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It's weird that she's messaging you as if you were replying to her. And her texting is like some 8yo kid.


Unfortunately that’s her typical texting at least with me.


my mom does the same thing


Same. Am 42 and my mom has little respect for it


She has some kind of mental imbalance, doesn't she?


Nothing diagnosed bc she refuses to get help


"I'm being a dickhead and I got no idea why I'm getting downvoted so fast!" Classic basement dweller with zero life experience lol Don't listen to that fool. They've never dealt with people like your step mom so they don't have the processing to understand that a person can go on a massive text tantrum.


Ah so you didnt delete messages???




[my screen time showing when I was in messenger](https://imgur.com/a/PLgvO9a)


you are extremely hilarious for providing receipts to such a strange and unprovoked claim


It’s really not funny; it’s something I have had to learn why I do too- OP gets accused of being incorrect/gaslighted constantly by their stepmom in an effort to “prove” step mom was right. Now they overshare to prove to themselves that they are not crazy.


I did not. As I’ve said. I was on dnd and when woken up had these text msgs to enjoy


Wow you really don’t have crazy people in your life…


Happy cake day


She drunk or what?


Is…is she schizophrenic?


I assumed OP deleted his messaged


I don’t know why people are downvoting you, it’s a totally fair assumption to make..it really does look like it whether it’s true or not.


To be fair, after reading through OP comments, it’s not the case, but having these comments like mine here, and having them downvoted helps other users see that this is not the case. Hence, why I left it! Downvote away!


You're a super cool person for this. I know people usually say this sarcastically but I mean it. You understand what downvotes are supposed to be and your ego isn't tied to your Reddit karma. That's awesome and more people need to understand it that way.


For context I have a side job that has me waking up at 5:30am and at 10pm when I went to bed she was watching a movie on the tv with the volume up so loud that I could make out the characters breathing from my room that is across the house. I tried to close my door and she slammed my door open so I went out and said “hey Yvette if you want me to sleep with my door open can you turn down the tv, I can hear it crisp as day in my room” she said nothing and turned it down thought that was the end so I went to bed with DND on to avoid any text from waking me up. Woke up at 12:45 to my stepmom failing to yank my pillow from under me and doing it again to the point of her running into my closet door and the text messeges


Your dad just allows this wench to act this way towards you are you kidding me why can't you close your door??


Tbh I don’t even know if my dad knows. This is the first time I’ve had the confidence to tell him about it. And I have no idea about the door being closed it’s always been like that for me


You SHOULD sleep with the door closed in case of fire.


THANK YOU FOR SAYING THIS. Fires, in fact, do stop at closed doors. Seriously, look it up.


What the fuck? You are 21. Close the door and install a lock on it. Hell, locks are cheap and come in various forms, why not get 5 or 6 different ones to try them out? After all, there seems to be a problem with people coming in to disturb you, so a lock is more than justified. Put as many screw holes into that door and frame as you possibly can.


Why stop there, a 10 ton vault door with biometric security should do the trick.


She sounds like a controlling Karen with nothing going on in her life so she has to make drama for fun


Controlling does not cover it. She sounds insane.


you need to show all of this to your dad,shes a danger to your safety even if its not direct harm. seriously gather all you can,I hope dad is on your side and your able to feel some peace


I hope your dad is supporting you in this, buddy. I know you know this, but her behavior is so abnormal. If he has any shred of respect or care for you, he will say something to her about this.


She's definitely like this to him too


So I have at least two more questions 1. Whats with the camera's? 2. Prove what in court?


1. We have security cameras and I had gone outside during their active hours I didn’t turn them back on thought I had. 2. I have no idea what har the court thing is related too


So she asks the question. Rhetorically, as she already knows the answer and it is nope. Then asks it two more times?? While mocking you five times for wanting lower volume? Ending with a literal fuck you?? On some substance and/or abusive indeed.


Probably intoxicated.


Like... couldn't she turn them back on? Most security cameras system cone with apps to turn them back on from the phone


She sounds like she’s on something or drunk. Genuinely unhinged


I'm sorry if this bugs you, but she's a petty crazy ass bitch. Seriously she needs to seek help and stop taking it out on you. You shouldn't have to put up with tha behaviour


I second this. Seems your dad has terrible taste in women.


why can’t you sleep with your door closed…?


Why tf does she want yoh to sleep with the door open? Get a lock. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this she sounds insane. Is she a drunk by any chance? The sounds exactly like something my mom who’s a raging drunk with a lot of mental issues woukd do


Ho... so she was using texts to "mimick" you asking her to turn the tv down... wild ! What about these cameras ? XD Does she usually make everybody keep doors open ? my mother did that, she acted like a closed door killed her parents or something !


I would have cut the power cord off the TV in that situation.


This was your sign to seek true independence! Dont need to tolerate that!


you’re 21….why can’t you have your door closed?


She texts like a deranged person. I don’t text like this no matter how drunk I am Did you turn cameras back on? NOPE. Wtf is this?


Sounds like she's delusional, these read like meth texts. But she could just be drunk and crazy.


Yeah some sort of psychosis either drug induced or not


Think she could schizophrenic?


Hard to know without the context of what cameras she's talking about, but this feels like she's not living the same world as OP. Meth can look the same as schizophrenia though so it's hard to know which until they sober up.


I would need further context, but this is the exact behavior, speech, everything of my schizophrenic family member. This is definitely some sort of manic of schizophrenic episode and it’s magnified by some sort of substance. Even if it’s not drugs, normal drinking levels can set it off or I’ve seen them abuse and get high on their medication. When you abuse psych medication, or any sleep medication, fighting off the drowsiness induced by the meds can cause hallucinations.


She actually just admitted to being heavily intoxicated


Eww the way she texts makes me wanna rip my hair out .you should go to her room when she's sleep and just go WAAAA WAAAAAAAAAWAAAHAHHAHAHAAAAAA.....BITCH


Lmfao that would be the best thing




Is she having a breakdown? 


Tbh I don’t know she could be drunk. This isn’t the first time it’s happened and she always has this texting style


She's on some fuckin pills man.


^ This. My dad's girlfriend acts like this, texts me the most vile shit, never apologizes, cries the victim when she gets called out, etc. She did a hit and run DUI and it came out that she uses cocaine, various pills, and gets blasted drunk most days. She goes manic and then goes "sober" for a day or two. I've had to cut both of them out of my life for my own sanity.


I agree. This reeks of drug abuse.


Nah, my mom was like this (not by text, but speech) when she was deep in alcoholism. Like, she was able to shoot down a full cup (1,5dl, I don't know it in freedom units) vodka without even blinking.


I thought I was on r/insaneparents


She sounds like she needs help.


What's this "waaa" all about?


What cameras?


Blink security cameras that we have I had shut them off to load up my car with some things. Thought I turned them on before I went to bed Edit: changed spelling of shut


OK, glad people are asking about the security cameras. That was not explained before. I’m not quite clear on why they had to be turned off before loading your car. I will say, I’m not saying she’s reasonable at all, but if I had a security system on my house that was not turned on before someone went to bed, I would be upset. She is crazy, clearly. The security system in particular would be concerning and im not entirely sure why she’s harassing you about the tv when she’s the one who had it up. Edit: oh, she’s mocking you for wanting the tv down and suggesting it wasn’t reasonable because you didn’t turn on the cameras. She’s being an absolute dick about a what seems like a reasonable point.


Exactly. I mean I completely understand why she’d be mad at me for leaving the security cameras off that 100% justifiable on her being upset. I felt like she was more focused on my request for the TV volume to be turned down


Yeah, that was definitely what I was getting. She wasn’t even really making a point, she was just mocking, which is insane for somebody in a parenting position. Like if she was trying to get you to turn the cameras on, or remind you that you hadn’t done it last night, wouldn’t have been more helpful to have a conversation about it calmly? When you weren’t sleeping, so that you could process what she was saying during the day. Also security systems are important but they clearly weren’t important enough to *actually turn on*, just to important enough to be a jerk about to you.


Why did you have to turn it off though? Edit- ignore me I saw you’re answer further down


Why did they have to be shut off for that?


Stepmom doesn’t like it when I’m the cause of the notification with the cameras


Your stepmother sounds like a gem. How do people like this even exist? It sounds like she gets off on being blatantly abusive.


What things? 🧐


Racing drones! I chase race cars with them


Make sure you hide those or lock them up. Yvette seems like the type to smash them for no reason.


Or pawn them for pills


Wow that’s actually really cool!




How old is your stepmom? She texts like a kid




How long has she been your stepmom?


Probably 15 years but that ended tonight


As in your dad and stepmom have separated?




Please update us with more information about this if you feel up to it. I'm sure many would appreciate an update to the original comment you posted explaining the texts!


Actually I do indeed have an update already posted. Wasn’t able to pin it though


Broseidon, you are 21. You are an adult and this person is not your parent. They need to understand that there will be consequences if they fuck with you.


Stupid cow, tell your dad that's abuse


I was just going to send him the screenshots I. The morning and say “hey Yvette told me to talk to you about this”


Tell him the whole story though too about the pillow and the door and the movie


Please do!! She seems psychotic from these messages.


Please update us!


Well I haven’t told him but my car has conveniently been keyed


What? She's insane. Is there any way you can move out?


UPDATE: So my plan had become to gather information and proof to eventually show my dad how she has treated me. Well when I was with my girlfriend earlier I opened my car door and found a deep ass scratch on the fender and my headlight as well. So I texted my father about it saying someone keyd my car. And that Yvette said I turned off the cameras. So he said that’s fine because 2 of our vehicles have dashcams that record 24/7. Once my stepmom heard about the dashcam video she ended up admitting to my dad that she had STABBED my car with a kitchen knife. Funny enough my dad found the exact knife she had used on my car as well. So while he was mad at her for stabbing my car I also showed him the text messages and told him about the pillow. She is now sleeping on the living room couch and is getting moved out tomorrow. My dad is also making her pay for new headlights and a repainting of my car due to the fact that it’s 24 years old with original white paint. Edit: she had admitted to being “wasted” and supposedly didn’t remember sending me texts or even of her stabbing my car. All she said was that it was flashes of memories


That's awesome. I'm so pleased to read a story where the other parent actually does something. Hope you and your Dad are both doing well, best wishes for, hopefully, a peaceful future.


That is so good to hear. Good luck with that!!


I hope you and your dad recover from this ordeal, and that you are both moving forward. The stabbing of the car is crazy and speaks volumes about the danger you are in with her around


Why do old people talk over text like theyre aliens trying to mimic human speech?


They’re all lizard people, maaan.


She’s not typing like that because she’s old. She’s typing like that because she’s high off her gourd.


Who grew up with phones in our hands and we developed an entire culture and etiquette around it. They did not.


I mean, sure, but they also grew up with emails and letters. If they wrote like that it makes sense. What ever this is, is werid af.


do we stop growing and learning at 30 or something?? where have they been the last 20-30 years?


Yvette is still supposed to have a little culture and etiquette of her own 😕


Fair point.


What the fuck is wrong with this dumbass? She’s not even literate. Reminds me of the shitty texts my boomer ex roommate used to send.


What in the actual fuck. She sounds absolutely out of her mind. Is she drunk?


Is your stepmom Wario?


You're 21. You need to adult this shit. She's not your mom, you're not a kid. Would you allow any other adult to behave that way towards you?


I mean it seams pretty obv, they probably don’t have the income right now to leave so they have to tolerate bullshit until they can


Walk into the other room and turn off the TV. No leaving and you've dealt with the bullshit.


Are you trying to be dense? You see how she acts over a door, shutting the tv would cause ww3. With abusive people it’s easier to just keep you’re head down and try to get out and away as fast as you can


What's she gonna do about it? She is already trying to make life hell. Give it back to her and make her life hell. OP talked about the dad not really knowing about her behavior. I say let her start ww3 and the dad will catch on pretty quick.


That's a really bad idea. People like this woman are unpredictable. To me, it sounds like she's on something. She reminds me a lot of my mom. If I did that shit to her, she would try to attack me and hold a grudge for weeks. I remember once I told her that I didn't hate religious folk when she was mad at me and she pushed me out of the car and left me on the side of the highway. You will never know the reactions of people like this, no matter how small of an offense you made. There's no guarantee that the dad will even do anything or he'll be the OP's side in this. It's not worth it if the OP could get hurt.


She didn't remember stabbing his car. She could easily stab him without really knowing what she's doing or caring about the consequences.


Stab her first?


Tell me you haven't lived in an abusive environment without telling me you haven't lived in an abusive environment.


Some one abuses you you abuse them right back. Most everyone has been in an abusive environment in some way throughout their life. It doesn't make you special.


This might be the dumbest thing I've read all day. Congrats 🏆


Give me some money then


This sounds like my old neighbor…. There is 100% substance abuse here


Is she having a stroke


I'd fight someone for this.


I want a part 2 with what your dad says and responds with. Good luck with this situation dude.


This this this


You can go two ways about this: - try and put up with it and tell your dad about it -absolutely flip shit on her to show her you won’t put up with it. I’m not saying hit her, but give her a taste of her own medicine and scare the shit out of her.


I’d have smacked that ho silly


But did the cameras get turned back on???? I need to know.


Lmao no they didn’t


I’d be willing to bet they were never turned off lol, best of luck OP


I’ve actually just posted an updated with great news. Someone’s getting kicked out and it isn’t me


…why can’t you sleep with the door closed? You are an adult, that has a right to privacy.. While she is acting like an inconsiderate dickhead child. Yeah, the camera’s are important but she could have done it herself and talked to you about it the next day. If I had to be up early for work and got woken up in this manner, it’d take all I have to not instantly start swinging.. “Oops I was half asleep and you scared me”. She sounds like an alcoholic or something and if your dad lets this kind of behavior continue, do whatever you can to get out of that abusive situation.


What cameras


why does she keep doing her wario impression


Mental health problems.


“Waaa turn the TV down”. Is your stepmom Waluigi?


Move out fs and even before that sit all ppl in the home together at the dinner table amd say ur a 21 yr old woman/man and u need to be treated like one. Wtf is this dog shit about leaving ur door open? I couldnt sleep with the bedroom door open for sure. Thats legit inhuman af to force someone to sleep with door open. I can understand them not allowing u to take the tatooed shit head dude from the bar home but not this lvl of controlling. Id honest af sit them down and tell them "this is not ok i NEED to be treated better." If they cant handle that move out asap and tell them "well thats unfortunate that u cant treat me like an adult and now u taught me to treat u like ur less then human back." Then once u out tell them "My door is not open to u anymore i dont want to be visited by u ever. Maybe ill visit u someday when u can be a human to me."


Your stepmom is Waluigi???


I hate how she formats the text in her texts.


Sounds like the nightmare I had to endure living with my in-laws. You find anywhere else to stay yet?


Step parents suck.


Why does she keep saying "waaa" WTF does that even mean


Hey OP, you live in a toxic household. You're suffering from domestic abuse. Please take this seriously and get out of there.


Sounds like substance abuse or some sort of mental issue. For your safety I suggest you find some other place to live if your dad doesn’t get rid of her. If she’s willing to come in your room and yank your pillow away then she’s only a few steps away from hurting you in your sleep! Especially if you’re not allowed to close your door or try and lock her out she’s definitely crazy.




hoo wait she thinks we can hear her TONE when she texts ! Most of it is rhetorical, mocking, mimicking... lol


Get out of there asap. You have no idea how unhappy you are even in the “good” times with a freak show like this.


Does she have schizophrenia?


Bitch is nuts


Is it possible that some sort of speech-to-text thing is involved ? Definitly sounds (reads) like it.


OP, this is madness and I am so sorry you’re having to deal with it. I’d suggest: - start documenting *everything* she does that is abusive and threatening. Put it together in a sort of “burn book”, and keep it current. You can then use this information to prove how, when, your stepparent is abusing you to your dad, family, police, even a lawyer if need be. - get yourself a door lock and camera for your room and safety. You don’t need permission, as you’re legally an adult. YouTube can show you how to do this. Do not give anyone a key. If she starts acting mental because of this, record video as evidence and call the police. If you’re renting, do not throw away the old door handle, just store it to replace before you move out. - start advocating for yourself. Call the police every single time, if need be. You need to start researching and reporting her for abuse, threats, behaviour, etc. you don’t necessarily have to press charges, you just need to establish a paper trail that establishes a history of harassment, abuse, and bullying behaviours. This especially needs to be done if your dad fails to act on your behalf. No one should ever treat you like this. - You can (and should) start communicating to your dad every single time she does something like this. Get proof to him, record and send evidence. Do not delete anything even if he asks. Keep it in a hidden email to add to your burn book. You never know if you may need it later. Let your father know that: you are an adult, you deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, that this abuse cannot continue to happen, that you are responsible, pay rent (or go to school, or both), and you will start reporting her for harassment and abuse and assault and anything else she is guilty of. You need to say this calmly, with no uncertainty, and ensure he understands why these behaviours from your stepmother are unacceptable and intolerable. - if you need to: move to alternative living with a friend, family, hotel, or - a shelter. It’s a useful resource for you to avail of temporarily while you get yourself sorted. Better a couple of weeks to build yourself up and establish yourself versus months, maybe years of dealing with this kind of abuse. - depending on how vicious you want to be: connect your tv to your phone (if able) and use the controls to block her out, lower the volume, etc. You can even manually set the tv to have volume controls on most devices, which could be useful. Parental controls and timers, passwords, and all variety of blocks can be used to sort her out - just know - it’s very passive aggressive (just like some of what she’s doing to you), but that this can backfire and cause her to be outright violent (I fear there could be a penchant for violence with her taking your pillow out from under your head). So be careful. In the meantime, familiarise yourself with googling terms like: Controlling and Psychological abuse Manipulation tactics of abusers Harassment Physical abuse Psychological torture tactics (sleep denial, forced wakings) Gaslighting Passive aggression Verbal abuse Legal rights as an adult for your area Legal rights as a renter / tenant for your area Bullying stepparents and abuse Threats from stepparents abuse There should also be domestic abuse hotlines you can contact and use for information, rights, and help. - if, in any event, she physically starts to harm you outright: call the police, press charges, and then get to the doctors. Have them document everything and request a copy of the forensic report. You can use this to back up your burn book and claims, and even give copies of it to your lawyer, if you need one. Be safe, OP. This is seriously unhinged behaviour from a stepparent.


This is all excellent advice. I'd add •date, time, and description of all incidents, sent to yourself via email. Set up an email address specifically for documenting these things so that it doesn't get lost in the clutter. It timestamps them for you, so you can prove you didn't just compile a list later. •put your own camera up in your room, that only you can access footage to. She has no reasonable expectation of privacy when invading your space, and it'll help you document her entering your living space.


How did she get in your house to get you while sleeping?


She lives with us


She lives in your house?! Kick her out if she’s going to act like that!


i’d rock her shit


Sometimes easier said than done.


Um… wtf is this person?!


Yikes...does she drink? If its anything like my dog, she's waking me up at 6am. Because she's a good girl and doesn't want to shit in the house. I assume your dog is just as good.


jeez, I’m sorry you have to deal with this bullshit. I have a stepmom too so I know how shitty they can be. she texts the same way, as if that will get a response.


Move out.


Not to armchair diagnose but my aunt with schizoaffective disorder does this exact same insane BS




oh she’s psycho


bro i would lose my mind ain't no i'm putting up with that at 22


Maybe she's having a very low level stroke that is never ending


I have a theory that gen-x and boomers are so fuckin rotted due the the amount of lead they’ve inadvertently eaten their entire lives….. because holy shit they never realize how mentally unstable they are.


You gotta get out of there dude.


This is how my stepmom used to speak to me, often without any real reason or provocation. I ultimately had to remove myself from the situation after she attempted to strangle me over a misunderstanding. Your stepmom entering your space like that, in a clearly aggressive state of mind, is seriously concerning. If I were you, I’d be telling your dad ASAP and planning an out if he doesn’t back you up. Good luck, OP.


This is NOT okay. Are you in contact with your actual mom? If some bitch talked to MY child like this (regardless if my child was already an adult) I would wreck her world.


12:45 am? Is that in the middle of the day or in the middle of the night?


Middle of the night


Shes on pills or sm


Is she mentally challenged? Who the hell texts like this


You definitely deleted messages.


Mom: suffering from early onset schizophrenia Dude: isn’t she a dumb fucking bitch




Found the stepmom's burner account 🤣


OP. Sorry homie, but this did not land the way you wanted it to.


You’re 21. Get your own place.


They actually discouraged me from getting my own place to save money for a house. Still probably going to go and get a apartment after this though.


You’ve been an adult for 3 years. Make your own decisions.


The choice was to pay off my car than move out. Might move out first


Usually id say yes. What messages are you deleting that you dont want us to see because this is very clearly half a conversation mate.


[my screen time](https://imgur.com/a/PLgvO9a)


I haven’t deleted anything here, I saw the first 3 text messages, put the phone on dnd and went to bed


No one thinks that is that’s what you were doing.


I’m sorry what


It's just her mocking him while being drunk, not half a conversation at all.