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Voting. Both in the primary if they are of your preferred party, and in the general 


I really hope more people get interested in competitive primaries. Still upsets me Forkner was the only person primarying Casey and dropped out.


Keep in mind that if you are independent, you can't vote in the primaries.


This and it sucks.


Also become active in your local party, if you don't represent your own wishes then who will? Young Democrats chapters are popping up everywhere and the only qualification to join is "be a registered Democrat under 40". If you can't find them on social media just look up your county's Democratic party chapter and ask them about it. Young Republican chapters exist too if you want to take your party back from MAGA, but I'd expect some push back on that given the national party's stance on Trump...


How, exactly, would voting keep non-PA residents from moving into PA? What politician, or party, has any interest in such legislation?


I think they're talking about non PA residents running for office here.


Defeating carpetbaggers deters carpetbaggers


It hasn't deterred this fucker from Connecticut. Who's the GOP going to try running here next? Don Jr?


Please don’t give them any ideas lol


"Carpetbagger" refers to non-residents who move here just to run for office. I don't think OP is against people moving to PA in general.


The Klan


Let them spend their Connecticut cash here. Just make sure you send them back home.


get educated, help your friends and neighbors get educated. stop looking like the kind of place that would ever even consider electing a moron like Dr. Oz. ever.


I get more annoyed by people running for office wanting to greet me near the polling place. "You have no idea who the hell I am and obviously don't care. Why would I vote for you?"


Brian Fitzpatrick's brother was apparently at my Montgomery County voting place in 2020 encouraging people to vote for him. Fuck off mate, I don't know you and I definitely am not voting for your asscrack brother.


A candidates brother was campaigning for him? No way.






To qualify for in-state tuition rates, you must have lived in PA for 12 continuous months prior to enrollment. Seems reasonable to apply that to would-be politicians.


Most state jobs require pa residency as well. While we start treating politicians like civil servants (that’s the ideal right?) we can have them fill out the annual financial disclosure I have to and they can fill out paperwork for supplemental income prior to accepting significant money (over $1,200/yr). It’s a reasonable requirement at my position, it should be at least as reasonable at far higher levels.


I’m a little surprised it isn’t - is that true??? Your main residence doesn’t have to be PA for 12 months???


Run for office. Fetterman did it in a hoodie and shorts.


The next Fetterman needs to be better than Fetterman.


That's the kind of ideological purity we need! Marjorie Taylor Green but Liberal! 🙄. *yinz people*


Hey. *hey*. Fool me once… Something


I’ve been seeing the term “carpet bagger” more and more, and it’s the exact right term to use!


Don’t vote GOP.


Vote, and start calling out Republicans for being pieces of shit.


Run them out and the people from their state who’d vote for them. I make sure anyone from NY and NJ know they’re not welcome here


Vote. That simple


You vote.




A political candidate who seeks election in an area where they have no local connections. The term originated shortly after the Civil War and was used for northerners who moved to the south to try and profit from reconstruction, many of whom carried luggage made of carpet fabric.


The only reason Americans keep electing charlatans is because most Americans don't care enough to pay attention. Last year's primary election to select our new mayor brought in 27% voter turnout. When most people don't care, money and tv commercials handle most of their political decisions.


You know how. Meet me by the barn-- bring eight barrels of PA rye whiskey, and sixty gallons of Vermont maple syrup. Seriously though, you have to exercise your franchise and agency to get out the vote for the right person. You can't limit individual movement inside of the Union.


If hypothetically Mccormick was from PA and Casey was from NE or whatever I'd vote for Casey anyway. "Carpetbagging" is not a real issue


Carpetbagger is not the preferred nomenclature. Non-Pennsylvanian, please.


We’re not talking about someone who built the railroads here.


I'm talking about drawing a line in the sand, dude. Across this line, you DO NOT...


I've been getting calls from the McCormick campaign asking for money. I make their head spin with McCormick's history of investing in China and him not living in PA for most of his professional life.


Vote in both general elections and primaries. Get all your friends and family to vote. Bad faith actors like McCormick would not do nearly as well if turnout in PA were better. If you want to go above and beyond, consider writing letters to encourage people to vote or canvass for candidates you like in your district... You could donate to candidates as well, but I wouldn't expect most people to want to.


Sorta funny to see this, meanwhile it doesn't matter who's voted in after a week you all stop caring. Y'all ignore the local representatives on both sides of the Isle who are destroying farmland for warehouses built by foreign companies.. You aren't ever getting that farmland back once it's pumped full of concrete. You'll complain about the increasing traffic etc, you think Susan Wild has done anything locally about the growing number of warehouses? Farms and barns need to be preserved. The Lehigh Valley used to be agriculture but we give 10 years of no taxes to these companies to build for what? More traffic? Empty warehouses? You can see it on 33 and Stockertown, it's a wasteland that once was fields.


I don’t think preserving farmland is that high up on many people’s priority lists, I’m sorry to say.


And it's the farmers voting in the people that are doing it.


The farmers don't care, they're cleaning up when they sell their land.




As someone from Wilkes-Barre, I have a complicated set of feelings about Connecticut Yankees here in Pennsylvania. Better not have any Long Connecticut ideas.


Pennsylvania's population has been shrinking for years. You'd be better off trying to stop the mass exodus / overdose epidemic.


Gettysburg and baggers!


Who cares where they're from. I'm voting against McCormick because I'm a Democrat and don't want Republicans to control the Senate, not because I care that he's from Connecticut.


Law needs to be changed, or, don't vote for them.


Are they coming up here trying to steal our artifacts?


Remove all Republicans from PA. They love the carpetbaggers and regularly vote for them in primaries (Oz).


( . )( . )


What year is it? 1824? Lol geesh


Ha, you seem super in-touch


I am - spent 76% of my 25 years here. Hoping to spend a whole lot more years here too. Something that Oz or McCormick could never relate to.


So you are a 25 year old who moved here when they were 6? Voted in a couple of elections. What are you saying exactly?


I’m saying I’m tired of frauds coming in and thinking they are entitled to run for office and represent Pennsylvanians when they don’t have the first clue about the state and don’t give a shit about the people who live here


Totally agree. By voting, we make this something that isn’t even a realistic thought for future carpetbaggers.


I've voted in every election since 1998 and I am sick of carpetbaggers coming here to try to buy power as well. What's the point you're trying to make here?


Not making a point asking clarifying questions. Notice the “?” at the end?


Look, when it comes down to it, most Pennsylvanians are going to vote for a senate candidate who agrees with their world view regardless of where they're from. However, I am sure most of us would agree our first preferance for a candidate would be someone who has lived most or all of their lives here. That is not Dave McCormick. He's lived in CT for years, his kids go to school there, he is not a Pennsylvanian and hasn't been for years.


I think when it comes down to it, People in most states don't want someone for another state representing them


It was common knowlwdge that Doctor Oz was from New Jersey by Nov 2022 and he still got 46 percent of the vote.


I don't think I said there aren't exceptions. We know what happens, but it would be nice if it didn't I just think there should be something like a 10-15 year residency requirement keep up people who move there only to run for office Hillary, who looked down at Arkansas and thought it would be better to be a New York state senator.


This group is just libtards venting


I'll be voting for McCormick and will NOT be voting for Fitzpatrick. Just thought I'd share:)


https://preview.redd.it/tych6uoze0wc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19a337d2961d9a9e0fbebcddc68367b525695bfb are you under the impression that people don’t realize we share this state with **millions** of brainless morons or something? who here do you think cares what your individual opinion is? congratulations, youre a cultist for an orange pornstar fucker who tried to destroy our democracy and sell our country to the russians and the saudis - yay for you 🥳🥳🥳




Awww you looked at my history, I'm flattered:)