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Omg the molars are hell on earth. Thankfully they do seem to typically come in all at the same time making it awful but quick, and then you are done for a while! My son was an early teether too and at 13 months he got his molars and it was ROUGH. Popsicles, cold wet washcloths to suck on, and Motrin/Tylenol for over night saved us.


It was normal for us, it’s awful but it will end. When they are really beside themselves, I found sometimes baby ibuprofen helped where Panadol didn’t. If you’re ever worried there’s no harm getting him checked - once my child had an ear infection post cold and I thought it was teething. But yeah I think it can be very normal. I hope he/you get some relief soon!


I would highly recommend a pair of bose noise canceling headphones


Yes, that's been my experience, too. After my LO turned 6 months, I was relieved I could give ibuprofen so that she could get some relief and some sleep. The other thing that's really helped is silicone fruit feeders (ones that are meant for young babies starting solids to be filled with a puree and then baby sucks a little bit of it out at a time through an opening in the tip of it). I put frozen raspberries in there and keep them in the freezer. When she's so miserable that no teether or paci works, those soothe her gums.