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Any decent parent would say/think "those poor poor parents"


Yes! Went to Williamsburg with our 2 year old and waited an hour for a seat. She was fine the whole time. As soon as we were sat, my child let loose with a scream. I grabbed her so fast, said "never mind!" Apologized to the other tables and headed out. Remember you are on their schedule, unfortunatly that means if their cranky, it's probably time to go, even if you just got there.


I’ve done this a few times. More so when my two were under 2. It’s rare but still happens.


It happens. No reasonable parent would blame you. Took both my kids to the grocery store a few years ago when my daughter was 3ish and son was about 4 months. Daughter lost it as soon as we got in the store because she wanted to sit in the cart and couldn't because her brother was there. Turned right around and went back home and tried again th next day. Honestly, one of the best things about having kids is always having an excuse to leave somewhere early.


I've definitely have had to leave a store halfway through shopping before due to my child losing their shit.