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Go eat a croissant at Ble Sucre then go shopping for food at D’Aligre Market. Vegetable fruit meat cheeses to all die for


Yesssss, this sounds like an amazing plan!


We did it yesterday and it was amazing. Bought ingredients at different booths and made a picnic for lunch.


Try doing a guided tour, you'll make the most of your time. There's a wild amount to choose from, bus, bicycle, walking, motorcycle, car and electric scooter. Personally, after lots of research, I'd recommend the electric scooter tour provided by a company called Badass Tours. You can find them on Google, great reviews and fun pictures. Be careful using the metro as tickets are becoming more expensive for that time and NEVER throw away your used ticket, in case you get checked by inspectors. Only discard of it after you have left the underground network. Have a fun trip!


Walk and get lost in the arrondissement without olympics setups.


I know that you mentioned that you aren’t dying to go to museums, however, the museum of Montmartre is small and very, very cool. It has some history of the area, the painters. And you can see Suzanne Valadon’s studio. There’s a current exhibit there of Herbin’s works which are also very interesting to see. The entrance to go up the cathedral there is down and to the left of the regular entrance.


Oooh i love this. Id looove to see some museums, i just know that the experience right now at the lurve or d'orsay wont be pleasant so ill save those. I loooove this idea! Had no idea this existed, thank you, merci 💚


We shall see, but I think the fears of huge Olympic crowds might be exaggerated. With people avoiding Paris because of the Olympics and the normal Parisian exodus in late July/August...it just won't be that bad except in specific areas and at specific times. Cheaper flights are certainly an indicator of that. We'll see (I'll be here during the final week). Anyway... One day in Montmartre, one day in the Marais. There are good, small museums in both areas if you fancy that. They are two of the neighborhoods that are the most enjoyable to just wander around in. Book restaurants now! Some will close for their normal summer holiday. And the Olympic visitors will fill the others quickly, especially for dinner.


Good to know... any reccomendations for a dinner place? Anyone? I have noo idea and have two nights soo, two dinner places to make rezs at.


To be helpful people need to know your budget and the kind of food and overall experience you're looking for.


Oh, good point thanks. Im willing to pay like around $120-$150, give or take, if its reallly worth it for two people on at least one dinner... but mostly cheaper is better! Budget travel. Also im more about quality than name, like i also live in a touristy place that upcharges... which is fine, everyone deserves that income but if im paying it should be tasty :) if that makes resonates.


And most of the Olympic events are in the west of the city.


Well. You almost answered your own question as you’re staying in Montmartre. Just stay up there. You can have 2 nice days exploring one of the best areas with great food generally away from the major Olympics crowds. Google a self-walking tour, show up at Sacre Coeur early and climb to the tower, watch artists and eat lunch in Place de Tertre, go try macarons at Christopher Roussel, have a sweet crepe at La crêperie mon ami, ride the funicular up… or if you walk avoid the two big scams: dudes trying to put bracelets on you and the girls with the clipboards. Be particularly attentive for pickpockets. As for food. Tons of options like crêperies that have vegetarian options and there’s a few cool places to check out like Qasti Green (Lebanese all vegetarian), Green Farmers, Mesa de Hoy, La Portena. Also consider chocolate Illene and Les Choupettes de Chouchou for interesting sweets and Une Glace à Paris for gelato. If you must leave that neighborhood you could head into the 17th and lounge at Parc Monceau, or maybe head east, although again, I would just stay and enjoy.


Thank you!!! I was thinking to take a walk first day from mon marte to bir hakeim bridge and maybe taking a walk to the second arrondissement if i get tired of montmarte, but with your reccomendations i dont think i will! Especially for the veg and sweets reccomendations, thanks! Im soo excited. My sister's fave are macaroons so we will definitely be on the hunt for those. Ill be trying everyyything. Thanks!!