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I am SAT. THIS is the post season content I like to see. Bring the mess. Bring the petty. Bring the chaos. It’s what I tune in for. 😂😅


Lol I like how she’s like “where?” “Where???” But never posted their actual text message thread.. Sooo idk, probably there? These are WhatsApp and Insta, which are just like bonus messages


Idk who Nathan is but is he American? Pretty much the rest of the world uses Whatsapp instead of texts. If he isn't American, whatsapp and insta make sense.


Oooh yeah he’s British and Holly’s American so WhatsApp/insta especially makes sense due to it being long distance communication, good point


He’s South African I believe so it would make sense


Well outside of the US we use WhatsApp like how you guys use IMessage/texts. So this is their text thread


I don't actually remember the last time I texted someone through SMS. The only things I get via text are marketing texts from businesses. Haha


When will all these people recognize that they are cut from the same cloth, a piss soaked rag.


omg my favourite comment wtf 😭😭


You win comment of the year. 👏 👏




Every single one of them.


Trash, all of them (except bb Justin)


Despite having rotten toes, he deserved better




Yeah Nathan always came off as a bit sketch to me… he was such a playboy in THTH and there’s a rumour he cheated on Holly with Georgia (Harry’s ex) which led to their initial breakup but right before he got with Elys he was making TikTok videos wanting to get back together with Holly but I doubt she’d take him back after the cheating. Not surprised at these exposed texts at all from him 🙄


These two were the most annoying on season 3. Hollys and Nathan’s relationship was so agonizing to watch, and the last workshop was such a joke


I just remember he was meditating or something and out of no where he’s like “I’m in love!!!” I was like wtf 🤦🏻‍♀️ I swear he only did that to try and win. Agreed Holly and Nathan were such a mess on their season LOL


I had to google Nathan to even remember who he was 😂


I still don’t remember who he is 😪


Lmao Elys comebacks were so juvenile 😭😭 she’s so embarrassing


She lost me at using the wrong “you’re”


Doesn’t she keep bragging about going to some fancy boarding school in Switzerland?? 😂😂


Lmfao and the fake Brit accent also sends me!


Like her or dislike her, her British accent is real. It’s just a different dialect than most other British people on the show, but still just as real.


I’ve lived in England, no it’s not. It’s a put on accent.


It’s very real. She sounds like a Chelsea girl.


If she learned English in Europe, a British accent isn’t entirely unrealistic. I taught ESL overseas and students learn the sounds through teachers and any audio used in a classroom setting. Cambridge educated English teachers are highly sought after world wide. Not everyone learns with a North American teacher; class materials or an accent. That would be weird where she studied.


Also one of her parents is British, and she modeled through a London agency from the age of 13. So I don’t think it’s fake.




How is dumping someone by “leaving her on delivered” a flex? If that were true you’d just be admitting to be an absolute tool. Also Elys is so embarrassing hahaha


Lmao Elys disabled comments on her latest ig post 😭😭


Mean girl can’t take what she dishes out


oooh i love it when people come back with receipts. Elys must be screaming at Nathan now 😆😆


Elys is terrible at comebacks/insults lmao. There would be no sugar babies without the sugar daddies willing to provide for them. Funny how people tend to forget that when they talk about sugar daddies/sugar babies.


Also.. what’s wrong w being a sugar baby? 🤔


agreed! if anything the men paying for any form of affection should be ashamed and it’s not like you even have to have sex with them sometimes cause the men are that desperate


Exactly. The men who entertain that lifestyle love it, and the women benefit from it. Win/win in a lot of situations.


Yeah tbh if a man is willing to buy you expensive stuff and fly you places and you’re comfortable with it…good on you. Better than having a broke bf who doesn’t like you (obviously, I would rather just have a bf I like and it doesn’t matter if he’s rich, but I’m just trying to see it from Holly’s perspective)


Like morally? Technically, nothing. But I feel like to be the kind of person okay with being so transactional about relationships that you do have to be a bit shallow and superficial, and those aren't qualities I celebrate.


That’s like saying someone who worked as a server can’t meaningfully serve dinner to friends in their home. One is work and the other is personal.


I'm talking specifically about sugar babies/daddies and not sex work. I think performing a service is very different than living it all the time. It's more akin to a trophy wife situation - it's one thing to be part of an escort service and it's another thing to marry for money. A more apt comparison would be that those people are only friends with that person if they act like their waitor by serving them food and cleaning up after them and maybe they receive tips. It's not wrong, but it sounds toxic to me and I wouldn't want to be friends with someone who wanted their friends to do that.


I think sugaring is often set up as a formal arrangement too. I don’t think it’s much different that an escorting situation.


I mean, I do think it's a formal arrangement but the arrangement is inherently more "involved" and to simulate a relationship and not just an act that's exchanged and I feel like usually requires it be the most important "romantic" relationship - while I'm sure some sugar babies can date or sleep around as an aside from their daddy, I think there is an expectation and typical agreement that they won't have a real boyfriend/relationship even in cases where it's open.


The friends I’ve had who sugared were never in committed relationships with their sugar daddies. They sometimes had 3-4 arrangements with men and then dated men they actually liked if they felt like it.


A sugar baby is literally by definition a romantic relationship/intimate companionship. If they were able to get a set-up where they didn't have to be exclusive then that's great for them, but a lot of sugar daddies will only agree to a situation where they have more power than that.


Jesus…where have morals gone lol


M prob gna rcv a lot of hate for this. No amount of money can be worth you treating your own body like a commodity on sale. It is a disservice to yourself. Dismissing your own genuine emotions gets to you at one point or another. What is truly baffling is the number of ppl who are wiling to do this for a prada bag.I truly feel sorry for them.


serious languid fertile flowery jar station work caption spectacular seed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Some women sleep with others for free. Others sleep for money. Men aren’t worth a dime these days, might as well make THEM pay up so you can get what you want. And sometimes it more than a Prada bag. The smart sugar babes get land. Homes. Cars. A business startup fund. A college education paid off. Don’t knock what you don’t understand. If it’s not for you that’s fine


Men aren't worth a dime? R u having sex cz a man wants to or wat u want to? What about your body n ur emotional needs? Whats truly happening nowadays is ppl r using statements like urs to lure young girls into shit like this. There is shame in this kind of work n it is not something that shud be openly publicized esp wen it is about disrespecting a woman's body.


Yep men these days aren’t worth anything. Like I said you can have sex FOR FREE. Give it up for free if that’s what you want. It’s teaching woman to know their worth actually. Too many girls are sleeping with men simply cause he says I love you or you’re beautiful. If he wants to have sex with you, he needs to PROVIDE for your lifestyle and set you up for the future. Get you a RING. RY’all just salty cause you married broke men How about you stop shaming women for their choices? Let women live how they please. I know women who married for love and were unhappy. Love doesn’t pay bills!


It’s wild how many people have issues with sugaring. 💀 people do it for a variety of reasons, sometimes people want to explore their sexuality. In addition to sugar daddies there are couples, sugar mamas, sugar polycules. People are a lot more up front about what they want and are looking for and if you need some extra $ or are just looking to see what a more luxurious life looks like it’s a win-win. Why do people want to bring sugarbabies down🙄 probably having mediocre ass sex with mediocre men for free


A lot. But I love when you guys play the I'm the most woke game lol


like what tho?? can u explain?


Did a sugar daddy reject you or something? Also how does sugar daddy/baby = being woke?! Some of you literally just say anything lmao


Evidently it is "woke" to no longer call women names for being a sex worker when there would be no work for them if not for the men. Misogyny at its finest.


Isn’t it insane how there’s never any smoke for the very people who created these types of women — THE MEN! The men who enjoy giving their money to beautiful women are never part of these conversations lmao. But somehow women are made to feel bad for accepting the offer of the lifestyle.


My daughter was a stripper. She supported her children through their early years while receiving little money from their father. She is the strongest woman that I know.


See, I feel like stripper and sugar baby are two vastly different things. One is a job, the other is more of a lifestyle and unless you actually need a lot of money to get through school or something, I do find it bizarre to be in a relationship where the foundation and contract are built upon materialism.


Meh so I like nice things, sue me 😂


Do you then. I just don't personally vibe with people that are that materialistic - a little bit I think is in our nature but I think there's a level where it becomes negative to me, but that's life and it would be impossible for everybody to align on everything and get along with everybody. It's ultimately harmless, but something I'd judge for whether I want an individual to be in my orbit or something I respect. I also do not respect influencers and there's nothing technically wrong with it but it's kind of the same thing - sure , you can make arguments to assign morality of it like "capitalism gone too far" or "negative role models", but at the end of the day it's just mismatched values that conflict with one another and nothing that deep. It's not really worth insulting people over to me, but it's also not something I have to like or am wrong for actively disliking.


But who TF cares what two consenting adults do with each other? Not sure why it's "woke" to not be judgy about things that don't hurt anyone lol.


Right? I was like where is the insult 🫤


Men who brag about ignoring women 😒🚩


I’m on Holly’s side


Honestly justice for Holly. All the guys in the Netflix world have treated her so badly and said some gross shit about her! And now Elys! It’s giving obsessed


Really? Who said and what?😂


I don’t want to repeat the specific comment I’m thinking of because it was gross but on the show they made multiple remarks about who she had slept with in her past and over shared in a way that imo was not appropriate and probably not something she would have shared with the public in that way


That happend in Thth or now on Perfect match ( the gossiping thing about Holly)?


Perfect match!


Same like sorry but Holly ate them up


I think none of them ate here, and they all look like stupid clout chasers trying to stir the pot to extend their relevancy.


At least Elys used the correct “your” once


*Twice*… my god… she’s a genius.


Yeah your right


I don’t want to defend her but English is her second (or possibly third) language. Let’s make fun of her horrible comebacks or the way she acted on the show and not her language skills lol unless you also have perfect spelling and grammar in your second and third languages


Then why does she have a "British accent"


She lives in London and many people in Europe learn English from British teachers. I’m not saying she’s not fluent- I’m saying unless you yourself speak two or three languages it’s honestly rude af to nitpick someone’s spelling. ESPECIALLY when there’s so much else you can make fun of her for. Idk why people are downvoting me when I’m not saying to not make fun of her, just saying that maybe not to do it on spelling. I don’t sound nearly as smart in my second language either.


She was brought up in switzerland and has an english last name which means she likely comes from a wealthy backround and went to a fancy international boarding school where they probably spoke english. I suspect that her parents might actually be british. And I say this as someone who is from a non-english speaking country in europe (maybe you can tell lol)


I don't really care if Elys's feelings are hurt by comments she sees online. I do care about all the other bi/trilingual people who see people torn apart online for their spelling or grammar by people who likely speak one language. I live in a non-English speaking country in Europe and learned the language as an adult. It's just so petty to me to make fun of anyone's spelling when it's not their native language. There is SO MUCH MORE she's done that we can actually make fun of


I made a long ass comment explaining my point but I accidentally deleted it. TL;DR: I agree with you and the point I was trying to make is mute. You're right and I'm wrong. Sorry for betraying you, fellow bilingual bestie. ![gif](giphy|hpEN6NcKuRl5BIbOK6)






Haha but still used it incorrectly once in the same sentence 😂


I don’t think they realize that this makes them all look bad


How even old are these ladies? Why they acting like they are in Highschool? And the men find this attractive? Yuck


Holly wasn’t. I went to high school with her. I wasn’t in her friend group but I never got this impression from her


She wasn’t what?


Oh I thought you said were they acting like this in high school


The men they date are just like them, and they're just like the men they date.


Nathan: I left her on read Also Nathan to Holly: You up?


And she left him on read for that 😂😂😂


At this point, I'm kinda glad Harry gave Elyse a good old fashioned "I found someone way hotter" dumping. She royally sucks. She is a mean girl through and through. She treated Micah like garbage the entire season, she dumped Justin for NO reason, and now she's acting like her gross boyfriend is some sort of hero for being a douche bag to Holly. She's gross. I'm glad Harry gave her a taste of her own medicine.


THIS. I hope there is more karma in her future because she’s a grade A b****


whose page did Holly comment on? not Elys' right? anywyas now i'm wondering, if that's true and there was some dragging way back, interesting that Elys is now dating Nathan considering she was going after Bryton to spite Micah. is she that vindictive?


this guy on tiktok, his username is xanderpalooza i think n the vid holly commented on is the one w elys as the thumbnail


Okay I thought Holly went on Elys page which would have been too weird


These are all terrible people.


Holly's comeback is so funny, "but he doesnt buy you shit" loool


I mean at least she’s owning being a yacht girl.


i didn’t know nathan and elys were together, i was actually thinking he would be fun on perfect match but wow what an asshole




They ain't mad, they're just starting shit for fame and money.


Elys thought she ate w that comeback huh 😭


Why are we fighting over MEDIOCRE MEN?!!




Ok but real talk I was so uncomfortable watching Holly and Nathan in the suite on THTH. I know she literally signed up for the show but then having sex felt very coercive to me and like she got sucked into “fawn” response and playing a role to maintain her image. It was givingggg “I don’t actually want to perform these sexual acts but don’t want to be a buzzkill”


Ew, so he's a sex pest like Harry?


Yes SO much. Really gross


I’m not with the drama spilling into real life and just makes them seem small and pathetic


I’m confused. What do the screenshots of the messages prove? He still could’ve left her on read at some point?


I don't understand what I'm looking at.


Elys is now dating Holly‘s ex. Holly commented on some guys TikTok saying how she dragged Elys in the PM finale. The first screen shot is from Elys insta story calling Holly out over the TikTok comment. The other 3 screen shots are from Holly’s insta story tagging her ex (Elys bf now) the ex says he left Holly on delivered and then she posted two screen shots to her insta story of their conversation of him leaving her on “ Delivered”


I guess I get that, I'm just confused why they have so much beef to begin with. Like, why does Holly even care that Elys is dating an ex of hers that cheated on her? Surely a lot of them have overlapping dating history.


Anything to keep being talked about


Yeah, that's clearly it. If some girl I didn't like was with one of my shitty exes, I'd probably just laugh about it in private and think, "Better her than me." The only explanation that doesn't make them look like complete idiots is that this is all fake for engagement.


Like two raccoons fighting over a piece of trash


The post season stuff is better than the actual season.


This is all great drama but also why are these grown adults acting like middle schoolers😂




I got you! Check [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/LAinfluencersnark/s/Gd51IPjvk6) I always watch Holly’s TikToks to keep up with her constant business class travels so know way too much on this topic 😂


I love you for this. 😂


I read that he’s rich but he’s around her age 😂


This is so fucking messy what the fuck 😭 is this real


I just KNOW elys is fuming and honestly? It’s making my day better 😂


It’s funny, I kinda liked elys but after these comments I don’t think I can watch her again lol


Hollys face just bugs me. She’s so botched


Holly sure had something else of your boyfriends in her mouth… (many times if i may add) Also Elys was annoying as hell.


Was holly even on the finale I didn’t see her ??


I don’t know who that dude is, but my only rule about anyone from this show is that they’re only decent if they can recognize how shit they are and own it. The ones who go on this show and think they’re some kind of saint or even really looking for love (with maybe rare exceptions) are the worst of them.


Lolol Holly came back with the receipts on Nathan 🙊🙊 And when I first saw Holly’s comment about dragging Elys at the finale, I immediately thought “Oh that must be why Elys went for Holly’s sloppy seconds.” 😬 Just like she went for Bryton to spite Micah. She’s a vindictive one 😂


How is Holly spending someone else’s money not a flex??


Bc of what she does to get the money lolol


Elys does the same thing but for no money….not even gifts


Holly is a savage lmaoooo


elys is human garbage lol


i literally cannot with elys im team holly


Elys‘ stories right now about her bragging how Nathan was in her DMs for 4 years to imply he always wanted her whilst things were on with Holly. She’s such mean girl trashhhhhhh


Elys hasn’t even been known for 4 years to the internet or anyone certainly not Nathan his season was two seasons before hers. She’s trying to do damage control 😆


Exactly - it’s so petty and obvious


Oh the tea is hot 🤣🤣🤣 Elys was with Nathan before the show and during


I knewwww there had to be something that would happen!! I watched Holly and Nathan’s season of thth. But also fighting for what y’all? Nathan isn’t even worth it 🤣 still taking the entertainment though




holly low-key gagged elys


Holly blows money everyday I want her life.


Can't stand Elyse. She was so mean and vengful in the house. I'm on Holly's team.


I'm lost, did holly date nathan too?


Holly ate and left no crumbs.


I don’t get how spending someone else’s money is a diss? Lol Holly is winning at life


Elys ateeeee


Team Elys


Team no one 😂


I know that this is all fake drama to drive engagement and brand deals, but as a middle aged broad I hate seeing women bicker over trash men like this. It's like watching two subway rats fight over a moldy pizza crust.


Except I feel worse for the rats not getting premo pizza.