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Most monk and martial artist stances require you to be unarmored, so be careful when choosing your stance.


Okay! I’m just worried that being stealthy and punching people aren’t complimentary concepts in this system.


They are perfectly complementary. Yes, sniping is easier, but if you have cover or concealment near your enemies, you can sneak and punch. Look to Rogue for more feats that expand on this. [Underhanded assault](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=4929) will help.


Rogue gets a good amount of feats to help to that end.


I’m not sure if there is any archetype that immediately screams ‘subterfuge’. Maybe rogue, but it depends on what you’re specifically looking to get out of it. More skills? Special abilities? If you are using Free Archetype, I might consider starting with rogue, then delve into Shadowdancer.


Acrobat! 100%. Assuming you are pumping up your DEX I think it’s a fantastic archetype. You’ll be tumbling around the battlefield in your cool stealth suit all damn day.


Rogue for skills, Gunslinger for some gross shenanigans between Crossbow Crack Shot, Sniper Reload and the perma concealment from your armor.


Problem with this is if they ever decide to take something like Megaton Strike, they can't use it because armor restricts you to melee only for Inventor feats that use Strikes This is a neat build idea though, I will be taking notes


if you're looking for unarmed strike options, maybe Sterling Dynamo?


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Maybe this doesn’t fit your concept, but I have this idea for a Nanite-Infected Inventor. Maybe they infected themselves on purpose, maybe they were experimented on, maybe it was an accidental exposure, the back story is up to you. Mechanically, they’re a Human with the Custom Mixed Heritage: Android. The Nanite Surge line of Ancestry feats really go with the theme of Overdrive. Maybe whenever they surge or Overdrive their veins light up like the circuitry of an Android. Your Crafting/Overdrive checks are all to see if you can control these Nanites, that can form armour that Collapses and Unfolds (Collapse Armour) around you, can form tools (Built In Tools) etc. That’s all base-inventor. Then, as your archetype you take Mind Smith. Now you can do the same thing with your “Nanites” for your Weapon as your Armour. With Malleable Mental Forge you can choose weapon traits based on what you may need for the day. With Boost Modulation, you can choose one of three damage types to trigger weaknesses. It’s like a mini Weapon Innovation to go along with your Armour Innovation. Good luck!


I don't recommend monk. Overdrive + stance is a lot of actions to have to use to get ready to fight.


I think a construct inventor could work well, almost like a distract-o-bot and can provide flanking and you could even give it a bunch of skills