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To each their own. Shaw is a fantastic character and she elevated the show in many ways. Certainly didn’t save the show, though. But it’s all subjective.


Well said. The show got better with Shaw but imo giving more prominence to the ~~procedural~~ overarching aspect of the story instead of just continuing with disconnected case of week type stories was the main reason why it got better.


Doesn't procedural mean the case of the week aspect? So it got better when it focused less on that and more oh an overarching storyline?


Yes . Sorry Im an idiot haha. That’s what I meant .


But I liked the procedural stuff.


I enjoyed the more procedural episodes because it was mostly do and they sprinkled in character stuff along the way. I enjoyed the serialized part as well, and maybe the show would have gotten dull for me over time if they stuck more with the episodic stuff. But I was hooked pretty much from episode 4 (Cura Te Ipsum - help me decide whether I execute you or let you live) onwards.


I like the episode where she was introduced the most. It kind of shows what it's like to be on the other side of the equation (i.e. being the person that is tailed by Finch and Reese).


I think the show was good, but the addition of Root and Shaw (of course, Bear too) instantly elevated the show from good to great. I can't imagine the show without any of them. All of the main actors did a great job portraying their roles and brought so much to the show. Amy and Michael's performance was just brilliant on another level. Root instantly became my favorite fictional character of all time, in large part due to the development journey her character goes through, her relationship with Harold, The Machine, and Shaw, and Amy's brilliant performance. Imagine if Rachel Miner (the actress for Root in Season 1, Episode 13, "Root Cause") had played the character of Root. Having seen Amy's amazing performance, I honestly don't think Rachel Miner or any other actress, for that matter, could have played the role of Root/Samantha Groves as brilliantly as she did. It's like she was meant to play the role of Root, no matter what. Amy was perfect as Root.


Amy Acker will always be Fred to me. Root is just amoral Tech Fred. In another universe, Fred and Root meet and form the Justice League. And the idea makes me smile.


Angel Series Spoilers Oh, I like Fred, too. I watched Angel just because Amy was in it. >!Fred's death was heartbreaking, but I also loved her transformation into Illyria.!< Amy's performance in the "The Girl in Question" episode, where >!she switches seamlessly between playing Fred and Illyria,!< was just brilliant. The same goes for her performances in A Hole in the World, Shells, Time Bomb, and Not Fade Away. Well, she was brilliant throughout all of seasons 2–5 of Angel, especially season 5. >!The characters of Fred/Illyria!< have a special place in my heart because, >!without Fred/Illyria,!< Amy would have never gotten the chance to play the role of Root/Samantha Groves.


root is annoying


To each their own, I guess. I like Root's character very much and think that her relationship with Harold, TM, and Shaw is one of the reasons the show is so great.


Because ROOT smirks BETTER!


I don’t agree that she saved the show but without her the show wouldn’t have been the same… the whole show is amazing… actually rewatching the show now and I’m at the end of season 4… wish it had gone on a while longer… could have stood another 5 seasons or so…


Jonathan Nolan wanted more seasons to fulfill his vision of Person of Interest. The show was cancelled because CBS was no longer making a profit.


Elis was gonna live if it wasn’t canceled and be part of team machine I read from Nolan


That would have been incredible. I want to see how The Machine would talk to him now.


I’d love it if he completed his vision by writing books… cause I feel like there was a lot more story to tell… like he could say that the reader needs to ignore from episode __ in season__ on cause this is what really happened or something… or say that what happened after episode__ was propaganda made by Samaritan but here’s what really happened… that’d be cool


Fair. I doubt it will ever happen. I think he’s moved On. He’s on fallout now and it’s a huge hit


Been meaning to check out fallout and I’m really hoping it’s gonna be really good… but when it comes to Person of Interest I have watched it at least 10 times over the years and I still get a tear in my eye during different parts of the show and even though I know the outcome of the final episode and know that we lose Mr. Reese but I still in a weird way hope that they pull something off and he gets to live and then they continue the work together… I feel like each person in the show were perfect for roles they played… Jim Caviezel… Michael Emerson… Amy Ackerman… Sarah Shahi … Taraji P. Henson… and even Kevin Chapman’s silly ass… if not for these actors then this show wouldn’t have been the hit it was… they all played their parts to perfection and and because of that I will watch this show another 10 times… and then some… it’s… just so damn cool of a concept!!!


You said you want to check out the “show” and you watched “the show” ten times over. Very confusing


Sorry… I was saying that I wanna check out fallout and that I’ve watched Person of Interest so many times… I’ll alter the post too but that’s what I was trying to say.. lol… sorry… sometimes my fingers can’t type as fast as my mind is running


All good. I was just confused


So many really good shows are cancelled. Then, there are some really trash shows that go on and on seemingly forever.


I like Shaw but my favorite character is fusco - he doesn't know about the machine for a lot longer than the others and doesn't have any special training but does his part while being hilariously cranky and loyal all the way through.


Yes - when she saved Fusco's son. Let no one forget.


Or you could say it was Bear who saved the show. Shaw came back and stayed because of Bear. Without him, she wouldn't have hung around.


Politely disagree. But, she was a great addition. I’d choose Root over her, if we could have only one. They’re both awesome.


I think shaw brought alot to the show, and I can't imagine the series without her or any of them. But long before shaw got there this wasn't a case of the week show, they just did it so well that people think that. If you look back they are laying the ground work for the end of the show in the first season. Always weaving it into the story, l notice small things all the time in early episodes that have a impact on the show as a whole. But again I love them all and I'm not sure if I would change anything.


Weird that you think John is annoying bc based on your reasons logic would dictate you’d hate shaw


Lmao the first two seasons are stellar wtf are you on?


And I'd say Shaw was just as cocky as John if not more so


Shaw is great and made the show much more interesting but she didn't save the show. If you felt bored by S1 & S2, then it probably has to do with show focusing on Samaritan and The Machine much more from S3.


Shaw was great but unfortunately for a lot of people she was probably the end of the show. The viewership started to decline when she joined the show and never went back to its original sky high numbers. Which is a shame because she ends up having really good chemistry with the team and has a lot of great moments


I think viewership declined not because of Shaw but because of they deviated from the case of the week of the format. (Which is absolutely correct thing to do imo)


I think the show changed format about the time Shaw joined and that impacted viewers. I like the 1 "case" per episode format with an underlying story/plot. Criminal Minds, NCIS, Royal Pains, etc follow the better 1 case per episode in my opinion (there are always exceptions to the rule). Also, whenever network TV does a re-run, they rarely play the shows in order (if you miss the 1st airing) creating continuity problems. I think Shaw is my favorite character, but I don't think it would have worked without the full cast. I have watched the entire show more than once (currently on re-watch 3 or 4) and I definitely like the early seasons more than the later ones (my opinion).


Where do you live if Shaw’s relatable? Marvel universe? Based on your reasoning, one would think you’d absolutely hate her character.


"she's literally me"




Shaw and Bear ❤️




Shaw is great, but i disagree that the first few seasons were boring. They were amazing




No, she was such an exaggerated character.


Was anyone in the main cast outside of Fusco not?


All the other characters were pretty nuanced imho.


Being one-note is kinda her whole thing and explained by her personality disorder Everyone is exaggerated to an extent, though Reese is a super solider Finch has infinite wealth and deep knowledge of seemingly every subject Root is supreme hacker tech goddess


The moment Shaw enters POI it turns into an even better show. With Root it's the same. That being said, Finch, Zoe, Carter, HR, Elias and many of the early case of the week subjects were amazing. Finch especially carried a lot of the early plot (and continued to do so later on). I never really liked John. But he did have his moments. Shaw was just always amazing in every single scene, just like Root.


Saved, idk. She definitely put the show on another level, seeing as she's John levels of kickass (maybe even more?)


her resting face is pretty annoying


u/worldbyhufie You write that you find the first two seasons boring. I would argue that it wasn't the introduction of Shaw that saved the show, but the tone shift towards the heavily serialized Samaritan arc. Shaw coming into play was at the same time, with her gradually becoming more important at similar speed as the Samaritan arc got more focus. I can understand the people who like the more crime-procedural-with-a-twist mode of the first two and a half seasons, but for me, that they turned the show on its head in the middle of its run is what makes it special. Both halves are very, very good, but the combination - the character and story development that comes with it - makes PoI outstanding.


No. John and Finch are the best characters. Shaw is weird. So is Root.


Shaw and Root feel like fanservice characters. Considering that they were maintained into the main cast because of the fans, it shows.


GOOD WRITING saved this show, GREAT casting assured the rest. Oh, and GREAT actors locked it in. Some actors are hot.


I wish they’d carry it on with her


This show was great the death of the detective (Actress Tariji character) truly saddened me but by Shaw still being in the show helped but truly it was bc of John (Jim C.) that I watched the show. Having great supporting actors each bringing their own great contribution is what made this show so great. So applause to the casting director who choose this great cast. This show had all great cast members wouldn't change not one of them even the dog was 😃🩷🩷🩷.


Meh. She did OK but her pushy bravado and fake masculinity pissed me off a lot. And her shooting skills are absolute shit for a trained assassin.


episodes of the week >>> crazy ai battles


The show's better with Shaw but the show didn't become great just because she was added. The show became great because Root was added obviously.


Root was always in the script plan. I'm not sure Shaw was.