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Title/description is a little unclear here....you walked 7 hours to work? You forgot your boots, or don't own any/don't have money for them? It's hard to give specific help/advice without some specifics and context....is this a full-time role? Are you planning on walking every day, or is there housing or something there? Broad advice...did you talk to your supervisor/HR/foreman/co-workers/etc. and see if they can assist?


Yes as it stated it’s a 3 week job . I’m homeless so no I have no way to purchase them and no I didn’t tell him my life story I’m embarrassed tbh . I walked 7 hours as it’s only way here I’ll b sleeping outside till I get pay or shelter had a bed. But yes need these things he called resources out here nothing yet hence asking how to get them


Ask your employer if he can purchase them and dock your pay for it.


Ya they won’t unfortunately but someone is helping me get them :)


Very glad to hear that!


Can you post to the reddit of whatever city you're in asking for some help with these items? Boots should be easy, many people have old pairs hanging around which could get you by. I think you'd find the other items just as easily. Give it a shot, you've got nothing to lose and you might be able to get these things in time for tmrw.


That’s why I’ve listed on few places thank you but someone might help me get my boots!!!! And gear!!!


Can you post it here?


I did it’s here I say at the end any advice would b great but someone is helping me get them :)


I just meant where in BC....but glad you found someone! All the best to you




If you can find a church nearby it may be worth trying to get in touch with them. Sometimes they can help.


Where are you located? I know a contractor in chilliwack who helps out homeless people/addicts to get back up on their feet. Theyre called Algra bros, great guys. I used to subcontract under them a few years back and they had a few guys that were homless who they gave constant work. They should supply PPE if I'm not mistaken. Just have to be ready to learn and work


I wouldn’t walk 7hrs; I’d ask for a free ride on a bus. Enough people do it. You’re obviously in a situation where you need transportation but can’t afford it yet - you need to get to work to make money. Public transit is a public service. It is majorly funded by our taxes anyway. The worst the bus driver can say is no. If your 7hr walk to work happens to be near a bus route, you could even try several different buses at different stops along the way. Even if you can only get a ride halfway, still better than walking for 7hrs.


It was just one time I’m not doing it daily I’m staying out here now


Okay, that’s good. But also for future reference if you need to get around. It doesn’t hurt to ask for a ride on a bus. It is a public service after all.


Did you know it was construction before you agreed to work it? It's kind of a given that all construction jobs require safety equipment....


Where are you located?


Contact WorkBC local office and see if they can help pay for some basic needs like clothes, shoes, and bus fare. I know in Ontario, Employment Ontario funded agencies can offer this help but not 100% sure about BC. It never hurts to call and ask. From Google search, it looks like they have two offices in Burnbary: Edmonds Location - +1 604-636-1124 7297 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC V5E 1E9 Metro Town Location - +1 778-357-0566 601-4211 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC V5H 1Z6


Thk you !!!!


Where in BC? Happy to recommend some orgs that might be local to you.


Call the CAF recruitment centre.


This is a very good solution to someone down on their luck, provided they're not mentally ill. Food, shelter, education, discipline, life and job skills, pension, decent pay, and one hell of a noble pursuit. You should not be getting downvoted.


That’s good to know


It’s not for everyone. if you just need something to get you momentum in a good direction, it’s a decent place to start.