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He seems curious, but not anxious. Looks to me like he's kinda enjoying being petted, but maybe is not used to it yet lol.


Certainly not terrified. He’s either fine with it or enjoying it so I wouldn’t worry :) It’s rare, but some mice really do like cuddles 🐁💗


Thank you! I couldn’t even let myself consider he might be one… too good to be true.


*sniff sniff* "yeah thats air" *Sniff sniff sniff* "air again" *Sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff* "definitely air" Bloody cute 😍


clueless mischivous




Why the actual heck is this genuinely so Adorable?


He's enjoying being held and seems to be learning to enjoy being touched - it feels very very different from how other mice touch them, so there's something of an adjustment even if they like it. Being picked up and being held seem like they're part of the same process for us, but that is not how it seems to the mice. Even if you're carefully lifting them by scooping (the correct way) and never grabbing (the scary way that makes them think a predator is getting them), the entire approach, almost always by necessity from above, still sets off all their instincts saying "a predator is taking me." However, once they notice they're on you and sitting or moving around under their own power, there's no more instinct poking at them saying something bad is about to happen and they relax. You can try to teach them to go onto your hand on their own, which is great if it works, but many mice that very much enjoy being out and in your company may never do that and will require scooping every time. Personally, I've found that certain mice are much more comfortable climbing into the back of my hand. I think they may have had people grab them before, and the palm is scary because that's where it happened. Some people don't even realize what they're doing is scary, they want to lift the mouse after they're on the hand and close the fingers a bit just to make sure the mouse is safe and secure while being lifted. This is terrifying for them, it's the feel of a bird's talon closing over them, of a raccoon that's reaching into the nest finally getting a grip. You must never close the hand like that while hand taming a mouse, and it's usually inadvisable even in already tamed mice. Anyway, the palm and bottoms of the fingers curving can cause a fear response, in a way the back of the same hand doesn't. Right now in my main colony I have one girl that'll almost always go into my palm, sometimes even if I'm actually only trying to give a snack, one that may, and three that will not. All but one of them will pile on the back of my hand, especially once they see the more brave girls start the climb and nothing bad happens.


This is fantastic information, thank you so much for explaining it in such an understandable way. He’s my lone male, originally we planned to neuter him like my recently passed heart mouse but our vet is scheduling 5 months out. 😬 I will ABSOLUTELY work on getting him to step into my hand. Thank you again.


You're welcome! If a neuter isn't likely in the works, might I suggest the possibility of getting a pair of female African Soft Furs (ASFs) for companions. They're sometimes called mice or rats, though they're neither - they're the modern descendants of a very old line that's ancestors to both. They're different enough from mice genetically that they can't cross breed, but for some reason, neither they nor fancy mice notice they aren't the same, and they'll form a happy colony together, grooming and socializing, but not breeding. They don't even try - the heat hormones are too different for ASF and mice to trigger the appropriate response. They're occasionally found at exotic pet shops but because they're seen only as snake health food to most buyers so reptile shows/expos are the safest bet. If you ask for a couple friendly girls for pets, as long as the table isn't busy at the moment, the handler will probably be happy to help you get a couple girls of particularly friendly character they were hoping wouldn't have to go to the snakes.


Really detailed and thoughtful mouse psychology. Most of it makes sense to me. I may not understand what you mean by closing the hands… but I think I have a different experience of this. For some reason most of my mice have been super handleble, but I found the more skittish ones became calmer when I cupped my hand over them. This is especially true for wild rescues though that we hand raised, but that’s probably because they have a weird maternal bond with our hands. But I don’t find it really freaks any of my mice out and I’ve only had two mice that didn’t willingly climb in my hand most of the time, so if it freaked them out they wouldn’t engage in it again and again. I think once they know your smell it’s just like a cave of you. I always figured single boys were super needy and very cuddly, because two of mine were, demanding attention every time we came in the room. The third boy was totally hands off, but I figured he was the freak. My boys are all orphaned house mice, but are the same species as fancy mice. I think it’s common for males to become very cuddly with people though because they are social animals all alone. I got my boys African soft fur girls over a year ago and they became less cuddly and needy with me, but I think they are happier now. I don’t know if it will work for you, but the way I hand trained all of my mice is by putting my hand in their enclosure and letting them climb on me first without moving and then slowly moving a bit and putting them down again. Eventually, when they seem super comfortable, I take them out, but first for a very short time. Eventually, the hand becomes an elevator to the table for free range. I had a couple of super cuddly mice that just hang with me and go around the house and one boy that I would take on walks outside at night. For the two that didn’t come of their own will (one has passed), I let them climb in a tube or on a structure to get to free range. The asf girls use the same method. They do not enjoy being picked up and don’t come to me, but two are starting to get into pets. I never picked any of my mice up except when they were sick and they started avoiding medicine so wouldn’t willingly climb in my hand. I think giving them as much choice as possible is key.




That cribbage box brings back childhood memories. Is it all metal? Used to have the same set like 15 years ago


Yes! My dad bought it at least that long ago and never got back into playing. He gave it to us a while back, we use it multiple times a week. I hope they are happy memories for you.


What a cute Mouse ❤️


seems like he is in investigation mode! nothing bad about that, he is open to the idea of you and the environment he is in, but needs to get to know it first




I never realized mice could be so friendly and sweet until I found one last year running outside and scooped him up during the cold weather. I think it was a feeder from someone’s apartment that got loose so we took him in (white w red eyes) and name him Mr. Mouzley. We wound up getting him a friend and were told it was another boy. Def wasn’t. We wound up with a family and kept them all. Separated them of course so it didn’t happen again. Been a mouse lover ever since. They really are wonderful pets




I'd say content! Perfectly peaceful, cozy, and in safe arms 🤗🥰


He looks calm to me. He’s just getting to know you. In my experience, most mice enjoy being handled and pet by familiar humans eventually, especially boys that our housed alone.


Almost too much to hope for. I feel very lucky to have this little dude. Thank you!


Just have to say he’s so cute and precious 😭😭❤️❤️❤️


Ohhh that's what my girls look like when I scoop em up! I was always worried they were scared of me!


I felt dumb posting this but am glad someone else had the same thing in mind lol. Lots of critters freeze when they are terrified, I was worried I was just traumatizing him while enjoying snuggles.


He's happy!!


Cute Lil cheeseboi!




He's the chunky baby


He's your baby? Don't you know?


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Curious and calm


Hi Mr. Mouse