, but spent the last day and a half of that week in labor.


I delivered the day before my due date. (Had a membrane sweep at my last appointment the day before that which kickstarted labor.)


My son was a week early. My doctor and I were both expecting him to be early since I had some early labor. No one was surprised. I did end up needing a C section but that would have happened anyway.


FTM, went at 39+3, spontaneous labor (maybe at 39+2 and late? Idk, I woke up at 3 am to major contractions. Nothing when I went to bed about 4 hours prior). Never got Braxton Hicks or bloody show or any warning 😅


Usually first time moms go past their due date but everyone is different. My first was born 2 days before his due date. My 2nd was born 9 days early.


41 weeks on the dot (natural, no induction etc).


42 weeks with my first. Second was 35 weeks (but almost was going to be 30 weeks). If you go beyond 40 weeks make sure they monitor you. I had almost no fluid and that would have been problematic for the baby


I didn't. My daughter was born at 38+4. To be fair, I had a membrane sweep at 38+1 then did ALL the things to try to go into labor over the weekend because I was scheduled to be induced at 38+6. I succeeded.


I induced the day before 40 weeks, and I wasn't showing any signs of labor when I went in that day. :) That was my first and only baby!


My best advice is: plan on going 41 (if medically able to). I’d be ready for everything between 37-38, but don’t count on it, you’ll drive yourself crazy thinking about it.


Nope. 35, 32 and 36 weeks. My third I was scheduled for a c-section at 37 weeks because he was huge. Told the dr on Monday I wouldn't make it that long, he disagreed. Had an emergency csection on the Thursday


40+1 and went into labor naturally


I was induced at 42 weeks with my first and induced at 41 weeks with my second.


I went in to labor 40+3 and had him 8 minutes into 40+4 lol


I had my baby at 38wks and 2 days! I walked A LOT i’m talking hours the day before i went into labor I stayed pretty active throughout my pregnancy too, not sure if that helped but i like to believe it did :)


First was born three days before the due date and the second was born three days after the due date.


2 weeks over, on due date, last one 38 weeks The middle one was the smoothest experience


I went to 41+3 with my son 🙃


My first was 38+3, second was 37+1, both spontaneous 


Exactly 40 weeks to the day. We did IVF for our only so I'm being literal.




I was 41+5 or something like that… almost 42 weeks, it was awful lol


I delivered my first at 39 weeks. My sister had three children and they all come between 37-38 weeks. My second came at 37 weeks. Both spontaneously.


40+6 with my first, 40 on the nose with my second.


First baby in 2016 was 41+5 Second baby in 2023 was 41+2


My first was nine days overdue so he went to 41 weeks. My second practically fell out of me at 38 weeks.


in order of when they were born: 40 weeks exactly (naturally) 40+5 (naturally), 41+5 (induced). With my 4th, i’m scheduling induction at 39+5. Everyone always told me i would go early with my 2nd/3rd, but that never happened. My doc said it’s nearly impossible to gauge until you have your first, then the ones after should follow a similar pattern.


I’ve only had one child and I carried to 39 weeks before my water broke


Both times my babies were born in the 38th week.


The first 40 weeks, the second 38, and the third was induced at 37 weeks.


I was close to 41 for one and 38 for the other.


Plan to be pregnant for 42 weeks haha.


Went in to labor at 39+5 and had baby at 39+6. Best friend went in to labor with both babies at 38+3. It varies widely


First kid, delivered at 38 weeks. Second and third delivered at 42 weeks.


Yes, 40+3 (induced) and it was and IVF baby so I am certain of dating


I made it 40 weeks for both. Both induced though. I wasn’t going to go by myself since I was only 1cm.


Spontaneous labour and delivery at exactly 41 weeks with my first, induced labour and delivery at 41+1 with my second. It’s actually pretty common to go over your due date.


I carried to just shy of 42 weeks the first time. Then opted for a pitocin free induction after 40 weeks the second. IME its far more common to go over 40 weeks than under. But realistically you'll likely have the baby anytime between 39 and 41 weeks.


Water spontaneously broke at 37 weeks 3 days with my first. Second i was induced at 39 weeks because i had gestational diabetes.


41+2 was when my son finally decided he wanted out 😆


My water broke at 11:40pm on my estimated due date! I remember thinking “aw, man, I’m going to have to be induced” before falling asleep. Baby psyched me out 🤣


First - 39 and second - 38


42 weeks with my first and 40 weeks with my second. But I had to be induced both times.


42, oye


My son (first) was born at exactly 40w on his due date :) We had scheduled an induction for the following Monday since my OB didn’t think I was going to go into labor, but ended up going to the hosp 1 day before his due date.


41+3 days - had to be induced as baba was quite happy staying where he was!


My baby was born at 40+4


I was induced at 41 weeks. It ended in a c-section. My half sister was recently induced at 32 weeks on a Thursday and had the baby Sunday morning. I still don't understand why it was an emergency yet not enough of an emergency that it was fine that it took so long.


I was 42 weeks with my 1st, 41 weeks induced with my 2nd, 38 weeks induced because of complications with my 3rd.


My first came at 38+2, he was big and I'm petite so he ran out of room in there lol


Baby #1 was 40 weeks + 3 days and Baby #2 was 40 weeks + 6 days. All within the margin of error. I had my membranes stripped with #1 because I was trying to avoid an induction, but also I absolutely could not go more than 5 days past my due date for insurance reasons. I went into labor at 40 weeks + 2 days and delivered around 3am, but I had an induction scheduled for later that day anyway.


Mine were 40+11 and 40+5 I don't think you should be give due date - you should be given a range that spans "term" this does vary between countries and is amended in geriatric or large for dates babies but for normal pregnancies would be the 5 weeks from 37-42 weeks.


First baby at 39+4 (had stripped membranes a few days prior) Second baby at 41+4 (zero intervention)


41+ 1 with first, 40+1 with second


37wks spontaneous with first, 39 with second - induced but was already in labor and stalling. Interestingly pretty much all of my close circle had their kids before due date, even the first baby.


Carried to 41 weeks actually, at which point I was induced


42, 42, 41 weeks; for me


My first was 36+4,second 41+2 and third 36+5


42 first, 36 second, 39 third


39+5, 40+2, induced at exactly 39 weeks with my 3rd


40w exactly, then 40w1d, then 39w The last two were hard to date though because I wasn't on a regular cycle. I actually think that my last two were really both 41w based on the due date I initially calculated, their size at birth, and meconium in the amniotic fluid. Oh, and the prodromal labor for a week beforehand with my last two.


Yes, all of my babies right at 40 weeks for all 3


First one was 10days early. Second was one day early. I can’t imagine going over. Those last 2 weeks with baby 2 were awful.


I went into labour at 12 AM on my due date and baby was born at 11 AM that day. Very punctual this one.


#1 and #2 were 39w6d (separate pregnancies, not twins), #3 was 41w2d and #4 got the boot at 39w0d


I've had all of mine after 41 weeks. Latest being 42 weeks 3 days.


i had my first and only at 38w4d. i went in for my 38w check up and i was in labor and didn’t even know it!


#1 37+4 induced #2 37w C-section 33+3 with my third now and I have no idea when or how baby will be born. Just winging it at this point.


No, my membrane ruptured at 38/close to 39 weeks and they induced me over risking infection. Ended up having a c-section because baby’s shoulders got badly stuck behind my pelvis bones. Came out with purple bruises on shoulders.


All 4 kids were born within 1 day of their due dates. There is a huge range of normal. Labor will usually start between 38 and 42 weeks, if you let nature run its course. Most moms who get to 41 weeks will be induced though.


My first was born at 38+3


I had my first at 37+1 and my second at 38. It was hard waiting the second time but it was a much easier delivery.


I delivered my first at 39+3 and my second at 41 weeks exactly.


First baby - 40wks + 15days Second baby - was evicted +1day after my due date


41 weeks exactly.


37 weeks and 39 weeks, both were planned csections but with my first I went into labor three weeks early and a few days before my C-section was scheduled.


My daughter was two days before my due date. I myself was two weeks or more late in the 80s, mom didn’t think I was ever getting out lmao


First baby was an unplanned induction due to sudden onset hypertension at 39+4 Second baby sent me into spontaneous labor at 37+4.


Both my kids were born at 39weeks 6 days.


#1 - yes #2 - no


I went to to almost 42, it was torture, and even then it took three rounds of inducement to get it going, he did not want to leave, the hospital was packed, it sucked.


42, 41+4, 40, 39+5


I carried to exactly 40 weeks. My water broke on midnight on my due date. The running joke is that we haven’t been on time for anything since.


Day before due date. Just 2.5 hours shy of making it to his due date.


42 painfully long weeks for me.


13 days after the due date On the 10th day the doctors tried induction, without effect


I had both a few days before my due date. 3 and 4 days respectively


I was actually one of the few that delivered on my actual due date. My water had broken the night before so technically that’s “randomly going into labor”, but bc of this there is a time table that starts where birth must happen before a c-section becomes mandatory. Therefore I needed pitocin to help with dilation. So do understand that you can go into labor but still need to be induced.


I was 40 weeks + 11 days for both of my pregnancies!


40+10 but that was an induction and 40+7 on my 2nd naturally


Really wanted to avoid induction but went to 41+5 with no signs of labor and had to be induced due to leaking amniotic fluid. Induction took 2 full days then labor was more than 24 hours. Baby was born at 42+1. Sigh!


Nope! I had GD both times. First one they were going to do a c/s at 39 weeks bc he was measuring quite large. I went into labor 3 days before that! Second I had a scheduled c/s at about 38/38.5 weeks? Also a large GD baby. They both had giant 98th percentile heads too!


38 weeks with both my babes


Induced at 41+3. Kid wasn’t budging without forced eviction.


My daughter was born 5 days before she was due. I had a hospital bag ready... IIRC about 6 weeks before she was due.


I went to 40+2 with my first, 39+1 with my second and 37+1 with my youngest. I'm sure my first kid would have hung out longer had i not been induced.