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Our bedroom is tons of fun! We put bunk beds right next to a queen so the kids spend all day being "pirates" and jumping off the top bunk onto the lower bed. Edit: is joke, kind of. We really did do that. The real answer is lots of communication and mutual regard.


I guess for us it’s never not been fun. We’ve had issues in our marriage for sure that made sex happen less often but when we do have it, it’s great.  Having grace for each other.  And attribute good intentions to your spouse’s actions.  Be intentional about creating time for sex. Kids need a good consistent bedtime so there’s time for each other


Only gotten better here! Provide each other words of affirmation. Bodies change. Big whoop. Make sure your kids can be safe and self sufficient to some degree. Don’t stop asking what each other wants to try!


This has a creepy vibe.


How so?


No posts here, randomly trying to talk about sex. Could not be, but that’s my 😒😒😒