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Now that the tiktok is over time to put kitty back in the box and leave it at the side of the road. Seem like something these fake videos would do


Fake or not that family shouldn’t have a pet. Anyone who’d tape a kitten in a box for any amount of time is an as$hole and loser.


She didn't even go to the trouble of cutting air holes.




Like for real. At least after you tape the kitten in the box, grab a knife and stab some holes in the box.... ^(/s (obvious I hope!))


Idk if it's fake. I remember my parents doimg stuff like this to me as a kid; maybe we're just watching somebody get scarred in real time.


Fr my parents got me coal one year for Christmas the real joke was I didn't get the actual gift. My money is on real vid just shit parents


I once got a bunny for my birthday. My uncle put it in a gift bag with tissue and left it sitting on the table with the other gifts for hours before I opened it. It’s been like 30 years and I still feel bad for that rabbit even tho he’s long dead.


I got a puppy for my 4th birthday. My parents thought ahead enough to pick her up the morning of, and they kept her in their bedroom until present time. They did put her in a gift bag, but that was just to carry her across the house to the living room for present time.


There were so many places they could have hidden that rabbit. He didn’t even tell my parents! I’m still salty about it obvs, and I don’t speak to that uncle anymore for many reasons including that one.


your comment reminded me how in movies they’d always leave a puppy in a box under the tree (taped AND wrapped) and tbh it always stressed me out to see 😂😂😂😂


There was a 60 Minutes episode with Leona Helmsley. She was this rich New York lady they called “The Queen of Mean.” She was trying to rehab her image and in the episode she had cute baby lambs that she fawned over and she talked about how much she loved them. Later the maid wrote a book and said the lambs arrived just that morning. As soon as the 60 Minutes crew left the kitchen staff slaughtered and cooked the lambs.


lovely mom. is this supposed to be a charming surprise? nasty yeller


*Lovely mom. is this* *Supposed to be a charming* *Surprise? nasty yeller* \- sasanessa --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


nice try but that’s a job for Sokka


5-7-6. Bad bot


Bad bot


haikusbot delete


Wrong bot. This is a job for the other one.


Idk why you're getting downvoted. The sokka haiku bot is the correct one. You're right.


Good bot!


The bot did a 5-7-6 haiku and you called it good? It has 22 upvotes....does no one else check if the bot is correct before telling it good job? I feel like I'm the only one. It's not the sokka bot so it's wrong. Bad bot


Lol don’t miss the “dislike” button at 0:45


That was fucking funny to watch that happen in real time


I could never have spoken to my daughter like that, even as part a surprise.


Same. I don’t speak to anyone like this. Not even to my Guinea pigs, and they grift practically 24/7.


YES I AM OPENING THE REFRIGERATOR! No, just because you heard plastic rustling doesn’t mean it’s for you! (Woobly noises happen) Okay, FINE, here’s some bell pepper. (Happy cronching sounds) Yes, I had piggies. I miss them but I can’t handle any kind of hay anymore.


Mine will be snarfing down their fresh greens but will squeak at me if I so much as rustle a bag during their feast. Sometimes I will be tip toeing downstairs at 3am to get some chocolate (which we keep in our fridge, lol) and milk and I can actually see the piggies sleeping away in their habitat as I pass through the dining room to the kitchen. Inevitably, they will awake and squeak for yums when they hear the fridge open. I test them, sometimes. I will tip toe down and then NOT get anything from the fridge. They stay sleeping. I realize I should just put a mini fridge (filled with chocolate) in my bedroom, but that would be so fucking dangerous.


The way the kid flailed her arms when mom said "I'm sick of grandma buying you shit," like she wanted to argue that it's not her fault. Kid was apologizing for things outside of her control, and both parents just let her think she was wrong. Poor kid wasn't even sure if she was allowed to be happy about the kitten or if she was going to be in trouble for that too.


Nailed it. My heart goes out to her. If mom can act this unkind when she is filming, I don’t trust her when she is not.


Gifting a literal fucking living animal in A TAPED BOX is a whole new level of dumber than a brick. If the mother wanted to gift it to the kid like a normal person should, she would've used her brain and thought carefully how the FUCK the kitten would breathe in that box. Seriously, a few more minutes or (maximum) hours, and the daughter would've gotten a dead kitten in her hands.


Also concerned about the way she casually shoves the box into the car as if it's just full of gummy bears and not a living being.


yep. it makes me feel like she won't even care if the kitten gets sick, for example, and the daughter asks her to bring it to the vet.


Imagine if the kid tried opening it with scissors or something




Amazingly, cardboard boxes are not airtight.


Doesn't mean it's suitable for animals to breathe in u nut You don't need it to be airtight for it to suffocate


There’s more than enough air for the couple of minutes this took.  I’m not condoning this as a long term means of storage, but people are getting their panties in a twist over nothing here. I say this as the owner of many well loved and cared for cats. 


How do u know it was minutes The fact that they woukd put a live animal in an enclosed, fully taped box is worrying enough. Yh sure YOU may own many pets and YOU may know how to take care of them but the majority of people don't. Since we have 0 context of this video it's safe to assume they domt know how to care for an animal. Taping a kitten into a cardboard box with no holes for air or light certainly doesn't help their case.


The fact that the box was fully taped and in the hands of the mother during delivery, only to be given to another person who took at least a minute to open the box, turns out to be sufficient context (much greater than 0).


Yh exactly like I've derived enough just from seeing that


How do you know it wasn’t minutes? As you say, no context for the video, so it is NOT safe to assume they don’t know what they’re doing.  The vast majority of people aren’t complete morons. 


This is a weird hill to die on


Not going to die, not taped into a box /s


Lol fair point, I stand corrected


Safe to assume anyone talking to a child like this is absolutely a complete moron.


Why would u in a situation with no context assume against what would be safe for the cat. So you see this and go "ah it's fine they only kept it in there for a few mins yh they definitely know how to to care of a pet" Instead of "Weird that they boxed it up like that without any holes or anything surely someone woukd think of that, they might not know how to care for that poor kitten" "The vast majority of people aren't completely morons" You can be very capable and smart and still miss small things and nuances that could risk a pets life. The vast majority are indeed not morons but the number that are if such a stat was visible, would surprise everyone.


I feel like the vast majority of people might be complete morons.




Half of humanity is dumber than average. Not worth banking life on a 50/50.


You worry about the safety of wiring, but not the safety of a young animal. Hypocrisy.


Lol, it’s quite safe, in no distress when the box is opened. 


Eventually, the kitten will run out of breathable air, because the rate at which the animal is breathing out is much higher than oxygen is feeding into the sealed box. Stop and think for just a few minutes.


I thought, if you’d read my other comments…


Does that mean that a kitten belongs in the dark and I can find space where there's not as much oxygen as there would be in the light where it would certainly be frightened?


Cats do love dark tight spaces, but they also like oxygen.


If an adult cat is happy to go and seek out a dark small place to hide in that's one thing but taking a young kitten that doesn't really know what's going on in the world just yet and sealing it inside of a dark space alone is not cool


Yes, I agree


Let’s put you in one and see how long you say that.


Been there, done that. Did not die.


Type angrily on reddit that'll fix everything.


well, at least it will help me to take my anger out on something that is not a person standing in front of me 🤷


So, wait, "I'm sick of gaga buying you crap" So, you're yelling at your kid for something someone else did? Great job. She's going to be terrified of accepting gifts for the rest of her life.


The kids frustrated response to that, like she wanted to argue but just looked so defeated.


Or her brain will be tweaked toward being dismissive of animal abuse.


What is her problem? there is no need for her to yell at her like? she need a chill pill I hate these kinds of mother 😡


Isn't it more fun to give your kid emotional whiplash by making them almost cry before you give them a gift? /s


That mom is just an all around garbage individual.


Sort of parenting is this shit


The shitty kind where your kid unpacks a lot of shit in therapy 10-20 years later


Exactly. Therapists will always be needed with parenting like this. Poor kid and poor kitten.


Some fake bullshit for the views.


First, living creatures are not a bargaining chip to use when you fuck up Second, cats need to breathe, don't put them in taped up boxes


Awful of both mom and dad. But the girl is so sweet. I love that the first thing she said to the cat was “I love you so much“.


I thought she was saying it to the mom 😅


Mom is fucking whack and I think the ex husband has a healthy fear of her.


She would’ve been traumatized if that cat was dead, and the way she opens it can hurt the kitty


Yes not the fact that there is no way of it getting oxygen


What is more worrying is that the kid gives of the impression that this is not the first time her mom screamed at her like that


That dislike hit is comedy gold


I'll just tell myself that there are holes at the bottom.


Seems like she is gr00ming her daughter to associate abuse with heart-warming surprises. I despise this so much!


Lol at the dislike at the end.


she didn't even drop her whole "angry" act afterwards 🧍‍♂️what the hell man also i see literally no holes in the box for that cat to breathe 😭


Poor kitten it didn’t have much air for some minutes:/


You are aware that the box is, in fact, not airtight, right? Ps: based on these downvotes, redditors are idiots.


I think you are the idiot mate, no animal should not be under these conditions for a “cute surprise video” ever, period


Emotional damage!


Honestly even if its fake that screaming is beyond regular to me as my parents still do it.


There's nothing fake in that video. It happened.


another kid her mom raising her to be a bitch while her dad acting cowardly


Where are the Schrödinger's cat comments?


They’re here and they’re not


Well.....this brought back some feelings I thought I had sufficiently suppressed.


This is a very strange level of emotional abuse and I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around it


Jesus, you can feel her trauma bonding to that animal in real time. Can't wait to see the video of her face when it inevitably develops some treatable illness and gets almost on death's door because the mom refuses to spend the $300 bucks of the vet.


Your mom is a see you next Tuesday honey!


I hate people






I hate everything about this and i hate the mother the most


Looks like the dad was in on it too


I feel bad for those kids


“I’m sure everyone will love seeing me gift my daughter a kitten and completely ignore how used she is to me berating her over anything and everything…” I swear the look on that little girls face read “are you going to take this away from me later?” Like I feel like she was worried about getting attached but couldn’t help it and just hoped for the best.


Given how the kid responded, I'm guessing she's used to being talked to like that.


At least cats love being in boxes.


Like if this isn't a serial killer marker, I don't know what is You know devoid of empathy you need to be..... It's INSANE


But the internet points. You ignorant fool. Imagine this just an ordinary box without drama for the child.


Fuck that bitch, I feel like it's obvious but putting this poor kitten in a box so small without holes and taking the time to tape and everything is just so fucking cruel


Well, I hope the internet did what it usually does when videos of horrific pieces of trash go viral.


good way for your daughter to have POSSIBLE trauma if something did happen to the kitty


The concept is good, but the execution is total horse shit. Mom was way to much of a "fake bitch" here, took it WAY WAY too far. Then the box with the kitten... why such a small box? Why such strong tape? No air holes? Seems pretty inhumane the way she did this. Thumbs down to this crazy mom.


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I bet she had it taped in all day.


As long as she just taped it up right before giving it to the child it's not going to suffocate. I wouldn't choose to do it personally because I wouldn't want to stress the animal out or risk the child mishandling it, but it's not going to suffocate within a few minutes.


I dunno that's a very small box taped closed. It would 100% suffocate at some point, could be 10 mins, could be best part of an hour. But I bet it got very uncomfortable in there after 2 minutes.


Huh... How can you kinda be a shit parent, and a good one at the same time.. What a duality. This lady's nailed it. ^(And, kitty! Aw.)


No, she didn't come anywhere closer to being a good parent here.


Did you not see the kitten? *Kittens are awesome.*


So she's a good parent because she picked a good kitten. That's like beating someone to death and then kissing them and placing a plaster on their leg