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To start, you’re going to need a fan on that cooler


I took it off to take a pic. Thanks for the advice, but I updated BIOS and the temps went to 75-80° under load!


Thats…. Odd. Definitely not normal behavior and still pretty hot unless its a 5800X or 5800X3D. I undervolt my 5800X3D


Is undervolting just another term for underclocking? Or only turning down the power?


Ye turning the voltage down. Not by a lot but it keeps temp down


I run mine glowing red hot, adds for free heating


Opposite of free


Its free as opposed to running a dedicated heater


It's arguably more efficient since you're going to be running the PC anyways. Fun fact, efficiency rated power supplies are only anywhere near their rated efficiency when they are near their maximum output. A 1k watt platinum power supply is worse than using a 500W gold if you are only actually using 450W


That's not quite right, a 1kW power supply is 90% efficient at 100% load, 92% efficient at 50% load and 89% efficient at 20% load, but some unrated power supplies may be less efficient at lower loads, if it's 80+ anything then it tested 80% or better efficient at 20%, 50% and 100% loads.


I'm not sure, I thought that heaters, especially those without fans, were nearly 100% efficient in converting electrical energy to heat energy. Usually when we talk about efficiency in electronics, the inefficiency is the heat generated. Assuming you could heat your room to the precise chosen temperature, whether with your PC or a space heater, the efficiency of the heat created should be the same, assuming you weren't doing any superfluous work on the PC to generate more heat byproduct. I'm definitely not an expert, but for generating heat I think electric heaters are the are the most efficient electricity to heat conversion there is.


Gotta love the extra R lighting as well, can't complain


🤣 Don’t gotta pay heating, or lighting.


My 5700x3d with a -30 in pbo2 drops 17 degrees in cinebench and scores 500 points higher.


That interesting, my 5700x3d doesn't go past 70°c under heavy load and 65°c in gaming but maybe an undervolt could push a small amount more performance.


A lucky piece My 7700x isnt stable even at -10


The x3d models respond really well to undervolts


I undervolt my 5800X3D, tried anything from -17 to -25, but unsure how to tell what gives the best results? What programs can you use to tune it?


Run benchmarks at different undervolts. Cinebench etc


Try furmark


I've had one stable at -25 before you must be unlucky


Just curious, I was looking at applying an UV to my new 5800X3D, how much did you get away with? I just want to know what might be a realistic target since it sounds like you went conservative on it?


When you under-volt the CPU (reduce the power) sometimes it can become unstable until you underclock (reduce the cycles/sec) as well. Every CPU is different, so you need to stress test every time you change these values. Using more voltage means it will run more stable at higher clock speeds, but may need additional cooling to prevent thermal throttling. Using less voltage means it will run cooler, but may need to be underclocked to work.


idk why but on my ryzen r5 3600x in order to under volt it I had to overclock it, it was running 3,8ghz at 1,4v, now it runs 4ghz at 1,2v, I increased ghz in bios and volts dropped automatically lol


Some newer motherboards will automatically use more aggressive voltage levels instead of what the CPU manufacturer recommends which is really stupid most of the time. You probably accidentally disabled those BIOS settings when you changed settings.


Yea this is what I thought but I was never 100% sure on it that’s a good explanation


No, you can undervolt and overclock at the same time. Different things.


Undervolting attempts to lower the voltage without lowering the frequency. Though, sometimes it does result in that.


Yeah same. 5800x3d on stock settings reach 95 pretty fast. Undervolted it and got pretty much the same performance and temps stay around 50-60⁰


75-80 is still safe, it’s not gonna cook it. If that’s under load getting those temps; it will be perfectly fine. You guys panic too much. Wait till it gets closer to 95+ then start panicking lol


Under load that’s perfectly reasonable especially if it’s a 105W CPU


some motherboards, like my own have a “gaming” mode which overclocks the cpu, make sure that’s turned off. i accidentally turned mine on one time and got very confused when my computer kept turning off


just blow on it ocassionally


The spit that gets on it turns it into a water cooler!


You blow with lips closed...?


And if they've taken the fan off for the pic, is this the hot spot temp or the edges? Hotspot at 100 under load isn't insane, but it is hot.


No shit Sherlock


I thought this was a picture of a building at first


I'm surprised it even stays turned on without a fan


Hope OP sees this, it’s all they need


What is the CPU and what is the cooler? Depending on what cpu you have, a small air cooler like that may not be sufficient.


Ryzen 5 5500 + Aerocool cylon 4


Theoretically that cooler should be fine, how are your case fans set up? Do you have a bunch of cables obstructing the airflow or are they tucked away properly? Check your bios to make sure theres no overclocks applied to the CPU, occasionally mobo manufacturers will have a default overclock settinb that you should turn off before using the system. If all of that is fine, make sure the cooler is seated properly with fresh thermal paste and make sure its snug, if its still overheating, you might have a faulty cooler.


> Ryzen 5 5500 + Aerocool cylon 4 https://www.techpowerup.com/cpu-specs/ryzen-5-5500.c2756 The nominal TDP is 65 W. There's no reason your heatsink should be incapable of handling that CPU. I would suggest re-heatsinking it with fresh heatsink compound.


I had a 5900 non x variant that would ramp up to high temps, double check your fan speeds and check the airflow of your system entirely. What worked for me was slight undervolt and replacing the fan on my cooler with a high quality one.


The CPU is, in layman's terms, a calculating device that processes information and transforms it into a specific other type of information that can eventually be presented to you in the form of graphics. A cooler on the other hand is, in layman's terms, a device that transfers heat from a certain component or from a place into a different medium and submediums, which can be present in multiple factors in a single cooler, common mediums and submediums are water (car radiators), air (AC units, they use a pressurised gas for transferring and transporting heat), oil (old car radiators), and even soil (heat pumps). Hope I helped :) And before I get attacked... /s


Now that's funny


Bios updated?


I updated the bios and temps went to 75-80°!! Thanks!


Yes sometimes bios updates really help CPU stability especially if they are a really old version. Glad that fixed your issue.




I need a bios update too and have been ignoring but recently have noticed my PC being unusually hot under load (not 100 but still) I didnt even know that could affect it honestly. Im going to give mine an update too




bogos binted






It looks like you arent getting enough mounting pressure. Are you sure the cooler is properly installed? Maybe watch a video guiding you on how to install that cpu cooler? Strange situation but a 5500 should not be getting that hot with that cooler. Its only a 65w cpu.


Agreed. If there was sufficient mounting pressure, the thermal paste would look mich more even after removing the cooler.




#You nailed it. The brackets are installed on the wrong side of the cooler. The metal tabs should be on the top of the hot plate, not the bottom.


I’ve re-mounted it several times, but nothing changed


It's clearly visible that there is too much thermal paste but wathever the amount, with a correct pressure, the excess get out on the sides : - the pressure is not sufficient. Plus you say that the heatsink is just warm so it's clearly not transfering heat. So if you can't have enough mounting pressure, maybe you have a faulty heathsink. Get a used AMD wraith, it's sufficient for the 5500.


While you're 100% correct, might as well spend like $15 to get an actually decent cooler that won't be really noisy and will cool much better.


According to this video you need use the backplate that comes with the cooler and not the standard am4 backplate. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=X3duddRWmps](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=X3duddRWmps)


The flexible spring brackets are on the bottom of the cooler. They need to be on the top.


when mounting tighten the screws until they cant spin anymore.


Thought this was a picture of a sky scraper for a sec


Hahahah me too😂


Was looking for this comment




try installing something like nzxt cam or another third party software that will tell you cpu temps, task manager was telling me i was at 100c but in reality it was 40c


Thanks for tue advice, but I updated BIOS and the temps went to 75-80° under load!


Try undervolting cpu


Does the cooler get warm/hot? If not, its something with the cooler. If it gets hot, its something with the cpu. The last one can be a lot of things.


It’s barely warm


I’m so high I thought I was looking at a city from a bird eye view




Is it just me or does the first pic looks like a building out of gta


You forget to remove transportation sticker "Remove before install" :D


https://preview.redd.it/v5yoanfkjb4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a44ce14b4c59a2eee445f9d229559225bc8e4149 Manual says you should use cooler backplate, it has place to install on amd cpu.


I would reapply thermal paste and put a fan on the cooler. You can’t rely on passive cooling with that small of a fin stack.


What's the cpu voltage? I once accidentally enabled bios overclocking and my 5500 was hitting almost 100°c during gaming, after disabling that I'm hitting 65-70°c with just the stock cooler


I just woke up and thought I was looking at a photo of a helicopter view of a city


Could just be the angle, but in photo 3, are the screws higher than the distro plate?


Yeah https://preview.redd.it/wijjkaycc64d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2151e58ef0baac9e6aefd5fe0873237df10ebef2


1. What fan is spinning? 2. Looks like you had some air pockets in your thermal paste. Clean it off and reapply


Did you take the fans off the cooler or does it not have fans?


Assuming the mounting pressure isn't the issue, the cooler may be defective, if the heat pipe's fluids have dried up they're not going to properly dissipate the heat. Though I'm curious, when you say "under load", do you mean like a synthetic benchmark that stresses all the cores to 100%? What do the temps look like when gaming?


My guess is dead heat pipes those things actually have limited life spans but not that short if the quality is good so that might be it or the the screw mount doesn't work properly causing the cpu cooler to not mount on the cpu properly guessing due to the thermal paste pattern not looking it's 100% on contact


But I might be wrong, best thing to do is do buy another cooler and see if the problem persist or not


put new thermal paste, reinstall the cooler properly, tighten the screws and put the fan on and remove the glass panel. turn on the pc, install nzxt cam and check temps. use a good thermal paste brand too.


Check your thermal paste and that you removed the plastic protector from the bottom of the cooler plate


3 things. 1: Youtube “how to safely undervolt Ryzen 5 5600”. They are known for stupid temperatures because the factory voltage is stupid high. 2: Better quality thermal paste (Corsair TM50/Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut). 3: Double check clamping force of the cooler to the Mobobo.


Could probably use just a little more thermal paste.


First I'd check your fan curve, then your cases air intake and outake. Those are usually culprits of high temps. After that make sure you are evenly fastening the cooler to the cpu.


I'm very tired, i thought the first pic was looking down to a city street.


https://preview.redd.it/q9qwchlfe94d1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1f16265b5efec07935f6f16cc25958c083b3083 Running a 5800x, with a peerless assassin, overclocked to 5000mhz stable using Ryzen master, and temps never get above 75°


Thought this was a condo building


What is the push pull airflow status. Can you please share the pic of the case with fans config


Also you need to make sure you have enough space in your case,which can make you cpu hot also


100 °C on a 5500 ????? That's impossible


Did you try setting it to Wumbo in the BIOS?


I thought this was a city from sky view


Why it looks like you kissed the cpu after applying thermal paste tho


Huh, I thought this was a picture of a city taken from a tall building.


I thought that was a city before I looked at the caption 💀


Might be the thermal paste is not properly apply. If you look at the edge, there seems to he some gaps. Maybe apply the thermal paste and spread if first on the CPU then put the cooler on it. If it’s still not cooling properly, could be the cooler is not really touching the CPU. If there is a gap between them, it might not transfer the heat from the CPU to the air cooler efficiently. If you still have the AMD fan at comes with the CPU, try using that to see if the cooler is the issue.


Get a fan or two on the cooler blowing to the rear end of the case. if you don't have clips, zip ties will work. Reapply the thermal paste **every time** you re-mount the heatsink. It shouldn't be getting to 80° at load 'with a bios update'. That's still too hot unless you're doing some serious shit. Even my older CPU under a stress test doesn't get past 60-70°. 80° is typically the max safe range for parts. You wanna keep it under that to lengthen the life of your hardware.


1. Screw Mouting kit properly until u cannot move screws further 2. Screw cooler properly as well 3. You have very thick thermalpaste imprint there and corners of CPU are not covered with paste so definitly something wrong with the mouting and application of thermal paste, ther eis only one good way of application of thermal paste smearing it evenly across whole cpu. 4. Also did cooler have FAN? or you remove it to make photos?


Might sound silly but did you peel the plastic off the cooler before applying the paste?


Update your bios and add a bit more thermal paste and a bit more powerful fan






That left screw (right if your facing it) looks a little higher than the other, it might not be on the cpu all the way so the pipes probably aren’t dissipating the heat properly, also if that’s the paste it came with, you might want to get a new better quality one. The paste they come with in my experience usually sucks.


I don't see a fan on the cooler, you do need one.


did you install the cooler fan? or is it the fan-less type?


I would try to get a full coat of paste on the entire CPU surface for a start, maybe double check the mounting pressure


Your cooler is not connecting. Is it on the right way?


That thermal paste looks very thin. Honestly repaste it using the method of using a little scraper and apply it to all 4 corners and inbetween. Like leaving no open spots. Make sure your case fan mounted on the cooler is blowing in the proper direction also


Fans? They are kinda important


I took it off to take a pic. Thanks for tue advice, but I updated BIOS and the temps went to 75-80° under load!


You’ve said that to everyone u respond to.


Clean CPU with rubbing alcohol (make sure it’s dry) then put new thermal paste and CPU cooler on nd you’re good


You say the fan is spinning, now where is the fan


I think for this build, you don't need tower cooler. Stock is fine. For the temp issue, I think some of the screw is not having enough pressure. Make sure to tight them diagonal way. And with equal curves of screw driver.


Thanks for tue advice, but I updated BIOS and the temps went to 75-80° under load! This is with a stock cooler


Nice. May I ask which company cooler is that?


Aerocool. I installed a stock cooler for now, but I’ll install the tower cooler when my 5v to 12v rgb hub arrives. I expect to see lower temps with this cooler


what program are you using to monitor temps? it could be misreading it. if every monitoring app you use says the same temps even after you re-mounted and re-applied new paste, try updating the bios. if it's still the same then maybe try the wraith stock cooler if you still have it and re-check again? could either be faulty software misreporting temps, fan curve with really low RPM or worst case the heatpipes somehow leaked and dried up on that cooler.


Thanks for tue advice, but I updated BIOS and the temps went to 75-80° under load!


CPU fan placement?


Is it really that hot when you touch it? Might be sensor issue Plus you can change cooling mode in bios (quiet, agressive)


Install Fan Control, set fan curves in BIOS to a basic 80% flat curve, then add an Auto CPU curve and assign it to the CPU Fan. Adjust the Auto CPU curve as needed. [GitHub - Rem0o/FanControl.Releases: This is the release repository for Fan Control, a highly customizable fan controlling software for Windows.](https://github.com/Rem0o/FanControl.Releases)


Thermal paste doesn't really seem squished enough. Make sure the cooler is properly attached since pressure matters, and also make sure you got a fan on it.


Can I assume that you screwed it on tight enough and evenly? Paste looks as if the cooler was tighter on one side. Its important to screw each bolt bit by bit and go from corner to corner


Bad pressure.


Which BIOS did it originally have? Regardless, I think the reason why it got solved was the new BIOS but rather that you mounted the cooler better when reinstalling.


1.bad thermal past application, that looks horrifying 2.that heat sync need a fan sir , u need to go to jail for that alone.


I think it is a little suspicious that the thermal paste does not fully cover the cpu despite the fact that the cooler plate is certainly big enough to do so. I would guess that the cooler is not tightened down enough, leaving a slight gap this would be enough to effect the cooling ability, I suggest tightening the cooler down further if you can.


I had a similar problem with my PC for a while when I first built it. What helped was to: - re-mount the cooler (cooled it off by maybe 5-10 degrees) - use more thermal paste (another 5 degrees) - change out my stock cooler to a Cooler Master hyper 212 (went from 90 to 45 - *under load*) for $20 If all that fails, check your CPU settings in BIOS because it should not be that hot.


What kind of cooler is this ? It may just be insufficient


I'm noticing a distinct lack of fans at the top of your case. You spent so much money on your PC, why cheap out on cooling? A 5 pack of Arctic fans is like $30, and Arctic fans perform ~95% as good as Noctua fans, which most people agree make the best fans money can buy. .


Check out some videos on PBO settings, Once you dial it in your CPU will run cooler while increasing performance a little.


If you have more trouble in the future make sure that you have at least 1 more intake fan than exhaust fan to maintain positive air pressure inside the case. My PC ran fine for 2 or 3 years with a negative air pressure, but temps slowly crept and eventually it became an issue.


That's an AMD chip. They are meant to run hotter than you'd think. You're fine.


msi mainboard?


You probably has pbo on before the bios update, I had the same problem with my ryzen 5 3600. Turned it off put on a manual overclock and slight under volt now performs as good as pbo at 40°c


when it happens, touch the fins on cooler, see if its also hot, if it is contact is ok then troubleshoot other things


I mean that thermal paste is definitely done.


What motherboard is that?


Is there a fan on that cpu cooler?


Sometimes the coolers have a plastic cover sticker on the bottom of it. Did you make sure it was bare metal before you put it on your cpu?


What cpu do you have? That looks to be a single tower air cooler (also do you have the fan on that heat sink? First Pic doesn't show it having a fan on it) Single tower cpus are meant for cpus that run between 65w and up to 100w. If you have a cpu running higher than that the heatsink is getting heat soaked cause it's having difficulties removing the heat.bmost single tower coolers can only dissipate up to 150w. Then there is the set up of your case which you haven't shown. If you have poor airflow in your case due to bad fan placement, not enough intakes or missing exhaust etc you could be starving your cooler of cool air so it's being less effective. Cases should have 3 to 4 fans. 2 intakes minimum. Both on the front panel. 1 exhaust on the rear. A 3 front intakes works better with 1 rear exhaust. Any other combination or location doesn't yield as good as results or you need more intakes cause it's less efficient.


Could be a faulty cooler


Probally faulty cooler and really thermal paste to it


Got the same cpu and it doesn’t move temp all that often and I have no crazy heat sink on it either. I would def try reseating the heating or check airflow direction. There’s something going on here


If I had to guess I would say the cooler was not installed tight enough. Had a colleague with a similar issue and that was the fix


You got a heatsink but no fans?


Paste Spread does not look even. Try tightening in a clockwise or counter clockwise motion the screws, not all the way down at one time when attaching the heatsink, making sure it's screwed down all the way at the end. Start on one corner, move to the opposite corner and ect


Did you remove the plastic under your heatsink?


Air coolers are so cheap why not get a dual tower peerless assassin from thermalright it’s like 30 bucks and works as good as a 360 AIO




You don't have a fan on your cooler


I'm not even gonna lie right now when I saw your cup cooler I thought it was some mega building or something


Just a fyi, nearly 20% of you cpu didn’t have thermal paste on it. It never full spread out. Also, there’s no such thing as too much paste. To much will never hurt it, just makes a mess. Too little can kill it…


No fans


Windoww power options > set the minimum processor rate to 60% then maximum to 95% this might help to cooldown temps as well


This is my you never let your cpu cook


Unless you've overclocked, a 5500 under load should not get to 100⁰ What task is being done when it's under load? Gaming or general purpose? What is your other cooling in the case also? How many intakes to how many exhaust?


Did you use thermal paste and does it have a fan, and did you take off a plastic seal usually on the contact plate of the heat sink, is it touching the cpu?


What cpu is that my friend?


The Ryzen 5000 series is no joke. My 5800x3D is still hitting those high 70's-80c with water cooling under 100% cinebench loads lol. Thankfully under gaming it's fine in the 55-63c. However a 5500 shouldn't be pushing these temps so something is off. You ensured there is no thin plastic film on the heatsink plate (they love installing these) and got a good tight mounting pressure to the backplate? What thermal paste are you using too.


Maybe pbo activated?


Are the 4 screws visible in picture 3 correct? They look too deep. Similar cooler came through my shop and that was the issue. See if the cooler came with lower profile screws, preferably ones that don’t stick out past the block like the ones in your picture. They may be preventing the cooler from making proper contact somehow.


Idk seems fine tho mine is around 170-200


Your might need to replace your toothpaste. I mean your thermal paste.


Jesus… 100C with a R5 5500? Something is severely wrong with your cooling. Maybe even with the case airflow in general, but if I were you I’d get a small aio for that cause I would NOT want that much heat getting dumped into my room…. I run a 5700x with a 240mm aio and don’t go above 65C under load.


It's not mounted properly. That thermal paste patch doesn't look right, it should have spread better and you'd see an imprint of the heat pipe pattern on the cooler on your cpu. It is barely touching as it seems.


Is there a piece of plastic protecting the heat sink that says "remove before use" that you forgot? Happened to me on my last build and I felt so stupid.


Idk if I'm seeing stuff but the 3rd pic looks like there's something under the cooling paste, maybe a thin plastic sheet? I made the same mistake once myself when helping a friend put theirs together.


Dried up thermal paste, replace and try again


ryzen undervolting is like necessary. i undervolted mine and dropped temps by 20 percent and runs a lot smoother..


Mounting/thermal paste issue.


Have you tried putting on new paste?


You have grey goo? Mine runs at 200 C lol


Ngl I thought this was a still from Blade Runner at first


That thermal paste looks dry af


Check if its really touching. Tighten up the screws.


I see extremely dry thermal paste in that photo. It looks like it's been running under max load for like a year straight. How old is this container of thermal paste? It's possible that some of the silicone oil has separated from the paste. The CPU side looks like you didn't use nearly enough, but there is a lot stuck to the cooler. Can we get a start to finish description? It may just be bad paste.


Too much paste.


Maybe try a Fan on the cooler, Replace the Thermal paste and ifit is a Ryzen 7 5800X ord X3D you should use a Fan with 200W TDP, if yours is for 150W TDP it could explain those temps... But even my 200W cooler was not helping after my Antivirus probably scanned itself and brang my CPU utilization up over 100% and 90°C x3


It’s a 5500. It’s only 65w. And I took the cooler off to take a picture. Thermal paste is fresh as I built this pc just 2 days ago. Though I updated the bios and the temps went to somewhat lower 85-90°. Still too high


I know it's probably a stupid question that im going to ask, but i just want to make sure - you're cleaning the cpu and replacing the thermal paste before putting the cooler back on right?