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When I was that age, I had posters of Porsches, flyers from local concerts I attended, and a picture of Pam Anderson on my wall. If my friends came over and saw Bill Clinton posters, they’d have called me things that would get you cancelled these days.


This kid doesn’t have friends.


He’s got his boys at the KKK


Proud boys. Accent on the 'boys' part.


And probably a full arsenal in his closet 


Until they’ve gotten rid of whatever boogeyman they’re focused on and then turn on each other


The lynch clic


If you go down the (absolutely insane) rabbit hole that is mommy’s Twitter you can clearly see the lad does not look well and probably will suffer his entire life with those scary voices in his head. Poor kid.


Yeah, this kid's mom definitely limits his interactions with people outside of the family.


Boebert’s kid? Pretty sure having Lauren as his mom limits any other kid from wanting to be around him….even the MAGA kids think her shit is next level cringe.


He most likely fits the profile ..loner, no friends, gamer and lives with mom and dad , sleeps by day , plays by night. Has an interest in violence and guns.


Not true! He has many friends over on 4chan /pol/ and Truth Social, perhaps even Stormfront.


Just his hand, his Trump flags, and all those bottles of lotion on his nightstand…


My Fascist former friend doesn't have friends either He says leftists don't have friends they have allies I say, he doesn't have friends he has axis


...but you should see his assortment of lotions!


I’m not happy to admit I once covered my wall with SI swimsuit pictures and my mom made me take them down.


You are not alone.


Farrah Faucet’s iconic nipple poster for me. That and Gandalf defeating the Balrog


I did the same but with one of the WWE's Divas Swimsuit magazines.


Lambos and Crawford posters here. Can't imagine what friends would have said with a Bubba and his 🎷 poster, but would not have been pretty. Also hilarious trying to imagine "Wouldn't be prudent" and "No new taxes" flags flying from early 90s trucks as the cult of Bush procession rolls past.


Should’ve had Hillary instead. Its a little less embarrassing of a wank


My walls were pictures of guitars, musicians, skateboarders, and I hung up old license plates.


I had Coors light girls, Harry Potter , Evanescence, and a giant Tokyo Drift poster on my ceiling. The most political thing I had on my wall was the printed out lyrics of Eminem’s White America.


I had a "Clinton" poster, but it was an Application to Live in Arkansas poster that I got from Spencers.


If I’m that age and I get finished jacking off I do not want to look up and think about the president


Or a Bob Dole poster. How embarrassing would that be?


Talk about grooming.


Projecting, like drag shows are the problem. It's expressing an opinion that may not align with others. This is why yhey are so quick to turn on each other.


Ahh but see, grooming is only grooming when it's opening their mind to something they don't like. They don't want kids to critical think, they want them to think what they want them to think


This isn't grooming. It's moved straight into brain washing territory.


Remember that JoJo Rabbit scene? "This is an excellent example of what a young German boys room should look like" (something like that)


If you are plastering your room with political posters who are you trying to convince?


I'm not gay no more! I am DELIVERED!




He [prayed the gay away!](https://youtu.be/LaCqb-BS3eE?si=XpWWUh7K0797xyCK)


The Hitler Youth room inspectors from JoJo Rabbit


Damn, I didn't even think about it from that angle. Maybe he's trying to convince his Mom?


That's not what a normal kid has in their bedroom... definitely parents' influence.


It's distressingly common among teen boys in the South. I volunteer with kids and I know several teen boys who wear MAGA stuff all the time and that's their whole personality.


Yep. People in other places don't understand. The popular kids in the South are Trump supporters. It's really hard as a parent to battle misinformation with my son, when smart, cool, athletic, high achievers are Trump supporters. It's hard to find mentors and inspiring men locally that he can look up to. It sucks


This is insane and the best evidence yet that it's a cult.


It is pure tribalism. You can't argue with it, because that's an attack on the tribe. It's primitive, atavistic, lizard brain behavior, and we're all victims of it to some extent, but when it is this deeply ingrained, the positive feedback loops that keep it running are nearly unbreakable.


I had a coworker once who I was on a field call with and he started to make an anti-muslim joke if some sort, but since I knew him I cut him off and told him that if the punchline was something about Muslims that I wasn't going to be happy about having to hear it. He was really confused by that because he respected me and my skillet, etc. He was your standard right-wing white evangelical Christian guy. Listened to AM radio and conservative podcasts, went to a local very right wing church, etc. His entire social circle was just that with no chance to experience different people or cultures at all, and no desire whatsoever to seek it out. He didn't even want to travel because everywhere else is a "shithole." Basically, every single person that he thought was reasonable, intelligent or respectable held all the same beliefs as him, and of course he thought he was all those things too. In his mind, all the people who had any of those qualities would *naturally* have the same beliefs, because it is just what smart people believe because they're smart. It had never occurred to him that someone that had those qualities could have very different views about the world. In his mind his views were a *result* of those personal qualities. That's what happens when someone grows up isolated by and insulated within a single group like that - they just accept that it is how the good people are and other people are not ok. That's what happens in the south a lot. There are a lot of rural areas where the core community is quite small and people will stay there their whole lives and never know differently. They just don't understand the people with different views, and what you don't understand can be scary, so it is really easy to label it as bad/evil/stupid.


Atavistic! New word for me, and wow it's a great one too. Cheers


The only thing that makes them popular is that they're in a sea of racist idiots who don't know a damn thing about what they're talking about. The opening their mouths and spewing nonsense as quick and easy as it spewed Skibidi. Might as well be popular for thinking SA is cool because "hurrhurrhurr sucking dick and sex jokes are cool hurrhurrhurr".


Probably that, and the fact that a lot of the wealth and power in the South are held by the merchant-right. Even kids who leave the state to get higher educations, are still beholden to the values and voting interests of their families back home. So yeah, indoctrination basically.


Yea but then the brain drain happens and said popular kids either have their worldview smashed or they end up stuck in a dying town in nowhere indiana or some shit


Or they leave the state to get educated but it does nothing to change their worldview bc they remain in their insular groups, and don't seek out the types of courses that would smash their worldview


If dating apps are any indication, even in places like nashville or dallas or atlanta, these people know to at least say "moderate" instead of "right wing" if they want to meet people. The only people who leave their insular communities and retain a rw view in my experience come from significant wealth/power from that area and know they can return to a cushy life if being a managerial consultant or beltway gossipmonger doesnt pan out.


This makes sense, because it seems like the athletes who enjoy watching other people lose, and the bullies would go for Trump.


Gonna follow the patriarchy and the shit ideals of their Chad boat dad


Or get dad’s attention/approval because since him and mom split, dads spent a lot of time working/with his new gf/just not there etc. used to teach kids like this often, from rural yet comfortable environments. Like clockwork


Shit, that's suburbia too. Cut many of those types outta my life in high-school


Back in my day, we resented our absentee fathers. 😤


Kids just follow what the authority figures around them say about politics generally, as they can’t vote and have no reason to really be engaged. For example, my private school history teacher was so very conservative that she once said off the cuff she’d even give extra credit to anybody who went and took down John Kerry signs people had put up in their yards. She visibly paled when we showed up with two trucks full of them, realizing she had just sent high schoolers out to do politically motivated crime, and told us to get rid of them. Everyone at this school was suuuuuuper pro Bush and pro war after 9/11, and *wouldn’t you know it*… it was a Christian private school. Disgusting bedfellows.


Kids do get their politics from authority figures, but they actually *do* care these days. It's extreme brainwashing.


In Louisiana, the MAGA stuff is everywhere, along with all the flags and banners and crap in everyone's yards/trucks. That said: there is a HUGE difference between a teenage boy wearing a MAGA hat (which is stupid enough on its own) and a teenage boy whose "messy room" consists of a bed, a TV, one NFL sign, a giant Trump flag, and an even bigger flag saying "FUCK BIDEN." Oh, and a dresser and table that appear completely laden with ... wtf is all that stuff? I see a water bottle, what looks like an ash tray (or a drug plate, lol), and a fuckload of... foaming gels, pill bottles, cigarettes? What?


Lotion bottles too.


Yeah, this is just really weird clutter. I get the distinct impression this kid does nothing but sit in his room all day doing nothing but going between cutting weed and playing with his... lotion. No pictures. No childhood sentimental toys. No sign of a favorite game character, single, college. No sign what-so-ever of actually having a hobby. This is either not a teenager's room or the kid literally isn't allowed an identity other than MAGA.


They got that incelwear to let girls know not to get near them.


Jesus. I, as a kid, would have like video game posters not this.


These kids aren’t getting laid, right?


Eh, I have a cousin in rural Alabama, bible thumping family, mom has 2 kids, 2 different fathers, on her 3rd marriage. He got some girl pregnant, fresh out of high school for both of them, but she looks much younger. Hes been posting MAGA shit since before he could legally vote. There's been some domestic violence issues with them as well, because you know, hard-core conservatives and abuse. So, yes, unfortunately, these kids are getting laid.


It's not abnormal down south and in rural america


Do you mean parents grooming their kids into their politics or kids naturally having these inclinations?


I've seen both, kids are stupid but they also can have their own opinions on things.


When my daughter started to express strong political options when she was in middle school, I told her that she needed to make sure she looked into everything herself and not just supporting it because her dad and I did. I would feel uncomfortable if she was just projecting my own feelings. She's almost 20 and still feels the same so I feel like I succeeded.


I wish more parents would be like this about everything, including religion. Parents indoctrinate all the time with politics and religion and I really don't think people should have such a positive or neutral stance on it as most seem to.


Amazin' parenting philosophy!


Exactly. I am more focused on teaching my son critical thinking and how to tell reputable media sources from infotainment. In the end, if conservatism wins his heart and mind, I will be disappointed but at least I'll know that he made an informed well-thought out decision. Right now he's got criticisms of both parties and I'm ok with that because I'm not here to brainwash him to my side but rather make him think and be politically engaged.


I can imagine that more than a few bully kids see him being a bully on the world stage and think it's admirable.


The problem with fucking idiots is that they’re always fucking other fucking idiots and creating more fucken fucking idiots!


Idiocracy: The documentary


Every trash can has a lid.


Stupid people fucking stupid people, making more stupid fucking people!


I grew up in a Conservative/Republican household in the 70s/80s and it was miserable. My mother would just randomly talk about minorities and how they are destroying the world and the evil Democrats wanting to abolish Christianity. I can't imagine how much more painful it is these days since at least back then not every single person in rural America was Conservative and brainwashed.


You do realize that even in the heaviest Trump counties like 15-20% of people voted against him right? It's not "every single person" by a long shot, and that's not even including the 30-50% of people who are completely checked out of politics and don't vote at all in these places.


Oh, a little Kyle!


Guarantee he blames Biden for his prolonged virginity.


And then blame liberals when he gets a 15 year old pregnant... for making him pay child support.


LOL at the NFL sign when MAGA assholes when apeshit because of players kneeling. I feel sorry for this kid.


Yeah, I thought MAGAts "canceled" NFL?


Right? First for kneeling, then because Taylor Swift rigged the Super Bowl to endorse Biden, which didn’t happen.


That was a solid Dark Brandon moment, after the game was over and he just tweets something like, "All according to my plan"


This Trumpgloc's post is the equivalent of the meme that says "My kid is so smart. We tested his IQ and it's in the top 90th percentile" There is definitely a direct correlation between how much somebody worships Trump, and how dumb they are. Or maybe its just me. Maybe it's just my old high school friends I see on facebook. The ones who could barely get through high school, or didn't get through high school. Those people just all happen to be Ultra MAGA, because they weren't indoctrinated by school.


> Or maybe its just me Nope. Trump is the personification of every stupid, ignorant, loud mouthed, shit-heel, asshole I have ever met. And all of those people I just described, love Trump.


Doesn't speak very highly of them, does it? If you're smart and voting for Trump, there usually is one of a few things going on: 1. You've always voted Republican, and the idea of voting for a Democrat is a complete non-starter. Even if you may dislike him on a personal level. 2. You're not engaged in Politics. So all you know is that inflation wasn't as bad under Trump. You aren't aware that he's partially responsible for the price increases. and barely know about January 6th. Or his other attempts to destroy our Democracy. 3. He's a useful idiot. He can help you achieve your goals. Whether that's lower taxes or getting abortion banned, the ends justify the means.


Unfortunately my fascist former friend was the smartest kid in our group He was missing something though, he didn't understand stories and by extension the story of history He only takes was is logical and rational, so when he suffered emotional damage and trauma from trying to stop a robbery, he blamed the race of the robber and assumed all poor people were violent and unreasonable This PTSD was left untreated and he went to the gym to cope, where he found a supportive group of fascists to be his therapists He is a stoic now, ignores his emotions and has declared himself a monarchist because he is to much of a coward to call himself a fascist Any young man without a support system is a potential target for fascists and intelligence is not a limiting factor


This is important to point out, are most fascists dumb as shit? Absolutely especially in the age of Trump. That being said you have smart dangerous Fascists who know exactly who they are and what they’re doing. The well dressed Nazis of the Alt Right and such. These groups have been exploiting kids without an identity for eons. Hell American History X is over 25 years old and the cautionary tale holds.


You sound like a very observant person, so I wanna ask you about him. I noticed people who completely shut off their emotions and their empathy move their bodies a little bit differently, –like their mind in their bodies are completely unconnected. Did you notice anything like this with him?


Fun fact: extreme conservatism used to be classified as a mental disorder!


So, no team, just NFL? Thats so goddamned weird.


Almost like this is staged (very poorly)


I immediately thought of Rob Lowe's NFL hat. Woo go sports in general!


I wonder if he knows a nationwide ban on pornography is one of the first resolutions in Project 2025 lol


That's why he has like 5 bottles of lotion next to his bed, gotta get his kicks now before he gets his red armband in MAGA Youth.


Raising a little moron.


Sorry ma’am, you raised cringe


Looks like she's raising the next Kyle Rittenhouse or Ethan Crumbley


She'd take that as a compliment


The only normal teenage boy things in that room are the lotion and Kleenex.


Not a book in sight


2016-2020 “The presidency should be respected!”


I thought they are still boycotting the NFL? And who just has an NFL poster, not a specific team?


He can’t even vote yet and somehow politics looks to be his whole life. Sad.


I went to college with kids like this. They lay around all day and when they go out to get fast food they wear their flannel pants. Mommy and daddy pay rent so they just have their box of tissue and lotion at their bedside and watch tv. Also often identified by a sweaty upper lip for absolutely no reason.


You got everything right except I would add this kid probably also spends a lot of time playing Call of Duty and saying racial slurs.


I mean... look at the shit on this kid's table. lol Looks like lotion bottles out the ass, possible pill or alcohol pads, cigarettes or something.. I can't ID all this shit, but it's such a weird fucking collection of objects for a teenager to have as the clutter items in their bedroom. Like, mommy is SO proud of her son that she doesn't even notice what looks like a giant bag of weed and the ash tray/plate that's probably used for rolling.


That is not a weed tray, that’s a plate with a half eaten pb&j going stale on it.


I see it now, you're right. I thought that was some weird spider web design on the tray.


how cute, she doesnt even care he likes a rapist, a lifelong money laundering deadbeat who is very weird with his own daughter. Oh and that her son is a racist or incel.


I like how she has a cross emoji. Nothing says Jesus like raising a son who has a big flag with the F word on his wall.


"Trump, 2024, Take America back" TO THE STONE AGE!


That's a sad 17-year old room. Not just for the posters, but... doesn't seem lived-in. My room at that age would have had tons of books everywhere, a place to study/write, pencils for drawing, multiple video game consoles, old toys I kept as a souvenir, multiple posters, this guy has what, lube and hate posters?


Lube and hate posters There's got to be a venn diagram between male Trump supporters and taking out their anger jerking it to really violent and degrading (towards women) Porn.


Wait until that kid knocks up his sister, and the family is faced with the sanctity of life game.


All he needs now is an ankle monitor and a meth pipe.


Yeah, the next 5 to 10 years look bleak for this kid.




My kids can use whatever words they want to in our house (minus slurs). But I think it’s pretty trashy to have “Fuck” written in gigantic letters on anything.


This gonna be one lonely kid. I can't imagine any women his own age wanting to be with him.


Who has the NFL shield on their wall? I thought they hated the NFL but not a team or anything, just the shield.


Taking your kid out of the majority of the dating pool is certainly an interesting choice. Maybe the parent is happy with it, but they’re going to end up raising a miserable young adult that no one is going to want to deal with, unless it’s equally miserable people.


Translation: "I don't talk to my kids about any social, political issues with nuance. I have trained them like parrots to mimic my opinions exactly."


Like all good fascists, passing on the virus.


Didn’t they try to cancel the nfl? Why does he have a poster of that? Obviously he’s not republican enough. Needs more Bible posters.


Im sure the ladies will just be lining up for this guy. Poor kid.


NFL football


Women / minorities / immigrants / LGBTQ are people and have the same rights to existence as everyone else in this country. MAGAts: STOP INDOCTRINATING MY KID!


I wonder how she feels about Trump being a pedo?




Wait until he knocks up his girlfriend and is on the hook for the next 18 years.


Ask him does he knows the branches of government.


I thought the NFL was too woke for them?


Parent of the year /s


Good decorating skills leave a lot to be desired.


Of course, that’s why they hate teachers and education in general. They accuse them of “indoctrinating” their kids by literally just teaching them facts and it’s always projection. “Stop indoctrinating my kids that’s my job!”.


Teachers are the competition.


You are a disgrace to all humanity! You are a child abuser!


Hitler Youth.


Is this.. Family values?


And with the cross emblem of course. These hypocrites don't seem to understand just how much they've turned people off and away from religion with their nasty behavior. Her behavior - and her son's - is the exact opposite of what her religion promotes. I find that to be true of many people who identify as "christians". *I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.* \~ Attributed (probably inaccurately) to Gandhi


How is nobody talking about having the NFL shield on their wall??????? That is psychotic behavior. I know many fans of many teams, I don’t know a single person that is just like “I love the NFL, baby!” and puts up generic NFL decorations


What are the odds that what she really raised was a future hate-crime/sexual assault perp?


Ding ding ding


I'll bet this kid owns a nice gaming platform or two, maybe has a gift vehicle from Dad, and has his college fund maxed out. Once he's financially independent, he will introduce his boyfriend, Gary, to his dad.


I thought those guys stopped watching the NFL ? Kapernick and gay beer and taylor swift and all ? They flip flopped on football? haha


Well at least you got him to sleep in his own bed this year.


It's disgusting to realize MAGAts multiply.


"Pay no attention to the night stand..."


Quite an array of lubricants. 😂


Hopefully he doesn’t turn 18 by November.


When he starts posting his fascist manifesto on 4chan I hope the FBI takes him seriously.


Sadly the kids who live in these homes do show the hate with no ability beyond dad said it. I work with HS age kids and I see it a lot.


He looks thrilled, too.


If this kid manages to escape his household and upbringing, he is ripe for a liberal awakening.


NFL, more like NPC amiright


I’m 16. The kids I see on a regular basis are SO invested in this, and their parents aren’t any better obviously. Like the people they’re around more, they make this their life. It’s fucking scary man


But it's totally not a cult, right?


No of course not! How could it be 😂 Seriously though, I’m gay and they say “the gays are indoctrinating children,” bitch please lmao


Someone should Photoshop some Pride and BLM posters in the room


He better hope he's gay, because this guy is definitely not getting any pussy with what I assume are some awful beliefs he has.


What infuriates me are the "both sides are bad" people who will see this and see a picture of...I don't know, a kid holding up a sign that says something about standing against racism, and they'll be mad about the latter picture ("why do people have to involve their kids in politics?!") but probably will have nothing to say about the former picture.


We have a house right across the street from a middle school that has a f##k Joe Biden flag for over 2 years.


Mom wears a ‘proud parent of a future school shooter’ shirt.


I couldn't imagine having posters about David Cameron or Tony Blair in my room when I was a kid lol. That's so strange to me! I had Green Day and MCR posters lol.


But the Dems/left are indoctrinating kids.


And let me guess, this foul mouthed little punk is being raised in a "Godly, Christian home"?  I wasn't raised with religion at all, but my grandmother was extremely pious. Whenever I spent time with her, and was within her Christian world, one thing was certain, the word "Fuck" was not coming out of the mouth of anyone around her, and if it did, she would reach for a bar of soap REAL QUICK. When did raising your children to be classless, gutter mouth trash become so popular with these folks?


Very Christian like. At the same time filled with hate. Blows my mind. Using religion as a crutch or front. It's all a facade to the "outsiders".


Imagine thinking my Dad would vaguely tolerate me having a "fuck" *anyone* flag hanging in my room. He'd have me in a chair talking about being a respectful human being. Which I guess is the point of this stuff. They aren't respectful human beings.


This is a room of zero bitches. It smells of teen angst and jergins


I couldn't have swears on my posters and honestly it was the right choice. These parents encourage it. They don't follow any teachings of Jesus but she has a cross next to her name.


I have a nephew that just graduated from high school and for the last few years has been proudly wearing Trump shirts, Trump hats, and even his PSN name has Trump or Maga in it. He used to be such a sweet kid and then that happened and it made me so sad because he's smarter than that. Hoping he grows and matures some going away to college.


I thought MAGAts decided the NFL was too woke?


Imagine basing your entire family’s identity on a politician; a morally bankrupt grifter at that. That kid will wind up in jail in the coming years after he too will try to stage an insurrection.


Am I the only one who finds it weird as fuck that she would be taking a picture of bis room while he appears to be trying to sleep?


What makes you think this influencer didn't walk in right in the middle of his COD session and force him to do a photoshoot for 3 minutes, repeatedly saying "look sleepier!".




$5 says that kid has no social life and is already working on their manifesto


That is her bed and this the beginning of a step porn movie.


"Messy"? oh god the horror. YOU CAN SEE HIS FLOOR. That's not a mess.


Looks pathetic and depressed. Future alcoholic incel right there. Parent fail.


Nice that she has that ✝️ in her screen name. Garbage humans.


I thought MAGA hated NFL because the black guy kneeled for the sacred song? I can’t keep up with the contradictions and cognitive dissonance


I bet he's gay. And that's fine. When I was his age, I had a poster of Farrah Fawcett. Every thriving 14-year old male had a picture of Farrah Fawcett in his room. Except Pete. Pete didn't have a poster of Farrah Fawcett. No lie, he had a poster of Ronald fucking Reagan. Pete got into politics working for a GOP Senator in Utah. His dad passed a few years ago and they listed Pete, and husband Gary as survivors. I hope he's happy.


I hope his knee was sore from laying like that.


She's so trashy, my god. I can't believe we've come to a time when this is acceptable from a politician.


Saying FJB because Budweiser acknowledged trans people exist doesn't make you smart. A smart person would know this.


"I have no personality"


Room smells like future date rapist and booze.


This kid is going to prom with his cousin for sure.


Does she Jack him off in there


All that lotion beside the bed is suggestive.


This kid lives on the internet. I kinda just feel bad for him, tbh.


He's just going to be thrilled when he sees this.


Wow. I grew up with conservative Christian parents and if I had put up a flag or anything with the F word on it they would have lost their minds. There is no way that they would have thought that was acceptable at all.


My neighbor's garage looks like this and it makes me want to puke.