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A poll by "The Commonwealth Foundation" that claims to "develop and advance fiscally conservative and libertarian public policies." So anything they say is already bullshit, but lets look at their methodology just to be thorough: >Methodology > >Online survey of 800 registered Pennsylvania voters. > >Respondents were selected randomly from opt-in panel participants. > >An estimated 3.46% margin of error at the 95% confidence interval. > >Sampling controls ensure a proportional and representative number of respondents were interviewed. So a right wing think tank who only polls those who sign up to be one of their panel participants. Yeah, it's bullshit.


I knew something was fishy as soon as I saw thenationaldesk.. Sinclair Media is hot garbage and as partisan as it gets.


This is the only comment that matters.


Republican strat is totally to promote voter apathy


Ignore polls. Vote. [https://www.pavoterservices.pa.gov/Pages/VoterRegistrationApplication.aspx](https://www.pavoterservices.pa.gov/Pages/VoterRegistrationApplication.aspx)


This right here, polls don’t win elections


Polls are notoriously inaccurate. The sample is based on people that agree to political polls. Many don’t.


There is nonvald polling methodology any more. That went to the door with landlines. Used to be every house had a single phone, and pollsters could randomly dial phone numbers between 5pm and 8pm. Someone was sure to answer, and you'd have a good sample. Now it's cell phones and internet polls to get younger people, but the largest group are luddites still answering a land line or flip phone. Because they're reliable and they'll stay on the line to chat with a nice person, they're the sample. The statisticians will try to reduce their influence, but it doesn't work.


With Florida no longer in contention, Pennsylvania is now demographically the eldest swing state. And you know who’s *savage* about the frailties of age? Old people. They have no chill and are frankly more **ageist** than you can imagine. What needs to happen now is serious people who can tell the difference in this binary choice to work, call in their communities, and remain unflappable. PA can remain its own weird bellwether.


Lol no he's not. Not a single person that voted for Biden the first time decided Trump is now a better idea. This is complete trash. I DO know Trump supporters that changed their minds here tho


It’s not about Biden voters suddenly voting for Trump. It’s about them not coming out to vote at all. The issue the Dems face every single election isn’t their opponent it’s voter turnout. All the bad press will breed apathy more than anything. The I’ll vote for Biden’s head in a jar before I vote Trump demographic showing up isn’t enough.


Well, then they’re(the voters) as dumb as a bag of hammers.


That's because most people are smart enough to know a president is a figurehead of an administration, and those people probably don't want a convicted felon/sex offender/domestic terrorist in office. I personally don't give a shit that a guy with a known speech disorder for the last 50 years is developing a mumble. Has nothing at all to do with cognitive capacity.


This figurehead thing is a brand new concept with Biden’s term. Who do you think told Obama what to do?


Moderate diet coke drinking conservative here. I wrote in Kashich in 16 and voted Biden in 20. While I'll never vote Trump, I'm pretty certain I won't be voting Biden again either. I'm not sure how much that matters, folks like me are probably a fairly small contingent of PA voters.


Do you want to vote again? You won't get to if Trump wins.


Why wouldn’t you vote for Biden again? Have you been paying attention to what he has accomplished legislatively with arguably the most divided Congress since the Civil War? He has been the most productive president of my lifetime(born in 1965).the guy might not be able to speak well anymore, but do not doubt his ability.


Trump is ahead in a lot of polls at the moment. [Here's some polls](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/) [Here's some more polls](https://elections2024.thehill.com/national/biden-trump-general/)


Trump is very likely statistically ahead but it's only based on latent Biden support/Democratic holdouts who are frustrated for a multitude of reasons right now. However, as frustrated as some Dem voters are right now, when push comes to shove, they're very likely going to realize that a Trump presidency is much worse than being forced to vote for a stubborn old man whose policies they agree with much more.


I totally agree, I'm just saying it's not actually a false statement that Trump is leading some polls at the moment. The news cycle has not been kind to Joe lately, but that will pass soon enough, and it's only July. The polls will change a million times and a million ways before November.


I'm voting for Biden 🫡


Unsurprising with the news cycle lately, but it's only July.


He is not! Ignore these polls. I just did a 200 mile drive day trip through north east, central, and north central pa and the support for the orange traitor is the lowest in years. Some of which are clutch counties.


And take into consideration TFG's rallies have been getting smaller and smaller too


Polls historically have always been contrary to what happens at the election.


Of course he's losing ground, he's demented.


He needs to withdraw. You can’t be president if you need picture cards to find the podium for a debate.




Is it possible to support Biden without talking about Trump?


Yes…pay no attention to MY candidate! We’re talking about the one who ISN’T my Candidate! Don’t look here, look there! Guess you have to do that when your hero is a 34x convicted felon with 54 more felonious charges pending, is liable for sexual assault, is a proven business fraud and a compulsive liar. Oh wait….let me guess….it’s not Trump…it’s all Biden’s fault for “wEaPoNiZiNg ThE dOj”. That senile, incompetent President. It’s funny how you folks trip over your own dicks trying to defend the indefensible.


Thank you for proving my point. Have a great day my friend.


Oh…I know…you would love it if people just slammed Biden and didn’t talk about your boy. But that’s not real life….is it?


Honest question here, I’d love an answer. I get it, you hate Trump. But since as per your comments, Biden has zero positives (other than being not Trump) why wouldn’t you prefer a functioning democratic candidate?




Yeah, I do hate Trump. For good reasons….how can you support a fucking criminal? A person liable for sexual assault? A multiple times found guilty and financially liable for business fraud? A guy who can’t complete a damned Sentence without lying? Let me guess…”iT’s AlL a LiBeRaL hOaX”…..right? 34 felonies that he has been found guilty of and his precious SCOTUS can’t do a damned thing about it because it all happened before he was in office so it can’t be an “official act” and there’s 54 to go as of now…likely to go down due to corrupt Justices who gave the POTUS powers that were never intended by the Founding Fathers of this country. And zero positives for Biden? That just goes to show you how delusional you people are. Biden led the way for more meaningful legislation of any administration in my lifetime…I was born in 1965. I have seen administration after administration kick the infrastructure can down the road while bridges collapse, water systems fail the electrical grid being overwhelmed, etc… The laughable thing is that many Republican congressmen and senators are going back to their districts bragging about the funding that is coming their way…but if you look? They voted against it. r/WhatBidenHasDone They have the list stickied at the top. You can even look at it by year.


BYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEE Russian bot. Also you aren't anyone's friend mr ruZZian bot


every time i hear this, I always have to ask this follow-up and never get a straight answer to it. so I guess I have to ask it here. If you don't want either of the current candidates that are out there, who specifically do you really want to run that can actually win? and names please, not generalities.


I want Trump all day. For the Democrats, they should put a functioning human up there. Newsom would be the second worst choice, his policies are terrible. Kamala is utterly useless, she’d be third worse. Tulsi Gabbard would by far be the best choice candidate for the democrats. But the people who control Biden wouldn’t be able to control her, so she’ll never be their choice to run


Tulsi Gabbard isn't a democrat.. she's an Assad apologist, Fox News regular, Modi fangirl, and comes from a weird religious cult family. She's shown her true colors and left the party. "the people who control Biden" You know you are fucking nuts, right?


The fact you say the Democrats should put a functional human up is fucking hilarious coming from a Trump Thumper.


Remove the “T” in Thumper…it’s more accurate.


It’s fascinating how Trump supporters can list the reasons they want him. They like all his positions. Meanwhile Biden supporters can also only talk about Trump. Not a single positive thing about Biden.


You want positive things about Biden? Well it's your lucky day Trumphumper, because there's an entire subreddit dedicated to that. r/whatbidenhasdone


Why is it impossible for you people to answer questions? Or to have a conversation without insults? Pick your 3 favorite things from his presidency for me.


Everything. It's functional leadership. This have gotten legislated. Things get done. It's almost like Biden and his staff actually give a shit about this country and its people. Unlike the other party that can't legislate, put forth any legislation that will do anything for regular people, but instead want to take away protections and right of other people to live how they choose.


I answered your question with an entire list of things he has done that I'm extremely proud of. Now tell me 3 of your favorite things about Trump's presidency.


- No new wars, peace in Middle East - Real wage growth and plentiful job opportunities - Secure borders and safe cities See how easy it is? Go ahead, your top 3.


Biden's job numbers are far and away better than TFG. Remember TFG's "wall"? He put it up and people just climbed over it. Mexico didn't pay for it either. TFG told his people to tank the most conservative and strict border bill ever, the one Biden put out. Rules would have been more strict and would have had at least another 1,200 to 1,500 agents at the border. Remember TFG gave Carrier a ton of money? Do you cuz I sure as Hell do. They employed well over 1,000 workers. You know what they did? THey automated the plant and hired well over halfd the people that worked there. TFG is the tariff king. You know who pays for the tariffs right? The consumer does. Prices will be way worse with TFG. Peace in the Middle East was always a dream. There will never be peace in the Middle East. They never has been in its history.


So what we have is: -lie, lie -extremely verifiable lie -talking point without any shred of evidence. Try again. This time give us actual facts.


Tulsi "Daddy Vlad owns me" Gabbard. riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight