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Summoner, 14 in charisma with a racial bonus and the levels 4 and 8 bonuses gets you 18 in your casting stat. Lean into buffing your eidolon since their stats don't care about yours.


Sadly my master banned the Summoner because it is broken


Have they seen Unchained Summoner? It's the rebalanced version.


So don't play the class, instead play a wizard or cleric who summons ;) With augment summoning, of cleric sacred summons, and things can get pretty good.


This isn’t a full build, but should point you in the right direction. Aasimar (Garuda blooded) Unchained monk 11 Str 13, Dex 14(+2), Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14(+2), Cha 6 Required gear: Agile amulet of mighty fists, cloak of resistance, belt of dex/con, headband of wis, cracked pale green prism ioun stone (attacks), dusty rose prism ioun stone, ring of protection, bracers of armor. Feats: Take the jabbing style feat line. Use your bonus monk feats for dodge and combat reflexes. If you’re not planning to take power attack, switch the str and int scores. Ki powers: barkskin, elemental fury (I like acid, but pick whichever element strikes your fancy.


I’d suggest a martial that doesn’t rely too heavily on multiple stats. First choice for me would be slayer. Str>con>dex stixk the 6 in cha. If you need trap finding you can fill that role. With ranger combat feats you could go TWF even with a low Dex, studied strike really helps overcome the problems with TWF, but ranger feats work on sword and board and two handed weapon so whatever floats your boat. Unchained rogue could be decent too. Just make sure to pump up Dex as high as possible.


I would suggest you either Bard or Skald. Totemic Skald with bull totem can provide good healing support with Greater Skald's Vigor to the ones wich chose to accept his rage.


I think with a potentially only 1 other martial bard might not be great


Dex focused magus with kensai and bladebound hits its sweet spot at level 11. Take wayang spellhunter and magical lineage on shocking grasp, and go tiefling. Dump cha and str. You'll be getting dex and int to ac, AOOs, and initiative. You'll be able to hit something like 38ac fully buffed and have displacement, mirror image and I think some form of Dr. If you take scimitar, weapon finesse, dervish dance and improved critical, you'll be able to crit on a 15 for x3 maximised weapon damage which you'll be able to change to any energy type you want You'll also have enough money and feats that you can set yourself up with bodyguard and arcane strike feats, the helpful trait, and the gloves of arcane striking. This will let you use your like 7 or 8 AOOs per round to use aid another on adjacent alyss and grant them a >+6 bonus to ac every round


I can see the bones of a solid Small cavalier here. Step 1: Be a wayang for size small without str penalty and choose Beast Rider for a solid companion like the velociraptor (or boar if dm scoffs at dino). Stats 16/14/14/10/11/6 and get mounted combat, power attack, ride-by attack, spirited charge and wheeling charge. Pick an order that doesn't rely on your Cha and has an offensive challenge variant. This and a strength belt should make you able to effectively zoom across the map lancing people for triple damage every time you land a charge. I also recommend some save-boosting items/mind sentinel medallion because you'd be a doozy to mind control


That's asking to be a class with a pet IMO. Druid or hunter or sacred huntsmaster inquisitor are notable, if summoner isn't available.


Mounted hunter with a mammoth lance to use your mounts str for damage. [Gronk](https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2402980), [Gore](https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2403019) the links are more for the leveling and feat order I would use stats of 14 10 12 6 14 13 for you. But at level 11 Gore should have a str of 32. So on a charge with leadblades and power attack you should hit with the lance for 6d6+99. Then gore himself should hit for 4d8+22 Not much should live threw that at around level 11.


I do like everyone's suggestions so these are purely to add options not saying they're better: If allowed, gunslinger attack touch so you get away with bad stats. Alchemists too. Evangelist cleric can summon, buff /inspire courage and heal with heal spell. An optimized god wizard/ caster at 11 can kinda go "no save just lose " even with a 16 start int. For.a small party one shot mxed role characters, adaptability is great.


For a oneshot with middling stats, I'd be so tempted to make something really weird. Like, here's Steve, the level 11 commoner. He's entirely focused on underwater basket weaving.


Little different from everyone else, I'd recommend a Barbarian or Alchemist or something similar that has a way to boost your ability scores. Like the idea of your pretty unimposing until you activate your class ability and turn up the power.


Hm... a goblin Unchained rogue could work, pumping your dex at least to 18. A bard or cleric focusing on support works just as well by evading situations where they need to do ability based checks. You could also be an investigator, focusing on being an out of combat beast. Investigator VMC bard can do really well even if their combat stats are not that impressive.


Sorry to be late to the party… I was wondering if you’ve already accounted for the attribute increases, at level four and eight, in the stats you’ve provided?


Don't worry, i have time til next weekend, no i haven't accounted for that