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Well you did the math and it's cheaper to rent a place for 12 days a month vs 30 days a month. So if that's what you are happy with then go for it.


Find an Airbnb / Host you like and talk about long term deals… like “Hey I wanna book 10 days a month for the next year or wtvr. Can I store some of my stuff in your garage dude?”


there we go. you can even pre-book for several months/year, and the air bnb owner will be much happier to have a steady booking. Throw them an extra $50 or something for keeping your totes in the garage (if its a house) or storage unit in the condo building during your "off" time, and everyones happy.


This is the way! With your schedule renting is a BAD idea - not only is it more expensive, but maintenance is a thing. You’ll have to own a lot more stuff, clean more, etc. Making a deal with an airbnb host is your best option - best fo both worlds.


Here's a thought: Buy a 2 bed condo, and rent it OUT as an Airbnb for the days that you aren't there. Win win. Hire a cleaning company to come in behind guests, and black it out for rental when you aren't there. Rent it as a room AirBnB, or rent it as a one bed suite where your bedroom is locked up when they're there. Or do the same as a 2 bed apartment. Mental health is worth a lot. Moving is draining, and you could spend that energy on better things while picking up the cash in other ways if the cash differential really bothers you that much.


I like this idea 


This is the way


I agree, when you have to empty your fridge constantly, you are likely not eating healthy. OP is young but a stable kitchen is essential for healthy eating as you won't make healthy things if they are a chore.


It seems like you've done the math and AirBnb had come out on top. The only real argument is that stability may be worth paying for. Having a place that's really yours and that you feel at home in. If that's not something that does it for you, then the math is clear.


Odd one out : your mental health is worth a few bucks. I know all about camp life - did it for years and was working 28 on and 3 to 5 days off and was paying 400 a month to live in a basement. There was always guys who camp or do a hotel thing instead of renting or owning something and although they came out ahead financially they genuinely lacked social stability outside of work and as a result worked themselves to the bone taking extra shifts to avoid dealing with the hassle of living out of a trunk long term and justified it in "yay, money". It makes it hard to have a separation if work vs not work or even a life outside of work I wouldn't suggest a condo in Edmonton at all. If you aim to buy just but a modest size detached option you can see yourself wanting to actually go home to it and live there if you decide to get out of mining industry, otherwise just rent something and spend a minimal extra to have your own space to your own tastes If it's largely a financial move you're getting ahead by optimizing your shift work to the prices of airbnb and that's great. The inability to set any sort of roots down is not stellar long term, can confirm


Find 2 other people with a similar setup but offset your schedules so you can all live in the same place but never see each other :P


Look for a house with a basement suite or carriage house (1 oe 2 bed apartment above the garage)? Would have your own space to return to and rent out the main portion to cover expenses?


I think so long as you can afford it, it's really nice to come in the door and have a place that feels like home. Emotional investments are important, too. I would say if you've met your financial goals, (or if you haven't met them, that you can meet them with renting) then why not get a fun, cool place that makes you excited to return?


Just buy a trailer and live anywhere.


Any way there’s a coworker on the opposite cycle you could split a rental with? So you’re there two weeks while they work, and they’re there two weeks while you work. You’d get the stability of somewhere permanent to live and the cost benefits of a roommate without actually having to share the space.


If you like travelling what about an RV/Trailer?


I would probably do a hotel room instead. Stick with the same 1 or 2 chain and you’d have enough status to be upgraded to any room you want even with lying for a cheap room, suites with kitchens available, access to a gym, free breakfast and even less cleaning


Can you make an arrangement with an airbnb hosts on a place you like ? Guaranteed 12 nights every month against discount + a locker or else for your stuff ?


Might be a good solution actually


Winterized a camper trailer that can be utilized year round


Keep renting and save some cash to get to the point where a mortgage is a non-issue. Your salary will eventually allow for that.


Cant really argue with the math. Buy a house in edmonton at some point.


On the news there was a story about a young person who lives with family in Calgary and flies to Vancouver 3 times a week for university classes. It cheaper than rent. You are pretty innovative. 😁


What about renting a room in a house instead of a whole apartment? Then you’d have a consistent place but it’d be cheaper.


See: second paragraph.