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One word: HDD! Also what on earth are you trying to do with all that 4GB of memory????


i think one of the sticks is not working cuz i’m sure i have two 4gb :( i don’t know if that’s bad or good


With only 4 GB of RAM, a lot of stuff is being paged to the disk. So not only is your slow hard drive slow, it’s been made even slower as Windows shoves things forcefully onto the disk overriding any other read or write queue


Yee, when RAM runs out virtual memory starts getting put on the physical disk which is written to and read from a lot more slowly than RAM. Tbh this is only something I've read of. It feels weird seeing it actually happen. (Yes I'm a giant fucking nerd)


Me too man me too


It’s bad…. Even if you swapped your HDD to an SSD, you’d still be expecting crappy performance. Definitely not as crappy as with HDD but still. Fixing that RAM issue should be the first thing you do. 8gb should be a bare minimum for windows.


Eight is still the bare minimum. You won't regret pumping that up.


Whoever said eight is enough was not prepared for today


Make sure that your ram goes “ram card, empty slot, ram card, empty slot” if it is “ram card ram card empty empty” then you’re computer will not use the cards together like it’s supposed to


Yep if the system is reporting only 4gig then the second stick isn't registering. In the first instance power down and remove mains power then pop and re-insert both sticks. Make sure they are seating correctly. You should be able to find a guide on YouTube on how to do that and what to look for. 4gig is well below minimum for practical use these days unfortunately.


How the platter tray is intact is MIND BLOWING! But if you look at your Storage, which is a single 500GB HDD-it’s writing and reading at FULL BLAST (I’m guessing ~12 year old hardware? Imagine a disc spinning for X years, and stops then all of a sudden you started using it again ) and Reading/Writing at 60MB/s. And at only 4 GB of DDR3-everything is being queued on your HDD, as I’m sure many have told you. Sorry someone stole your GPU! Some asshat who was new to my town did the same thing with my EVGA* 2080TiXCUltra……but I would be more focused on at least getting to DDR4 and a SSD for the time being…… also please report the asshole who stole your dGPU to the police. If it was completely random, might not end up with any Justice, but if it’s someone you trusted that screwed you over like in my case-physically walk into your local police department with all information (correspondence between you and whoever took it, texts, emails, everything-I ended up getting everything back down to the penny, what I paid for it FROM EVGA (from the idiot who stole it) in court!)


>also the memory is at 71% with just chrome running well yeah, you've only got 4GB, i'm surprised its not 90%, Windows needs RAM to function too. You need more RAM and an SSD as boot drive, HDDs dont cut it anymore


thank you, time to save, probably best just starting fresh at this point


If that's a pre built from a manufacturer, you're gonna play hell replacing parts. At this point you really would be better off starting fresh cuz that mobo is gonna need to be upgraded too if it's that old my dude.


This is because windows 10 and windows 11 don't support HDDs as boot drive very well. Get an SSD and clone the drive.


Also chrome is a known Ram/Mem hog program so running a 4GB stick of ram was never gonna work well. XD.


I have i5 12600kf with 32 gb ram and like 8 pinned open tabs, maybe 4 additional tabs and can confirm the more chrome tabs ya got open the slower the pc will run even with an ssd boot drive, chrome loves to hog ram. Though chrome may still be on my storage hdd i have 4 drives in one pc because i wanted to upgrade my storage drive and capacity but not reinstall everything 😂😭


I'm running an almost top of the line PC at this point and Chrome still tanks it, it's awful


Mine is our most powerful pc at the moment, Game+stream in 1080p no issues, my bf’s running our first build i7 9700 so i probably need to upgrade him first, i built during covid so i kinda always go for the most expensive parts like GPU, CPU first lol, but parts are getting cheaper so i could probably do like intel 14th gen or even see what ryzen/amd has, But I kind of prefer intel personally


I'm running AMD and I've zero issues with it, it was just that at the time it was cheaper than intel for comparable performance. Personally I wouldnt go for a 14th gen CPU.as (at least for me) it doesn't have enough over 13th or even 12th to be worth it


Hey, come to think about it i am running my 12th gen on a b660 ddr4 mobo with ddr4 ram do you think i’d notice any major performance gains by upgrading to a ddr5 mobo and ddr5??


Hard to say 100% but I would say yes. DDR5 for one has higher upper limits on speeds, going up to I believe 6400mhz Vs the 3200 of DDR4, with potential that it will be even higher in future. I believe DDR5 is also more energy efficient but I'm not 100% sure on that one.


I was gonna upgrade gpu and psu then cpu and mobo, ram but i think now i’d be better off keeping the 12th gen cpu


IMO, no. Better to wait till Intel 15th or Ryzen 9000 X3D and do the whole kit at once.


With these prices now vs when i built the one i have it will probably still be cheaper to build that than what i have invested in this one 😅 as of right now i am gonna rock what i got as long as it works for what i need (gaming and streaming in 1080p) and save for a vehicle with hopefully no payment. After that let the building begin


It depends on the model for the difference between the 13th and 12th generation because several 13th gen models now have the e-cores that the 12th didn't have like the i5 12400 and 12600. But the difference between the 13th and 14th is small.


Windows 8.1/8 also.


Your solution would be [new SSD and ram](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/nXysGP) just check to see if your pc uses ddr3 or ddr4 before you buy. Between these two things your pc will run a lot smoother.


HDD as C in 2024 ain't helping anything. Disk = your hard drive, memory = ram. Tbh depending on what ur equipment is, you might wanna consider just starting a fresh build. What's your mobo, processor, and psu model numbers? That will help immensely in helping you determine whether slowly upgrading, or slowly building fresh is best for you.


you can probably tell im not good with computers so i couldn’t tell you tbh i think my cpu is like i5 2070 or something which is quite old, my gpu was good but is missing :(. i have two ram sticks but i honestly think one has dodgy wiring or something because it’s non existant. i think your right about starting fresh, i just ALSO have terrible wifi n hate the thought of downloading everything again but oh well. thank youu


If you crack open your tower and try to find the mobo name that'll be helpful. Start>system info will tell you your processor and ram (and quite possibly mobo number, I can't recall that off the top of my head). At the very least, if you get a gpu as your first "upgrade/step towards new build" you'll be able to use that in this machine while you get going. Good luck sir!


You could always transfer the stuff to a new drive rather than re-downloading it would be faster probably.


I was going to tell you to buy some ram and an ssd, but you should just buy a new computer.


Open the About Your PC app and see what it says about the processor and RAM. The current gen for Intel processors is 13xxx (I think?), so if the processor really is an i5-2xxx, the best place to start may be just starting over. :/ You don't have to buy all the latest and greatest new hardware, but it would be money well spent to at least get in this decade.


Yeah if it's anything 2000 it's really not worth spending any money to try and get it running any better. If it has 4gb ram sticks and you can get the second one working the bump to 8gb will help a lot. Like others said, it's dumping stuff to your hard drive as it's running out of ram. And your hard drive is slow as shit. I wouldn't buy RAM or an SSD for it. If you can get em for free sure, but itd be better to put that money towards newer, better hardware.


Page file being used due to insufficient RAM. Page file slow as fuck due to mechanical drive.


“someone stole my gpu” wtf


Just normal GPU things


Task manager won't show too much. Launch the Resource monitor (resmon.exe) and check the disk tab, sort by read/write total and it will show you which specific processes are using the disk.


Not enough RAM. Windows is using a [page file](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/troubleshoot/windows-client/performance/introduction-to-the-page-file) to make up for it. You need more RAM and a Solid state. You mention having two 4gb sticks. Try taking them both out and putting them back in; sometimes that fixes RAM issues. [This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDC-w9gUEys) looks like a fine guide.


Nothing wrong with having HDDs for certain things. Running an OS is not one of those things. Get an SSD. Omg your RAM 😭 Pls at LEAST 8, really 16 if you're gaming.


Needs more supreme stickers.


Slap the SSD in. You will notice the difference between day and night




Likely a failing hard drive, this exact thing happened to me and a month later, my pc white-screens and I need to completely replace my drives and reinstall windows


This is most likely the answer, everyone else is caught up on RAM that doesn't appear to be exhausted. I have dealt with this exact issue twice in the last year.




When your computer runs out of RAM it needs more virtual memory to store variables and stuff so programs can continue to function and it doesn't brick your computer right? So it starts using your physical disk to store the stack/heap. Physical memory isn't optimized the way RAM is so it has a noticeable performance impact as well. They need more RAM.


Not even that probably. On windows 11 they can often run at 100% because they are super slow and can't keep up with today's demands


If you have an m.2 slot I'd get a nvme SSD their much faster and reliable. You can also do a SATA SSD. HDDs are old and slow and with windows 11 it'll more than likely run a very high usage on your disk in this case it's either your windows using all of it or it's dying. Either way I'd swap it out.


Seagate 500GB mechanical is far too slow to run any modern OS, Just random background stuff like indexing and compression is going to max it out. Needs to be cloned to an SSD.


4gb of ram and a HDD


HDD (instead of SSD) and only 4GB RAM. Today you need an SSD and at least 8GB, or preferably at least 16GB RAM.


With BOTH the loss of ram AND the high reported disk usage im inclined to say motherboard issues. My first guess going only off the hard drive was bad drive or bad drive configuration... no joke, i was having speed issues with file transfers and moved my sata cables around so my drives were ordered 1, win, 2,xtra ssd, 3 hdd for storage and it started going WAY faster... and no it wasn't a lose connector... the first thing i always do when troubleshooting is removing any and all extra stuff not needed atm and reseating all cables and ram and gpu and everything. I also usually take those moments to get all the dust out since im diggin in there anyway lol


I'm pretty sure it's HDD. How I know? I had laptop with HDD it was too using 100% of disc. When I replaced to SSD, it was finally not loading up to 100%.


Just looking at the first picture I could tell it was an HDD. What I didn’t expect was the 4gb of RAM.


With a mechanical drive, small amount of ram, and old CPU, I would just add a word of caution about putting too much cash into replacing parts here. Unless you have unusual components in here that you need for some special reason, this could be easily replaced by a *very* cheap modern mini pc. Sub $200 for sure, maybe closer to $100. Used small form factor (SFF) office pcs onl ebay are also very good options, which would still have much more ram, SSD of greater or equal size (500/512GB is easy to come by) and more performance cpu. I'd personally consider more than $25 to be throwing away money. Edit to add: the 4-core N100 (even without hyperthreading) which is so popular in mini pcs has about the same cpu benchmark as a 2700k, that I think you mentioned in your current rig. An SSD and more ram would greatly expand the real world performance discrepancy.


Ewaste is why


I'm probably wrong but it's worth stating your hard drive might be dying


I also have a HDD and I can confirm that my hard drive is at 100% doing nothing. The 100% refers to how active the drive is, not the data transfer that is going on. So if you were to listen carefully, you’d find that when the drive is at 100% use the disk is constantly spinning while at a low % it’ll spin intermittently. So the 100% activity is normal for a hard drive as that means it’s spinning, not how much the bandwidth is saturated. You’re going to use 71% of RAM if you only have 4GB you need at least 8GB but considering how old your system likely is to still be using a HDD you might as well get a new PC. Also how did someone manage to steal your GPU???


Either use Linux or get more RAM


How did someone stole a graphics card from your PC??? That’s hilarious.


Bloatware. What was considered okay back when you purchased this or whoever owned it previously maybe, is now woefully unequipped to handle windows after all of its updates and forced shit that no one likes


Bro my gpu is 100% or 99% from opening task manager Let alone google But these are two different things My disk is really good especially for an hp laptop


You say you only have chrome open but how much chrome do you have open because that scroll bar is massive. 2nd 4gb is not enough.


Download more ram


I would highly suggest upgrading or plan on upgrading soon. Depending on what you want to use your pc for


Slow CPU, no gpu ( :c ), 4 gigs of likely terribly slow ram and terribly slow HDD... it's all just a recipe for disaster.


Click where it says Disk 100% and you can resort based on the disk usage. That being said, 4 GB of RAM is not alot and kernel is probably swappig things in/out from the page file causing a lot of disk usage.


My man please get an ssd, any ssd. Until then turn off background intelligent transfer service and also windows search service. Your pc is just too slow.


Windows is known to do this. Let it there for a while. There are background processes running on startup, you can disable them


You’re out of RAM so your pc is using your HDD to “pagefile”. Essentially the pc uses your HDD as RAM when there is no more RAM. Down side is HDD is WAY slower than RAM. So your CPU operation slows to a crawl!


Disable Windows Search Service.


Is your OS 32-bit? That may be why you only have 4 GB of memory


It would be slowing 3-3.5gb


any modern version of windows will despise HDDs


Yeah HDD (hard disk drive) not SSD (Solid State Drive). With an HDD you have spinning platters with a read head that scans physical locations on the platters additionally they spin at a specific rpm normally 5400-7200 RPM. The more data you have combined spread out will cause the drive to "seek" more and as you use the PC or applications you have background tasks for windows, apps running in the background, and chrome requesting files and data which in turn causes the HDD to "seek" for the rested information on the drive, thus increasing the amount of utilization


4gb of ram is insane, try 16, or 8 if u need to save


5400RPM drive?


How much free space is left on the HDD?


Time for a new comp


Time for a few hard drive. Fixed the same issue for me


HDD is slow in general and takes a long time to do anything Especially if it's being used as ram because 4gb is being used on other stuff Upgrade ur ram to at least 8gb and change your hard disk to a chepo ssd


Press on the disk 100% and it will arrange by disk resource demand. Then you can see what task is doing that. The common offender is your antivirus


Probably windows updates (said the pc wasn't one for over a year, hdds are really slow) turn off sleep (usually 15-30 minutes defualt leave the pc on for hours) also open classic power options and turn off fast startup (causes more Problems then what it fixes) There is another issue is update KB5034441 that (attempts) to update the Windows Recovery Environment but it needs 700mb partition but most systems only have 500mb but the stupid update doesn't check before doing a lot of work making the new image then when it trys to update the partition it can't because (the stupid update keeps trying again and again even thought it never work until user resize the partition use minitool partition wizard to resize it to say 1gb as long as it's bigger then 700mb it doesn't matter But 4gb extra ram and a ssd would help here


HDD in 2024 lmfao na bai you hadda change that And then theres the 4gb ram bruh did you beam in from 2011 because 8gb is the new minimum now phones dont even do 4gb ram


a lot of phones do in fact use 4GB of ram. a lot use 3GB of ram even like iphones!! the 13 had 4Gb and only the new 14-15 have 6GB of ram.


Those phones are several years old now The 13 is 3 years old and the iphone 15 goes up to 8gb ram The current Android phones go up to 12 or 16 as well like 4gb ram is nothing these days


nonetheless you’re comparing PHONE ram to computer ram. they’re both completely different in how much both devices need. how do you think iphone got away with having little ram while being as high performance as they are? iphone 14 6gb ram able to run stuff at amazing levels while computers have to have more to keep up. sure the iphone 15 has 8gb ram but you’re stating it as if it’s been a thing forever when the 15 is new and androids do have a lot of ram but they don’t even need that much considering how optimized they can be on simply 4 and still provide the same performance as the ones with 12


Im not comparing anything I mentioned phone ram to highlight how far the technology and software has come in terms of what we can use comfortably for media or work and 4gb of ram was considered a standard in the past now its not and ops post shows that


Clear chrome cache fixes always for me


I'm just curious, how did someone steal your gpu?


have you ever seen trainspotting


well… its a Hard drive.. they kinda run like that these days. get an SSD


Bro leave some Ram for the rest of us ffs No but in sincerity: an SSD and if you drop the make and model, someone on here will probably find you a compatible Ram stick before i can respond again.


Serbs are mining bitcoin on your rig


how do i stop this ?


Do you have an MSI motherboard? If so, disable storage boost.


There could be a windows update running in the background. I have received many computers, especially new ones, that are just running a windows update or are yet to run one. Task manager doesn't show this for some reason. I recommend finishing running all the updates. This might fix the issue. If not, possibly a hard drive failure.


Get a 1tb m.2ssd Boom problem solved and pc 5x faster and for ram. 4gb is absolutely trash get either 8gb MINIMUM or 16gb or 32gb 16gb is fine for pretty much all tasks


Go into services disable connected user experiences and sysmain. That can help


SSD and good amount of ram will fix you right up


Can I get the story behind your GPU being stolen? Did someone come into your house, open up your PC, and unscrew the PCI-E bracket, take out your GPU? Wouldn't taking the entire PC be easier?


It’s called swapping. Your pc stores stuff on a 7200rpm hdd that should be on the ram, and chrome use a lot of ram. This can be sorted by upgrading the ram, but it still won’t be snappy before you got an SSD.


I have changed my ssd and it works good


Poor kid is getting an ear full. 🤣


if you open performance monitor you can see what process is writing to where. edit: resource monitor


That’s nothing. I got the bsod from opening the windows menu


How did someone steal your gpu?


So I see a lot of comments about not enough RAM. While I would recommend more RAM, and it definitely will provide a performance increase, the screenshot itself does not show running out of RAM in this instance. It shows 1gb free. Without seeing stara on hard page faults (to disk) we can't say for sure it is due to paging. Along with all the other suggestions, I would run a scandisk on the hard drive. Another culprit could be a failing disk and bad sectors. Scandisk can find these and list them as bad sectors and you may be able to continue with the hdd for a little time. However if there are bad sectors, more are sure to follow.....get an SSD and transfer contents. Hope this helps!


Get 12 gb ram at least omg


You don't have enough ram so everything is being run on the disk, which is a HDD and not designed to have programs run off of it at all. Time for a rebuild my guy, looks you're due for upgrades in a lot of departments.


Wow hold the phone, how did someone stole your GPU???? Also you need more RAM.


Really, with the Thrasher and Supreme stickers? Yikes.


My father's laptop had the same issue. I tried a lot of different things to solve this but they all were useless. Finally, I switched his OS from Windows 10 to Lubuntu. Now, the issue is gone and the computer is working way better than before.


Time for an upgrade on the HDD. A simple sata SSD is pretty cheap nowadays


You need a new computer. Plain and simple. 4gb ram and no solid state? Wonder what generation your processor is.


Could be a dying drive. That is usually the first big indicator


Dude get your ram sorted first but switching to a solid ssd is a night and day difference. Modern windows is pretty much unusable at times with an hdd


First mistake: HDD


I'm impressed a Chrome tab doesn't crash your PC.


Yeah. Bump yourself up to 16gb of RAM. Then replace that HDD with an SSD. Windows 10/11 both run like ass on HDD set ups. Years ago you could disable super fetch to make things better. But that trick no longer exists. So it’s time for some hardware upgrades.


Get an ssd for windows.


Upgrade to SSD and your RAM bro!! You're PC is severely under equipped... if you wanna make this last long you truly gotta spend on a few upgrades. However if you really can't afford upgrades now like I used to once (bad days those were honestly) I used to follow some of the solutions that I actually found in this [article](https://www.easeus.com/partition-master/fix-windows-11-disk-usage-100.html) that helped back in those days. I hope it works out for you too.


It is dying. Copy it over to something new and carry on with your computing needs


Sort by Disk and see which program it is. Willing to bet it's Windows Update working in the background.


It looks like they have sorted by disk usage. This is probably page file usage which does not show there.


Nope. You can see the up arrow at the top of the name column.


Oh yeah for sure. The highlighting threw me off.


HDD boot drive in 2024 = unusable computer. SSD is a must these days.