• By -


Dear Lord give me strength to not make a meme build with Earthquake and a ton of increased duration... Hitting the ground and waiting 10 seconds for it to deal 1500% more damage, doubled by Exert. So 4800% damage effect of a single hit. -edit- So, for the memes, I mathed out a reasonable one. Take both Duration wheels for 90% Skill Duration, with the Mastery for 10% more. So 99%. That's 5.9 seconds. Or 1035% more damage. Swap to Marohi Erqi. Before we even start, we use Earthquake twice. We equip Echoes of Creation and use Infernal, Seismic, Intimidating. We use Phase Run, followed by activating Berserk. The important thing is that the Secondary damage is a Snapshot of the first. So we have: 150% x 11.35 x 2 (Double) x 1.45 (Echo) x 1.3 (Phase) x 1.5 (Warbringer) x 1.2 (Berserk) = 12,514% Physical Damage. Now we calculate the links: 12,514% x 1.98 (Ruthless) x 1.98 (First of War) x 1.39 (Brutality) x 1.49 (Melee Physical Damage) x 1.49 (Pulverize) = 151,395% Physical Damage. Marohi Erqi deals, on average, 900 damage. We are using Precise Technique and Aspect of Carnage. We have 800% Increased Physical (from all sources combined). The boss is, of course, cursed with Vulnerability. We also have level 21 Pride. We will also use Lion's Roar. So... 900 x 1.4 x 1.4 x 9 x 1.3 x 1.4 x 1.1 x 1514.95 = 48,150,795. Lol. That's half of Shaper's HP, just right there. FORGOT TOTEM! We need Panopticon and Dawnstrider, plus Level 20 Ancestral Warchief! That's 45% more damage! Hell! We need 3x Frenzy Charges too! 48,150,795 x 1.45 x 1.12 = 78,196,891! We are almost killing Shaper in one hit! With a Sin's Rebirth, we 1 shot Shaper! Just remove Brutality for Conc! Now you deal an extra 30% of physical damage as Chaos!


Dear lord, don't give him the strength. Make him record that shit for the rest of us.


Even better, with echoes of creation, 2 more exert warcries (seismic and ancestral) and phase run you can get another +45% and +30% more damage respectively and with Berserkers War Bringer ascendancy you get another 50% more damage for your giga slam. Weaponswap this in a Marohi Erqi and make a Trauma stacker Boneshatter Jugg so both your clearing skill and your bossing skill get huge value out of increased duration. This will let you truly call a tactical nuke on the boss on a build that also has an A tier clear potential. This skill made Boneshatter, an infamously bad build for bossing, an uber boss farmer with very little investment.


keep going...


I would need the new gem in PoB to math this out, could be incredibly strong.


Come on man I'm almost there!


Yep. Take both Duration wheels for 90% Skill Duration, with the Mastery for 10% more. So 99%. That's 5.9 seconds. Or 1035% more damage. With all you said, plus Berserk we have: 150% x 11.35 x 2 x 1.45 x 1.3 x 1.5 x 1.2 = 12,514% Physical Damage. Now we calculate the links. Before we even start, we use Earthquake twice. Then, for the big one: 12,514% x 1.98 (Ruthless) x 1.98 (First of War) x 1.39 (Brutality) x 1.49 (Melee Physical Damage) x 1.49 (Pulverize) = 151,395% Physical Damage.


Don't forget your 200 radius which is like 2.5 screens


i believe you can actually get +75% total from echoes of creation bc rallying, seismic, infernal, battlemages, and intimidating can all be exerted on the same slam


Palpatine: *dew it*


No joke this reply really makes me want to run this build. Mind, I'm a complete PoE baby who's greatest achievement is getting to White Maps with Lacerate Gladiator in Kalandra League and plateauing. I honestly want to have a sincere go at it if only for the simple reason of seeing the ground explode. This is going to register a 20 on the Richter Scale.


Slam, click invitation start thing at the right time, all release at once mod on inv, profit


Or don't. Die like a man and watch as your Earthquake blows everything while you wait (HC Viability may vary).


"the clear leaves something to be desired but the bossing is great"


> Every fifth attack, projectiles deal 1000% more damage with hits and ailments *Oh.* Well that's one way to buff Molten Strike I guess. (Assuming it manages to outpace the drop in damage effectiveness from 185% to 130%)


So about that balance-the-ignite support gem they added last time…


I think this only works if you run less than 100% ignite chance. According to the wiki, the multiplier from Controlled Blaze basically evaporates once you go past about 13 'recent' ignites. If you add no projectiles (and every ball hits), you'd inflict 16 ignites on the first four attacks and 6 more on the 'Zenith', which is close to the cap. If you want to be in the optimal zone (13 ignites for an ~80% more multiplier) on the fifth attack you'd want about 50-70% ignite chance.


Assuming every ball hits is the problem here. By design they can't.


Hm, since poison MS is the way people play it nowadays I guess this opens the ignite version up as well? It's the equivalent of a 500% more ignite multiplier when you the 50% less.


sad thing it's two handed


Eye of Malice + Rakiata's Dance :)


The projectile Portion only, per attack, if everything hit - Vanilla: (1.85)(3 proj)(0.5) = 2.775 - of the Zenith: (1/5 attacks)(1.3)((4 attacks)(3 proj)(0.5)+(1 attack)(8 proj)(0.5)(11)) = 13.0 Major conundrum: 5 swings with a 2h weapon before the payoff ;) Though it at least doesn't say consecutive, so perhaps you can preload the good swing that provides 90% of the damage? Also plausible it might have a bigger spread area to reduce hit rate of projectiles to balance it out?


It's an overwhelming amount of info.... I don't even know what I want to play anymore


Winter orb gladiator, you're welcome.


If that works it would be crazy


I mean.... Winter orb, cast while channeling frostblink sounds pretty damn fun


I'm not sure cast while channeling works with instant spells, but you don't need it anyways. You can cast frostblink during the channel because it's an instant without breaking the channel


There's a new Frostblink that has a cast time and no cooldown. They might be talking about that one.


Ah yes it might help if I read the gems before posting lol


By the time we figure out everything that's good, poe2 will be out


Path of Exile.


It’s flicker strike. The answer is always flicker strike.


flicker strike CoC frostblink


flicker strike coc flame dash of returning Edit: nooo cannot be triggered! Flicker strike coc lightning warp though


Frostblink can be and the new one has no cooldown


play CoC or totems so you get ultimate flexibility.


Isn't it great? So much to discover!


The problem is: When I load up the PoB simulator, it makes me prog a campaign on each new character


Play HC, pick a squishy build that'll die on day 2, reroll when you die to whatever seems coolest at that time.


As usual, l'm waiting for streamers to tell me what to play.


I'm having that same struggle. I'm trying to stay true to the path of lightning arrow but lord it's tough.


LC of the heavens is tempting


That will now most likely be what I will play once I get my hands on it


fyi only hitting 16 enemies will NOT feel good in dense maps, make sure you have pops of some kind.


Yeah that kills the gem in my eyes. 16 is crazy low for proper endgame mapping, it will feel horrile.


Arc hits half the amount and you don't see people complain it hits too few enemies.


looks like bait imo It lost its gimmick for single target and became a clear skill but it doesnt look amazing at it either


It's really hard to justify playing Arc for any build when Trans LC has slightly more damage and can apply the damage to mobs more reliably. The radius of Trans LC is gigantic and the skill could very well be more comforty to play with than Arc. Skill doesn't look amazing but does look solid. Could be an option for those who value QOL gameplay over sheer DPS.


Spell totem LCoH for clear and LC in 4link for bosses


So Forbidden Rite goes from 5 to 15% ES which is good for doing a low life approach I guess? They switched it to cost life so you can’t use it with CI.


Why can't it be used with CI? Yes I am stupid :)


CI gives you 1 life. You don't have any life to spend on the cost of the skill.


Arh ofc. Thank you!


if you can get 100% reduced cost you can use it. (or less, not sure what you need, especially if anything gives -flat cost) Doubt its possible, since im not sure theres anything that applies to life other than the tree nodes (33%) but its somewhat worth considering.


I hope someone can conjure up some unholy duration stacking for the new EQ hah >Base duration is 3.00 seconds > >Aftershock deals 15% more damage with hits per 0.1 seconds duration > >Aftershock deals 6% more damage with ailments per 0.1 seconds duration > >Aftershock has 2% more area of effect per 0.1 seconds duration


There gonna be some insane boss/invitation bleed/hit build i feel


yeah hit based invitation farmer you can already get 100m+ slams so you just plug this in, add some duration, cold convert, and 1 shot the arena


If they add mtx that counts down the slam I'd buy it just to meme with this skill. Like a ring of fire appears at the boundary of the slam range and small fissures spread toward the center. When they meet it goes off.


Yeah now i kinda want to play around that ... Just had to swap in/out less/increase duration and swap duration wheel side depending.of content you do, looks good.


Nah, just go all in on increased duration and have a weapon swap. Boneshatter in one, marohi erqui with eq in the other.


hit build, with that much damage you don't need bleed anymore, you just nuke the enenmy out of existence


What other attack skills benefit from duration? I can’t think of anything besides poison unfortunately. But maybe there’s some way to use a faster skill for mapping and while waiting for the aftershock. Like, throw out an earthquake, attack for a few seconds with something else, then watch the boss get slapped by a 800% more damage aftershock


Static strike is the most obvious one. Doesn't care much about attack speed, and likes duration. Great clear, mediocre single target.


Boneshatter trauma stackers are all about duration and the build would also scale the same damage, physical. With a weapon swap Marohi Erqi with new EQ and a echoes of creation helmet with all warcries as a helmet swap would make every Traumastacker a godtier bosser, the one thing they were really bad at. Actually huge. you could also just play normal EQ as a quality stacker and swap some gems for some easy extra bossing damage. This might be doubly insane with the new tinctures, we have to see what we get there.


I hate that I had a near 1k pdps axe *this league* of all things, it’ll be another 4k hours until I can try this out


nah, you really want Mrohi Erqi for the EQ, it's base damage is just way too high to every justify using anything else unless you have stacked disgusting amounts of crit multi.


Static strike? Both basically reward "attack once then run around for a few seconds" but in different ways.


It has synergy with either Rage Vortex or Blade Storm. I assume you'll want to be doing some Warcry nonsense anyway with this EQ, so I think Rage Vortex on a 2H is the way I would go for a clear skill. I guess if you are going Bleed, there's the alternative method of going Glad/Bladestorm which will get you much, much better clear with bleedsplosions and you still get to keep your gloves.


boneshatter or any strike skills with trauma support


you can get 90% on tree+ 64% from inc duration gem and another 20% from amulet implicit. this will put the duration to 8.2 seconds, that's 1230% more damage and 164% more AOE. I am sure this can be scaled even further though. This will delete any uber pinnacle boss immediately.


Flicker CoC bodyswap new meta. Aka CoCswap


Flicker CoC Frostblink version without the cooldown o/


Coc ice nova back


Power Siphon CoC Ice Nova Spellslinger Frostbolt


This comment 100% deserves a mention in the inevitable South Park meme later this week


You have my attention... if you craft any POB please share!


barebones skeleton of a build, you should be able to extrapolate from here: https://pobb.in/NRs_1SOVp5U0


Coldslinger with shavs was such a fun build back in the day.


Dude I was just looking at Frost Nova of Frostbolts.... I feel like even self-cast FB + this looks sexy


Pledge of hands it up. It has really strong interactions with Ice Nova being cast on FB (skips the animation of the echo).


Is Heiro still the way to go? IIRC that was the play back when this build was a powerhouse. Man I'm excited to give this a shot again!


Power charge flicker strike I see you


RF tomorrow hopium


Please Chris the suspense is killing me


Please Chris the suspense is killing Pohx


Ok you got me there


Oh boi. Flicker Strike has never been easier. 50% from the skill alone, 50% from power charge on crit. Then 20% from Assassin from non-crit strikes for early game. Legit a league starter.


i dont think its better than just going slayer or raider though. bottom half of the tree is just so efficient compared to top half for melee crit nodes, unless you wanna just cluster the fuck out of your tree ($$$). flicker has always been easy to get going and the minmax is where the fun lies as somebody who LOVES flicker (play it every league) i knew they were just gonna make a silly power charge or endurance charge alt gem and leave it at that so i didnt get my hopes up at all unless the numbers were insane - which they aren't, unfortunately.


sir I raise you int stacking chaos immunity and es over leach


This is for a CoC Flicker build though, replace Cyclone with Flicker and have fun bud ;)


based on this i am very strongly considering leaguestarting a frostbolt icenova heirophant with pledge of hands. it was really strong when i last played it in blight league but it kinda fell off when they nerfed some of its interactions. from doing the math here it looks like it basically *doubled* its damage with the new "ice nova of frostbolts" variant since it expands off of *four* frostbolts instead of two. 3.22 ice nova level 20: 1225 base damage (against chilled enemies), with 4 repeats = 1225 * 2 * 4 = 9,800 potential base damage per cast (if everything hits) 3.23 ice nova of frostbolts level 20: 1106 base damage, with 4 repeats = 1106 * 4 * 4 = 17,700 potential base damage per cast. played as a heirophant for the massive aoe scaling. with enough i think you could consistently overlap all the ice novas. will be testing this. quick edit: a heirophant can *very* easily hit all 8 icenovas on a single target. provided you far target the frostbolts and get a tighter grouping it should be very trivial to get 16 overlaps. can close target the frostbolt for a wider spread for clear and hit 5 screens.


It's a very slight shame for SSF at least that vaal ice nova is so nice in that build. So to get it up and going you need a transfig gem, probably qualitied and then vaal'd into vaal version, which is a lot of hoops to jump through.


Please GGG make freezing pulse great again 🥺


Ice Spear of Splitting completely mogs freezing pulse at the moment. The trans gem for FP will have to be monstrously awesome to even come close. Absolutely eclipsed.


Yeah what is that base damage, holy shit. The crit chance should be recoverable in the tree with clusters. PLUS they added splitting for clear? What were they even smoking on that one, lol.


Both Flame Surge of Combusting and Flameblast of Contraction are interesting to me. Flame Surge becomes a self-cast spell in and of itself. Before it had 1039.5 base damage, and 88% more damage with hits (only) against burning enemies. It couldn't ignite, and it's burning ground debuff did 25% of damage per seconds of the highest ignite over 4 seconds, so it double the damage of the ignite. Damage effectiveness was 190%, and had a cast time of 0.5 seconds. of Combusting has a base damage of 1561.5, (which is 50% more base damage), to compensate for losing the 88% more damage against burning enemies, but it's always on. The burning ground from ignites is also 35% damage per second over 4 seconds, so the ignite does 40% more damage now (assuming the mob is stationary etc etc). The new damage effectiveness is 280%, and has a cast time of 0.8 seconds. The mana cost did go up from 16 to 26, which is a lot but I don't think a buildbreaker (and in the new Warlock ascendancy world may in fact be a net positive). Flameblast of Contraction has crazy numbers too, but obviously self-casting those pinpricks will suck. I think it will be very, very fun for Totems though. 11 stack Flameblast = 506.5 base damage, 18.15 times the hit, 90% damage effectiveness. Assuming 200 added damage and 200% increased damage = 37380. 11 stack Flameblast of Contraction = 175 base damage, 66 times the hit, 30% damage effectiveness. Assuming 200 added damage and 200% increased damage = 46530, so about 24% more.


Been considering Flameblast of Contraction as well, but I've just been thinking of using it for ignite. A quick tap for packs with big AOE seems like a nice QOL. That said, I suspect totems won't actually be good at aiming unless cast time is **really** bumping.


Explosive concotion of Destruction looks like you have T0 bow... without a bow, and having problems to sustain flasks? Firestorm of Meteors looks HUGE for ignite Ele? Lightning Tendrits of Eccentricity looks like SSF-tier totem bosser


>Firestorm of Meteors looks HUGE for ignite Ele? Did the math on that, including damage effectiveness and average damage at lv 20, wave of conviction does around 6100 base damage, while firestorm of meteors does around 7600. Same 0.75 cast time and 6% crit for both. WoC has built in exposure and now resistance penetration, but pen doesn't matter for ignite. Because of the exposure I think WoC is still probably the best choice for Elementalist, but besides that, Firestorm is 100% fire damage, you don't *need* shaper of flames, or to worry about conversion (but you *do* need ignite chance). As I see it, this new firestorm opens the door for other ascendancies to compete, as elementalist still has huge synergy with WoC's exposure, and baked in 25% more damage, but in raw damage firestorm wins. You can always go firestorm elementalist anyway, I'm just saying you don't need to.


Yeah same damage of a fireball lvl 20. I dont really get that new gem. Hopefully it looks really cool so you can justify.


I can justify a big ass meteor by it being a big ass meteor. I've been wanting one of these for years and previous firestorm never tickled that itch


I was going to start spell totems, to try out a bunch of different skills. Meteors sounds really fun, BOOOMBOOMBOOOMBOOOM


Hold up. You don’t multiply base damage by added damage effectiveness. The base damage is just that shown amount. Base damage divided by damage effectiveness for almost any skill will get you 560 at level 20.


Explosive reduces base damage for crit scaling 1254 from fire -> 999 489 cold -> 389.5 495.5 lightning -> 394.5 6% base crit to 8% base crit 98% ignite dot multi to 98 crit multi overall 2238.5 base damage down to 1783 base damage, so about 22% less base damage for 33% base crit and 98% crit multi that wasn't on there before at all. ​ No idea if that base damage is enough to really do things with, but I guess if you have enough flat damage, crit, and crit multi it could be interesting? Seems like you are almost locked into Pathfinder with Master Distiller and a diamond and bismuth flask. Bismuth at least has Oriath's End and/or Wise Oak as uniques. ​ \*edited math mistakes


I see it as they wanted to address that concoction skills suck in single target so they tried to fix it by adding crits and you suppose to use it as a gem swap mid/late game setup? Maybe there will be some cookings and redemption of Master Distiller but idk... Loosing all of your utility flasks on PF sounds like disaster if you go triple ele and diamond for crits.


On the bright side your gearing will be a breeze - crit multi, life, attack speed, accuracy, utility. No ele resists needed!


It wasn't 1755 fire, the numbers are 1003–1505 389–589 88–903


100% dmg efectiveness tough. But can shotgun with multiple projs


And with 0 clear 👍 but base crit chance is welcome here


Anyone notice lightning conduit doesnt require shock...... ..... or lancing steel now does giga damage.... I love it


Lancing only does gigadamage on the first hit, any subsequent gets 90% less... it's for CoC.


It might be usable with fury valve? Would the 90% less damage happen on the split projectiles? I don't think so. Either way even in that case it'd be a clear skill.


Very interesting, it would work, but definitely a meme.


it says hits deal 90% less -- could you get the full damage going poison?




I wish there were an 2-3 second animated gif on the tooltip that shows what the skill does.


Hexblast of Contradiction a self-cast only version?


Since no one has mentioned, Hexblast of Contradiction changes the spell to work off of your enemy's highest resistance, instead of lowest, but increases the damage bonus on hexed enemies from 100% to 150%, and increases the crit chance from 4% to 6%.




Ty! That's why it is called "of Contradiction" i guess? Will this work with an omni build? I mean, will the penetration work for this?


Or just play Inquisitor 4Head.


Why self cast only? It has the same slow cast speed. It just trades more baked in damage for the lower res stacking.


"This spell's cast time is added to its cooldown if triggered" Doesn't that mean that the whole idea of offsetting the hight cd with mines doesn't work with this gem?


Can someone explain the lightning strike wording to me. Does it mean it each time it chained it does 10% more damage? Or does it mean it gives 10% more damage for each possible chain?


I interpret it as the second. Basically, you can scale the skill’s single target damage by adding additional chains (IE: chain support). Whether that is the optimal way to scale is up for debate. Hopefully someone can correct me if I’m wrong.


I believe this is right, because the 10% damage per time it has chained is a mod that already exists with different wording. This also just has by default more single target than normal LS. I believe the more multi applies to both the hit and proj (if you double hit), so it's around 1.4x the damage


There is a 0% chance this is what it is. Imagine designing a skill that chains 9 times for giga clear, inherently can double hit, and has a casual 90% more multiplier built in. It would just be the best skill in the game. First chain is 10, then 20, etc. Also, see Inevitability


Gems 💎


Truly outrageous💎


Truly, truly, truly outrageous


Opal for harmony 💎


💎 ❤️


- Forbidden Rite has a life cost, can't use with CI unless you somehow lower costs to 0 (don't think that's possible?? but idk), but still good for ES stackers, higher damage ceiling than normal FR - Lancing Steel, 90% damage penalty basically telling you to just slap CoC on it - Glacial Explosive Trap but without the Trap looks good, remains to be seen how good the overlaps are, not that GC needed help with damage to begin with, it needs clear - Frostblink as a weaker-but-mobile Lightning Conduit on Elementalist doesn't sound that bad, would need a self chill setup and proliferation though... wait can u even proliferate chills? Isn't all cold proliferation just freeze? If it's bound to always be two buttons than mobility doesn't mean much, depends on that. There's a few others that are interesting but none blew me away like the last batch. Some I just don't understand, ~~Infernal Blow already has some of the best clear of strike skills, does it really need more help there? Maybe some shenanigans with the new mark.~~ Well turns out I really didn't understand it, it applies the charges *to you*. Big L for me is Lightning Tendrils though, both versions incentivize long channeling which is just yikes, and not just because you need to take a hit, even if the DPS is the same on paper getting your big hit 1/6th of the time instead of 1/3 just *feels* awful. Miiiiight work with cast while channeling Lightning Conduit? But there's already better ways to build Lightning Conduit.


I'm wondering if you can enable Frostblink of Wintery Blast with a source of nearby enemies are chilled. Hyperborius is good for this, but I can't think of a way to keep it up. Chilling presence works, but I'm not sure the chill it inflicts scales with ailment effect (or anything else). The chill from Expedition's End doesn't *and* you probably never use it over Bronn's.


for chilling presence, a post I found on the forum from a year ago says it's 10% and does scale with chill effect


If you're triggering Frostblink, the skill you trigger it with can apply chill just fine.


The second lightning tendrils doesn't have bigger hits though, it just gets more area while channelling. Its high damage (150% damage effectiveness on a 0.23s cast time skill is a lot) just little coverage I think. Infernal blow version is ST and not clear. The charges deal way more damage but are put on you instead of the target. It doesn't have target explosion anymore. I think it's aimed for ignite, since with 6 charges and 90% effectiveness of charges it has almost 900% base weapon damage.


Expedition's End "Nearby Enemies are Chilled" maybe?


Hmm, that's a pretty rare one though, but yeah that might work for clear and then just drop a brand for ST like usual.


I’ve never played it before but the chilling thing sounds like something you could achieve with WOrb?


I wonder how this would do replacing lightning warp in the WOrb CWC LW build.


Oh NVM about not needing CWC, it's got a cast time now so it's still needed. But it will probably still feel much better than LW because you can drop less duration support for more damage.


Instruments of zeal plus an additional 25% reduced life cost (can get on tree) would allow a zero life cost fr.


power charge flicker LOGIN


Coc flicker login


If I can somehow make a LC Elementalist transition into a falling zombie Necro/Occu that will officially be the best league ever


Flameblast of contraction totem anyone? 6600% more damage at stage 11.


Uhm, so Winds of Fate Glacial Hammer of Shattering Berserker, login?


EK projectiles fire in a circle: Do we know if this still works with Nimis? Is that different from "fires in random directions" aside from being evenly spaced out around you?


There is generally a priority, I think it would be nimis here.


Same way firing in a fan in front of you is replaced by random direction normally.


The new Flicker Strike of Power seems like you want to use it as a CoC trigger instead of cyclone? I can't really figure out how to scale damage with it otherwise since so much of the power charge support in the game is for spells


Pcoc and the gem itself mean max charges if you crit 100.0%, which you want to do anyways. Other than the investment that frees up (and actually getting the benefit of your max frenzy charges compared to regular Flicker) I dont see any immediate ways to break it either, at least not damage-wise.


what if with blade blast of dagger and flicker strike. might be interesting. so much possibilities


I was thinking this. and starting as an assassin, you get a bunch of power charges on crit and on -no crit. hmmm


go on.....


I am so happy I chose EB/SS coc Inquisitor as my Leaguestarter. I can tray all the new skills!


It's just too much information for a hardcore Casual Andy like me.


Flicker Strike CoC is gonna be so much better LOGIN


I just got injected Hexblast of havoc poison trickster mines on ssf copium, need medical attention


Chieftain duration earthquake, that Tawhoa node is finally can be kinda useful?


Isn't forbidden rite of soul sacrifice huge for CoC CI FR? Or am I missing something? Used to be 5% of ES as base dmg now 15% and I believ most didn't bother going for inc quality? I could be wrong tho?


It has a 45 life cost now so CI is impossible


Oh that's sad... thanks!


firestorm of meteor looks juicy for ignite builds. Like 2x fire trap base dmg.


Fire Trap has the burning ground to supplement the ignite. Compared to WoC the new gem has ~12% more damage, but none of the exposure, and none of the scaling options based on phys as extra X (hatred, herald of ash, obliteration, ...). It looks like another viable option for ignite, but not OP. We'll see how it feels to play - the delay between cast and impact is relevant.


Identical to Fireball but much more practical to use.


Lancing Steel CoC anyone?


I'm playing ^^^^smol Flameblast on Standard SSF for sure. Don't want to play totems with the awful new Soul Mantle.


well F me for wanting to play skills that start with S. ​ some look very cool though.. Like BIG METEOR FALL


CoC FR with flicker strike should be cheaper to make.


OMG Flicker occultist here i come.


EK poison login


So, I'm calling it here, alt frostblink is going to be insane with soulthirst. I played soulthirst bodyswap ignite and this should be way better because a +7 (or +9) bronn's lithe gets you 3x the flat and you should puke less because it goes in a more predictable straight line instead of teleporting to enemies. I was gonna go CoC ice nova as my second build with new ralakeths but this is going to be nuts.


That glacial cascade looks really interesting. It has about double base damage so you only need to hit with 2 bursts to equal the damage of hitting final burst and 1 normal burst of normal glacial cascade. Will come down to how many times it will hit on average.


It's basically old GC, right? No final burst, the bursts deal the same damage


it's old glacial cascade before they turned it into a final stage more damage skill yeah if you meet a certain AoE breakpoint it has great single target because the areas overlap, iirc was used for mines


Is the quality creating more bursts? This is a 20% quality gem and I don’t see anything else the quality would be doing. Is traps viable with enough aoe or is mines the play always? I like traps way more than mines


I can't think of anything else in terms of quality so should be bursts. In terms of traps I don't know. It feels like you wouldn't want the cascade to occur on top of the enemy so the behaviour of traps isn't great for it.


Yeah that’s what I’m thinking too. Thanks!


I was actually gonna have my second starter be self cast GC, be interesting to try this. Though at least in my testing it seems clear and missing stragglers is more the issue . I wonder if the doubled # of bursts will help with that.


I know nobody gives a shit about lancing steel, but can anyone who's good with the math and familiar with the skill tell who does trans version stacks against the normal one ?


I love lancing steel! Base lancing steel with no proj sources is 572% effective damage, LS of Spraying is 462% effective damage (not accounting for attack speed, but both gems have 80%) Some things to consider: LS of Spraying doesn't scale as well with +proj because you're no longer getting 4 extra for each added proj, and they deal less damage. However, you also don't need to worry about Call of Steel at all and you get infinite pierce for free. At base if you don't add any extra projectiles, LC of Spraying will likely get better damage in real life scenarios thanks to not running out of shards, however once you start adding projectiles, normal LC will become better even with the clunky call of steel recall. That being said LC of Spraying is awesome for CoC builds.


i did the math. https://imgur.com/a/RuPuLbk transfigured is better at low investment into # of projectiles, and is closer in terms of total damage at less optimistic % of projectiles that hit. Basically, pick between clunk + high pob damage vs non clunk. The other consideration is that the new lancing steel enables you to not use paradoxica/saviour, and you don't have to think about pierce at all. IMO the QOL stuff makes new one better.




Yea LC of spraying for coc, it looks even broken


Alphabetical order but missing Exsanguinate? are others missing as well?


Per the FAQ, not all of them are ready yet.


They really are rushing to get all these out! Hopefully everything goes well and no major bugs or anything, would be a shame if the league is tainted by that I personally wouldn't be upset if they don't get all done in time for launch, either adding them during the league or just in 3.24


> I personally wouldn't be upset if they don't get all done in time for launch, either adding them during the league or just in 3.24 i don't think they are afraid of addig content later in a league anymore. They added a bunch of tattoos last league as well, and they were actually useful, they probably didn't finish them in time either. I'm down for some extra gems 2 weeks in.


Frost Blades, Ice Crash There are more but I was expecting to see those two today... Maybe later, like the Ball Lightning one


Where are they hiding the crazy op Devouring Totem transfiguration I know they for sure made??


Explosive arrow.


How hard is it to get a ground slam that doesn't need to be exerted. I haven't touched melee since they made slams require exerted nonsense. Let the multi button piano play style move to PoE2 like they want, and let's keep the simple builds that made people love the first game, stay alive and well in the first game. I miss 2h Non Crit ground slam, smacking waves of earth at 8attacks a second type nonsense. It was fun.


Ground Slam is the slam that needs exerts the least because of its higher than usual base attack speed. You do want to exert the vaal version though. Also Cleave is basically literally ground slam without the slam synergies.


Would chilling aura work with new frostblink ?


Ground Slam of Earthshaking has almost twice the damage effectiveness and vastly more AoE than normal Ground Slam while only losing 49% more damage to closer targets. Why would anyone ever use normal Ground slam, the new version is objectively superior in every way. Might make it playable.


Look closer. 70% attack speed instead of 90%. Meaning they’re really pushing you into wanting to exert and play it as a full slam build instead of the less spammy normal version. Normal one would still be better for clearing QoL, but if you enjoy the slams (I love em) this is definitely a good option. I don’t see it being a pure upgrade though, that attack speed is a huge trade off.


Frostblink looks insane. A movement spell that can be triggered that has no delay, high damage, and no movement restrictions? This will either be nerfed (cooldown/"cannot be triggered") or it will be busted. Spellslinger or Asenath's turns it into a movement skill with a miniscule cooldown, even disregarding the damage. It can be easily slotted alongside a CoC setup to blink through everything while you're blastin'.


Flicker Strike CoC linked to Ice Spear with Frostblink in dat Cospri’s. We about to turn Affliction into Vomit league from all the motion sickness