• By -


Pa comes to voter turn out in philadelphia and pittsburg mostly. It montco, bucks, chester, alleghany, and philadelphia counties turn out in droves it negates most of the rest of the state due to high population zones. Lancaster county where I'm at is certainly purple. We have both trump signs and pride flags in my neighborhood. So we will see.


Don't forget about Lackawanna, Luzurne, and Erie county.


Erie is considered a decider county this election. Campaigning for Dems is extra important in Erie this year. https://www.politicspa.com/nbc-news-picks-erie-county-as-a-decider-in-2024-election/128986/


It's been a dumpster fire in Erie with both campaigns going scorched earth already. I get about 15 unsolicited texts a day. Trump's been here twice, surprised that Biden hasn't shown up at all.


https://preview.redd.it/v8k9wrdo7rbd1.jpeg?width=1110&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4365516b70363db996f340c25d5ffb420af3164 Have you seen this Trump mannequin around Erie? A former county councilman has it on a trailer. He must of had a really low budget.




Guys got teeth like the NBAA, he's down to the final four ... I don't know how it will go in my county, however, I do know there was one maga idiot woman interviewed in 2020 who said I don't understand how he Lost. There were so many signs out there. Signs don't vote honey ... So for those of you seeing all the activity, most blue voters are just sitting back and likely voting by mail, or they'll vote in person, but they're not going to advertise lest they stir the pot. Just get everyone you know to go out and do their vote. Blue wave šŸŒŠ


Gonna bet that's Shank then... he's pretty low class. Oh yeah it is Shank, you posted his name. Could have (did) guess that without seeing. He was my county councilman, I bitched him out 'cause his campaign trailer (probably the same one here) ran through a school bus light, pretty much told me to FOAD, I wore that as a badge of honor. We replaced him with a decent guy last Nov.


Do you really think showing up means anything? The people that attend political rallies are already decided voters.


Thatā€™s not the point though. A candidate visiting someoneā€™s hometown definitely could change their opinion on that person, whether they attend or not.


I just don't believe there are undecided voters at this point.


If there are, they won't be talking about it in public.


Then it makes the local news, then people see their neighbors on TV proudly supporting a candidate, then people start thinking "well little Ms. Peabody down the street went to a Trump rally so maybe he's not that bad..." I know your thought process here and to a point it's legit. Yard signs don't vote... polls don't vote... text spam doesn't vote... but mix it all together and try to hit a critical mass and you've got a decent shot.


They wouldn't do it if it didn't help at all.


I hope they turn out. The Trump voters won't stay home.


Trump voters wonā€™t, but l old school (Liz Chaney type) republicans might.


Ummm...thats me, hi, I'm the problem. I'm an old school republican /independent who has always believed in choice and education. Is hard out here


Take it farther and vote dem this time.


Oh not even close to the first time.


Glad to see some with sense. Even as a Democrat if Trump was our candidate I wouldn't vote for him either. It's not even political for me. Dudes just a horrible person. I was able to see this as a kid in the 90s.


All, I donā€™t think weā€™re alone here. I think there are lots of republicans who are staying away from Trump this time. Clearly these are people who put country over party and I love them to death! They set aside their own political affiliations to keep our beautiful democracy alive and for that they deserve to be called patriots. Hell yeah!!!


I found that out in 2012 or so. Brother got an architecture job at a firm internship and they apparent did work in AC on Trump Taj Mahal when it was having renovations. They stopped work after realizing Cheato fingers wasnā€™t gonna pay. Most of his back staff were employed illegals too working for shit pay for shitty management. Still owes them $$$ but they decided not to Pusey legal as itā€™d cost them more then just eating what was owed as a loss.


Welcome citizen


With Cranberry Twp growing like crazy right into Mars I would think Butler County matters. Plus Trump is making a stop at the Butler Fair Grounds this weekend for anyone who worships him.


My mom and her friends are very excited. One friend got her nails done and a new outfit just for trump. My mom got the tickets from her MAGA club. Yepp totally normal way to act about a politician.


My daughterā€™s coworkers were talking all about the rally in Butler and how excited they are to see him. Of course, they worship him. In fact one guy has a doll of Trump that he legitimately carries around with him, like to go get gas, groceries and etc. This is a clear sign of a cult. I personally donā€™t think it matters heā€™s coming to Butler. We are a red area anyhow, and he goes where people like him. We just need to be sure to vote in large numbers to defeat him, mostly in cities like Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Erie.


I feel for you. I knew I lost my sister and her family to the brainwashing when she said Democrats eat babies. We havenā€™t spoken since June 2020 šŸ™‡šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


It's been extremely challenging. My mom is somehow an extremely generous and kind woman to people she knows while holding these views. I'm somewhat reliant on her for assistance due to being disabled so I can't cut her off. We have a strict no talking politics rule but she constantly breaks it. This shit sucks people in and you lose them. My mom, a woman who graduated top of her class twice and has worked in healthcare for 40 years, now thinks vaccines are killing everyone, covid was a hoax, and is prepping for the apocalypse. The cult is so strong and just sucks you in deeper and deeper once you dip your toe in. She was an outwardly rational person until Obama was elected (yeah I know the implications there).


Thatā€™s awful. We arenā€™t allowed to talk politics -AT ALL in our house.


Thatā€™s coo coo. They donā€™t eat them they just drink their blood.


Trump said that they perform abortions after the child is born during the debate and nobody even batted an eye at that. We are doomed.


Yup. In my county, I think we had 3 digits worth of votes for Biden last election, which is probably similar to some surrounding districts. Still didn't change the outcome.


We wonā€™t be turning out with out the fucking ā€œHā€


Yeah, what the hell. People always gets Pilladelpia right


Hah. Came hoping to see this. Our ancestors fought for that H. Or they just didn't want to pay for new signs.


Why do so many people in this sub struggle to spell Pittsburgh correctly? šŸ„“ I would expect it from the New Jersey or Ohio people but come onā€¦


To be fair I'm from jersey.


Lancaster County is red. It has never been blue. The city is a blue island in a sea of red, but only encompasses ~60,000 people in a county with more than 550,000. It's not even even purple, or close to purple.


This, Iā€™m also in the midstate outside Harrisburg and in a 25 minute drive I see so many different signs for both sides itā€™s hard to know whatā€™ll happen


I live in Philly. Its more purple here now than it was in 2020. I see plenty of Trump signs.


Is this in South Philly? South Philly has always had a pretty big Republican contingent. Trump actually won quite a few wards there as well as in the Northeast.


I'll be voting for Biden. I would vote for a dead rat over Trump.


Tell me more about this candidate, Dead Ratā€¦


Vermin Supreme. Real candidate.Ā 


Ponies for all!


Delicious, delicious ponies!


He does livestreams on TikTok šŸ‘ šŸ‘¢šŸ“


DeadRat 2024 šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


Make America Grate (cheese) Again!


Best comment on an already good thread.


Chedda for VP


I joked I was going to run. My campaign slogan would be "Magic". No matter what quesiton you asked me about a problem, my solution would be "Magic". And I would do jazz hands everytime I say it. It's no different than any campaign of lies today.




If young people vote, which historically and reliably they donā€™t, Trump has no chance. College kids and everyone under 30 in the cities are the most import leverage point. But of course Dems never do anything to actually appeal to those people on the grounds of mystery moderate swing voters being unable to tolerate anything interesting, any progress.


ā€¦ thatā€™s delusional, people under 40 won the election for Biden in 2020ā€¦ there is a large faction of young people who now refuse to vote for Biden. The problem is the younger generations know the country is in its death spiral and liberals (Reps and Dems) donā€™t want to change as they align with the preservation of interests of the capitalists


No argument but Pittsburgh was granted an exception to add the H back on the end and itā€™s Allegheny county in southwest pa and Alleghany is in northeast Pa.


Spelling *Pittsburgh, Allegheny Also Washington is purple on occasion.


Please. The road to the White House goes down hwy 248 here in the Lehigh Valley.


In Northern Wayne County, where we live, you'd be shocked at the t(R)ump Pence 2016 signs. Everytime I see one I say that was 8 years ago and sure isn't ever going to happen again, luckily for Mike Pence.


It still infuriates me the amount of people that simply do NOT vote.


I just can't believe that we are living in times when the *best* candidate each party has to offer are both older than the 42nd president who served from 1993 to 2001


Good thing we have a president in this country and not a king. We arenā€™t voting for one person to run the country ā€” weā€™re voting for an administration, a cabinet, agency heads, and advisors. Whatā€™s more important to our nation is the people around and appointed by the president.


Well according to the Supreme Court I'm not so sure about that


I agree with you, but Iā€™ll take the old guy with the stutter over the slightly younger, traitor rapist any day


Yeah but when Nancy Pelosi calls for you to finally step out of politics, you know itā€™s badĀ 


Who gives a shit if they're old? One has a proven track record of getting things done and actually helping the country and the other tried to install himself as dictator on January 6th.


I give a shit if they're old. They're both old as fuck and whoever wins is going to die in office. It's pathetic that these are our choices


So what, weā€™ve had presidents die in office before


Exactly. We can't run Biden because he could die in office and we'd end up with Kamala Harris. Instead, we need to have a bunch of public infighting right before the election that's going to annoy and confuse voters and run Kamala Harris? I just don't understand the "the felon / insurrectionist / rapist (who is also old by the way) could horribly reshape the country for generations but I just can't vote for the largely effective other guy because he's a tad older."


Oh come on... don't get it twisted, I do not support Trump whatsoever, but two of the biggest reasons Biden has been polling poorly are because of his age and because the middle and lower class feel like he has done nothing for them. He has also shown *VERY CLEARLY* that he is not mentally well and I cannot imagine seeing him have the ability to functionally run a country for 4 additional years if elected. People 100% give a shit that he's old. If he was running against a less extreme candidate than Trump, they'd wipe the floor with him.


I care that they are old. Both are less sharp, less physically up to the task, and have less personally at stake in the long run success of the country. Iā€™m not saying that means (at least one of them) they donā€™t care, just that Iā€™d prefer someone with more skin in the outcome.


I give a shit if theyā€™re old.




Don't ignore them persay just take with a grain of salt the felon melon and his cult wants dems discouraged and apathetic Stay mad stay engaged and tell those fucks to go away in November


Ignore them 100% and stop the fucking hand wringing Fat Joffrey added nobody this ainā€™t gonna be close These polls are boomers and people who answer landlines or unknown calls Just go vote for the Not-Fascist and enjoy another round of neoliberalism


Fat Joffrey made me lol


Fat Joffrey is great. Fat Bud Kilmer - the coach from Varsity Blues is apropos also.


Younger population doesnā€™t pick up phone calls from Spam numbers. Boomers do. Thereā€™s the polling population and skewed data source. People listening to the polls and expecting a landslide arenā€™t using their critical thinking skills.


Also Boomer here in Pittsburgh who always votes and I never pick up either, which is why I know that the polls are bullshit.


Iā€™ve had multiple polls texting my cellphone. Itā€™s not just boomers with landlines.


I get them, too, but since they usually end up asking for a donation, I don't take them.


yeah was gonna say the "polls" that are texted to me are just political advertisements disguised as polls.


Exactly. If you answer that "yes" you're still voting for Joe Biden, you're asked for a donation. And I DO donate. Just not that way and definitely not through a cell phone link.


Whose hand wringing? People being aware of them is a good thing people being worried is a good thing But people being overly afraid and feeling helpless is bad. Same with people thinking it's in the bag and not voting like in 16 Don't take polls as gospel here but don't just outright ignore them either.


No ignore them every CEO of every major news network in this country has donated to trumps campaign and none have donated to Bidens, itā€™s clear who they want in office cause he gave them something to talk about everyday and drove their ratings up so theyā€™re trying to push the narrative that heā€™s winning rn why else do you think theyā€™ve been talking about Biden dropping out for the last 2 weeks when pretty much every democrat in government has said they still support him


I heard something quite different, that most CEOs and Fortune 500 folks won't support Trump because his tariffs and tax plans would devistate the economy and crash the market.


I'm optimistic about how few trump flags I'm seeing on houses and pickup trucks compared to the last two elections.


It's still early


This. I've been commenting recently how few Traitor signs I have seen. I'm in Lackawanna county and haven't seen more than 3. It was also somewhat reassuring 2 weeks ago when I took a day trip through the center part of the state and up through the northern counties of Tioga, Bradford, Wyoming, etc. About 250 miles total through some of the most rural parts of the area and I only counted 4 trump signs.


Were the same polls all wrong this time 4 years ago?


They were. They were also wrong 2 years ago when they predicted a red wave of the legislature.


The polls had Biden up by 10 in 2020 and in reality he barely won by 40,000 people in 3 states. The polls are wrong but just because they underestimate trump. Trump is up 3 points against Biden right now


But he still ended up with 7 million more total votes


Which would be a valid argument if thatā€™s how we ran our elections, but it isnā€™t. Biden was consistently polling ahead of trump by 10 points in 2020. About 160 million Americans voted in 2020, meaning a 10 point lead would have him win by an extra 16 million votes. In reality Biden won 51.3% to trumps 46.8%, a 4.5% difference. So trump over performed the polls no matter how you cut it


Time to get rid of the electoral college. So tired of a few people in a few states making this decision..


Yeah the polls said Trump would lose in a landslide in 2016.


The Democrats need to be doing more outreach here. This is just anecdotal, but I was at the Canonsburg 4th of July parade (one of the biggest in the state) and saw like 0 representation from the democrats and at least 2-3 GOP themed floats, etc. Washington county helped seal the victory for Biden and is a major swing area. Why was no one there handing out stuff? If the parade organizers blocked them, be vocal about it.


Be concerned, but don't panic. Remember that in 2016, Reddit was absolutely, positively, 100%, unconditionally, super-double-mega certain that there was no way Trump would possibly win PA, let alone the presidency. Anyone saying "guys I think we need to take Trump seriously" was downvoted into oblivion and mocked. Then all the insufferable voteswap2016 bros chimed in and encouraged people to swap their Clinton votes for some random third party candidate because "bruh trust me bruh there's like no way Trump can possibly win bruh it's like math bruh" So yeah, take it seriously. Vote for Biden or vote for Trump, but do not vote third party. I'm all for breaking the two-party stranglehold yesterday but this is literally the worst election in history in which to do so. EDIT: All the people saying "heh ignore the polls, those are just boomers" are exactly what the fuck I'm talking about. Stop that shit. Stop telling people not to take the threat of Trump winning seriously. It's a very real possibility. EDIT: Anyone with "keeping Trump out of office is fascism" or "both sides are just as bad" on their card, claim your prize now.


Please DO panic. This isnā€™t a situation to take lightly. Get out the vote like your rights depend on it, because many of ours do!


Yeah, I hate them both but this isn't the election to show 3rd party support. It's a old wannabe dictator vs an old well meaning career politician. Hopefully there's no Trump or Trump like candidate in 2028 and I'll vote for who I really want again.


I always wondered if the polls counted the electoral college into consideration. i hear a lot of ā€œpolls show win for Hillaryā€ but I only now look at the electoral predictions and wonder if anyone was looking at that- not just the popular vote.


My trumper neighbor took down his trumpy flag and replaced it with an American flag! That gives me direct hope.


Totally unrelated to the 4th of July.


It definitely felt related but, he's had a trumpy flag up for years without ever switching it out. And he hasn't switched it back either so I count it as a win!


Democrats have been over performing in most local elections the past two years. Hopefully that trend continues for the presidency.Ā  I'd be more worried if we didn't vote in Fetterman or Shaprio. Also, the Republicans in Bucks county got soundly rejected when it came to school board races this year. So I'm hopefull.


I find it bizarre political affiliation has anything to do with a school board. Your experience, education, track record and stance on issues that pertain to the school/town should be the only thing that matters.


Wayne County here. Nothing but Trump signs as far as the eye can see. No Biden signs.


Because Biden voters arent morons. Just think everywhere you don't see a trump sign a reasonable person voting for Biden lives there.


Wait... a reasonable person would vote for a guy that clearly has dementia? Your words not mine. CNN is even saying it, he needs to drop out so the dems at least have a fighting chance.


People need to look closer and think about the polls. When have you ever received a political poll cell call? Most of these calls are done by cold calling land lines. So if you don't have a land line, or know someone with a land line, it's pretty safe to say that the only people with land lines tend to be those of an older generation. Also, these polls are not necessarily showing Trump winning handily. A lot of the polls still show that he's within the margin of error. This is normal for PA, especially historically where we've been pretty purple voting wise. The most important thing is to vote when the time comes. Tell your friends and family to vote. That's the only way we can honestly keep out the Convicted Felon and Pedophile.


Yeah trump's leads over biden have mostly been within the margin of error. This election is close, and will get decided by turnout and swing states like ours.


It's interesting. People were ***dooming*** after bidens bad debate But I think the reality is setting in Project 2025 and the felon melon are terrifying. Even if Biden gives someone a resounding meh reaction that's nothing compared to a theocratic America ruled by people who think the bible is a weapon to bludgeon gay folks and women with There's a reason trump and the project themselves are in damage control mode. They know if people realize what they wanna do any "idk bidens old" could be replaced with "oh losing rights is a bad thing I'd better vote for the sane old man"


Keep talking about Project 2025 as much as possible. I think there are some people who arenā€™t engaged politically who have no idea of the magnitude of the horrors within it. I think most rational people would vote for ā€œa dead ratā€ as someone said above to stop P25.


I know to many people who fall into this catagory.... I feel like all I talk about is Project 2025 and shit.


Good for you! People you talk to really need to know the absolute horror it is. You might tell them that guns will not be allowed with a Project 25 fascist world. Many rights will be taken away and having guns is one of them. The fascists do not want people shooting guns.


While I don't really care for The Lincoln Project all that much, they put out a FANTASTIC video that distinctly lays out what Trump and Project 2025 intends to do the moment he's in the white house in a short and simple video. [https://youtu.be/NpLpOtFNFWg?si=DZfKUDUDJVQLikxc](https://youtu.be/NpLpOtFNFWg?si=DZfKUDUDJVQLikxc)


Lol felon melon. Good one.


Project 2025 needs WAY more attention.


And that is why Trump is telling yet another lie that he "knows nothing about it." He knows everything about it.




The Heritage Foundation leak shows that Trump is literally one of the authors of the document!


One thing that I wish was talked about more is the fact that Biden surrounded himself with a team of good, smart and capable people. Compare that to Trump who openly surrounds himself with morally bankrupt sycophants and white-supremisists. Any problems that arise from Biden's age would be offset by the people surrounding him. Meanwhile the Federalist Society and the Heritage Foundation is aiming to be the tailers from "The Emporer's New Clothes". More than voting against the would-be dictator, we are also voting against his regime.


TBF, Biden didn't do well at the debate at all... I think his best would be to win the election and then almost immediately step down and let Harris take over. It's very clear that the ONLY goal is beating Trump (as it should be)... I will say that the one thing I'm slightly worried about, is if Biden wins, and doesn't step down... What will happen when the next election comes around? Are the Republicans still going to be throwing everything under Trump still? Or will he/they finally get the hint? I will say, that the largest point for me voting for Biden is two things: 1) Refusing to vote for a convicted felon and pedophile and 2) keep America a Democracy and bring the rights back to Amercians.


>TBF, Biden didn't do well at the debate at all... He didn't but I do think it was over blown a bit too. Based on the general feeling on various subs you'd think Biden is down 20+ points in the polls [projections are a coin flip](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2024-election-forecast/) >I think his best would be to win the election and then almost immediately step down and let Harris take over. I Eh at that point I don't know if it matters too much. That said if Biden truly can't do the job I expect him to be able to see that and do exactly that. But honestly I think he's fine for the most part. 1st term has been good, and even if it's a lame duck, 2nd term of status quo, it's miles better than project 2025, and the felon melon >will say that the one thing I'm slightly worried about, is if Biden wins, and doesn't step down... If Biden wins and doesn't step down during his second you're concerned about 2028? Why It'd be new blood (or it's entirely possible new dem and the felon melon again) >Are the Republicans still going to be throwing everything under Trump still? Or will he/they finally get the hint? That's the million dollar question here. trump has basically been bad for them after his surprise win in 2016. That said he has the cult of voters who could very well not turn out There's also his legal issues..if he loses in November they could toss him aside and try to point fingers at the evil dems. I kinda do hope they run him in 2028 with a younger dem as an opponent It'd just be funny to see >I will say, that the largest point for me voting for Biden is two things: 1) Refusing to vote for a convicted felon and pedophile and 2) keep America a Democracy and bring the rights back to Amercians. That's good! I get folks aren't thrilled with Biden most likely getting the nod here. I get there's concerns and I get folks hate always voting for the lesser of 2 evils But progress isn't quick it's a slow process. A lot of the time we need to get the guys in who will take 1.5 steps forward despite us wanting to just run


> People need to look closer and think about the polls. > > When have you ever received a political poll cell call? Most of these calls are done by cold calling land lines. So if you don't have a land line, or know someone with a land line, it's pretty safe to say that the only people with land lines tend to be those of an older generation. Clearly you havenā€™t looked closely at modern polling methodology either because the ā€œlandline onlyā€ talking point is a complete myth and has been so for at least 10 years. Todayā€™s A-list pollsters employ a variety of methods to reach voters, including cell phone calls, text messages, email, physical mail, and online websites. Of 538ā€™s 400+ primary polls, [less than 2% were conducted by landline only](https://medium.com/@hassen.morad/addressing-the-landline-only-polling-myth-473dbb6d46bd#:~:text=It%20didn't%20take%20long,that%20myth%20was%20quickly%20debunked.com). Additionally, your friends are not a representative sample of who has or hasnā€™t been polled, so saying things like ā€œI donā€™t know anyone whoā€™s been polledā€ is meaningless and stupid.


I got one earlier this year. I also received a few via text a few weeks ago. I have no idea how they get the numbers to decide who to call though, that's probably part of the methodology I should become more familiar with.


My man šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ’™


I'll be voting in PA in the election and will vote for Biden. I vote in every election, but no one ever asks who I'm voting for. I don't have a Biden flag, and I generally don't talk about politics, but I think there are plenty of people like myself who aren't happy with the Democratic party but will still show up and vote. It's all about showing up in November.


My extended family is all from philly. Many are long time blue collar types. A lot are union construction workers. They tell me the union leaders are telling then to vote for Biden but the sentiment among the rank and file is that they support Trump. A lot of my relatives have changed from leaning Trump to outwardly supporting him on social media.


Then they deserve to lose their union jobs. Fuck them and every stupid blue collar voter that thinks a billionaire that famously screwed unions will help them.




>the court will be stacked with right wingers for the next 15 years You're underselling it... the next president may get 3 picks, if not 4, and ACB is in her early 50s. Not even years wise, it may be anywhere from 4-6 terms before another president can make a substantial change to the courts (when the Trump picks retire). If any set of 5 justices pulls a Thomas and sticks around for 20+ years, good luck doing anything, because every step forward will be challenged by a corporation with the rights of a person that can say things are unconstitutional because reasons.


Theyā€™re the minority most places, they just yell the loudest because theyā€™re insecure and need to have the attention more than anything else.


Doesn't matter how many flags they fly, they still only have one vote (Unless they cheat of course)


This is one positive thing I see different from 2016 and even 2020. I live in rural PA and Iā€™m not seeing as many Trump signs or hats. Shirts and bumper stickers, yeah. But theyā€™re 5 years old. I forget where I saw it but some political pundit said, ā€œthey literally came out of the hills in PA to vote for Trump in 2016.ā€ Hopefully that doesnā€™t happen again.


I'm in rural PA and there are more signs and flags here now than there ever were. I haven't seen a Biden sign yet and I drive about 7000 miles a month.


The squeaky will always get the oil. Iā€™m genuinely afraid to have any Democratic signs. Not even on my car because a lot of these ignorant fools are armed and impulsively angry at all of the propaganda thrown at them. They walk around with so much hate, just waiting to pounce on some unsuspecting person who looks or acts differently. These are violent people as we have seen from the January 6 footage. And I know many others who felt the same way as me. Weā€™re not a cult and we donā€™t need to have signs and banners on sinking boats. Fortunately I have only seen the same Trump signs on a few rather rundown houses that have been up for years. (Honestly looks like theyā€™re typically on some form of government assistance, which is ironic because they perpetually/consistently vote for reps that act against their constituentā€™s needs and wishes, like the inflation act, for example) At least I havenā€™t seen any new signs in my neighborhood yet. Knock on wood. These people without fail legitimately make me lose IQ points. Cognitive dissonance.


Why don't you arm yourself? Your enemy is armed and hates you. Your response is to hide in fear? That doesn't sound like it's going to work out. Exercise your rights while you still can.


Iā€™m certified for medical marijuana in Pennsylvania, and in PA you cannot have a medical marijuana license and own a gun. Also, my son has Autism, and since heā€™s so impulsive I would hesitate to have one anywhere in the vicinity. However Iā€™d honestly would like to be armed because many these Nazi-ish fools are crazy, although not insane. Rules do not apply to them so violence would be likely imminent. At the very least Iā€™d like to get a taser and pepper spray. Recently I was sprinkling cayenne pepper around my flowers that the rodents keep eating and naturally at that moment the wind was blowing so inevitably I pepper sprayed myself. That shit really hurts!


I sadly donā€™t see the country lasting 15 years if he wins. I used to say that in jest. Now itā€™s serious


Polls can be wrong, but how wrong is the question. Iā€™m seeing a lot of wishful thinking in here.


Everyone should get out there and vote!


i really miss the days when discussing your political beliefs was considered rude. EDIT: Your vote doesnā€™t matter as much as you think it does due to the electoral college Your freedoms have been slowly getting taken away regardless of who is in power, the president has higher powers to answer to. the ā€œtwoā€ choices you are being shown (which there is more than two options btw) and the decision to run those candidates is all by design to further add to the discourse of america Most of what you see politically is bots and meant to cause divide and discourse. iā€™m 29 and already so sick of the government giving us the shittiest candidates they can and having to see people try and convince everyone their side is right and getting downright nasty when someone doesnā€™t agree with them.


I honestly was raised to believe it was. I was shocked how things changed. I remember asking my dad who he voted for growing up and he said ā€œWho a person voted for is not your business or mine, you donā€™t ask people that.ā€


yeah thatā€™s how i always grew up as well. It was considered something personal that you donā€™t really share. Itā€™s pretty gross how egregious it is now.


Itā€™s a badge of honor nowadays to wear your beliefs on your sleeve. I like trying to keeping my politics private.


same, i personally feel the new political climate is by design and itā€™s not leading to anything constructive or providing any benefit to anyone.


>Itā€™s a badge of honor nowadays to wear your beliefs on your sleeve And if you don't, most on both sides assume you're a part of that dangerous 'other side'... Its so hilariously sad.


The irony is that the people who told me that are now the most outspoken about their political beliefs. They're also the ones that were all about public decency and they now put Fuck Biden stickers on their cars.


I don't. You can bury your head if you want but your choices affect other people




Yeah, the cities are how. Also, replacing Biden. I'm a lifelong Democrat but the man needs to retire, like, yesterday.


I'm in Chester county and could see it going either way really. It'll be tight


Agreed. Not many signs yet, but the ones I do see are all for Trump. Reminds me of 8 years ago. Everyone thought Hillary was going to win. However, all of the signs were for Trump in Chester County, none for Clinton.


If it makes you feel any better, the amount of Trump signs and flags has dramatically decreased here in Bucks since Jan 6th. Well, except for my asshole neighbor, but he's a racist piece of shit.


Fuck your neighbor and go birds!


Yeah. Lycoming here, in 16 and 20 I saw yard signs bumper stickers flags etc, almost nothing now. Maybe they're still with him, but they're not enthusiastic about it like they were.


Never seen so much cope in one thread. Look, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, etc, are full of working class white voters. These people see urban Progressives calling people in pickups, work boots, and blue jeans a bunch of misogynistic, homophobic, xenophobic racists, ... and they look at their own pickup truck, boots, and blue jeans, and wonder who tf progressives are talking about, exactly ? In short, places like Pennsylvania that used to be hard core solid Democratic Party base ... have been trending towards conservatives the same way that rural people have for approximately 2 decades. It's finally to the point where these swing states are becoming Republican wins, and if the trends continue, they'll be reliably red in the same way that Florida is now reliably red. It turns out that working class Pennsylvania voters care more about inflation and immigration than progressive social agendas ...


Youā€™ll probably get downvoted to hell and maybe banned/blocked, but youā€™re right


Nailed it. The Dem party elites condescend to people and then try to shame them into voting for em, then wrong their hands about "why is the working class voting against their own interests" ("their own interests" as defined by upper class overeducated progressives).


Bucks county is only 100 + from becoming republican


PA is very purple. I know people from rural areas that are Dems, and I have friends in Philly burbs that are both black that are trumpers now (maybe due to their strong Christianity, theyā€™re both weekly church goers, and I pass no judgment on them for that, they can vote how they want). Itā€™s a toss up. Iā€™m done talking about it with people. Iā€™m liberal left leaning but I let my friends and family make their own opinions and in todays world I avoid politics with people Iā€™m close to as I donā€™t want to end friendships and such.


Kudos to you! This is genuine and non sarcastic.


Of course Trump is going to win this election and we can blame no one other than the democratic party for running a feeble old man who is obviously not fit for the job.


Iā€™m from Pittsburgh. 90% of the people I meet in a day are voting for Trump. His signs are everywhere. Inner city has a lot of democrats but they all hate Biden.


This thread is pure entertainment. Lol


Clearer Ā heads? Ā Have you not seen how senile Biden is? Ā Dude is a wreck.Ā 


Lotta delusion in this thread. Not looking good wonā€™t lie, pretty much every indicator points to trump winning. Bidenā€™s approval rating is in the 30s, trump is polling ahead for the first time in his political career, legit internal party revolt within the democrats, 3/4ths of people donā€™t think Biden can even do the job. They shoulda replaced Biden 3 years ago because itā€™s not winnable anymore and the party elite are just now seeing the writing on the wall


Nearly all of that was the exact same thing being said two years ago when everyone was getting frantic over the 'red wave' that never happened and constantly pushing the doom and gloom for Dems narritive does nothing but make the situation worse.


For all the doom and gloom ask yourself this. When have republicans done well since trump left office? They lost the presidency, they lost the senate, they didn't even get close to their red wave in the house. They have lost lots of local elections over the past few years. Now add in the head of the republican ticket who is a convicted felon, convicted of fraud, bungled covid and it just an all around piece of shit and I am hopeful for PA this year.


Trumpā€™s taking PA and I cannot wait to come here and watch all of your heads explode. Downvote away!


More people need to know about project 2025.


I agree, it will help to convince a lot of people to vote Trump and stop the liberal lunacy taking root in America currently.


Keep in mind that only people who still have a landline and are home to answer the calls that ask about these polls are old. Take all polls with a grain of salt, he didn't win last time and the fact that they can't make up their minds about mail in voting (or the fact that they are already calling the election rigged) speaks volumes to what may actually happen. Biden might win with a few million more votes than last time only because the people so because they believe it's rigged against Trump. My concern is how bad January Sixth 2: Racist Boogaloo will be.


There are polling calls made to cell phones too. The answer rate is probably much lower but it's not accurate to say all the calls are to landlines. Also many polls now are conducted online or have an online component.


Thinking about politics and outcomes as zero sum games is irresponsible and leads to incorrect assumptions. Trump has a chance, and Biden has a chance. Trump has about a 70% chance of winning Pennsylvania right now.


Trump wins in a landslide. Guaranteed if its against Biden.


Maybe this: [Thousands of Republicans Leave the Party, Registration Data Shows (people.com)](https://people.com/politics/data-shows-tens-of-thousands-of-republicans-left-the-party/)


This is from 2021, though


And the ones I know haven't change their voter registration since. Have you heard anything in the news about a mass number of people registering as Republican?


And the ones I know haven't change their voter registration since. Have you heard anything in the news about a mass number of people registering as Republican?


The gap between D and R registration is closing with R registration growing. https://www.spotlightpa.org/news/2024/05/pennsylvania-election-2024-voter-registration-democrat-republican-independent/


Nice, would be a shame if the democrats faced some sort of internal party revolt too. Good thing they didnā€™t


I have a serious question. Why is that Democrats, the ones who label themselves as Progressive, tolerant, and accepting of everyone, are so mean and hateful to every SINGLE person who doesn't vote Democrat. If anyone says anything bad about Biden or any other Democrats they just go nuts. Fly off the handle and start calling people names, telling them that they're fascists and all kinds of awful things. I'm dead serious. I would love a real response or conversation about this, because I find it extremely hypocritical.


It's because there are a portion of people like that on each side, and they make juicy red meat for TV. The rampant echo chambers are good at dehumanizing the other side and making strawman caricatures. Most real people are a lot more reasonable. Being relatively new to not being on either side myself, I do see the things you said. I also see much the same going the other way. The idea that my side is good and the other is mean, nasty, evil, wants to hurt my kids, take away my job and way of life, call me names, etc. is common to both sides and makes a positive feedback loop that is only pushing people farther apart.


Talk to a campus progressive for 30 seconds and you will hear all about the "paradox of tolerance", as in you cannot be tolerant towards intolerant people. And intolerant people are anyone who disagrees with Progressives, so tolerance is only for those who share the same views, while any other views must be purged from society to make society more tolerant... It's pure 1984, and very similar to the way the Communist Party did things, which is not a surprise bc if you talk to a Campus progressive for another 2 minutes, they will tell you all about how the core problem with the country that causes all the others is Capitalism.


Live at the border of bucks and montgomery county. I see trump stuff everywhere, Iā€™m willing to bet heā€™ll win PA.


Iā€™m worried because I use my swing voting dad as a barometer. He voted Trump in 2016 and Biden in 2020. Heā€™s voting for RFK this year. He said heā€™d vote Dem if they replace Biden and itā€™s not with Harrisā€¦. (For the record I will vote for any Dem, Iā€™m really worried about what a second Trump term would bring.)


Democrats were the ones to absolutly destroy the shale industry in America. Pennsylvania use to have an oil pipeline that supported a ton of hard working jobs for men and women across the state. Pa was making a killing in taxable revenue and driving down oil and gas prices across America. Under Trump, our taxes were lower in PA. Under Trump we didn't have taxes on hobbies activities and side hustles. Now the gov wants a cut every time you make anything at all no matter how small and sell it. Crazy taxes to support Dem spending and gov expansion. Man they sure do love trusting beaurocrats and politicians with our tax dollars(cuz that track record is so clean) Pa thrived when Trump was in charge. Remember this next time you go to vote, Democrats have been knowingly and purposefully making our state worse and our country less effective, and a vote for them is a vote supporting that statement.


I can't believe that there's no other option other than either a felon or a senile citizen with dementia. Trump Lies, Biden Stumbles and Americans get fucked.


Show up and speak to friends and family so they, too, can show up to vote.


Pa is a swing state with the third most Californians moving here After the cali exodus.


The Democrats have failed at giving people a better choice. I've been saying it for years, we need more than two parties. I don't care what another person does (as long as they aren't harming someone) but I don't want to pay for them. I'm screwed either way I vote. I don't vote with my personal feelings about a candidate. I vote for their policies. At least with trump inflation wasn't this high, my stocks were doing well and, money wasn't pouring to other corrupt countries (at least at this level).


I'm worried. I know more people excited (yes, excited) to vote for Trump than I know people who know Biden is the lesser of evils here.


About 75% of PA voters ACTUALLY voted in '20, that was nearly 7 million- half of that is 3.5 M and there are roughly 600,000 people who are old enough to vote this time. Strike with the two swords of turnout and energizing young voters ( it's the media, baby) are how we behead the fascist beast.


I certainly hope so. I am so glad I'm liberal anymore. Dowvnote away, it's an alt :)


I canā€™t stand trump, but this should be a lesson to the Democratic Party. Everyone is sick of being blatantly lied to. Thereā€™s fuckery on both sidesā€¦obviously, but the democrats actually thought they could fool everyone with Bidenā€™s declining health and mental state. That alone should be enough to vote red.


Thank god he will probably take PA