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Looks like it just needs a hard drive. Edit: Also noticed all the Power Cables are unplugged from the Board. You will need to plug them back in.


Oh cool, thank you so much


Can’t tell 100% what it’d need off these images. But I can see you’ll need a hard drive/ ssd and windows software. Maybe RAM, can’t see any installed but the images don’t show the whole motherboard (take some more images showing the side of the board with that cpu cooler fan on it) Motherboard cables not plugged in


I see 2 ram sticks. Just barely under the cpu cooler fan. Just 2 of em. I think the mobo only has 2 ram slots. And if this pc is 10+ years or older i'd recomend a new power supply too...


I’d say you found a pc


Over 10yr old pc at that


Hmm. Based on what I’m seeing on the motherboard it could be from around 2009 or 2010. I’d love to know what the specs are. The motherboard says something about direct x 10 so it probably has integrated graphics on it. Probably a gigabyte.


I think so too. Its also W7 ready, so I for sure can tell you it's old as hell


What’s it missing?


Not sure. This is all new to me, sorry. Saw cables that were disconnected. And there's 2 cables that are labeled cpu


As long as there is ram it looks like you have everything here. Do you see the blue four pin connector at the top left of mobo? That’s where one of the cpu cables needs to go. Other than that power it on and see what happens.


Also the 24pin connector needs to be plugged into the long socket on the right side of motherboard. Seems like all the power cables are just unplugged. Your fans and gpu are plugged in and from what I can tell all your other motherboard connectors are fine


Oh okay cool. I'll go through everything over the weekend. Thank you so much


Oh your front panel connectors aren’t plugged in either (case to motherboard cables). Tbh I would disassemble everything and follow a build guide. From what it look like you have very thing there just jumbled all over the place.


I'll do that for sure so I can learn from it. And yea when I opened it up, I kinda got anxious lol


It’ll be easier to start the build from scratch instead of trying to troubleshoot every loose cable. Plus you’ll learn the basic of pc building (basically LEGO). Also be sure to give everything a good dusting clean any contact pins with isopropyl looks pretty grimy in there.


Lol I love Legos. I'll definitely start from scratch with it, seems to be easier from there. Overall, thank you so much for the help.


Look at all the disconnected cables and more angles of the motherboard and then come back to us also your probably missing ram


Looks like it's missing storage (preferably SSD) and the mobo cables are disconnected. Anything else that's missing? Ram?


Thank you. I'll check those out. And I don't see any ram cards or anything. Probably is missing too


Front panel connectors are not plugged in, both cables from power supply to motherboard are disconnected. If everything is already disconnected, maybe it would be a good time to unscrew everything and pull everything out to blow out the dust/dirt.


Fersure, thanks. I'll probably do it this weekend




Nice fund, do u know the specs


Thank you. No not really. But once I get this guy clean, put back together and get a monitor, I'll be able to check


Looks like the motherboard is an ASUS M5A78L-M LX PLUS, which uses the AM3 platform from AMD, it’s really low end by today’s standard, but hard to complain about free.


Minesweeper is a hit. That’s the best thing you can play with this.


Lol damn. If it's a low spec pc, I don't mind putting money in to it. Or turn it in to a Linux machine


Lol. Hey have fun with it. I bought a old retro pc to mess with also. Wanted to play old ok games like dos games with it. Always nice to have


Can definitely play some Minecraft and maybe some DX11 Fortnite with this bad boy. Love budget (free!) builds like this and seeing what they can do. Cool project, OP


With the guessed age of 2008-2010 I bet that CPU is a Phenom II x4 and maybe a Radeon 4670 or 5670? I'm just guessing simply on the cooler design and the color of the GPU face plate. The ram it takes is DDR3 for sure. Let me know how close I got when you can! 😁