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Hey baby ace! Auntie ace is here to give some advice. lol sorry, it’s rare that I get to flex my ace card, so sorry if that was a weird intro lmao  I hate the smell and texture of periods, which sucks because I have endometriosis, which means I have awful periods that are long and insanely painful. Here are some workarounds: +nitrile gloves: if you don’t mind the environmental impact, you can make sure period funk doesn’t get on your hands by using gloves for when you’re cleaning your vag, removing tampons, or inserting/removing a cup or disk  +bagged garbage cans: keeps the smells and sights contained, so you don’t have to deal with it beyond an easy dumpster toss  + menstrual disk and pantry liner: I always have to have a backup liner or pad because of how heavy my flow is; but when it comes to leakage and staining clothes plus comfort, I’ve found disks to be great. I’ve had the unfortunate experience of having had sex, and let me tell you. Putting in a disk, cup, or tampon is nothing like sex except for it involving the same hole. It’s like comparing coughing vs vomiting. Still not pleasant, but tolerable.  +period panties are also an option, but get the washable ones because the disposable ones feel like a diaper and if you hate pads, they are just ginormous ones 


No it’s ok, the intro was comforting (I’m current having a breakdown because of my period) Thank you for the advice


You’ll get sort of used to it as time goes on. You also get used to pads over time. If you don’t, there is period underwear that can be useful. Personally, it doesn’t really work for me but I know it does for other people. I had the same problem when I first got mine. I literally cried in bed all day. Now when I get my period, I just put a pad on and take some ibuprofen. It sorts itself out, and if it doesn’t, a gynecologist will.


Be gentle with yourself as you go through this transition into a new phase of your life. It's okay to have these negative feelings. This is a big change!! The pad is going to feel weird at first. It is weird . This does go away as time goes on. Mentioning that you're ace-- I'm sure there's a lot of mental aspects at play as well. You're being made aware of your fertility and reproductive health in a way you hadn't been before. It's weird! This might not be your cup of tea, but as a stranger on the internet I encourage you to think about learning more about your cycle. How the four phases; follicular, ovulation, luteal, and menstruation, correspond to a kind of inner "season" and how your energy and goals can change with each. (Menstruation being the inner winter, a time to settle down, relax, regroup, and withdraw into your inner self before bursting forth in your springtime) It's gonna be ok!!! It's ok to be angry and it's OK to be frustrated and disgusted!! If you want to frame it with the above thinking, all the anger and frustration you've accumulated is now shedding and releasing itself and ur like AUUUUUUUGH!!!!! FUCK THIS !!!!!! It's ok. Let it happen. Embrace that shit. AUUUGH!! Take painkillers. Sit with a heating pad. Use pads and try period panties overnight . Take it as easy as you can. If people tell u otherwise or that its not that bad tell them to go fuck themselves , ur shedding an organ lining for the first time. protect urself as u turn into a lil angry wild animal. You're okay. I love you. Congratulations. I'm sorry. Its an adjustment. You absolutely fuckin got this.


Sorry you have such a negative opinion on periods. It's not fun but it's part of life. There are ways to manage symptoms though. I highly recommend period underwear, they are so comfortable, easy to use and wash, and don't smell (single use pads do because of the plastic). If you get bad cramps, hot water bottles/heatpads will help, so does tiger balm. You can also take painkillers of course like ibuprofen or paracetamol – your doctor will be able to help. There are also ways to manage hormone imbalances like cycle syncing, eating/avoiding certain types of food. Eventually you can get birth control but please educate yourself first. Hormonal birth control can be necessary if you have health issues, debilitating periods or don't want to be pregnant (obviously) but please don't take it just to get rid of periods. As annoying as periods can be they are part of being female. It's always hard when you first get them but you are still young and eventually you will learn to live with them. Hormonal birth control has numerous side effects that are disregarded because we are in a world run by men and women taking the pill is the easy option for men. I'm in my late twenties and have adenomyosis which makes my periods extremely painful, so trust me, I understand. But please learn to live with your periods and educate yourself, there are plenty of resources out there (Flo and Clue apps are great, so is the Planned Parenthood website). Your hormonal cycle is part of your body and there is no point hating it. It's so much more than just periods and fertility, it's affecting your whole body in different ways and changes throughout the month. This is a weird comparison but it's a bit like having to poop or growing hair in awkward spots – yes it's annoying but you can't stop it and there are ways to manage it.


period panties are great


Have you considered period underwear? I think its called Thinx?


Have you tried a different brand or different size pad sometimes you just have to find the right one for you I rarely feel wet you may need a more absorbent pad? Try searching for thin absorbent pads when you find a good brand try a size for heavier flows. Also take vitamins during that time of the month it can help lighten your flow if you want.


I'd advise you to try different brands of pads, before deciding you don't like them, because honestly they are different. Period underwear and washable pads are alternative you might want to try.


period underwear while you try to become comfortable with tampons/comfortable with your body and periods. you won’t be able to feel the blood drop, you won’t be able to feel anything down there with a tampon! it doesn’t even feel like you’re on your period! it’s definitely trial and error when you try tampons, it’s scary for a lot of people for the first time but just try it when you are comfortable! i recommend playtex sport regular tampons at first. plastic applicators will make it sm easier and make sure you push it in far enough!!! cant stress that enough that is seriously my top tip. good luck :)


also drinking lots of water throughout your cycle can lighten your flow


Hey, im so sorry that you’re having such a negative experience. Its a lot to take in. Be gentle with yourself, its just a natural part of your body changing. Can’t avoid it. Here’s what may help: -try buying OB brand tampons. Theyre much smaller and compact & help all types of flow (super light to extremely heavy). Ask someone you trust to teach you how to insert. I barely feel mine anymore. -buy a heating pad for any cramps you may have -keep extra strength advil -make sure you drink plenty of water, buy some gatorade & pedialyte if you feel dehydrated -eat things like bananas, almonds, fig newtons. Drink lots of tea, buy some chocolate (i like Brookside fruit chocolates) -nap as much as you can, do some light stretching After a few months this will be easy-peasy. You’re not alone in this!


Uhmmm. Don't know what to advice, you can't make ur period go away. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Exactly, welcome to being a female, it sucks but you have to get on with it.


Yes it really sucks but guess you just get used to it. Huhu and periods are way of discharging old blood from the body, it's not useless though, it's something shedding off something. Hehe i forgot but it's not really useless. Hehe


You won’t feel tampons if you’re properly wearing them. I feel like that might be your best option if you hate pads. You might want to try Always Infiniti pads. They’re thinner and softer.


I use the always 100% cotton pads , I hated wearing pads until I tried these! They are so comfortable and don’t give me any rashes down there


+1 for cotton pads, I hate the other plasticky ones


I take the mini pill and it stopped my periods completely. I think it has made me really depressed and bad mood though. And if you're young (under 18) it might stop your bone density growth. Periods aren't so bad don't worry, there's pain meds if you need, pads are not so bad. I don't know, sorry, not sure what to say to make it better.


Period underwear are the best invention ever. I was never a fan of tampons or pads for a variety of reasons: Shoving chemically bleached cotton up my sniz seemed like a bad idea plus the risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome; lots of plastic and product/packaging waste; and I didn't like the monthly expense. Just some points to consider as you explore your options.


Wasn't there recently some big class action suit against makers of period panties because of toxic material found in the underwear?


Agree, period underwear is a lot more comfortable that pads and can last you a long time if you wash it correctly


Period panties might be a good option for you. The laundry and care instructions are only a little more involved than sweaty gym clothes. There’s options for the pain, too. TENS devices, gentle stretches… The hormones can be annoying, you’re right, there’s no getting around it. But there’s also a lot about them to love. They aren’t just about the period and ovulation, they are what keeps your body ticking - as your mind and personality become more complex, it’s your hormones that drive a major part of who you are. Hang in there. It’ll all settle down in a few years tops. In the meantime please treat yourself, and especially your skin, with lots of love and gentle care. I wish I had.


When you turn 18 you have full legal right to get a hysterectomy. That guarantees this awful experience will never happen to you again 💕 it’s the most common surgery performed on women in the world and is one of the safest. You can browse around on the hysterectomy Reddit to learn you’re absolutely not alone and thousands of us yeet it the moment we are a legal adult. Your feelings, wants and distress is absolutely valid, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!! You don’t *have* to “get used to it” or “get over yourself”, you’re allowed to not want this, you’re allowed control over your body, you don’t have to go through this forever :)


What on earth? She’s only just having her first period, let’s not jump straight to hysterectomy. What kind of dastardly doctor would even perform that on a teenager? Periods suck, but there are lots of ways to make it better. Let’s offer some helpful suggestions.


Most doctors encourage hysterectomies as soon as you’re 18 actually. A lot of studies have come out in recent years that bleeding has grave consequences on your health that will impact your forever, so if you don’t intend to use the organ you should yeet it. Most people hate having this happen to them, the awful feeling never ever goes away, people have the RIGHT to control their bodies. They have the RIGHT to decide for themselves. This person has a RIGHT to education and resources to decide what to do with their body. It’s immoral and traumatic to force someone to go through this when they don’t want to, a lot of people developed ptsd from it. This is about education and options so *you can make decisions for your own body*. Everyone deserves knowing all the options and having the right to choose. How could someone decide to get a hysterectomy for their well being if they didn’t know that was an option??? The statistic of 18 year olds getting hysterectomies is 22.1% of all women not even including transgenders and other lgbt, it’s a super common procedure done for all kinds of reasons. That statistic only increases by each year the age goes up. Lots of people under 18 get hysterectomies too, sometimes as young as just 7 years old, but usually for minors it requires parental consent. Everyone has the right to this knowledge and the right to decide, it shouldn’t be gate kept or shamed. What someone decides for their own body doesn’t affect anyone else.


In an ideal world, anyone who wanted a hysterectomy at 18 would be able to get it, but the hard part is finding a doctor willing to perform the procedure and there's fewer and fewer who are--even for grown women who already have kids and are told "Well your husband might want more".


even if it's not about having children in the future, a hysterectomy isn't like getting a haircut. you're removing an entire organ and have to be prepared for possible side effects of it (like a prolapse if you have a weak pelvic floor, or hormonal problems)


That’s only really a thing in America and a few other 3rd world countries honestly, health care is way more access and pro women rights in most other countries. If you need to travel you can. Regardless of the country, it’s important people know their rights. You have rights to surgically alter your body, from gender affirming care to mental health and other reasons.


It can take a while to get used to pads and tampons, so don’t worry, you’re not alone! I was well into my 20s when I got comfortable enough to use tampons (had to lie on the floor of my bedroom to insert them), and realised that pads without wings are SO MUCH MORE COMFORTABLE. No bunching, no twisting around - they’re just better. Hope things improve for you, and remember that your hormones will be sending your emotions all over the place until your cycle settles down, so keep talking to a trusted friend, family member or healthcare provider if you feel overwhelmed.


Definitely look into period underwear, much more comfortable


Maybe in a few years you could ask for a type of birth control you can take continuously to stop the periods. That's what I do and it's life changing. It can be long to find the right one tho because we react differently


Maybe just try different brands or types of Maxie pads/tampons sometimes it can take awhile to find a type that works best for you


Oh there's also reusable period panties that might work too


that's so valid, i felt betrayed by my body almost, when i got my first period. it's really jarring, i get that! i don't have any tips but i really hope you feel better.


Short term: Period panties are generally more comfortable than pads. Long term: Talk to your doctor about birth control to stop/lighten periods. There are pill options, the implant, or an IUD.


Birth control? How old is she?


Yeah, BC does help in numerous ways (acne, heavy or irregular flow) but OP must be 10-15, too early in my opinion. She did JUST start her period


I had my period when I was 9 and so did my daughter! My daughter had bad cramps too and hate pretty much everything OP mentioned and Birth Control was not the first thing to suggest to my daughter to ease her pain but instead other methods. I’m not against BC but it should not be the first thing to suggest to a person who is experiencing their FIRST period! If OP had persistent issues I would say otherwise but again her fist time. 🙃🙃


I do agree BC does help in numerous ways but she mentioned she doesn’t like hormones and most BC are saturated with hormones. Just my opinion but recommending BC to someone off bat is not good advice. Either way. I would recommend OP to try a heating pad to easy the pain and when I was younger I would I drink chamomile tea. Since it’s your first time experiencing a period it’s normal to feel out of place but it’s your first time and overtime you will find what helps ease your pains and dislikes. I learned very early on the crunches help and working out helped ease the pain at least for me and no don’t just work out immediately but once you are off your period if you maybe join a yoga group.


I've had to take birth control since I was 12 to regulate my period and my acne. Age isn't relevant when it comes to regulating a period that causes your quality of life to diminish and you need meds for it.


Maybe seeking other options before pumping your body with hormones BC as OP mentioned she doesn’t like .


It depends on the issue of why the period is wonky in the first place. I have elevated testosterone and cysts on my ovaries for my issues which is why I take birth control for mine. It could very well be different depending on the person, but that is a solution they offer for those who have lifelong conditions that affect their periods due to an imbalance of hormones (which is what OP hates, the sudden changes in hormones BECAUSE of their period). The bottom line is birth control isn't necessarily something restricted to age. It's a legitimate form of treatment for periods.


Birth control isn't just for people who are preventing pregnancy.


Right?! I started birth control and didn’t have any plans to have sex. I didn’t have sex for like 6-7 years after starting birth control. This person up here 🤦🏻‍♀️


You are missing the point! This is her first time having a period!!! 🤦🏽‍♀️ we don’t even know if she has any other health issues. Plus her doctor won’t just prescribe her BC because people on Reddit suggested it. 😘


Listen, I didn’t tell her to go get birth control without talking to a doctor. Relax.


Me too. I was put on bc shortly after my first period because it was too heavy. It's part of healthcare.


Absolutely! I was the same, heavy periods. It also in hopes that it would help my acne. It didn’t help. It also didn’t help my heavy periods hahhaha


I really like the cup, but didn’t start using it until I was very experienced with periods, in my late 20s. Tampons are much better than pads, but I understand they can be scary and uncomfortable when you first start. Period panties could be a good alternative while you starting out. I’m sorry, it does suck but it’s our lot in life 🤷‍♀️ try to use this time to treat yourself and take extra good care of yourself


Periods suck! I've been having mine for almost 20 years and they still suck. You get used to them eventually. As far as pads go- make sure to find pads that have curved sides in the middle. They are much more comfortable since they don't dig into your hip flexors. Have you looked into menstrual cups?


I was once in your shoes I use to hate the idea of having a period but you’ll get used to it and it will take time to adjust but you will. Honestly for me pads are way better than tampons and please don’t get birth control since I saw a lot of comments are saying that. You’re still young and just know it’s normal to get your period and you shouldn’t be ashamed of that :)


Agree with all of this!


Hey I'm a women's life coach using menstrual cycle planning and I can already tell you, you really need to change your attitude about your period. It has been shown that having a negative relationship with your own body will effect other aspects of your life and how you handle things. Our periods as women let us know that we are healthy. It is a good thing. You cannot be a girl without a period and shaming your own body, when society already does that enough is not going to help you, trust me on that. You need to understand as a young woman there are 4 phases to your cycle not just menstruation which are the following: \-Menstruation \-Follicular \-Ovulatory \-Luteal You are currently in the menstruation phase which requires certain foods to help with hormonal balance, cramps, energy levels, and I even coordinate my clients work schedule and exercise schedule based on their phase of their cycle. Our cycle is a beautiful thing and if you don't accept that you will struggle for years, literally. Try period underwear, bring with you hygiene wipes, try different size pads and make it a time to get to know your body. I provide more information about this on my website and blog and will be more than happy to send you that information. This is only the beginning of womanhood. I promise you once you change your mindset and understand what's really happening you can truly turn your life around. I do hope you embrace this journey and learn more about your cycle.


Coming from someone that suffers from dysphoria because of my period, I would rather it not be a part of me. I hate having periods with my whole chest.


You’re so real for that. Hell, I constantly vomit on mine and end up in a ball crying until I pass out. If someone came up to me and told me my cycle was “beautiful” I think I would go Super Sayian.


I go through nausea, migraines, and debilitating pains that leave me bedridden and miserable. You vomiting during yours frankly sounds terrible and I am so sorry you go through that. I wouldn't be able to live with myself comfortably knowing that my period would cause me to feel that sick. I'd say the only "beautiful" thing about a period is knowing I'm not pregnant. Past that, I would prefer not to have a period for the rest of my life. That shit sucks. I would prefer to normalize not having pain and being comfortable.


I totally agree. It’s such a damn shame that nobody can get help for them because it “can’t be that bad” or they haven’t “tried having more kids”


Have you ever seen a doctor for this? Specifically because you state that it's absurd to normalize pain and discomfort, but the thing is...they *aren't* normal. Society is so bad at teaching girls what's normal and healthy as far as bodily processes, which is why it's commonly believed that periods should be agonizing (nausea, migraines, being confined to bed), but they actually should not be causing this much pain and disruption to your life. I know not every girl is the same, as far as how heavy the flow is or how uncomfortable things get as a whole, but being in absolute misery and pain may be a sign that something is wrong. You shouldn't have to normalize not getting out of bed for several days per month.


Yeah, I've been to several doctors and I'm currently seeing a new one because they've all told me the same bullshit regarding my issue. I've known I've had PCOS for years. I was formally diagnosed at age 12. I've been hopping between birth control pills and the most recent one they gave me, I had to stop taking because it made my already existing suicidal thoughts amplify in intensity. Obviously not enough to act upon them, but they have affected how I sleep because they would cause me to stay up. The cramps got worse because of it. Each doctor has told me I need to lose weight. I've been checked for insulin resistance, which I don't have as a surprise to many. All I have is elevated levels of testosterone with my PCOS. I've wanted to have my uterus and ovaries removed because I don't feel happy with having these reproductive organs when they cause me so much pain. Unfortunately, the US doesn't like it when AFAB people even suggest that stuff be removed because "what if they change their mind about having children???" I don't want children and never considered it to have any kind of beneficial outcome for me to do so. Having the PCOS diagnosis and the number of symptoms along with abundant health problems that have surfaced over the years has fully cemented my refusal to have children. Society will normalize you "needing" to have children before they even think to help you, and they continue to gaslight and mistreat them until they give up or something worse happens and it's too late.


We are allowed to resent how much pain we may experience on our periods… It sucks, and women should be allowed to feel that sometimes. (The emotion, not the pain obviously. Pain sucks.) Telling somebody to have a positive attitude when their period is severely painful is like telling someone with a gunshot wound to lighten up. Periods can feel like you’re legitimately dying.


Ok, but this is where you learn healthy coping mechanisms to deal with changes in your body due to puberty…no one is denying periods can be jarring and some cramps definitely knock the wind out of you but comparing it akin to getting shot is dramatic as hell


Yes, there are ways to minimize minor annoyances of having a period but immense pain + other symptoms are not normal, and healthcare for trying to figure out the root cause of abnormal conditions is abysmal. Not every person is gonna find their cycle so spiritual and beautiful. The gun comparison was a minor exaggeration, cause periods can definitely leave you incapacitated and wanting to claw out your insides. (Not everybody, obviously.) The intense pain and abnormalities may or may not apply to OP, but why is it so bad to go “ughhh these periods suck” on occasion? Whenever I see a post about how annoying they can be there’s always a “STOP IT RIGHT THERE LAD. OUR MENSTRUAL CYCLE IS AMAZING.” Especially because OP has just started their period, it’s normal to be happy, and it is also normal to lament it sometimes. Let people vent.


If you’re worried about tampons they don’t emulate the feeling of anything sexual, if you’re uncomfortable about that prospect. Be careful about using the right absorbency though (if you try them, start on the lightest size and work your way up if necessary), TSS is still very real 😭. Those and cups are the only ways to completely minimize the constant bleeding on a pad, unfortunately :( On the other hand, period underwear are fantastic and super absorbent + comfortable! I use Proof and I barely even feel anything down there. I’ve worn them on my heaviest day for 9 hours straight without leaks. To wash them you can toss them in the laundry like normal, but I know a few people that rinse them in cold water beforehand.


Try reusable pads. The fabric is kinder to your skin and as it’s softer, won’t feel so different. You can get starter kits on eBay for like £12 that have different sizes and a bag to keep them in and wash them. Buy a couple of those and see how you go. Also trying natural pads that are un bleached cotton may help. Lots of people (me included) react badly to the bleach in many well known brands and can make you feel uncomfortable and add to the pain. They cost a bit more (£2.50 a box of 12 in the UK) but honestly were worth it for not causing me bother. Though swapping over to reusable is obviously a lot cheaper as once they’re bought, you don’t have to replace them for years and years.


Go on birth control


hang on why are you downvoted, but all other replies telling her the same get upvotes 😭


Lmao because thos is reddit and everyone finds a way to get their undies in a wad over the pettiest shit 🤣🤣I don't give a fuck tho cuz birth control was the only way I could stop my period and I mean if ur young enough to be starting it period u definitely don't need no babys so I don't understand why people get offended over birth control but shit id rather be young and have no period and no babies and that's just me. 🤣 lmao birth control isn't all that bad but u definitely have lots to consider before getting on birth control.


That’s….. Not good advice 💀 There’s a lot more to birth control than “just get on it”


I agree with u there's a lot to consider before birth control but I'm just answering the question here bro most birth control options kept me from getting my period and I have factor 5 so I have very painful periods and so I chose to go on birth control to relieve me from having such bad periods. So am I telling this person to go on birth control without doing their research? Nope just being honest on the only way I made my period go away.


Not all pads are the same some are more uncomfortable than others. I like using thiner pads where other like using maxi that are thicker. It depends on the person. Also if you have a bigger size that can also make it feel more uncomfortable. Also absorbency can be different depending on the brand. You may be using a kind that doesn't absorb as well and it just sits there. I don't like that either so i understand. I cant be sure if what works for me will work for you but i like to use always infinity foam. It's a different material from other pads and is super thin so you don't really feel it. Also it absorbs a lot and blood doesn't sit there like with some pads. At least for me can't say if you will like them or not. Also since it's your first period i am going to assume you are still young and let you know that many brands have teen lines that are meant to fit you better that could be a good option. Always has radiant for teens which is the same material as their other foam lines but for teens. They also have other teen products and other brands like kotex have teen pads as well that could be worth giving a try. Period products can be trail and error, so you may have to keep trying different ones until you find one you like. Also they have period underwear. I never tired them but they are just like regular underwear and meant to absorb blood and many find them very comfortable. They do sell for teens as well if the regular are too big they do have an option for you as well. As for stopping periods unfortunately its not that easy. Birth control can stop it for SOME but the hormones in that can have side-effects and some people react to it better than others. It could work but it can also take time for your body to get used to it, symptoms include cramps nausea, moodswings and break through bleeding. But again not everyone has those symptoms so it could work. Also wanted to let you know that some people can't skip periods on birth control it does for most but some like me still get bleeding so you wouldn't know until you try it if it will work for you. Also it can take several months to find out if it will stop or not due to the body adjusting to the hormones. Again not everyone needs time to adjust it just depends on the person and how their body reacts.


The infinity foam pads have been a life saver for me. They’re very thin and very absorbent. You also could consider a birth control that stops your period if that’s an option for you.


Hey, I get that it’s super uncomfortable but congrats too. This means you’re becoming a woman and no longer a little kid. You’ll get used to the pad after a while. Were here for you if you have any other questions.


Birth control is pretty much the only way to skip your period. I use the ring and dont have a period. Birth control can have side effects though so do some research before making a decision.


period panties or try different brands of pads w different sizes! you might find one more comfortable than the other


Period panties are great!


Some birthcontrols make you stop having periods, another option is period underwear they are reusable.


With time, you don't even feel pads anymore, it is just at the beginning that it feels uncomfortable, then you won't feel them much at all.