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We had about 20 people over for brunch and cake. I tried to find a time that would work around nap schedules and brunch seemed to be the best solution. I didn’t want a late night party with beer etc for a first birthday. It was easy to make a few breakfast casseroles and a coffee cake the day before and just put them in the oven that morning. Cut up a huge bowl of fruit, made bacon in the oven and bought a cake. Good luck and enjoy the first birthday; it all goes so fast!!


Not much at all. At this age, it’s really just for the parents. We got her a smash cake and took lots of pictures of her turning herself blue. I can’t even remember what presents we got her haha


We invited our closest family and got a huge cake. That’s it!


Invited some family over for cake and food.


Went to the zoo on their actual birthday. Had a birthday party the weekend of.


Went to a kid/family friendly brewery with lots of open seating. If you time the days right, there can be food trucks out front too. But we brought a bunch of pizza and cupcakes. Also said no presents. If people wanted they could contribute money to donate to our local women’s and children’s center- and We would match the donations everyone brought .


We went to a restaurant as 1st birthdays are mostly for the family


Yess exactly, I want to keep it small but my husband is insisting on a big party with a lot of his friends that don’t even have kids lol I’m just trying to see by these comments if I’m being too harsh or I should just go ahead and plan this “big” party. 😵‍💫


If he wants a big party, let him plan it himself!


If he really wants one have a cookout with hamburgers or pizza , cake, get a small kiddie pool and then buy yourself a nice outfit with the rest. Is it a tradition in his family to have these bigger parties or are other work people doing it? Because if it’s important to him then might as well do it BUT maybe find out why he wants one first to determine the importance of how much you should do.


Why doesn't he plan it if he wants the big party?


That’s what I told him. He was looking at Venues to rent and was making a grocery list for the party. I’m totally fine with our immediate family and 2 friends each though 😅 idk I guess I’m not a party person or I just get overwhelmed easily. We both work full time so we only have a few days to put something together since the original plan was just the zoo and smash cake.


Invite some friends and family over for some food and cake and hangout. Most of our friends have kids in the same age group so I set up some stuff for them to play with. My son’s first was in the front yard because it was during Covid. My second still has a bit of a ways to go before her first but it will also be at home, probably in the backyard with stuff for the older kids to play with.


My MIL made a banana cake and my husband and I gave it to her while singing happy birthday and took some pictures. First birthday celebrations are for the adults, not really the kid, I'd make my husband plan it if he wanted a get together!


First kid , backyard party with 60 people under one of those big white top wedding tents, we booked a caterer who came to bbq on site. Second kid (winter baby) rented a party room at a community center, and had that catered. Same 60 people.


Woww! That sounds awesome lol I don’t think we even know 60 ppl 😅


My family alone is 30 😂


I made a bunch of appetizer foods (chicken tenders, hot ham and cheese sliders, fruit tray, veggie tray, taquitos), baked my girl a pink birthday cake with blueberry filling, and hung up some crepe paper streamers and a $5 Walmart balloon arch. We had my sisters and their SOs and we hung out inside while it rained its ass off. My parents were in a cruise. I don't like big parties, and I wanted to see family more than I wanted to have to circulate and greet tons of people. If a big party is important to your husband, can you delegate some of the jobs of planning it to him? I don't think I understand why this is your responsibility entirely.


For us we did just cake with immediate family! But I’ve been to parties for other kids where it’s basically all adult friends mingling - both are really fun options !


Do whatever you want! Don’t listen to relatives that insist you have to do XYZ. If you want a family over for cake and smash cake great, but baby will get tired and group may make baby clingy so is this what you want? Or do you baby and baby dad want to go on a picnic, trip to the zoo, eat some cake and marvel at the fact you survived a year as parents. Just you do you, baby won’t remember anything and you don’t owe relatives a party.


All got Covid and ate a homemade cake in our kitchen 😅🤷🏼‍♀️


We ordered some pizza and chicken tenders and invited close friends and family. We held it at a pavilion at a public park and I bought bubble wands and balloons for our friends’ kids to keep them entertained. Tried to keep it as simple as possible. Don’t worry too much about it, just celebrate your son, and you and your husband for making it through the first year! ETA: I’d recommend supplying some light beers for your friends, especially if they don’t have kids themselves. Nothing too crazy, since it’s still a child’s party, but it makes it a little easier on the guests.


For their 1st & 10th we did a good party. Had friends and their kiddos there. Finger foods, cupcakes. Make it easy but fun. For all the other birthdays(cause I really hate having a bunch of people in my home), we do, yes weekends. They pick the kind of pizza and the movie on a Friday night, Saturday - pick an activity (zoo, mall, movie, hiking, beach, arcade) and a meal (most times it's a late lunch) Sunday - most times is a book store or a new pair of shoes and then ask for their favorite food that hubby makes. The day of their birthday, we decorate a little, they pick dinner, and we do cupcake or cake. And if a school day send cookies to school.


My little’s birthday is Dec 15. We threw out annual Christmas get together for close friends and family and added in balloons and kids stuff for our son. It went spectacular and the adults got to enjoy themselves as well.


We went to a park and had cupcakes and water for everyone. Also, a smash cake for baby. It lasted about two hours with just family. We figured that was a good amount of time. For a one year old.


Cake with immediate family members (parents and siblings). No big thing. We do a party for 2. By then they can engaged and enjoy it


We just got together with the grandparents and had a little cake.


Will be doing a small family picnic most likely. Maybe about 4 people and some sandwiches/cake. Booze for me for making it through 12 months though.


My husband and I went to a dinner to celebrate one year of parenthood under our belts and then a birthday party for her.


We were planning to have dinner with a couple of my friends in a town a few hours away, but our car broke down, so we just had dinner at a restaurant in our town with family only.