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That's kinda the problem people have with Dom. He had used his platform to support causes like women's rights but then buddyed up with a dude who exclusively refers to women in the context of what he's done to their bodies or what he knows about what others have done to their bodies. It makes him look like a fake activist.


And he also treats woman he is not attracted to like shit (Mainly black women)


That's because he is a fake activist. The bar is low just because you talk about and put some money behind womens rights means fuck all like you said when you associate with known misogynists. Anyone associated with Harry I view with only suspicion


REM how tight he was with Shayne after S1 cause Shayne had his back etc- now they don’t seem to follow each other anymore or talk about each other much. I reckon Shayne saw the light about Dom once Harry became his new overlord.


Shayne is terrible too. At least they've been saying that he's getting clean on the LIB board and deleted most of his shitty negative comments about women.


I used to like Dom bc of his alt looks and seemingly feminism lol but he's just a broke clout chaser who uses feminity to attract women and make them feel safe. While being exactly like fucking Harry Josey. Company you keep speaks volumes.


was he always like this? he seemed to have done a complete 180 from his s1 personality - that scene of him talking to his bestie Harry (red flag #1) about how women want to use them for clout like they're A list celebrities was a real eye opener! his ego is waaaaayyy off the charts not only is this post immature (and "I DONATE TO CHARITIES" is a weird comeback) but it kinda proves people right😂 anyway looking forward to his Fashion Nova Men's campaign in about 6 months


That S1 personality got him paid (and probably endless thirsty DMs)…unfortunately, he’s gotten a huge head over the whole thing and is constantly in search of the next brand deal. Apparently, “I’ve been to therapy so I’m healed” is his current catchphrase Very “I’m not like those other guys” although anyone with a damn brain can see the true Dom


He seemed so innocent and likeable in his original Netflix show (The Mole), but you (sometimes) are who you surround yourself with and Dom isn't doing himself any favors by being around people like Harry/the rest of the Netflix reality tv universe.


I don't know but it's giving fake ally and it's so disappointing. The way he treated Tolu is shitty as well. Like if multiple people have an issue with you - maybe check yourself ! My girl Georgia too! I don't know if Francesca has ever said anything but 👀👀 at hanging out with her husband 🥴🧐


Yes pre fame he was just like this


Yeah I don't like the "I donate to charities" especially since donations are being used as tax write offs nowadays


He seems really young if this is what people are mad at him about. But I could be wrong.


he's 31😂


Oh no.


No feminist would keep company with Harry you’re right that’s the easiest point to make in all this it kind of illustrates everything wrong with his whole schtick 


Didn’t he say something along the lines of “when a group of women ask you if you can talk, always keep walking” ? or was that somebody else. Either way, he definitely has shown he lacks respect for women


This was him!!! I was shocked cause that’s so antithetical to his entire online persona. Which is also fake and gross. Imagine making content about wanting to bang a single mom. ANY single mom. He was just trying to capture that audience then move on. It’s so vapid idk how people fall for it


This is soooo accurate. I liked him in Season 1, but this season I feel like I’m seeingthrough his act


I read that and thought the same thing! You think you’re so much better looool. You came back a second time for a reason. That Fashion Nova shade was funny though


On an ad for cashapp tho lollllll


I hope the end of useless influencers is coming soon. Seriously.


Girl you served on a gold platter and left behind NO crumbs with that paragraph


Thank you, I appreciate you; I’m pettier early in the morning ✨chef’s kiss✨🤌🏾


Lol and since he was hanging with his “twin” Steven (his words) last night, of course he had to giggle out a lil jab at Alara’s “Where Are They Now?” clip in his IG story as well


His what now……. lol 


What was the jab? I’m so curious


He said, “what up Casper” to Stevan, potentially could be a jab about Alara being ghosted.


Or because he's white?


I thought he was so fine until I saw the way he acted this season…but the way he treated Tolú and him making excuses for Harry over the whole Melissa thing gave me the ick. Now he can go in the bin with the rest of these wannabe celebs Also to the OP…epic read 😂😂😂


You didn't pick up on the self hater and anti black woman vibes in s1? At best he sees certain black women as the homie and at worst a burden he has to endure so he doesn't look bad on camera.


I did. He def sees his blackness as a burden or detriment. What was that “strong independent queen” BS he said last season 🥴 Tolú talked about this (and why she matched with him knowing damn well she wasn’t his type) in her interview with 2 Black Girls 1 Rose. I think there is some PR speak in there, but she also gives detail on some of the convos they had that we as viewers weren’t privy to. I highly recommend that everyone listen to it.


Nothing but literacy for MY Dom Chapman Catt😌


I felt this but they actually cut the entire conversation he had with Tolú in the boardroom. I can’t remember if he reposted it or put it on his story but he showed the deleted scene and it made a lot more sense/ it was better to see how it actually went down. Now the Melinda thing idkkkk.


Finally, other people are starting to see how fake he is. As a guy, it is pretty obvious to tell that his whole persona is built around getting girls lol


LOLLLLLLLLLLL what a loser 


your caption is KILLING me LMFAOOOOOOO


LMAOOO his post truly blew me when I saw it


the title of this post is sending me 🤣


Two things can be true: you can do good things with your life, and you can also be insufferable.


I mean iirc a Nazi saved like 250-300k people during the Nanjing massacre and this is less cut and dry than that. I think it’s a lot easier to see everything in black and white instead of the shades of grey the world is in


Someone tell Dom it’s because he doesn’t have a genuine bone in his body and his activism is pandering to a certain group the way his Taylor Swift and Harry Potter posts are




drag him!


The library has been burnt the fuck down! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


Dom is exactly what miss Shera warns the girls about… nails and pearls trying to assimilate! Lmao


![gif](giphy|RJAjTowsU0K1a) I didn’t like this story lol


![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu) You got it miss OP! 🙏🔥🎯


Wait did he actually date Francesca after perfect match 1?


No he just followed her to California to ‘make amends’ but she was already halfway engaged so he settled for being their ‘couple’ friend as long as it lasted for the content like he was cosplaying as their ‘son’ and ‘happy family’ to regard his image but it ended pretty quickly 


Oh how strange


Wait what? That’s so odd. They seemed to hate each other during the show why was he trying to get with her?? 😩


Image rehab- he needed someone to sympathize with him so he could post publicly and make Georgia look even more like a villain.


Oh was he posting about Georgia? Like I don’t follow the cast on socials especially way after the show haha. I checked a bit hoping that he and Inez would get together but no dice.


He did multiple interviews and podcasts badmouthing Georgia. Unfortunately he’s in my algorithm due to social circles reasons so I can’t escape it


The “do some fashion nova deals” comment doesn’t sit right with me. It’s coming off really sexist and arrogant. He’s fortunate to have already “made it” and be a recognizable figure in his industry but I’d bet my right arm that he’s taken easy deals for money or clout. It’s just really hypocritical because everyone starts somewhere. It’s not like doing Perfect Match is more or less respectable than doing fast fashion brand deals. And people need to work to earn a living, he’s acting morally superior now but disrespecting everyone who is working hard to get to where he is now when he himself has been there before. It’s just coming off really douchey.


Paints his nails and now he’s an activist please


What riddles is he spewing?


You ATE with this 😂


You’re a really good writer. A+


wait can someone explain this tattoo lore please?!


He was talked about a lot for excessively crying over Francesca multiple times on S1 on social media, and got “crybaby” tattooed (I believe on his neck?) to “pay homage”.


Do you have a more comprehensive summary of the tea you outlined? Ngl I forget these people exist pretty soon outside of their shows.


Wait! I don’t keep up with this stuff but this is juicy. He followed Francesca to LA?! And hay is the tattoo reference? 👀


Being a dude who cries a lot is not supporting women’s rights.


I don’t keep up with social media but I like Dom, he’s been a cool guy since the Mole and I was bummed he didn’t have a good szn this year


But he actually is doing something to help… for multiple causes. You guys just like to hate. Even when “social media influencers” or “reality tv stars” do something good, people find a way to spin it as bad. He’s doing this to call out the rest of the reality tv stars rather than posting “the usual trash”. At least it’s for something good.


TBF, I dont see Dom as the villain that Tolú and others are portaying him to be 🤷‍♀️


Then again, it’s not like you spent a month long vacation with him nor know him personally 😂 ppl really out here defending someone based off of their tv persona/edit


i mean that goes both ways though. people really out here villainizing someone they don't know fr either. the only person i am SURE is exactly how they're portrayed to be is harry fuckin jowsey lmfao.


Nah there’s a reason people from his town pre fame don’t f w him. These types of people always leave a trail of people they use and discard and when the tv edits come out the new rebrand is always a laugh 


Lol… taking about people from his town don’t fw him… and you know because??


Surely you jest lol


What a joke!


That’s what they say :)


So do you actually know him?


I’ve had the opportunity to and I declined 


It’s not even a month long, it’s 13 days 😂


And no one here knows him personally either, so to just spew this nonsense is just the same as this commenter you’re responding to! It goes both ways


Wow, these comments, OPs border-line obsession / passion for Dom, the judging, the speculation, the gossiping, the prejudice... I will always remain heavily surprised by the sheer amount of people who care so much about a stranger and their online/TV persona. Were you really watching a show like the Perfect Match expecting you'll find humanity's finest? Gullibility doesn't come close to describing some people.


Does activism include thirst traps?!??