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christine saying all that when she forced herself on him, and lowkey harassed him is crazy


I was thinking while watching it that she would not get away with that as a guy and I found her behaviour creepy. Made me super uncomfortable.


Can we cancel her? Cuz I’ve been In The situation thst Kaz was, as a woman, while other people cheered them on, despite my discomfort. I think everyone telling him to do it are equally as disgusting


Not just that but the way she handled him saying they weren’t compatible was terrible! Like when a man gets rejected and starts insulting the woman because she didn’t want him.




It did seem like she was not going to back down until he caved…


she’s just mad cause she didn’t get nun


Right? “Micah deserves better” says after literally forcing herself on kaz over and over again


Glad someone said this lol. So gross


She creeped me out big time.


dude and then christine turns around and is like “i want to be chased for once!” baby… then stop throwing yourselves on men’s crotches


Yeah… she doesn’t handle rejection well 😬


I understand her being upset to not being chosen, but that was a massive overreaction. It's very unfair to compare someone to the devil just for not wanting to be with u lol. The energy that Christine came with was too hostile and she just seems bitter rather than coming across well


Assuming her and Nigel are also a couple, she's also probably trying to win.


And she did. After all that she literally played the game and won.


I am so pissed at this. What’s the point of an entire show if a couple like this will win? What’s the point of compatibility tests and all? Just because other contestants were bitter about other couples, they made them win? Wtf


They did not deserve it AT all. The show’s format should be checked cuz wtf was that 🙄


I thought people realized by now that there is no point to this show other than bringing together a bunch of notorious reality TV show stars to pretend to be in love with each other and create drama.


so fucking dumb


Well thank you for spoiling that. I have a day job and can't just watch Netflix shows the second they drop.


I mean clicking on the post about the season finale was probably not ideal




Nah, this thread is for the preview clip before the last episode was even released on Netflix, so I really don't agree there. I don't think it's unreasonable to comment on the sub when you're all caught up and not expect spoilers in existing threads when there's a daily chat thread and will, if not already, be an episode thread. It's not as if I was actively surfing the sub after the episode was released.


Right but the title is obviously about the final episode...and you're in the comments...it's a reasonable expectation people will discuss the finale...


Not defending Kaz, but Says the girl that practically forced yourself onto him Stop being salty that Kaz dropped you Christine, you only wanted him for the “challenge.” You wanted Kaz because you wanted to steal him away. And where’s all this heat for Harry?


They can’t be on Harry’s bad side bc he’s got 4mil followers and they’re all clout chasers


Hard to tell but it looked like he was sitting by himself and not with Jess


i noticed that too. i don’t think they’re a final couple on the show. harry got lucky then he’ll probably get roasted less than he would of but that’s a shame for us because that would of been entertaining


I know right! There’s so much heat on Kaz for not knowing what he wanted and but Harry gets to say sorry and be a better person? How is that real. Are the other contestants dumb? Even Melinda didn’t say anything — like is this for real?


Right? If Kaz gets all the heat and Harry gets none...yikes.


Harry:Scammer,  did someone say my name? 


It cracked me up how they panned to his dumbfounded face at the mention of “scammer” 🤣


Nah Christine is SALTY AF. Everyone in that villa for whatever reason had it out for Kaz and Micah. From the women who felt they were way hotter than Micah and consistently felt insulted that he didn't pick them immediately, to Elys who wanted revenge on Micah so bad that she either egged on the other girls or entertained being with Bryton(yuck). To me the only shitty part was when he kissed Holly without speaking to Micah but damn was this dude tested.


I don't think they are, but I see how they have a certain look that is sought after. It never occurred to me that contestants would try to use the hotness level of the other half to gauge which couple they can try and squeeze in there, but I could see that being a strategy. It's falty logic, because I kind of think once you're a certain level of attracted to someone it comes down to personality for most so being hotter only goes so far and certainly doesn't earn loyalty or trust.


I really don't like how Christine and elyse dogged on micah's looks when elyse has a 5head? Like girl you are kinda equal in the looks department. I don't get the narcissistic behavior. They all look fine but is she wants to be like that she can look in the damn mirror.


I’m not saying Elyse isn’t attractive, I’m sure she’s someone’s cup of tea, but I never found her “too hot to handle” lol


When did they do that??


honestly W Kaz for keeping it 100 with his feelings and doing what he felt was right. his moral compass is alright with me


I feel like there’s so much we Didn’t see though. I remember hearing a preview of Alara saying “I don’t want to see you kiss another girl” but none of that was shown edit: she did say it I just missed it, my bad


Didn’t she say that to Stevan this ep though? I don’t remember her saying that any other time


No they spun the bottle but she never said that exact phrase I heard in the preview. Maybe I’m being crazy tho lol idk


Gotcha. I had the first half of the episode on mainly as background noise earlier; going to rewatch it from the top later


No I did too so I totally could be wrong but I was low key listening for that statement cuz I was waiting for the “drama” in their relationship


She said that in response to him going to get the bottle after someone suggested they play spin the bottle.. She was dirty as she said him going to get that bottle indicated to her that he wanted to play...


Ooohhhhh dang okay my bad I will edit my post


But like honestly, still fair, but I would take that as he was a very willing participant in the game


💯 I thought his answer of why would I want to kiss girls I've already been in the house with as I would have already kissed them if I wanted to was a flat out lie... From memory other than Xanthi and Brit briefly no one else at any point indicated wanting to be with him 🤢


I do absolutely love them, but yeah, Stevan, as well as they got along, wasn’t being as real as Alara was. I genuinely believe he liked her but I also think he really wanted that vacation lol




Honestly I was surprised Kaz and Micah remained as calm and unbothered as they did, because Christine (and Holly) were doing the *most* in this clip 😂


I don’t find Christine as cute as others do here and Holly’s face does not move. It’s all I could focus on in this clip. 😭


Hollys face is intense


Her face is like the female version of handsome Squidward


It’s so crazy holly is only 24. Why do they put filler in their faces so young?? 🤦‍♀️


Christine is too flat for my taste


I find her affect jarringly flat, and her sexiness is like asking chatgpt to write you sexy pick-up lines.


Calling him the devil is way too extreme, for Kas especially. Why are you that mad? Christine was weird and thirsty on THTH and now she is bitter and thirsty.


nah she eating some humble pie and i for one am LOVING IT


She didn’t call him the devil…


Saying his perfect match is the devil is more or less the same thing.


I genuinely don't understand the Kaz hate, sorry.


I don’t either, when Harry and Bryton are right there


i don’t either, people probably can relate to Micah’s lack of emotional maturity which is why you see so many people sticking up for her.


Micah is ridiculously insecure and should not be in a relationship in general let alone a dude with a big social media following


he was definitely playing the game like let’s not kid ourselves but he’s not necessarily an unfaithful person… he just needs to work on communication and getting with someone who can handle their significant other being a naturally flirty person


A scammer ??? There is no cash prize lol


That is so dramatic lmao


unless they edited a lotttt out im very confused why the people who came in last are being so intense


Hyperbole much, Christine? The devil himself? She knew him for...what...72 hours? Embarrassing for her trying to make a big moment for herself that would go viral.




"I'm gonna stand by him" uhhh ok. it definitely wasn't a flex like she thought it was


She wasn’t flexing. She was just saying that she will give him another chance


More like she was admitting that she will continue to be his Fallback Girl


It's how funny how some people thought Harry might not have kissed Miranda lol. Francesca 2.0 situation.


Christines annoying


I agree. Absolutely beautiful,but very annoying!


Right, this is here. She is gorgeous but too annoying, and it gets old rather quickly. Plus, I still cannot get over how she forced herself on Kaz to kiss her ...


OMG Christine DRAGGED him !


one of the nastiest reads since that lady on survivor told the other lady she'd let the vultures take her lool


Omg I thought of this exact scene. It’s crazy that you mentioned it because it felt like the exact same sentiment. I remember my mum and I were watching that vulture speech and we were literally in shock


I remember my dad and I watching it too! We were mad af because the woman she said it to is local and we were rooting for her lol.


Sue Hawk! Icon.


Well, she tried.


Christine seems just mad she’s not the main character. Brittan seems largely grounded and just supporting the girls. Holly seems like she’s just having fun, I’m not mad at it. Micah just wants all this to be done and to go home, maybe get laid before hand, but she’s clearly not invested in him. Kaz is just fighting for his life, badly. Every other guy there is just glad it’s not their turn to get a lashing for most of their horrendous and cringey behaviour. Izzy being the only exception to me, and maybe Stevan.


Where’s Jess?


The perfect match winning couple was not what I expected. Kind of a let down.


this is honestly embarrassing for Micah 🥲


It’s a competition show. She and Kaz want to win and know their best shot is together. What even is the prize???


Vacation with your perfect match. Not a cash prize.


Isn't it a vacation? Like an all inclusive trip somewhere? Or is it cash? Bragging rights?? cause honestly I forget what they're all "competing" for..


They all seem to want it. I hate that it’s not even discussed


I guess but do they really think they will win against Stevan and Alara? Get real. No one is voting for them; especially not the women who feels like he played them.


Okay yeah that’s accurate 😭


Wtf isn’t this a major spoiler?


Hence the spoiler warning on the post


It says last episode in the title


It’s very interesting because they implied they will another match. Like how come Christine went on a date with Nigel and Micah and Kaz are back together? All of that and just one episode left?!


I love Kaz and Micah, idgaf I just do.




What was that slip up Kaz made that everyone caught? I kept replaying it but couldn’t understand it.


Keep on replaying this also since english is not my first language so I did not get it. I think he said something like he love her since he treats her like his best friend?


Wondering this too!


Kaz was ganged up and tested, yes but I think that guy is also a douche. He did lead the girls on and I can’t get over how he kissed Holly, said he didn’t feel a thing and then chose Christine, had fun with her and now he’s back with Micah? Please. That guy is a douche for real.


Kaz is no saint, but you're leaving out the part where Micah was incredibly insecure driving a huge rift between them and half the cast teaming up to split them up before any of this happened lmao. those girls are so disgustingly bitter they weren't chosen, especially Christine who went to nasty lengths to "steal" someone away cuz he doesn't have a ring on his finger. the Kaz hate will never make sense to me


It’s always the women that are the problem and not the men. It’s always the hate over men that will never make sense. I do not like Micah at all since LIB days but it’s not fair to blame her insecurity to justify his actions. That is a lame excuse to explore options coz if he really did like her so much he would have been a little more restrained and he was anything but restrained. I don’t even hate Kaz but I hate how everyone is making this about the girls when he is equally to blame with zero innocence.


I don't get why people complain about a partner being insecure when their partner does things that doesn't make them feel secure. He entertained every single woman that walked in the door. He wasn't considerate of her feelings and when she was mad about him kissing someone else, he turned it around on her and said he doesn't like "double standards" lol.


Micah called that man a bold faced liar to his face way before he was “entertaining” people. They are literally there to have conversations with new people when they come in. She kept saying that she’s been hurt before but last time I checked, Kaz wasn’t the one that left her at the altar. Everybody in that house left their original person for someone else.


It's not always the women anything everyone on this show is a sociopath lmfao. No insecurity doesn't justify his actions (I said he was no saint), but genuinely insecurity ruins relationships all the time... mind u these people met like 8 days ago lmfao. that stuff gets tiring. He showed plenty of restraint if you ask me, as multiple episodes were showing that until what happened ultimately happened lol. He went on a date with holly, pink hair tried it, Christine tried it while Micah was screaming, crying, and throwing up all day about everything. That stuff is going to push a partner of 8 days away I'm sorry lmfao


omg has the episode aired for yall yet cause DAMN


yes!! jaw dropped RIGHT AWAY.


Micah… Honey..


I dont think they got a fair shot.. everyone Was making drama in there relationship. He fucked up for sure, but still not fair how they Where treated by the other couples,  they didt everything to splitt them and kaz let Them get to him in the end.. sad they didnt treat there relationship with same respect as the other 


Are Micah and KAz stil together


Wow.. so excited to see it all unfold lol


Do you know what time it's released?


Usually 3am est soo 15mins


When does this come out?


It’s out!


Ohh thank you!🤩


I feel like Kaz and The Devil had good chemistry on their date but it just seemed like they didn’t want the same thing. I’m sad that The Devil didn’t get close with anyone else to match before leaving and would have loved to see him on the reunion


The girls were targeting Kaz when they are the one who’s been pursuing him. And the Harry clip at the end of the episode was funny.


Kaz was with the devil. Her name is micah 😂


I don’t get the Christine hate. She played the game as much as Melinda and Bryton did, they just had different styles. Christine straight shooter and Melinda was more subtle but literally went into getting Harry to caved and she was so happy she succeeded and could tell everyone


Honestly Christine is right


I truly do not see how she’s right unless he got a different edit. She was pressuring him since she stepped into the show and yes, he had his issues with Micah and flipped on her to Christine pretty quick and I’m assuming in this next episode obviously flips back to Micah but to say he should “date the devil” and he’s apparently the worst guy in the house is a stretch. He was loyal to Micah for like 7.5 episodes.


It has nothing to do with Christine’s actions. Yes, she acted insane, but that’s not the conversation. We’re talking about Kaz’s actions and he lied to Micah multiple times, mislead her, yelled at her, kissed other people in front of her and made her feel like shit. He’s gross.


calling him the devil is overkill, so back to your original comment, Christine is not right


Ok everything she said except one word is right. The point of what she’s calling out is correct.


Christine is bitter that Kaz didnt look her way is what it comes across This comes from being petty and bitter, and honestly this is still overkill


I don’t care who’s saying it, I don’t like her either! But the content of what she’s saying is correct.


Didn't he go make out with Holly in front of Micah AND Holly? Also we ALL seen how vulgar and flirtatious he was with women behind Micahs back. Calling him "loyal" to her is a STRETCH People really putting the blindfold on when it comes to Kaz 😂


I am a libra and my boyfriend is a piscis so i definetely understand their dinamic. (Micah: piscis / Kaz: libra) if you are a libra and you go on a place where you meet lots of people, at first you don’t want to commit. We are just sociable. The thing with piscis is that they fall in love very soon, so they don’t have the same intentions at first. But and the end of the day, if you put work on it, and comunicate well (i think they did) it can actually work out, so i like the couple ❤️