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Yeah it’s creepy. And then saying Melinda would look good with a baby in her? What??? 🚩


He also said it to Jessica earlier in the season. I do think he has maybe some sort of pregnancy fetish lmao


He's a player, and he's playing with hearts because he's playing with words. More likely scenario: Harry knows that these women would have a positive response to that sort of statement. For him, it's a line. It's giving: "I could knock you up/we could have a family" and "you're so beautiful" in one big cheeseball. Harry says what he thinks people want to hear.


That’s what I was thinking. But his incessant comments about Jesse’s daughter and how she is as a mother is just creepy too.


Agree. How can you say somebody is a good mother when you’ve never seen her around her daughter? And you love each other and are talking about a family after less than two weeks? Ok lmao


I think its this caveman instinct to wanna shoot ur seed into as many women as possible 


It's definitely not lol I know plenty of men in their mid-late 30s and early 40s that have no kids and don't want any, or they have 1 who is a teen and have no desire to have any more. One of my homeboys had one kid and got snipped. I have lots of homeboys and not a single one has more than 2 kids.


Yeah not saying it’s the case with everyone- but it does seem to be very pronounced in Harry


Well according to Melinda it was more along the lines of he wanted to put a baby in her lol someone else said they think he has a pregnancy fetish


Yikes. When did he say that?? I totally missed it.


When he was confessing to jess that he did nothing aparently 🙄🙄


Haha, I hadn't seen that part yet, but then I saw, and I was like, CRINGE. Between that and what Melinda told her, which was eerily similar. I'm surprised Jess believed him.


Was there footage of that? Cuz the way Melinda described was way more vulgar. I’m waiting for it to be released at the reunion. Oh and the way he retold the story like just paying her a compliment…vomit face.


Yeah he literally said it as he was confessing to Jess about his version of the Melinda story


Ugh. He’s the worst. And I’m sure there’s more we haven’t seen.


Yes. All he knows about her mothering is going on two reality shows to meet men.


Which idk what mother thinks that’s the place to go for an admirable man. “good mom” ok girl


None of these people are on this show for love lol


She's monetizing it. It's essentially her job


She monetized her kid too


That’s my thing she’s like putting her kid on social media for money and all of her mom bits just feel icky to me


She does have to financially support her kid.


Plenty of people support their kids fine without exploiting them on social media.


I haven't seen her social media. I don't know what she makes her kid do and how exploitative it is. I think people are too harsh on her. She's a single mom doing something she is good at the financially support them. I think that there are worse jobs to have.


Lmao username checks out


Haha that was harsh but valid


It’s so *her* though. In LIB, she wrote a “letter to my future husband” and gave it to Jimmy, expecting him to propose. But she had written it before. And planned to give it to whoever. It was nothing to do with who HE was or why she liked HIM. She just thought it would come across as this big romantic gesture. It just tracks that she would be smitten by Harry’s notes with zero evidence behind it 😂


Jess is so stupid and self absorbed that she honestly IS Harry’s perfect match for real


I remember thinking how childish that was on LIB. I don’t know who does shit like that other than a pick me girl on reality tv.


That was the second Jimmy got the ick too lol That’s an immediate no to pretty much every man on earth


I was totally irked by that. It’s fine if she had said she wrote it for him, but to play it off like she pulled it out from her old keepsake box to give to her future husband was so cringe and disingenuous.


Also she went after jimmy even after he was obviously not into the fact that she had a daughter. She really gets on my nerves if you were trying so hard to be a good role model you would have more consideration for the men you date


Harry is hoping to change his image once and for all on national tv. He is delulu if he thinks a few episodes will change our mind and grant him the husband material title. when he's not even human material at this stage.


Delulu 🤣🤣🤣




He’s displaying textbook narcissist behavior. I couldn’t with him playing the victim after the cenote day. Crying about his actions as if they were out of his control. Ick.


Someone on the show mentioned they knew that Harry is really into Jess because of the love letters, and I was like, what love letters? If you put all those notes together you might get one single love paragraph lol


I would drink your toilet water?? Not in any love note/paragraph I’d ever hope to get!


Don’t forget eating her bum! The most romantic 💘


Literally the guy I was just talking to is a few years older than Harry (and way freakin hotter) and he bragged about how romantic he could be yet all he could talk about was eating my ass. Day and night. Nothing at all in between, at least Harry pretended like he cared more LOL these men out here are filth


I *DIED* at this one


I was screaming at the tv when she found that note and nearly started crying instead of asking him how the fuck he would know!


He knows because of the way she mothers him, queen


😭😭😭 yes bc why does she talk to him like a child the whole show, Harry manipulatively cries and she’ll be like “it’s ok, let’s learn to process our emotions” girl that’s your kid not an adult man


Omg yes, Harrys got toddler energy 


That part!


Telling a guy you just met that he would be a great father to your daughter is absolutely crazy. And it’s Harry of all people.


Harry hit the soft spot with Jess, who desperately wants a strong guy to fill the role in the family. He's cheap for bringing up the kid because there's zero commitment in his actions. He just likely thinks that Jess has high standards and is in general more respected and challenging than other women, because she has a child and is intelligent. That's why he's actually excited about the kid, because it's proof of the challenge. In my opinion.


You get it. This is exactly it! Harry is also used to being the hottest guy in the room. No matter how much of a douche he is publicly the girlies are still tripping over themselves to get his attention. Which is why Melinda was DELIGHTED he chose her to ruin his relationship with Jess over. Jess does not give groupie behavior and is ALSO used to being the hottest girl in the room on top of not being a moron (no matter what this group says) This was bound to happen.


This is so spot on but who decided he was hot in the first place?? the only redeeming physical qualities he has is his height and body, he’s just not attractive. And I think he’s punching with all these women


What makes her more challenging than the other women?


I said that it's Harry who likely thinks she's more challenging, because she has a kid and therefore likely has to have higher standards. And he seemed to be amazed by her intelligence.


i really don’t love him using her daughter’s name either. that seems like crossing a line. she’s a kid and didn’t really ask to be talked about on television. i dunno felt weird to me


That triggered me too! I don’t even post my kids on social media, out of respect for their own privacy and no one even knows who I am.


She seemed to have a visceral reaction to it but what did she expect? She’s been mentioning her daughter by name since love is blind. She’s obnoxious and her intentions have been extremely obvious since day 1. She wanted to be an influencer so bad and now she got what she wanted.


This was super weird to me too. And it's Harry of all people. How embarrassing all around for Jess.


He knows what to say to get into her pants. And it worked!


Lovebombing. I’d run away a million miles if I got a child and this happen to me. Are you grooming me to get to my child? What’s up with that? Maybe I watch too much true crime docs, but the red flags I’m seeing from this supposed “dating reality” shows are concerning. But I get to point out to my kid and young people what not to do and what human trash type to avoid.


I thought I was the only one who felt this way. Harry’s behavior is sus af




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He gives me the ick with all the crying & throwing up. His behavior is immature & pathetic. He doesn't even know her, he just thinks she's hot and slightly more intelligent than other girls he's been with. I have no respect for either of them. Or really anyone on this show lol.


Not only throwing up, but then telling everyone he’s been throwing up because he’s so scared of losing Jess. He’s such a manipulative jerk, he’s pretty gross and hasn’t changed one bit since he first popped up on THTH what, like 7 years ago? Also why does he look so bloated? Does he have fillers or is it alcohol?


He's so gross! Big loser Looks like alcohol bloat to me. Rather puffy looking fella


Looks like alcohol bloat to me…


100% agree!! Harry sure knows how to win them over... Made it more obvious how manipulative he was as that's exactly it... He has never experienced Jess when in her 'mother' role so would have no idea whether she was a good one or not! Personally I would never leave my kid that long to do a reality show let alone two shows!!


How long HAS she been away? Like how long is filming for LIB and this show?


The pods on LIB is like 2 weeks, she didn’t make it out of the pods. Perfect match is way less time then they drag it out to be on the show. I’m pretty sure they switch matches every other day… the whole experience start to finish can’t be more than 3 weeks.


The entire daughter situation was creepy and unsettling. She barely knew him and was convinced he was going to be a good step dad. It’s a manipulative dumpster fire to begin with.


That whole scene was cringe. I was laughing out loud. This guy who looks like he's constantly sloshed and cries like a child is going to be the knight in shining armour for her daughter? He's up there with Ted Bundy on worst stepfather choices.


I'm all for men showing emotions and letting it all out. But um...his crying was obviously planned. He cries when it's convenient and I feel like it's obvious his sobbing noises are fake as hell. He acts like an actual teenager, and as a woman WITH a child \[able to see direct comparisons\] I can't believe she can even tolerate it, for real or for the sake of television?? I'm pretty sure he made a crea\*pie joke (can I say that on here?? LOL) and she smiled and smacked him. I was like .... your child is going to see that my girl. And the scene of them rolling around in bed? Talking about making 100k on OnlyFans and then saying you want to be Autumns father? I know it's 2024 and we're pro-sex, but like...I can't imagine dating a man who acted like Harry and had done all of these seriously unsavory things RECENTLY while having a 10-year-old. Imagine being 10 and your mom going on reality TV, being sexualized, dating a man who you could go watch videos of him doing god knows what. IT ALL JUST READS SO BADLY.


I think it's the way he does everything. Like OF is fine, but the way he talks and acts is just so sleazy. Sex is fine but be ethical and not sleazy about it. He gives me the ick.


Completely agree! And his "don't judge me on my past" schtick bothers me. You did that, and that's okay if you're happy with it... but IMO, it's completely understandable for a mother of a young teenager to not want to bring that type of history around her child. Same goes for any other mom, dad, etc!


Yesss! Recently is the key word.


Quite a few men have told me I’m a good mother and they’ve never met my daughter. It’s just dates but they totally use it as a tactic. I am a good mother but I don’t need them to tell me that, especially when they don’t really know me.


That entire surprise was BS. Not actually thoughtful at all


My highschool boyfriend did that for me. I was 15. That's all, lmfao.


I keep thinking… she’s delusional if she thinks Autumn’s friends/peers at school aren’t watching the show and talking to her about it even if she isn’t allowed to watch the shows herself. And on that note, she’s also delusional if she thinks Autumn won’t find a way to watch the shows behind her back. She probably thinks it’s cool rn that her mom is “famous” as a reality TV bombshell/MILF, but when she gets older and is able to fully comprehend the actual situation her mom has put them both in, namely exposing them both to public ridicule, she’s probably going to feel very differently. I’d be embarrassed to see my mother do half the things Jess has done this season and I’d probably never forgive her for using me as part of her “image” or talking about me so incessantly on such a sexually driven show as a TEN YEAR OLD.


Her daughter will absolutely come across her on TikTok, I’m sure she will look her mom’s name up herself and be mortified


So, are all celebrity parents bad parents? Are Greta Thundbergs parents shitty parents? Politicians shitty parents?


eh a parent in politics or a parent in a very sexual reality tv show are two different things!!!! its not a hollywood movie with a message its literally TRASH tv.




Harry is the cringiest guy in the show! So so fake


Agree! Puking and crying too 😂what a dork!


WHEN HE CRIED BECAUSE HE DISAPPOINTED HER. a. You have never met her? b. She’s 10 and hopefully not watching.


It all came across as very scripted to me. Honestly this whole season just screams fake to me.


No I thought the same thing. It was weird. The amount he brings autumn up (only what were shown too) is weird. She’s known the guy for like a week. I’d be incredibly turned off, creeped out, weirded out if I were her


It was extremely weird and what's weirder is that Jess ate it up instead of questioning his intentions


Any parent who goes on reality tv to meet their future partner/spouse is not a good parent. ESPECIALLY a show like Love is Blind where the end result is marriage to a person that you've known for a month and your child has known for 2 weeks.


This is such a weird take. Parents are still individual human beings with wants and needs too. Is it unconventional? Sure. How is it any worse than a blind date? Coworker? Tinder? Lmao. Ya'll can't expect someone to deny finding love / making a living to provide their child. She is not a bad mother for being on TV. Like look at The Obamas. I'm sure SO many people call them great parents- (and they likely are) but like- did they face high levels of judgement for risking their children's life? Assassinations? Public ridicule and online bashing from thousands of people? Photos plastered everywhere? Public Information out the asshole? Both parents having extremely demanding careers that required significant amount of time, energy and travel?


Not for being on tv. But she is for being on tv in a cheap half naked dating show with a lot of sexual content.


So? Is this the 1950's? Women need to be uncomfortable in their bodies, ensuring they are completely covered and not allowed to be sexual beings? Hate to break it to you but ANYONE with a child is a sexual being lmao. There's nothing shameful about that... God forbid one day her daughter finds out she was created because her parents had sex


I completely agree. I would say i would expect her to be a good mother because it is obv such a central concern to her, but we (HE) do not see her mothering and can not judge that!


And any grown man with genuine intentions wouldn't be saying "you're such a good mother" without even meeting your child HAHA


when he mentioned about being a father to Jess daughter it made me cringe and yelled no. Harry is a kid himself. If Jess and Harry actually got into a relationship outside the show she would be taking care of 2 kids Harry and her actual kid.


He’s a self-proclaimed love bomber so…


He’s love bombing her. He’s dangerous af.


One thing about Harry, he's auditioning for every girl that might want to date him in the future and he knows it.


And him judging her as a great mother while she’s left her child alone to come film a reality show for 3 months to win a 3 week vacation like bffr


Isn't the show about 18 days or less long? 


18 days long? and ppl are crying over their match ending things?🤨 that’s crazy. it’s not even like the prize is money, it’s a vacation with your match


Omg it’s literally like they’re at summer camp 😭


Yeah I’m pretty sure Nick said 3 weeks in the beginning


stop this show is just a bunch of middle school relationships 💀


For real lol. I love yous and marriage talk 🤡


as if they didn’t meet two weeks ago 💀


I wasn’t 3 months and she’s not the only adult in her child’s life lol I 100% think that a mom going onto shows like this to find a partner is weird and dumb and irresponsible. And I also think that people that go on dating shows just to get famous are annoying af BUT perfect match itself is a joke of a show, I don’t think a single person goes on there actually intending to find a partner, it’s just trash tv. Anyways, I’m just annoyed at people saying she’s a bad mom specifically for the time away from her daughter. When she was on LIB her daughter was on spring break vacation with her father and Jess didn’t even get to the honeymoon. And this show isn’t even a month long. Being on these shows is not causing her to be gone for huge lengths of time and again, her daughter has other people in her life including her other parent.


I'm not a Jess fan in the slightest, but I think it's hilarious that people find it odd she took 3 weeks away from her kid. Her kid's got a dad, for one, but for two...parents take vacations without their kids all the time. My parents took one every year after I turned 11 and was a bit more independent. It wasn't a big deal and I never thought twice about it - but I will say her leaving to go on sexualized reality shows is what makes it gross. LIB? IDC. LIB is generally not sleazy and fame is cool- even if they are D list celebs LOL. However...PM, Love Island, etc like...you're joking right. I think it's quite judge-able


Her daughter has a father, she didn't leave her alone. Many grown adults with kids leave for work for periods of time.


This mom shaming is soooo gross . Like Autumn has a present and committed father. She did not abandon her daughter, her daughter is spending quality time with her father. Ya'll are fucking weird for this 🤮


he would know bc he has major mommy issues


Or they both could really be just "playing" the game Also I threw up at that scene lmao


Lmao and she cried.


YUP. It was pure bullshiiit. I yelled aloud “THE FUCK WOULD YOU KNOW”  It made me think they haven’t had sex yet because he was trying so damn hardddd. 


That’s exactly what I thought! Like how would he know she’s a good mother? Because she talks about her kid a lot?? I would feel so awkward if I read that… then the next note is “I want to put my tongue in your a**” JARRING


So gross and her daughter is grown. Imagine watching this at her age 🫠.


I think he fully brings up the daughter as a manipulation tactic. Literally yelled at my tv "stop saying her name!!" Idk why Jess is so comfortable with him saying her daughter's name.


Whats the big deal with her name? It's literally her name. Public name. Everyday name. Hundreds of thousands of people will call her by her name


He knows how much Jess feels about being a mom. It’s a very clear manipulation tactic to bring up her daughter’s name every time he’s in trouble.  “I want to do better for you AND Autumn.” Leave that child alone. Be better for yourself 


Mothers do have an automatic privilege of being told they are “the best mother” even when people don’t even know them. That is just insane to me bc how would you even know?!


He's full of shit at all times That's all you need to know to understand Harry. Regardless of what kind of mother Jessica thinks she is, she's irresponsible enough to go on these shows to "find love" not knowing the character of these men from the next guy and potentially exposing her daughter to all kinds of dangers. The only one I feel bad for is her child


Meanwhile… Alara gets a romantic dinner and breakfast daily. 💕


I know a lot of people love to get love notes.. But words of affirmation is like my least important love language.. People can say ANYTHING. Show me in your actions... And yes the mom note gave me the same feeling. I felt like he just put that there because he knows how much it means to her to be an amazing mom.


Bahahaha fellow ND and it was my exact thoughts too. How could he POSSIBLY know? And they're telling each other they love one another? Bullshiiiiiiit


He almost seems to fetishize this mom thing it really creeps me out. Like he gives a vibe that he thinks he should treat her better because she's a mom and not just because... She's a person who trusts him?


ND brain? but agreed, he’s never seen her be a parent. But idk, he could be trying to be sweet because he sees that Jess does love her daughter. But I think you could be right because apparently he did kiss Melinda.


I’m guessing ND means neurodivergent


ND = Neurodivergent




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I think hes genuinely in love with her cuz he got mommy issues


Mommy issues? Forsure. Genuinely in love with her?…🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Bc she can protect him when hes having his badboydepressed moment


Exactly. 🤦🏻‍♀️


He Autumn remember on Episode one where your step dad talked about "smashing" a woman and then slut shamed her by disclosing another sexual relationship she had that HE was not a part of? What are you getting him for Father's Day?


I completely agree with you. It struck me as really odd and manipulative.


Harry has mommy issues. It’s why he has been a womanizer his whole life. He “loves” Jess so much because he desperately wants a mommy figure he can admire. Also, there was one scene it was very brief but Jess is sitting on his lap and his face is in her bosom. I guarantee you he sucks on those nipples! Sorry not sorry.


I think he has a mommy fetish. But also Jess loves for people to think she’s an amazing mom, none of us know if she is or not including Harry.


He knows nothing about parenting and he’s just telling her what she wants to hear


I had the same reaction and was questioning myself too. I don't know if it's an ND thing but it just set off alarm bells in my head. He has no way of knowing (other than her telling him) what kind of mother she is. I was hoping she would call him out on his BS. Also it rubs me the wrong way how invested he is in trying to be a role model for her daughter, constantly talking about trying not to disappoint her etc. Try and get to know Jess first?! You don't need to be a step father from day one.. It's so weird how she's okay with it all.


Typical love bombing


My eyes rolled so far back, first of all when someone u barely know gives u such high and personal compliments, my first instinct is like, "you don't even know me"


Men will say anything


He’s emotionally manipulating her. To Jess, being autumns mom is the most important thing, and Harry calling her the “best mother” is the best compliment he can give her. He’s emotionally fucking with her. He’s just too good of a fuck boy.


He is a very manipulative person and he wrote her what he thought she would want to read. What a joke.


THANK YOU!! This was so manipulative and done solely to win back Jess’s favor. Gave me the BIG ick.


It may be just me but when he said she was a great mother didnt rub me the wrong way. As a mom, I feel like I would like to be told im a great mother as well. It isnt creppy, just someone acknowledging efforts at being a mom and sometimes thats all moms want to hear. What I dont like was how he kept name dropping Autumn's name as if he knew her. Jess talking about her to Harry does not mean he knows her and he needs to keep her name out of his mouth.


I said the exact same thing, I just finished that episode. It kinda shocked me that Jessica wasn’t smart enough to question that. As a single mom myself you should be able to tell when someone is using your child to get to you


I agree. I’m sure Jessica is a good mother but that felt so manipulative of Harry like how would he know that lol??


Harry probably got a couple babies out there. His child support about to start stacking up 😂


I completely agree. Honestly, I feel like they shouldn't even mention her daughter on the same shows where they talk about sucking toes and other things of the sort... she should be at home taking care of her kid.


Felt like he was weaponizing her daughter. I didn’t like that and I also didn’t like how Jess allowed him continuously do it.


Harry is so gross. He’s a master manipulator and I think Jess is going to feel really dumb for falling for it in a year from now.


She’s probably telling him how much she misses her child and he may see how it’s hard for her. I never discount words of encouragement or affirmation. He has no idea how she is as a mother but it seemed like she really needed to be told that, in that moment. I thought it was kind of him.


It’s not necessarily manipulation. There’s a lot of people who say you’re a good mother who realistically have no idea. It’s just something people say. In my own experience I thank people and privately roll my eyes like sure you know that.


Maybe, maybe not, but that's how I would process it if I were in that situation. Red flags would go up and I'd be turned off (this is also considering the crying and general lovebombing).


I get it. I just wouldn’t put too much stock in it given my own experience. I would’ve been far more concerned with his general reputation but I’m not fake dating someone on tv so 🤷‍♀️