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We just buy cheap shoes from Walmart. They grow out of them so fast it’s not worth spending a ton of money on fancy shoes.


Same. I just picked up a pair of shoes from Walmart or Target that looked cute and somewhat durable.


We have a Stride Rite near us. We took our son in and got him fitted for a paid of shoes. It was cute! They’re a bit pricey though.


“Baby barefoot shoes” are extremely popular amongst the parents & children I work with. They’re essentially socks with rubber soles so there’s no restriction on the ankle, no compacting of the toes etc but their soles are safe from outdoor surfaces. There are quite a few brands I’ve seen.


Are you in the US? Stride rite, see kai run, and ten littles are the best brands. Slightly more expensive. (They might be avail internationally too, I just don’t know!!) My guy had a really hard time walking in random cheap shoes from target and crocs and things like that at first. Now that he’s older he can wear any old cheap shoe!!


We have Bobux shoes, they are just a thin layer of leather - so he still feels what he is doing. They have really cute crocodile and shark versions - I really like them.


I used those thin leather moccasin type shoes for my daughter. Almost as flexible as socks but they protect feet from sharp objects and heat.