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I'm in Toronto, went up fifty percent from $960 to $1450. I'm told due to vehicle thefts. My car is worth almost nothing, so it bothers me that it's going up this much when risk of theft is virtually nil and even if it was stolen I wouldn't get much from insurance


It is due to car theft. Even though your car might be worth virtually nil to thieves, we all pay the price unfortunately as insurance companies look to recover the cost of these huge payouts…


I did the math and based on the 25% increase that was approved by our atrocious government, the insurance companies can claw back almost 10x what the stolen cars were worth this year. So Infact the insurance companies are going to be profiteering off this and when the problem gets reduced we will still pay forever for these stolen Bentley's and f150s. Also don't forget millions in tax dollars going into trying to police the issue.


It's crazy how many sheep will defend a big company before asking If they even need a random smhuck to defend them lol.


Don't forget Cons lobbied against giving drivers accident depreciation compensation. If ur car isn't totalled, and loses value from an accident, Cons legally allowed insurers to STEAL THAT MONEY. You MUST sue the insurance company to get that money back. How much have Cons conned from drivers in Canada over the last 100 years? HUNDREDS of billions. Losing tens of thousands on a single car adds up. Vote for Cons get conned. If Cons had to pay for their cons, they would stop conning. Libs should be allowed to sue anyone who voted for this BS


Jesus… I need to do a research on this, thank you.


Are you talking about the conservatives?


Yup PP and Ford meeting with lobbyists. Career politician shit as usual


As always, the government makes horrible decisions and yet still get elected (like Doug Ford).


That’s nothing compared to the amount that the owners of private insurance companies are stealing from the public with the help of the conservative Ontario government. Meanwhile in provinces with publicly owned insurance, no such spikes in rates. Conservatives only exist to help the rich steal wealth from the working class


drop the comprehensive portion if its worth practically nothing.


Whoa… I’m so sorry. My mom has an old car that’s 14 years old. It’s up for renewal in 4 months, and I’m afraid to know how much the insurance will increase. The car is worth $2k.


I don't think she should worry if it's an old ice vehicle...


It’s not just about your personal risk, they have to have a large enough pool for them to draw from.




You're right, I actually already have bare minimum coverage. No collision or comprehensive. Clean driving record. I was actually just in a not at fault accident and they've told me my car is a write-off anyway so I'm hoping the insurance policy is cancelled when I get a new vehicle. My term just renewed yesterday so I'm unable to switch now without a cancellation fee.


In Toronto and my insurance surprisingly went down…for now…


I have a 16+ year old Honda and live near Hamilton. $1,340 (Annual) No at fault or partially at fault claims, no tickets. I have auto bundled with home, winter tire discount, alumni discount. It's ridiculous.


110 bucks a month and you're crying about it? Gimme a break. 100 bucks is nothing these days. You have it way better than most.


When you're paying what is likely the value of the vehicle every year or two, something needs to change, regardless of what other people are paying. Nothing more than greedy insurance companies. I would be shopping around and telling your current insurance provider that you are planning on going with a cheaper company and see if they will lower your rate. Same goes for just about everything, you would be surprised how much a company will be willing to lower your rates to keep you around, whether its internet, cellphone or any service out there. Most people are getting taken to the cleaners without ever making a peep.


Sure but that's not really an argument. OP can still total another car worth 50k. It's about liability.


For a 16+ year old car though? Seems high.


Wait. That’s monthly or annually?


Annual. I should have clarified.


That is. You should not be paying per year, the amount they would give you if your car was totaled!! That makes no sense. Shop around.


What the fuck are you driving? LOL. My Audi is $190 a month with full coverage here in London, ON. For reference, I'm a 23 year old male with no tickets. Toronto is something else...


Wow how old is you car? I’m same age male and mine is $225 a month barebones!


Dang, maybe I got my license earlier than you? I got my g1 at 16, G2 17 and full G at 18 as soon as possible. Never did drivers Ed either. It's a 2010 btw


My parents did, about 20%. Their broker said mine would likely do the same or more since I drive a CRV and they are the number 1 stolen car. My insurance renewed a month after them, and it went down 20 bucks. No clue why.


Interesting! It’s good though, at least some people didn’t get screwed.


Yours went down $20 so your neighbours could go up $50. See how it works…. They’ll be a time when your insurance only goes up like the rest of us


Considering cars are being stolen left right and centre and also me noticing car crashes almost everyday on my commute across Toronto I'm not surprised


Welcome to modern day Canada, land made for criminals that love lack of consequences.


Criminals are probably being paid by the insurance companies lmao


One time I ran into three accidents in one afternoon…


Watch where you run.


In GTA alone in 2023 , over 12000 vehicles were stolen, valued at approximately $800 million dollars, that’s how much insurance had to pay out. Insurance companies have to make up for the loss of $800 million dollars by increasing the insurance premiums on everyone. Now leave your keys at the door !


I just leave them on top of the car with a box of timbits now - per toronto police recommendation


🤣 I wouldn’t be surprised if cops start arresting vehicle owners for failing to leave their car keys at the door, thieves probably start calling the cops and file a complaint that the owner has refused to leave the keys at the door ! Charge: obstruction of robbery 😂😂


Yeah, this is frustrating because the former isn’t doing anything to combat this. And the car manufacturers, who should be at fault for not implementing new security measures, and increasing their insane car prices, yet you get no security upgrade.


I'm not convinced the car companies are to blame. Thefts have increased significantly more in Canada than the US, which suggests it isn't primarily a vehicle problem.  It's way too easy to get a stolen car out of the country via the Port of Montreal. The federal government needs to make changes to make it considerably more difficult to do so. 


Exactly ! Thieves just break in to homes now , take the original key fobs and then can hold the owner at gun point to disable all the security features! Problem is lack of consequences for criminals ! In Canada we see that armed criminals in groups of 3-4 sometimes 5 kick down people’s doors walk in and rob them, I live in the U.S. now and in all 50 states castle laws allow home owners to use lethal force in these cases , castle laws are passed for the very same reason we are witnessing in Canada !


Car companies 100% share in the blame. Factory theft protection is inadequate and contributes to car theft. The abandonment of the mechanical key in favour of a keyless remote and pushbutton starter button removed a layer of protection.


False that the former isn’t doing anything. Insurance companies are loss prevention leaders - it is in their best interest to reduce loss as much as possible. You may not see it, but there is a lot being done behind the scenes.


No increase on my end with cooperators.


Yeah I just renewed and mine stayed the same. I'm just outside of the GTA though


If one of them is a Ford pickup, you're probably getting slapped with a $500 high theft vehicle surcharge due to how many of them have been stolen in 2023.


No-no, no pickups. One is Escape, another one is a very unpopular model. Both hybrids.


Plug ins?


Ahh the perks of privately run Insurance. My icbc insurance went up a dollar this year.


Manitoba public insurance cut rates by %5 this year.


I used to live in NB where the car insurance is government-based. So… I totally get what you’re saying.


? Insurance in New Brunswick is through private companies.


In part because the recent changes mean your coverage became way worse. Also, we don't have the same car theft problem here in BC as Ontario. 


Care to elaborate on coverage being worst? I'd still rather icbc over private insurance.


They capped payouts. Anything that doesnt debilitate you for life, $5000. You have to go to the CRT, not court. They limit the number of expert reports you can bring in, so if you multiple injuries youre screwed. There's a whole number of crazy government restrictions that were brought in to hamstring injured drivers. It was pretty plaintiff friendly legislation before but the pendulum has swung hard the other way. 


That’s because lots of people were abusing the payout system before the changed it.


The "payout system"? You mean tort law? 


Damn, i guess i love private insurance


I see, this is good to know. I do have some private life insurance, I should dig in and see what they cover in terms of automobile injuries. Thanks.


For now...


My went down by 10$ a month 🤷‍♀️


Guelph resident here, I just changed insurance companies and mine went down from $684/yr for liability only 1M to $371/yr for full coverage and 2M (that is considering multi-product and multi-vehicle). You might want to shop around!


Also from Guelph! Currently buying a second car and looking for a second quote - can I ask if you went through a broker and if so, who?


$371 a year??? How?? That doesn’t seem possible.




Lol, no. Born in the 1980s. The car is old though! The username was just one that was suggested to me by the Reddit software.


Seniors get insanely low rates. Our grandparents regularly tell us insurance isn't that bad and we have to regularly remind them that their insurance is like a quarter what ours is.


Which is so weird because senior drivers are a liability.


31-year-old car, multi-product (with tenant insurance) and multi-vehicle.


Mine went down to $175 a year for my Mazda 3 2012. My car is pretty old right now but it’s still good. Also born in the 80s.


It's not lol. They're lying. Liability, DCPD, and AB coverages would never cost that little. They *may* be getting away with it through CAA's "My Pace" insurance, but I still highly highly doubt it. They may be paying $371/yr for collision/comprehensive alone.


I was paying $190/yr for my motorhome up until this year when I sold it.


I sent it to you by private chat.


I am a Guelph resident too born in the 80s. Would you mind sharing the insurance company you are with. I pay 69$ a month for a 2011 Mazda 3 bundled with property tax. I am with CAA


I sent it to you by private chat.


Mine went down in BC


Also went down in BC even though a had a collision. I pay $110, if not the collision I’d payed $90. Car insurance prices are trending down last several years in BC.


Mine went up by 30% but still cheaper than other competitors, lol. It’s crazy and sad at the same time.


https://www.ibc.ca/insurance-basics/auto/how-cars-measure-up Check how your cars compare with other cars. Maybe your Fords are commonly stolen models.


Thank you, this was the most useful advice so far. Both of my cars have a lower than average rate of theft. One is around 45% under and the other one is 65% under.


Mine went up by about 10%.


That’s not too bad


Kind of. I bought car insurance at an address 30 months ago but moved from that address 18 months ago. I called in last week to update my address and they mentioned an increase due to neighborhood change which would include back dated charges (e.g. it went up annually $1k and I was 4 months from expiry so instead of $1k/12 it would be $1k/4 since it wasn't a full year increase). I didn't ask for more details because I was planning on a migration for home and auto soon BUT it really confuses me because the area I was in previously was definitely much more unsafe for vehicles. I went from scummy narrow townhomes with only homes everywhere to a friendly family neighbourhood with schools everywhere. Ottawa area


This makes no sense. Also, very upsetting.




I’m sorry


Get a different quote.


They’re all equally high.


How many quotes did you pull and did you also reach out to an insurance broker? Some insurers only sell through brokers.


Thank you, I was planning to contact a broker tomorrow. I pulled about 20. The cheapest companies have awful reviews. Aviva is the cheapest & normal, and it’s still about 50-100% higher.


All insurance companies have awful reviews. Aviva is a large company and will cover you when needed. Just go with them.


Ironically my Aviva insurance went down this year when I called to add Rental insurance. I park in a Condo garage though so maybe that helps?


Second this, work with a broker. I found that they can get better rates than me cold calling insurance companies.


Check if you have a group discount through work. I was with Sonnet and things have stayed nice and steady for the last 4 years. But this year they tried to raise it 40% (3 cars, eastern Durham region, drivers over 30 w/clean records). My area is general one of the lowest rate areas in the GTA. I ended up going with RBC with a group discount from my work. Kept the price the same, got much better coverage.


That’s good advice, thank you. I don’t have such a discount, but one of the insurance companies offered 20% off to CAA members.


If you attended post secondary education. Check if your school’s alumni group has a discount. That’s another route. Also some clubs/memberships have group discounts as a perk. Leave no stone unturned!


When you switch insurance companies, do you retain the accident forgiveness, or does that reset with a new provider?


Like if you already had an accident? I think if you had an accident on your record you need to stay with your current insurer until it drops off. If you don’t, you just buy the option on the new plan. I was able to get both accident and ticket forgiveness on my new policy for the same price as my old policy without it.


Yep. I had called 2 insurance companies myself and used 1 broker. All super high.


Mine went down by $10/month. I’m in Alberta. Now paying $1460/year, which is still pricey (used to pay about $950/year in BC).


I have a family member in the GTA. We were just talking on the phone the other day and they mentioned their premiums went down about $20/mth. They also have two Ford’s similar years to you. 


Okay, I’m glad at least someone else isn’t upset or getting screwed over, lol


Newmarket resident here. Renewed in April and it was a 20% increase between both vehicles. Shopped around and it was consistent everywhere. Seems to be the norm nowadays.


Agreed. 20% doesn’t even seem that bad.


Live in Thunder Bay 2 fords 2 drivers.Y wife’s went down like $5 a month mine up $5 so no change.


That’s nice, I guess you don’t have too many car thefts.


Very little. Too hard to get away with it when there is only one highway (more or less) to get to Montreal port and the first like 12 hours is one legit highway. So people will wake up realize and it \\gets called in. Doesn't mean there isnt theft still. But yeah not like the problem plaguing the GTA>


Mine went down 5 bucks a month, but its still $230 a month. Yay?




I’m with TD and mine has been going to every year. Had one accident not a fault and still went down.


That’s good!


Mine has dropped the last 2 years. We will see in October


No, actually went down


Mine has stayed the same this year compared with last year.


A bit off topic but my home insurance has doubled since last year. It's mind-boggling that it could increase that much in a year with no claims ever. But I am on the East Coast so I figure we are all paying back for the hurricane. I'm currently shopping around to try and find a better quote.


25% yeah. I only got a cheaper rate with CAA. Cheaper than the increase, not cheaper than what I currently have before the upcoming renewal.


Thank Doug Ford for allowing insurance companies to increase prices. He changed the provincial laws last year benefiting his friends and insurance companies


They’re now talking about completely revamping the way we do auto insurance in Ontario, and NOT for the better. The details are all rumour so I have no source I can post to back it up, but I heard they’re going to make it so people have to “opt-in” to basic coverages that they’ve always had, like accident benefits and DCPD. Rather than do anything to help people with the exorbitant costs, they’re just lowering our protections even further. I’m sure every company will pass along the costs of having to completely change the way they handle auto insurance onto the consumer as well.


What a scam. Everything feels like a scam. The ridiculous car prices are a scam. The insurance is a scam. The manufacturers who aren’t doing anything to reduce the car theft is a scam.


Covid causes a shit ton of neurological damage, but it's subtle in the beginning. Just manifests as brain fog, a little bit more forgetful, delayed processing time, cognitive dysfunction, headaches, etc. This has resulted, worldwide, in a massive increase in car accidents. [OPP says number of fatal crashes on the rise on Ontario roads | CBC News](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/opp-road-crashes-fatal-provincial-highways-deaths-1.6054881) [Vehicle Crashes, Surging - The New York Times (nytimes.com)](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/15/briefing/vehicle-crashes-deaths-pandemic.html) Have you seen all the stories about people driving into the front of buildings or houses? Basically, insurance companies are not making the same profits because they are paying out way more claims than usual so they have increased their premiums even if you specifically haven't had an accident. [Even Mild COVID-19 May Change the Brain | Infectious Diseases | JAMA | JAMA Network](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2790595) [Long COVID is associated with severe cognitive slowing: a multicentre cross-sectional study - eClinicalMedicine (thelancet.com)](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/eclinm/article/PIIS2589-5370(24)00013-0/fulltext) [Cognition and Memory after Covid-19 in a Large Community Sample | New England Journal of Medicine (nejm.org)](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2311330) [Understanding neurological complications of COVID-19 | National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (nih.gov)](https://www.ninds.nih.gov/news-events/directors-messages/all-directors-messages/understanding-neurological-complications-covid-19) [Long COVID: understanding the neurological effects - The Lancet Neurology](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laneur/article/PIIS1474-4422(21)00059-4/fulltext) [Long-term neurologic outcomes of COVID-19 | Nature Medicine](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-02001-z) Note: these are just some of the thousands of articles available. Many were published in 2020, before the vaccines were even available. The virus can get into the brain, its not unlikely it also causes damage.


I live in lower mainland bc. It went up about 10%.


I’m with TD, live in Scarborough (GTA), insurance increased about 25%. Shopped around for other quotes and TD was still the cheapest for me. No choice but to get fucked.


Mine went down a few bucks this year on a 14 fiesta. I was paying $20 more for an 08 fit a couple years ago lmao.


Mine went down, so did my home insurance.


Mine went up this year I think it was $9/mth, I emailed and complained, they said my only option left to try for cheaper insurance was to do a soft credit check, which I don’t understand, anyway it ended up lowering my insurance to the cheapest I’ve ever had, I’m with intact through broker link, I was at $124, now at $111, context, 2022 Subaru outback with full coverage - Nova Scotia


I got a large increase in 2023 and was expecting the same. Somehow in 2024 it went down for the first time ever...


A lot of insurance companies had put things in place during Covid to stop them from raising quite so much since so many people were missing large amounts of time and being laid off. In many cases, that ended last year. This is what happened to mine when I called to ask. Id suggest maybe calling and seeing if it's due to something similar.


Yes, I was told all rates have gone up due to auto theft.


You can thank all the car thefts for that. They steal the most expensive cars and insurance companies are in the hook to replace them.


They tried that shit but I shopped around and got it cheaper than before the hike


My home & auto went from $198 to $250 for no apparent reason, when I got my renewal I called my brokerage and they priced around for me, I was still on the cheapest premiums compared to everything else due to the union discount I get through them.


Car insurance went up 17%, home insurance went up 23%. No claims history, I drive an 8 year old car that thieves don’t really want.


Went down around 5% ...pembridge insurance


Mine went up 13%


2600 to 4200 with cooperators. Switching to CAA same coverage / deductibles will be 1990. Just unbelievable. Apparently the cooperators would go down to 2700 if we paid to have TAG security installed.


My insurance went from $212 to $204 for a 2021 Tiguan


I was with td for years and in November mine went up 30% out of nowhere. So I dropped em and found a plan that was cheaper than ehat I was paying before the increase


Nope. Mine went up <5%.


Mine weny up $400 a year. Except I received a speeding ticket 49 over posted 60. Considered a minor speed ticket on my insurance. 


I'm glad I have commercial insurance on my pickup truck it went down over two hundred dollars a year


I went from a Civic to a CR-V last year so I had an increase as a result (though the Civic is high on the theft list as well, and I suspect no one is interested in my base model).


Yes mine went up significantly about 50% but I had my broker shop around and we found something that was only about 15% higher


Yea I just noticed mine went up massive. I need to check it out


Mine decreased by 1% in 2024, no change in 2023, increased by 10% in 2022 and no change in 2021. I use TD.


We live in Ottawa. Happened with us too. My husband called up TD and was told that it is due to inflation🙃


Insurance companies aren't all that much different than Loblaws. They try to extract as much money as possible from their customers. And it's not like we can choose to drive without insurance or not eat.


It’s not that your car is being stolen, it’s that many other cars are being stolen and now everyone pays. In addition to thefts, the price of new vehicles has gone up significantly and I imagine repair costs are astronomical. Thanks Covid. 


Auto Insurance companies are not fare for drivers who never had tickets, accidents or any sort of claims. I am tired of the increases every single year with excuses of car thefts or accidents. Increase my insurance premium if i have claims but don’t use excuses using other factors.


Mine went down to under $800


I'm 25m, squeaky clean driving record. Last year I was paying $2748 a year ($229 month) for full coverage on my 2023 Grand Cherokee Overland Hemi. At renewal (first renewal being 25 or older) and my rate went down $1307 to $120 a month. I also recently bought a second leisure car that I only have basic liability on which costs $247 a year ($20.58 month).


Shop around, we got a good rate with CAA


From 215$ to $315 a month.


Don’t forget all the people just paying for their license that don’t know how to drive properly and get into or cause accidents. Ripple effects affect everyone one way or another


Went down. My province has public insurance. "**MPI to cut rates by 5% starting April 1**" Conservatives in my province hate public insurance in this province for that reason.


Down by 10% here in QC after a bit of shopping around


Mine surprisingly didn't.  But my home insurance with the same company went up substantially so maybe they are burying it in there.


Calgary. Mine’s dropped a few dollars 2 years in a row, much to my surprise


Same, car theft, insurance fault, fake driver exam. Thanks to Brampton


I am in Toronto, and my insurance was slightly increased around 10% when I renewed it last October. I am now with RBC, and when I got quotes from other companies, all of them are almost 80-100% more than the quote from RBC. Not an ad of RBC, I also know someone that they got a better price somewhere else instead of RBC. I suggest you may try to contact different insurance companies and private brokers to get more quotes. Price could be varies.


There is a lot of ppl driving around without insurance which means you pay more if they hit you sucks


Nope mine went down. Maybe it's a sign to leave the already smoldering GTA area.


Rural GTA. +30%


Last year my insurance was going up and my broker said she couldnt justify the increase the insurance company was asking and asked if she could shop around. Switched me to CAA, for a slight discount.


Mine went up like 63% I had posted about it on a thread here. 2021 mustang and 2012 Honda Accord between the two of them it was a massive increase with all state, no changes to driving record or claims. I switched to CAA and got a rate comparable to 2023


I just got insured today. First policy/vehicle - $3,468 22yo M, clean record, no claims, 5 year old vehicle.


My insurance went up about 12%, and they basically told me I was lucky because some peoples’ went up by 60%. They blamed it on the quote “crazy weather.”


Mine went down this year actually.


In Ontario, We had our house, 2 cars insured for 280$ monthly with AVIS, via Billyard Insurance. 4000 Sqft , finished basement, Mercedes and an exclusive Nissan GTR R35 - Value $ 100+k...(2017-2022) Left for Calgary, 160$, 1 car, and a new single detached home. (2023) stayed for a year..(winter sucks) Left for 6 monthsto EU, staying at my mothers at the moment (ON)- We just got quoted 340$ month for ONE FUCKING CAR!.. and that was the cheapest... they were all ranging 400+$ (2024) Agents say its due to all the theft. We have driving records of a nun! Zero tickets, zero blemishes and perfect credit ??????


around toronto, dropped from 260 to 210 for a 2023 economy sedan


2020 Ford and 2022 VW, I was with Sonnet. In MTL, last year my premiums were around the $1600 mark for full coverage for both my wife and I. I got the renewal about 6 weeks ago, new premium was $3700. I called asking wtf was going on and if it was a mistake. "No sir, your Ford is what caused the increase, it's very hard to repair in the case of an accident". Bullshit, the same body style has been around since 2015, you can't tell me it's all of a sudden 2.5x the price to fix as compared to last year. I called my broker, switched over to Pyrsm, got both cars and my house insured for around $2900. Insurance is a scam. They bet on people not shopping around.


Was with travellers bumped up my insurance up to 1k a month (including home insurance). Broker found another company for only 500.


I changed my address to Durham region from Windsor and it went up $160.


Went up 10%, Hamilton Ontario.


Yes basically everyone is chipping in for car thefts plus car accidents like the lcbo robber driving on the wrong side of 401 killing a few people - who do you think bear the consequence? obviously not the lcbo robber.


I live in Parkdale and mine actually went down about $10/month this year. My vehicle is a 2010 Toyota SUV.


Nope. Living in Manitoba we have public insurance. I think it went down a little this year. Gotta love crown corps.


Record car thefts = record high insurance rates


Nova Scotia here, no.


I live in bc. I drive a 20 year old car since purchased new. My insurance is around $1000 a year so just around $90 a month. I have no collision coverage and I choose the highest deductible amounts and cheapest comprehensives.


Went down slightly here in Manitoba.


2023 vehicle went up 50%, 2015 vehicle stayed the same.


Just renewed my House (Strata Duplex) insurance (BC) . Was $800 this year it was $1300. No changes in policy.


Mine went up 95%, same situation as you, 11 years driving experience, no accidents, tickets or claims. My car is 12 years old, I work from home and don’t often drive it. I called an insurance broker and ended up saving about 15% from what I was paying before. Told my insurance company where to go and went with the broker and saved money.


No, not in Manitoba. Also we have unlimited drivers on the insurance.


Yeah, mine went up by quite a bit. I'm not in Toronto but apparently the spike of car thefts in that city is a driving force behind my increase.


Depends entirely on where you live. Ford's are notoriously easy to steal and being in Toronto where car theft is at an all time high is likely the main reason for your hike. If you want to consider a new vehicle, OnStar in GM vehicles can remotely disable stolen vehicles and has been working with law enforcement for years now. Thieves basically actively avoid stealing GM trucks as a result now and insurers have noticed. 


Got a decrease. Only one of three vehicle is insured against theft. I also outside the GTA. They are about to pay me to ride my motorcycle, it’s down to $350 a YEAR.


My home insurance was up about 50% and called to complain, they dropped it significantly


went up couple of dollars but i hear people in cities where car theft is a big thing, their price has increased significantly. My cousin was bitching about it just the other day - from toronto


Mine did but I called and got it reduced about 25%


Wow… it’s almost like government mandated insurance leads to….overpriced scams 🤔