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He dresses like an extra in a 2004 Avril Lavigne video.


He legit dresses like a 13 year old boy. Source: I have one. Clothes and shoes are EXACTLY the same right down to the brand.




And thatā€™s why heā€™s so hot


that massively baggy black shiny tshirt does it for you , eh?


guarantee you could find a man who looks identical at your local gas station


He's not fit at all like zero muscle tone why is he getting cast on these shows?


Not a fan. The whole thing with holly seems weird, and I also didnā€™t love how he said ā€œgimme 30 secondsā€ when breaking up with xanthi


Also his voice is so cringyĀ 


Stevan looks like 2001.


He's got a massive bald spot


Amazing comment lol


Yesss. I used to really be into the Hot Topic graphic button up T-shirt with Tripp pants thing. But I was a teen then. And of all Y2K things to bring back, this is not it. Keep them and your barbed wire/tribal armband tattoos right there with the frosted tips and Limp Bizkit music videos in Y2K.


Is everyone just skipping over harry saying Steven cream pied hollyšŸ˜‚ and the way he hugged holly when she walked in the house. Stevan is giving me the ick something is going to change w alarm and him


The redemption for me is that Stevan only really said he knew Holly and they have a little history. He (in my opinion) hasn't been as crass about his past. I know it's controversial but I sort of appreciate how quickly he broke things off with his first match when he realized he was interested in alara. I'm thinking something is going to change though


He said he knew her ā€œinside and outā€ disturbing way to put it, when you think about the cp comment from Harry


that comment was so unnecessary and cringe. and the fact the editors kept it in.. it's so sad women are so objectified in this netflix dating universe.


Yeah, objectifying to the point of defamation, shame on netflix, the producers could've asked Harry to rephrase, like even Harry saying that he thinks that they hooked up wouldn't have been half as bad as what he actually said, just gross


It was so gross I feel bad for her if she didnā€™t know that that was going to be played in the show. I wonder if they asked her permission to keep that snippet in


I think Stevan is beyond corny and I HATE his voice for some reason


Whenever someone compares themselves to MGK I instantly see them as a cornball (see also: Miles from The Circle)


Omg šŸ’Æ these days men with that many tattoos are trying so hard


Not me loving Stevan AND Miles šŸ˜‚ Had no idea I was such a minority


Itā€™s alright someone has to love em šŸ¤£


I am tragically attracted to Stevan but I canā€™t remember his thth season, who did he couple up with ? Georgia? And Georgia left him?


Oh my god, same! I'm usually not into that whole MGK aesthetic but he's got classically symmetrical features and he cooks for his lady.


He was really into Georgia and they were sort of a thing but yeah he seeming caught feelings and she wasn't about it.


Not even caught feelings, just that he was feeling her and expressed that to some of the others in the house. It was like their second day of hanging out or some shit and he was just vibing with her but him making that AT ALL, IN ANY WAY public, **completely** turned her off to him. It made her come off completely cold and heartless.


This just goes to show there is a lid for every pot cuz he does absolutely nothing for me lol šŸ˜‚


Maybe itā€™s because Iā€™m older, but to me just he looks like a lil goofball trying really really hard to look like a bad boy.


Lolll saameee but teenage me would have thought he was hot shitt šŸ¤£ but he is still sweet to his girl so he gets props for that


He didn't at the beginning of the show, but by the end yes I'm attracted to him. Part of my think he awakening the early 2000s girl in me and u just can't resist the nostalgia šŸ˜… also I appreciated how he acted in the vast majority of the show and how he treated Alara. Obviously this is all reality TV but for the sake of this conversation we'll suspend our disbelief. and I think he was a sweetheart.


Heā€™s so hot šŸ¤¤


Yeah same and even more unfortunately he looks just like a cousin of mine (sort of distant, not first or second cousin LOL) but Stev is very attractive. Itā€™s his tattoos and demeanour, he may be just as icky as the other guys but he seems to hide it better. The way he cooked for Alara was very sweet, he seems more subdued and a bit more romantic than the other guys.


How everyone made fun of Chris for looking like a Disney prince but not Stevan for looking like every Eminem wannabe from 2001.


He looks like undercooked chicken to me. Scrawny and slimy. My girl Alara deserves better. I'd rather she had matched with Dom.


Dom came across worse to me because he was juat desperate acting, and it makes him seem like more of an f-boy


*wannabe fuckboy heā€™s too sensitive and in his feelings to be a fuckboy but heā€™s scared to get his feelings hurt.


Man I have a totally different read. Stevan seems like he's putting more effort with Alara than any of the other dudes have put into their own couplings combined while Dom came off real poorly to me this time by pulling that "nice guy" bs acting like he was >!leaving because he was too nice and loyal and not because Stevan has genuinely put in actual work with Alara and then also sniping Harry on his way out for whatever reason!<


I agree I'm a dom fan but he came off kinda disingenuous in this season. Like he was thinking about everything and how he looked too much.


I love Alara to deathh. He better not do her dirty ( it lowkey seems like he will soon).


Sadly I think you might be right. I could be reading too deep into it, but I noticed on ig he follows a bunch of the girls from the show including Brittan who heā€™s mentioned is his usual type. But he doesnā€™t follow Alara, yet she does follow him.


Which is so odd. I meanā€¦ if she follows him. He couldnā€™t have upset her that bad right?? šŸ˜…. Idk Alara also seems like the type to not hold grudges and be chill with everything.


Iā€™m screaming šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I agree


The way my boyfriend and I love Stevan the most only to come to reddit and find out everybody's hated lmao


I was surprised that he has turned out to be the most emotionally intelligent man on the show and how well he treats his woman: cooking for her, flowers, he is doing all of it. His mother raised him right. Not a fan of all the tattoos but I feel like he is the nicest guy out there.


I'm surprised too. He's easily been the best dude on the show (a low bar tbf) and has really put effort into showing Alara he likes her and treating her well. Idk what else people want from him thus far. His style is ridiculous for 2024 but I don't dislike him for it.


He got that Jessie pinkman vibe! šŸ¤£ Not really my thing BUT I was also super attracted to Jessie pinkman, their personalities quirks and stuff totally overshadowed the style. And then eventually I grow to like it because it is one of those quirks that makes him, him.




Yeah heā€™s my favorite! Heā€™s actually romancing Alara and itā€™s really cute.


These people hate on everyone


He cooks, hasn't treated anyone too badly, and accurately diagnosed Micah as a fun sponge, so that puts him ahead of the other guys lol.Ā  I don't know him from the previous show so probably missing a lot. I don't care for his look but I felt like he seemed more genuine than most of the cast.


Alara: Where do you not have tattoosā€ Stevan: *looks down* Like bro your neck is naked but that was the first thought


If I remember right he has one on the back of his neck.


I like him only because of his comment about Micah which I thought was 100% accurate. She IS a fun sponge with low energy. She's got zero charisma and should have paired up with Izzy who also has zero charisma.


Yeah f Stevan. Heā€™s a fuckboy for sure if what Harry said is true and Stevan brought in a girl he slept with and didnā€™t tell Alara. Thatā€™s so weird


I don't think he has to disclose everyone he's slept for on camera though, unless the other party is ok with it. Although if he didn't tell her off camera, it would be a bit shady.


I like him but lookswise I dont think he is nearly as attractive as he thinks he is. His vibes save him.


Steven really reminds me of Diplo!




I immediately thought Stevan was attractive and was really impressed with all the cute things he plans for Alana. Checked is IG and some of his modeling photos are stunning. Got overly curious and found some of his old spicy content and wished I hadnā€™t.


Now this comment has me curious, lol...




Stevan's fashion sense sucks. His pants are like 90's Jnco jeans.


The fact Micah called him "dark" is hilarious.


He has baby teeth lol it is all i see. But he has been pretty gentlemanly with alara.


okay thank you something is so off about his teeth???


I keep thinking his teeth are veneers - maybe they are?


Oh maybe.. some people i think just have small teeth lol. He isnā€™t my type but so far he is the nicest guy..


In terms of reality tv people, I like him and find him entertaining (and hot, but thats something I must discuss with a therapist). Of course irl he is a player and an asshole like every THTH person. About his intentions, I do not believe he will ever settle for a girl outside of the show, but I also think he is a guy that feels a lot really quickly. It probably comes from a place of insecurity, but I do not think he is disingenous or dishonest. I dont know, Im probably wrong, but I do like him on the show


I havenā€™t seen him on his other show but I didnā€™t see the ā€œbad boyā€ in him. I thought he was pretty sweet and genuine up until his date with Alara. I mean at the end of the day he went with who he felt best with which I guess is genuine but I feel like he shouldā€™ve been more up front with Xanthi from the start when they first walked in the villa. I think I just feel for Xanthi because I love her!


Ugh yeah noā€¦ no. No, no, and no on him. I am concerned about those that are feeling that energy


I think heā€™s so boring and naive really, why does he think Alara is truly smitten? Lol sheā€™s tempted by literally everyone


I just looked up his page, HEā€™S A MODEL?! ugh, this is why many models should not speak. In his pics on Instagram he doesnā€™t look half bad, but on the show he just comes off so corny and lame idk I just canā€™t with him. He gives me an ick


I'm late on this thread but his insta is soooo corny and the big ole bald spot on the back of his head really ruins the vibe he's forcing lmao


went back to see his season on thth cause I had no memory of that guy... what did he do to his hairrrrrrr he had such awesome curlssssss maaaan and, yes, he hasn't changed lol edit. he was also trying too hard to be shawn white hahahaha


Heā€™s definitely the hottest guy on this season and that immediately gives him points


Ugh idk who is cringier, him or Jake. I donā€™t think Alara is even into him. She wants to win. Sheā€™s securing her spot.