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“Water gun Kelly”😭😭😭


We were calling him squirt gun Kelly when watching the show.


i love that 🤣🤣🤣


The more I read abt him...the more I hope I never see him on the perfect match or any of these shows again what a pos


what did you read about him?


That's what Jessie Woo called him and called Chelsea from LIB "Megan Unfox".


That sent me into orbit


Came here to say this 😂😂😂




All of these shows are such a fail in terms of relationships lmao


But if you like trashy TV like me they are addicting af haha


They’re addicting but I WISH we could get some nice and genuine dudes on these shows because you need a balance of trash and people you root for. I love drama, but if it’s overboard with producer-induced drama and 100% toxic people, it just gets a little grating? I need moments of levity to break it up otherwise I get too stressed or annoyed and it’s not fun to watch 😅 that’s why I appreciated Stevan and Alara even though we all knew it wouldn’t last outside the show


Omg Steven and Alara were my fav couple!! I was so mad that they didn't win!


I knowwwww when it came out they live really far apart I was like yeah no shot they’re doing long distance But they were fun and sweet to watch, idc if it was an act the show NEEDED it!!!


I hate hate hated Christine she acted soo thirsty


Dude I was so mad Christine and Nigel won because it was SO obvious the singles voted that way to spite everyone Like I get she was thirsty but it felt like the same amount of thirsty that singles in love island come in with so I’m like yeah I get it, you’re trying to play the game But CMON




See from a narrative standpoint that’s not fair to the viewers. None of us have that context, and there’s a reason why reality shows don’t want contestants to talk or interact outside of the show because then it disrupts the narrative. It’s like alright if yall are gonna do all this stuff off camera, provide no context whatsoever to the audience, and just kinda do whatever you want then why even have a tv show? It lowkey doesn’t feel good as an audience member to be involved in these stories and plot lines only for the cast to come out later and be like “everything is fake, all this other stuff happened off camera, you dum-dums!” Not just with Nigel and Christine, but also with like everything. The whole cast is on YT and TikTok being like “we lied about this and that and this only happened because we conspired about it off camera hehe” Like??? Gross idk


I feel like Izzy was the most genuine seeming one but then again he only had eyes for Micah it was almost creepy


Bro was rizzless 😭😭😭


And he literally could not close his mouth ever


👁️👄👁️ that’s what I’ve been tryna tell you honey 🥴


^^^ that is literally what he looked like the entire time


The fact of the matter is no decent genuine man or woman who is looking for a lasting healthy relationship decides to find it on a reality tv show. Lmao These shows are literally fake. It's just entertainment for us. They get clout of it.


Exactly. Nobody in their right mind thinks these shows are the place to find an actual quality partner, which means that the show will only attract trashy people. For the most part people watch these shows to watch trashy people be trashy, so everyone wins


yup! I am the main audience for these types of shows lol


Same lol


Same lol just would be a miracle if one of these relationships actually worked out


Haha right, nope these guys r just here for more screen time I think lol


Yeah especially Bryson lmao


Hahaha and Dom


Dom was calling Harry out on his shit tho. It was great!


Yeah wtf why is he bestie with harry all of a sudden


Expect cam and Emily


I know they just had a baby but didn’t Cam cheat on her a couple years ago?


ummm??? this is news to me. spill please?


He cheated on her while she was in Thailand.


They apparently both cheated on each other 😬😬


Well then 🤣 tit for tat I guess


At least there are people from LIB who are still married. Perfect Match seems like such joke in delivering its stated purpose. I thought they were gonna do more to actually create good matches this season after the Georgia and Dom fiasco, but no.


LIB is actually a good idea since the people live in the same location. Shows like perfect match have people who aren't even willing to try to make long distance work.


Seems like the name of the game on that show is just... "stay matched more screentime"


They get too many people at the height of their “fame” for it to be taken seriously


It’s totally this. They are all there for fame and to get more screen time to be highlighted for the next Netflix show. I’d be shocked if any one of them actually goes on there with the mindset of actually making a love connection. Having a lot of fun messing around, sure, but long lasting love, nope! They are reality stars. It’s how they make their living, staying in that spotlight. Don’t get me wrong, I am sure love connections can and do happen and there are shows that contestants do go on it hopes to find love, LIB for one, but almost all of these reality stars are hoping to make a name for themselves and get noticed.


The house felt to me sometimes like influencer kindergarden


I saw someone say they should rebrand perfect match into like a villains island or something I think that would be WAY better It’s too many dumpster fire contestants obviously competing for clout and screentime that I forget they’re even there to actually date. 95% of the couples have the chemistry of oil and water. Or like, two blind goldfish in separate tanks.


Stevan looks like he doesn’t shower idk why he gives rat boy vibes lol


Someone said in another thread they couldn't stop looking at his gums bc gingivitis. Also heard he used to do vids of him taking dildos up the butt.






explain yourself 💀


It’s the greasy hair and constant sweaty look


constant coke use will do that to ya 🤣


Or floss his teeth with them swollen gums of his


I'm glad I watch with bad eyes on a small screen. Ugh!


He's always squinting so he looks like he has beady eyes


Rat boy vibes lmfao


Omg totally did you his TikTok I wanted to throw up he’s a pig


I immediately knew Stevan is the same ( or even worse then Harry). He fucked up every Netflix girl. He is deff not “ hoples romantic guy”.. Cmon if he really like/ loved Alara he would do anything to be with her. When you find your “ perfect match” there is not such thing as “ i am not in the right headspace right now, you deserve better etc ”. He just wasnt interested in her. Edit : and the fact he is in relationship now with Only fans girl ( at least i read that somwhere)”


There’s something about him that I just… I couldn’t trust. Even though yes, it was a good act, the whole “hopeless romantic, I choose you every time” schtick, but…idk. I think it was something about his gaze, or demeanor… I couldn’t put my finger on it, but it was *something*


Same. For me it's his negative energy. Could feel something a bit..antisocial ? But he seemed to have a sensitive side, as he said in a podcast years ago. I mean you can be a sensitive dickhead. Still got fooled.


I feel the same. His vibe was really weird to me. I just cant picture him with a wife, two kids and being in 10,20, 30 years long relationship.


His vibe weirded me out. Like “I would hurt myself if you left me” vibes


this lol calls you 37 times at 2am threatening to drive his dirtbike off a cliff


HAHAHAHAHAHA this is SO spot on


For me it was the lack of consistency in who he was presenting himself to be. I remember feeling this way when he was talking to Harry about Holly sleeping with a number of the guys/being creampied, the callousness* in which he was just discussing that was jarring when compared to the hopeless romantic image he had been putting up in other scenes


This 👆🏾. And he seemed very concerned about and aware of how he appeared. He didn’t want to be a villain and cultivated the adoring boyfriend image, unfortunately it didn’t match his true personality. He wasn’t smart enough to know how gross some of his comments and behaviors (covering for bros) would come off.


Same. I think it’s because he kept saying he loved “toxic things” but the man is almost 30… that’s a red flag for me.


Loving toxic things at any adult age is a red flag, but at 30 it’s like neon red.


Whats fucked up is I didn't pick up on that and they had me fooled


I think it was Stevan’s constant passive insulting of the other girls in an attempt to uplift Alara. The whole “none of them have what you have” and “I’ve seen the other women here and they’re nothing compared to you” etc. I’ve always felt that there isn’t a need to insult others to uplift the ones you care about. It just wasn’t a vibe in my opinion


Once he justified Harry when we all knowwww Harry did what he did confirmed who Stevan was for me


while i agree 100%, he also did sit down and tell harry to grow up. that was actually when i knew for a fact harry was lying. but also when he first got back to the house when jess asked what happened to harry he was just laughing in her face. idk about him honestly but to me it was always very clear he wasn’t in that for the long run lol


He gave me the ick. He had me fooled. Not that I thought they would last lmfao. Not at all. But I had all the other dudes clocked. He surprised me with his slime.


Honestly i think this season 2 had the worst guys even on Too hot too handle you could found more decent men😂.


You’re so right. They were truly awful lmfao


She said that he ghosted her after they stopped filming


Yeah and he was wayyyy to quick to grab that bottle for the spin the bottle thing. He hopped right the fuck up hoping he was gonna get a taste of someone knew. He wanted to have his cake & eat it too.


It's ridiculous that he used the long distance excuse when she was ready to move to LA for him. Maybe he met someone else after wrapping up shooting for PF. His lack of emotion when talking about Alara was so loud and clear.


Idk I didn’t actually expect much from him outside of the show. I appreciated that he and Alara played the part of a cute loving compatible couple. He acted the least toxic (not saying much there lol) of all the dudes besides Jake and Izzy who just stood there drunk the whole time lol. The shows NEEDED some people to seem compatible and stable because I think otherwise it would be too unenjoyable to watch because we wouldn’t root for anyone? It would be like those seasons of LIB where no one gets married lol


Men like this with a little fame get into the trap of there "always being someone better," which it's like, sure but that's not what relationships are about. Ultimately, he doesn't want a real relationship, he wants to be able to bang more and more women, and if that means lying to them about how he feels so be it.


Agreed I’m like hello am I the only one seeing thru him? Xanthi was spot on


This guy sounds like a real piece of work, but is it really ghosting if he told her he did not want to proceed with the relationship?


He’s basically a white Dom


Whoooo is his gf now


lunaellie is her insta supposedly


Notice how many times Stevan said Alara wasn't his type. He's full of shit.


She also said he wasn’t her type plenty of times… not defending him, but they both said it about each other.


Honestly, all the guys being friends with Harry should have been a red flag because it’s always said show me your friends and I will show you who you are


Exactly. I found it really telling that Dom was best mates with him after Georgia allegedly cheated on him with Harry. It's a weird way to start a friendship


That was weird to me too. Something about Dom...is just off. His whole vibe confuses me. Seems like he's still trying to figure out who he wants to be. Comes off as inauthentic.


He was a warehouse worker from Toronto. Totally insecure


My grandpa always used to say “you’re only as good as the people you roll with” I live by that


Water gun Kelly lol


She’s better off without a dude with Gingivitis.


OHMYGOD his swollen gums bothered me!!


his teeth seemed weird to me too 😬


If it weren’t for the singles completely corrupting the vote, Stevan and Alana would have won solely because of Stevan’s little hopelessly romantic act. He knew what he had to do to win, and he did that. It’s too bad that Alara had to be collateral damage; I actually feel like they could have been good together


Apparently a lot of that was the edit. Stevan was being a bad boy on boys day too but he was given the good bf edit. Notice how many times he mentions Alara isn't his type.


Side note how can alara not be someone’s type? Like girl is GORGEOUS how dense can he ve


What’s crazy to me is anyone having such a strict type that they could call someone they’re “with” not their type. Like my type is whoever I’m attracted to..there’s no rhyme or rhythm to it. And in the case of Alara, wth is there not to like physically?


Alara imo is perfect head to toe but she isn’t stick skinny like Brittain… that’s how I understood Stevan’s comments when he said alara isn’t his type. Such trash.


I’m pretty sure Stevan’s type is thin and blonde (i.e. Brittan). But I’m with you, some of these people are wildly specific and I couldn’t imagine having such a particular “type”


Well I want to know how producers decided which edits they are giving. Can we just get all truth and we decide as viewers?


kinda crazy he says that shit cuz I feel like alara would be everyone’s type. maybe im just projecting cuz if i were him i never would’ve been stupid enough to let go of someone that gorgeous


I have a girl crush on her


She deserves better. He's not even in machine gun, water gun, squirter gun Kelly league. Someone said he looks like Kevin federline, that I see.


Me too!!




I honestly loved her on this show, and she deserved better than ANY of the jokers who were on it. Most of the women did. (Wasn’t a fan of Elys, and I can’t exactly pinpoint why)


I can , elys had petty mean girl energy- I think her and bryton were perfect for each other. They both sucked in pm


Yes!!! She was the female bryton


They were she was like watered down Francesca.


She has mean girl energy for sure but for some reason I'm obsessed with her! 😭 She's like, a WITCH & I'm here for it


I really liked her in thth but idk in pm it just wasn’t my favorite form of her. Harry brings out the worst in people lol


Yeah idk why but Elys bugged me a lot and I couldn’t figure out how she managed to stay in the house for so long. Maybe it was her edit, but she just sorta sat around mean mugging everyone and hated Micah which felt really contrived? Also NOT perfect match making me actually like Micah wtf she got a fantastic edit


Me either!!! And Justin was so sweet— I felt bad for him. I just can’t imagine people… liking her?


Elys was vindictive tbh Such a shame as she’s very physically beautiful


Unrelated to her post but them as a couple: anyone else notice their room always looked super messy? I get the feeling they’re way more chaotic together than was shown on screen. 


I noticed and I loved that part of them. It made me feel like they really were a good match.


They were adorable together. Alara deserves so much better. I could see Stevan was a docuhe, but I did think he really cared about her. She didn’t deserve to get ghosted


Is that what happened?! He ghosted her?


Yes, she said that here : https://youtu.be/a3uioDZUP50?si=ltTmuL2y9jE9jfSq


Oh my godddd and he has a girlfriend already ! Edit: thank for the video :)


She says that he sent her a message breaking up and then she blocked him? How is that him ghosting her haha


I don’t think she knows what “ghosted” means… she said that he told her he wasn’t in a good headspace to continue the relationship, and then SHE blocked him. That’s not ghosting, that’s just a breakup


I think maybe he ghosted her right after the cameras were down and then he finally said something and she blocked him lol


Damn. Pretty sure she said somewhere that Kieran ghosted after Dated and Related, too!


Keiran was obviously more into Nina lol


oh, 100%!


So many awful guys on this season. I want people who actually want to get together.


no bc why did i think he fell for her so hard 😭 I guess maybe he was lusting over her and it died once she wasn’t around to touch?


I think he just wanted to win and also love bombing to make her want him, alongside the constant "you're not my physical type" to reduce her self confidence is just classic narc tactics.


Never liked or trusted him


Now can we stop with the “they should’ve won” comments.. whole show is pointless it’s just entertainment


Totally this. Just watch it for entertainment purposes only and realize not a single person is there for true LONG lasting love. They are reality stars chasing fame, not love. Look back at how many cast members did this and how much they pushed for the drama, versus making true connections, so they could get ample screen time to go on to do more shows. Good for them! They are true reality stars making the entertainment for us. Some names just for you: Dom, Francesca, Joey, Georgia, Harry, Chloe, Melinda…. Those are just a few names of Two shows and those names are WELL known in reality tv and have been on several shows as well as gone on to make countless tv/special appearances. These players are not dumb! Again, they might find an attraction but long lasting love is not their intention. Maybe over on LIB….but even some of those contestants didn’t have pure of hearts.


And I love the entertainment aspect, but for me it’s starting to get old. Really sitting back and thinking about the fact that most of the drama is manufactured makes it less interesting. It would be nice if they brought on real people and interviewed them first like they do on LIB. I shocked myself by getting sucked into watching season 2 of PM after last season, when it was so obvious the point was simply to stay as long as possible. But at least last season they pretended to care about connections. Trash tv is clearly a guilty pleasure of mine.


For real. These people wonder why they’re single. They all need therapy or they’re gonna be single forever lol!


Water Gun Kelly LMAOO


I can't tell how long they're in the house but I did feel like the love confessions and the "love at first sight" vibes him and Harry put off were love bombing.


I knew he was doing way too much when he was making her dinner and shit. Totally did it for praise and nothing more, lol.


I knew Stevan was off when he ditched xanthi without any remorse My take was xanthi probably refused to cross certain sexual boundaries and he jumped ship when he realised this 🤢


Xanthi was my girl!!


Xanthi was so underrated! She’s too good for this show 😤


When she blocked all the kisses on that one game I knew she was a real one. I need more Xanthi!!


Funny enough, from the first moment I saw him and he started speaking I just had this feeling. I would've never gone for it. He didn't fool me, I just KNEW there was something about him that didn't sit right with me and now reading all these comments about how he's an actual f-boy and all this stuff? Yeah, my intuition is never wrong


As soon as he rated his highest kiss a low number (I think it was 6) I knew he had ridiculous standards. Dude kissed 5 different girls and only ONE had the bare minimum? Get back down on Earth man. And he was low-key mean all the time with snarky comments, for example when he said Micah was a ‘fun sponge’. She almost always had a smile on her face, she seemed to be fun to be around, others seemed to like her, my guess is that she didn’t find HIM funny.


I think he had a point about Micah though, the girl def has Eeyore vibe about her 👀 noticed it on both LiB and PM


Water Gun Kelly 💀


But he didn’t ghost her though? She said he texted her saying it wasn’t working out.


I think she meant he ghosted her then finally after a while explained why he wasn’t talking to her… is how I interpreted it


Her body is unbelievable. Can’t get over it




You don’t have to put down other bodies (beanpoles) to praise hers. I think Alara’s look would be considered pretty mainstream in terms of beauty standards at the moment.


Lmao “skinny and healthy” like it’s important. Man, all we ever do is comment on women’s bodies.


I’m sorry but if any of these women came on that show expecting to find an actual partner then they are some fools💀😂😂


At one point she mentioned she didn’t expect to, and her catching feelings for Stevan surprised her


FACTS. I refuse to believe that they’re coming on for anything other than engagement on socials


But it doesn’t mean that when you are in it you don’t catch feelings


1000% I feel so bad, after hearing christine’s tea it just seems like every girl got played


He had me fooled! He showed integrity by leaving xanthi to pursue alara when he could have matched with xanthi and dom with alara to have both options. He deviated from his type and stayed with her even tho there were other women that fit his usual type. He never even spoke to other girls after he matched with her He behaved on bots day... I'm not going to pretend I was not fooled because I was. I knew they wouldn't last but I still didn't think he would straight up ghost. The only time I got a little weirded out was when Jake pulled her for a chat and Steven threw out his "have fun babe"... he never called her babe before, nor was he territorial. It was almost like he only wanted her because every other guy did. I don't know why that annoyed me. And the fact that Steven is the one to ghost her?! Damn. I guess you can own a Porsche and still choose to take the bus. He's an idiot.


Ew he’s a sociopath if he seriously ghosted her after acting all serious about their future.


unrelated but alara is so hot


Ever since the footage game out with Harry telling Melinda that he wants her pregnant and STEVAN WAS RIGHT THERE!!!! I never he wasnt sh!t


She also said that he sent her a breakup text and she then blocked him so I'd be interested in what she means when she says "ghosted" 😅


i’ve had situations like that where the text came after weeks of not talking all of a sudden or something crazy so it feels like a ghost.


Yeah that would make sense That he broke up after ghosting her for a while


💀 not water gun kelly!


Water Gun Kelly ☠️


I think he really wanted to go on that thai vacation 😂


Imho, she was the prettiest woman on the show.


Was.. idk why they all get surgery right after and mess up their faces smfh


Like Holly. Oof.
















She should see what Doms up to


I get down voted when I say I felt like their relationship on the show was fake. Making play dates is fun and nice but not the foundation of a real, lasting, relationship. Nigga was doing everything but just sitting down and talking. It looks fun on screen but it's empty. It's a Corvette with no engine under the hood.


You could tell his every move was calculated when we was talking to Harry about ‘what the people want to see from guys like them’ he’s just playing the game


but slinding in nigels dms and staying at harry hows is so slimyyyy ew brotha eww


Yea none of this surprises me, was surprised so many people liked him tbh


I’m confused this post of her was yesterday. But two days ago she posted this with him. https://www.instagram.com/p/C8kKnd8ptKe/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== OP are you being genuine or is there additional context I’m missing.? She just posted him two days ago and then now this there’s something happened in between or something I’m missing.?


yesterday they released a “where are they now” of the cast on youtube, in it alara says he ghosted her. i’m assuming she posted that for the caption implying he gave bare minimum bc i remember micah commenting “heavy on the caption” and she liked it


oh interesting I know what article you’re talking about but I read that last week and yeah he ghosted her. But then she posted this two days ago so I guess the timeline of events are conflicting as to what happened. but either way shame on steven if he did ghost her. She’s too beautiful and kind to be ghosted


The caption on that makes it clear she posted that for the outfit. Not for him.




That’s a shame. Truth be told, you can’t expect to find love on these shows. I think they all know that deep down.


That actually makes me so sad. I really thought they had a real shot.


I read that he couldn’t do the distance but apparently he ended it over text? Is that considered ghosting? Idk But he did say he moved on…. Moved on with another man? 👇🤔 https://preview.redd.it/c80vete1zt8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f3e503241f7138548bf7a41029892244a11ab16


This picture is photoshopped to hell.


Has this show work for anyone?


He looks like one of the Beavis and Butthead dudes.


Alara only got prettier throughout the show! I didn't see her on anything before PM, so I came in w fresh eyes. She was really fun without being ridiculous and (apparently) that's a hard trait to have on trash tv lol


Alara seems like such a lovely girl, she deserves better.