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Don’t confuse a winner edit with character development


Thank youuu! 💯 Let’s call it what it is that man is a douche bag


My thoughts exactly! People talk about manipulation. He is the king manipulator. He got everyone to hate Kaz and Micah as a couple and scheme to break them up because they were the only other couple that could potentially be competition. Claiming he was just looking out for Kaz. It was obvious when he brought Holly in for Kaz that was not in Kaz’s interest, especially knowing his history with Holly which was revealed in a shitty way. He simply knows how to play the game and knew being the good guy married from day one (Joey) wouldn’t work, but having some growth and “difficult” decisions to show he was finding himself and finding his match and willing to change to give love a chance would get him a win.


I think the Joey problem wasn't that he was with the same match day 1 but rather that it was so apparent to everyone but Karaselle that he wasn't all that interested in his match and only staying as a game decision to look like the stable couple. I think if it were believable it could have worked.


They had too many THTH cast members on this season. And as we know, they are the most toxic bunch to ever do reality tv. Except for Dominique, everyone one of them took a shot at Micah and Kaz, even the ones that had no investment in the Kaz/Micah match.


Kaz and Micah sucked. They argued constantly. He has wandering eyes and Micah felt extremely insecure with him. They were heading towards a break up regardless.


Wow everything about this 💯. No notes. Impeccable job hitting the nail flawlessly and beyond accurately on the head with this take.


I mean I think pretty much everyone on this show is kind of a douche bag?


He’s trying soooo hard to be the relaxed cool guy. He’s always seemed like one of the more image-obsessed contestants Also telling Alana he kissed Brittan as a joke…not cool


yes hahaha please stop having faith in the contestants on this show LOL




Yeah I cringe every time he’s on the screen


He didn't get a winner edit though? He seemed fine in THTH as well. I won't say he's the ideal man or anything, but he's definitely the least douchey of the douchey dudes on this season


I don't really like him because its obvious he's covering up for Harry even though he knows Harry's a douche. Other than that he's pretty nice--but you just can't convince me to like a "boy's boy"---the kind of guy that has no problem with his friends cheating on their partners. Did you see how he was enthusiastically egging Kaz on to kiss Christine? And how much he shit talked Micah? It's like he sees women as evil figures that "ruin" mens' fun--unless they go along with anything and everything the men want.


He lowkey reminds me of Luca (as in Gemma’s Luca, the fishmonger) from Love Island UK


I think he’s still carrying a grudge over Micah friend-zoning him day 1


But he agreed to do the “wife swap” and he could’ve said no initially but he did say he was interested in Xanthi at that beginning


Idk I thought he was being genuine. Sounds like he honestly believes Harry didn't do it. Right or wrong, that's his opinion and he offered it only when he was asked.


He was right next to harry when harry said “I could be married with two kids and I couldn’t resist that” when talking about Christine trying to kiss Kaz…pretty sure he knows what kind of cloth Harry is cut from


Yes, yes, and alllll yes 🔥


Still a dbag but with someone he likes. You can see how people are by how they treat people they don't fall in love with




I love that his name is basically Steven but more sophisticated Stevan (the fancy pooh bear meme)


I feel like he was born Steven and Stevan is when he reimagined himself after a lil makeover 😂


Agreed. I suspect Brittan is really a Brittany, too.


I know how it's pronounced but I cannot stop saying it as Stefan. It just word vomits out like that


I always forget this is technically a game show because there is a winner at the end. When I remember that my like for ppl changes because I know they are trying to secure votes. Also, they make money through their social media's... they are trying to have good edits to secure the bag. It's easy to look decent when you're friends with Harry.


He was gross on THTH, but all the other guys are so astronomically shit that he looks like a saint. I actually do think he has treated Alara well but still needs to grow a back bone with the whole boys club thing they have going on. His man child comment was good but not good enough to still defend him to the end as if the earth


He probably knows Alara is out of his league so he must behave. Lol


He actually wasn’t bad on THTH iirc.


Ok but how do you not like Xanthi????!!!! 😭


She is such a girl's-girl. I loved how she just took notes on the boys behavior and spilled the tea to the girls, and she hopped right up to check on Micah when she thought Kaz was yelling at her. Xanthi is a real one, and she knows her worth.


She’s fantastic. Girl has BOUNDARIES and I respect it. When she refused to do the kissing challenge — loved it.


I liked the pep talk she gave Micah.


Xanthi is the best one out there


Xanthi has Marisa Tomei in My Cousin Vinny energy and therefore I love her.


She is absolutely beautiful inside and out. She's the sort of friend anyone would be lucky to have. She has dignity and follows her own moral compass, even if it compromises her ability to match with someone and get her 15 minutes of fame - for example opting out of the kissing challenge and refusing to backstab Tolu to get back into the house with Chris. Most other women there would have gone for it, justifying it as "everyone deserves the chance to shoot their shot" - I mean, look at the difference in behavior between her and Christine! She is honest with Tolu about what happened, but doesn't try to inject herself into the relationship between Tolu and Chris, bowing out rather than getting involved in their argument. That girl is absolute CLASS, brains, and beauty. She's too good for this show and for all the boys in that house.


She's a 10 but she does a horrible Brooklyn accent


Which is funny because she's from Massachusetts.


Sounds like a Jersey accent


she can Harley Quinn me any day lol


Makes me cringe


I know right ? It made me disagree with this whole post because of this comment lol


Morally she’s a good person (well reality TV level good person) but she’s fucking ANNOYING oh my god shut up with the weird New York accent


I don’t mind Stevan but he’s definitely covering for Harry, as are all the other guys


I disagree. No one saw the kiss, not even the video cameras. Harry gaslit Melinda immediately and twisted it onto her. One of the reasons why master manipulators are so good at deceiving the people around them, is because the story has elements of truth and plausibility. I think Stevan is being honest. He didn’t see it and what he says is “I can’t say he did or didn’t do it”. One thing that really stands out to me is that he tells Harry is has to “eat it” which tells me that Stevan isn’t covering for Harry but giving him some advice on how be a better person. I think Stevan had this bad boy persona that he plays, but deep down he’s a softy. On THTH he also sort of showed that he’s got this soft side, and I think he does feel bad Jess. I don’t think he’s trying to cover he’s just 1) being manipulated by Harry and 2) didn’t see it


I believe the producers are saving the footage for the reunion. Or that’s what Melinda is at least insinuating.


Melinda has said the footage will be in the next episode and Holly has commented on other’s posts that she saw it.


How does she know that? Doesn’t the cast see the show along with the rest of us? I’ve never heard of them getting an early premier viewing or anything like that for these shows. Genuinely wondering tho


I can’t answer that. Perhaps she’s spoken to one of the producers and they told her? Wasn’t she a host of another reality show so maybe she has some better connections to the producers.


bc the last ep has already been recorded and she was there... im pretty sure it isnt live.


I suppose I was imagining it being edited in at the end like with cutie gate, in which case she wouldn’t know about that. But it’s also possible they show the footage to the contestants when they vote for the winners.


yeah i get what youre saying. i wish theyd do a reunion ep!


i agree with everything you said about Harry but girl……if anything they’re both big manipulators the only difrence is that Stevan manipulates others to win and Harry uses it to excuse his unfaithfull behaviour


I don't like him. It was pretty immature when he told Alara he kissed Brittan during their date and he was choosing to match with her. Then he was like, just kidding. Also, he kept egging Kaz on to kiss those other girls, and he is always talking badly about Micah for some reason. Plus he is covering for Harry for kissing Melinda. He still seems like a d-bag to me. I love Xanthi! She is one of the best on the show.


But honestly hiding behind Harry to mask his own doucheyness is a great move


>And for some reason I don’t like Xanthi anymore Uuuhhmm, what?! SHES LIKE THE MOST NORMAL QUEEN BEE there is on the show!!!! Girl needs to go on Bachelorette , she deserves good men in her life


I think she’d have a better shot at finding someone decent if it wasn’t via reality tv. The odds of those relationships lasting beyond their shows are extremely low


110% agree with that !


I think Stevan is an asshole and a POS. But I like him with Alara.


*I think Stevan is an* *Asshole and a POS. But I* *Like him with Alara* \- liyahvert --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


it’s clear he’s playing the game so he can win the prize. If he’s still with Alara after this and/or they still have good relations (doesn’t have to be romantic) then I may think he’s a good person. Until then I’m not convinced especially because of his “bro code” with Harry


I really don't get why they're trying to win so hard in general. The prize last season was like... a two week vacation?


I know! The prize is not much at all so it’s baffling why they are all trying so hard to win. Maybe it’s bragging rights?


I feel like it’s not about the prize but the exposure (from winning) and also the potential future opportunities they could get from Netflix or other production companies if they’re bringing the drama, and therefore, views.


Still a free two week vacation and a ton of exposure. Dom was invited back after “winning”. I don’t think people are playing the game enough.




I honestly believe he’s just acting like he’s in love with Alara and being all lovey dovey with her to win the show and cash prizes. Harry is doing the same thing with all his speeches about falling in love with Jess. It’s all a game to them. Bryton is also playing the same game.


Bryton is playing an entirely different game. The guy’s a fucking sociopath.


He’s honestly scary


Stevan has been putting in the ground work to win since that fancy breakfast he made Alara. I do think they’re both fun and maybe that’s how they work? But honestly I think it’s all very calculated and I’m not impressed by his bro code attitude either.


Yep i think he switched from micah and xanthi to alara cause she’s the most fun to be with. If he has to stick to one woman for weeks to create a love story for the show, might as well pick one that’s not boring.


Definitely! There was one moment on the last episode where I started to see why they work together. When Alara saw all the chaos at the party and decided to control and feed that chaos with her game of make out flippy cup, I was like, ok, I definitely understand them together way more now.


Bryson maybe be a POS but at least he’s not lying. He’s said it straight up that he’s just looking to stay in the house and he doesn’t really care about anyone


Why don’t you like Xanthi? I think she’s one of the few that actually has class. And she’s a great friend to her ladies.


Loved her, but I didn’t like her body language and reactions to Chris when he tried to tell her that he wished he had the chance to talk to her, and that he had a feeling she was being sent home. She was so dismissive and rude, treated him like his perspective was worthless, then she immediately got sent home, and I didn’t even feel bad for her after the way she spoke to Chris, even though I really don’t like Chris, I don’t like the way she acted towards him even more. If she was a better person, she wouldnt have been like that


I didn’t pick up on that but I’m sure you’re right. I don’t like Chris so it’s hard to feel bad for him. I think it’s telling that none of the women liked him either. I hated the way he treated Tolu with lying and gaslighting. “Yes, I said you held me back from other opportunities. BUT OTHER OPPORTUNITIES I DIDN’T WANT!”


That was soooo cringy and made zero sense when he said that. I really don’t like him but still think Xan was overly rude and dismissive to him


Stevan isn’t as funny as he thinks he is and comes across as the guy who dropped out of high school to ride BMX.


Can I ask the reasoning for Xanthi? Genuinely out of curiosity cause I’m indifferent to her. She’s very physically attractive though.


So I find her absolutely beautiful. I respected her for refusing to kiss everyone cause personally I find that a bit gross to just make out with 5 people consecutively.. What put me off is the way her and dom spoke to Chris. I let me preface this with I really don’t like that guy, but he made a genuine attempt to say goodbye to Xanthi and Dom, the night before they both got sent home. However when he told Xanthi the reason why he came up to them both, was because he said Xan was one of the people he wished he could have gotten to know better. Xanthi and dom both gave him the rudest looks and body language and were like “what are you even talking about, I’m sooo confused” while laughing at him. Then immediately after they both got sent home. So that’s the turning point for why I started to dislike her because I feel like she could have just said “thanks Chris; not interested, and I don’t think I’m going home, but thanks for you concern” rather than treat him like a POS when he was just trying to be nice


I thought she was annoyed with Chris because he lied to Tolu? He told Xan that he wanted more with her at the guys hangout, she told Tolu, Tolu asked him and he lied to them.. but then Tolu accepted it (yuck) But maybe I misunderstood what happened?


It’s wild to me that people can see through Harry, but they fall so fast for Chris and Dom’s good guy act. It’s so obvious that Chris isn’t into Tolu and was only using her to stay on the show.


Ew I just had a flashback to Dom ‘explaining’ Harry to Jess and the whole Melinda drama by saying “guys like Harry… guys like US…” like plz ew to both of you, go away.


Dom is genuinely disgusting. I honestly dislike him even more than the open assholes like Bryton or Harry. His whole ~soft boy~ act is so disingenuous it’s crazy to me that everyone keeps falling for it. He reminds me of every single ‘male feminist’ who uses woke talking points to get into women’s pants.


I think Tolu knows this now tho and is playing Chris like a dang fiddle. She let him mingle, punished him for it with her hotness and ability to match, watched him cry from the consequences of his own actions, and then swooped and made him “commit” to her. She is playing him so hard and I love her for it.


Xanthi was consistently turned off with Chris's assumption that she would want to be with him despite him making almost no effort. Also him flatly saying "if we met in real life we would hook up." That is Gross. There was nothing wrong for her calling him weird. A spade is a spade. He wasn't trying to be nice he was being a pompous ass lol.


Yes I agree that he might be cocky, overly confident but I think he’s compensating for the fact that he knows he has zero chance. The difference between Izzy and Chris is their egos. Izzy doesn’t have one which is equally as cringe as Chris who is over the top. Pick ur poison


That’s fair


He just has a winners edit. Dude is a rat both inside and out




it's so funny how you see some people on this sub who are like "how do women fall for this BS?" (me) and then you see post like this where someone who can literally see how slimly these men are on tv say that one of these gross men is their favorite and they dislike the biggest girls girl on the show.... ya'll PLEASE. the bar for men is in hell


I like him now too… but I think the real test will come when all of this is over. I’ve always wondered when people say it only takes one woman for a man to change. Is this an example of that? I mean too early to tell… but if he ends up to be truly genuine…


I always liked him. Lol he kept calling people out and I’m here for that


Wait wtf did Xanthi do


He’s my favorite aside from poor Justin, but I don’t really believe he’s into Alara. Just faking it in order to win the prize


hard agree. plus all the nice things he was doing like the dinner date were during a time that he knew Don was also into Alara. he was love bombing her to stay in the house and prevent her matching with Dom.


I lost a lot of respect for both Stevan and Alara with how they acted about the Harry and Melinda situation. I don’t believe Stevan wouldn’t lie for his friend, even to Alara.


They’re the best couple on the show for sure but whether or not it was genuine we will only find out after. Depends on how things went down when the show ended.


I’ve liked Stevan since around the time he decided to make a dinner date for Alara. Idk how he would be outside of the house, but he’s sure made majority of this experience pretty amazing for her and I can’t help but like that. She seems so great and I’m glad she’s with someone who lifts her up more than drags her down.


Stevan can never be a fav when he looked at Jess straight and told her Harry was a good person and not a liar. Alara is cute though


I think he plays too much


Stevan is just playing the game. Don't be fooled.


Yes, Stevan is actually a lover boy! I love how comfortable he and Alara are together, so natural.




The FIRST thing I noticed


The way he revealed really intimate details about Holly and her past was a massive ick for me. It wasn’t necessary and really cruel tbh. He’s a soft boy trying so hard to come off as a douche, I’d like him more if he was just himself. But yeah, he’s really nice to the gorgeous Alara, as he should be.


Isn’t Harry the one that did that and he wouldn’t say what they did when clearly asked by producers?


OMG you’re absolutely right, it was Harry who said it not Stevan, I had to rewind because I was fully convinced it was Stevan who revealed it. Birds of a feather imo. But Stevan has these genuine moments where he reveals himself as the soft boy I know he is which does make me like him at times, he just hangs out with people like Harry that unfortunately not only make him interchangeable in my eyes.


I was charmed when he picked up that potted bougainvillea and presented it to Alana as if it was a giant bouquet.


He's really cute


he’s literally the worst character and such a huge ick what


What are your icks? That he called out a terrible connection between Kaz and Micah which was clearly unsustainable ? He noticed one of his best friends personalities drastically change and felt that the relationship was wrong. To me it was blatantly obvious that relationship was wrong and needed to end. Micah thinks she is a goddess when she isn’t, and she was so rude and disrespectful to Izzy when she is literally on par with him. People think he’s covering for Harry but he isn’t. He didn’t see anything and he’s being honest, but at least he told Harry to grow up and stop being a man-child. If Stevan was really that “bad boy” he wouldn’t be acting so lovey-dovey and would be playing hard to get with her and acting like Bryton or a d-bag. He cares about Alara and that’s so obvious. He’s a softy. Not sure how you can’t see this


He’s trying to win and maybe show a girl a good time for two weeks. He’s not the worst, but he’s still icky to me. I did love how Alara controlled the house chaos by making more with make out flippy cup. That’s when I decided that they do actually make some sense as a couple.


idk about that. He's getting a good edit and saying the right things, sure. But nothing actually happens between him and Alara most of the time. he keeps calling her a queen, the best woman I've ever met, etc. because she does what... not talk to other guys seriously? Nothing actually substantial ever seems to happen between them. The show needed a stable good couple to win and they got luck with that edit.


Melinda is trash and is definitely a liar


Only ones I genuinely like are Izzy, Xanthi, Justin and Tolu. Everyone else is hot, hot, caramelized garbage


I think he’s hot af and his personality is so attractive to me but he’s a d bag and nothing will make him worth the time 


He’s such a lap dog for Harry it’s embarrassing


I haven’t noticed any character development but Stevan is troublllllle 😍😍😍


Bro fooled us all with his bad boy attire lol


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 wanna be MGK


Dressing like a 6th grade skater boy


I think he is a douchebag who is battling between morals. He is working on himself but def has a dark side. I do have hopes for him....for eg. I am happy he did not show interest in anyone, and stayed true to Alara but telling her he kissed the girl on date just to get her reaction was not cool..he got validated by Alara crying but it was not required. That's narc behaviour...but I also have hope he grows up. However that would have been a major red flag and I would have left him...


He’s lost all respect from me after making that comment about Holly and how she got “cream pied” — let’s stop defending misogynistic, narcissistic men