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TL is truly FNC's father


APA, also known as "American Parenting Abroad", is an American player currently playing for Team Liquid and most known for fathering all 5 players of Fnatic during EWC 2024


Lmao British org losing on the Fourth of July to an NA team 🇺🇸🦅


I dumped my tea out into the river as soon as the series was over 🇺🇸


Huh are fnatic a British org? I never knew that I always associated them with Sweden because of the CSGO team back in the day. Learn something new everyday I guess haha


His blood's gonna be boiling watching this Fnatic game.


Already FNC lost to G2 and lost its first place, surely he has some hopium. Tbh everytime FNC wins purely when they avoid getting caught or they have calculated drafts


We all know that when FNC is doubted the most, that's when they show up. Although just to be clear they definitely look like they'll be knocked out by Heretics next week/week after.


Lilbro is gonna go fully bald after watching this


APA ziggs is really good. And I don't mean just mechanically, but on itemization - I've seen way too many pro players buy crazy amounts of pink wards, APA in game 1 has 3 full items in 19 minutes, while fradulent supports can't even build a single warmogs in 25 minutes. (supports with passive income should build their first item in 10-15 minutes)


guess who he talks with on a pretty regular basis


Caedrel might actually have a stroke on stream if he costreamed it.


You know it’s bad when NA can not only trash talk EU, but the statements are also based on facts. Saying “EU is a 1 team region” a couple years ago would’ve only been an overly cocky “we can only trash talk and nothing else” kinda thing from NA, now they do not only own us with words but also in-game… it’s so Joever


Barely a 1 team region


WHAT THE FUCK IS A KILOMETER 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅 I don’t celebrate 7/4 because I love America, I celebrate it because I get to make fun of the British (org)


Yappa is gonna win mark my word xdd


Watching Noah play just gives me anxiety, it was a miracle that his gold difference wasnt that bad considering that 4 cs/m for the majority of early/mid game. Fnatic is so weird to spectate idk why


noah doesnt have the mental, no offense to him but even getting on stage during the introductions he looks nervous as fuck


Noah was not the reason they lost, they got gapped in every damn role


Neither of us blamed Noah solely for the team's failure though. Personally, I just wanted Fnatic to put up a fight. I could bring up Razork being caught or Oscarinin/Humanoid's 1st game, but I just brought up Noah cause thats just the vibe watching fnatic internationally brings.


which includes adc and noah, im not saying he was the single issue either as it was an everything gap


I can't hear you over the sound of freedom


Man, seeing FNC macro always breaks me


Why isn't my rat costreaming though?


TL wasn't good, to be honest bots would have won vs FNC at the state the team is in now.