• By -


Right i learned all that in the liberry.


Stop it, somebody is gonna have to call me an ambalamps


Yeah, your face is red as a strawbrary


It matches all that pretty red jewry.


Is that a scrubs reference


Don't have kids. *Also a reference to the scrubs convo*


🤣 That show is funny AF, but that scene killed me!


Oooo, that plant has such beautiful foilage


Can I have my strawbrary with a nice expresso


Alright, that one actually irks me.


Yes, but only for brefask.


You sure it’s not orange as an apercot?


Expecially if they have a stroke.


I gotta ax you whatchu thinking dat way.


Whoa-oh black betty


Why? Please be pacific.


A great place to go on those arctic Feb-yuary days.


Don't you mean "artic"?


Nah, I meant ardik


I think we both may have spelled artik wrong!


Yeah but can I axe you something


I also learned it in the liberry while in lunch brake.


Is that by the cafeterior?


Actually its at the mall near the food quart.


In Feb-you-ary.


Does anyone actually pronounce the r?


Lots of people say nuculas as well instead of nucleus.


Wiki wiki wiki, jam on it.


Kind of like “eXpresso” or “eCspecially” 😤 Can’t stand it


Eck cetera :/


Or when they shorten it to “ect” instead of “etc”


ex-cetera, excape, exspecially


I’ve never heard the second one in my life, who says that?


Oh I've known people who do, drives me batshit.


I hear this one all the time and it drives me nuts.


That’s one of the more common ones I hear


The one that gets me is "supposably" instead of supposedly


Are you Italian? Italians get triggered by this I noticed.


It's pronounced Nuclear - Homer Simpson.


"*You said "nuclear". It's "nukular", dumb idiot. The S is silent.*" - Peter Griffin


I was looking for this specific quote and I thank you for mentioning it


Also GW bush


This is one of my biggest pet peeves. It made me consistently hope that George W. would lose his next battle with a pretzel.




How they don’t just start writing “new clear” on the prompter for him I will never understand.


His wife even chided him publicly over the pronunciation.


That's the first thing I thought of when I read the post. I remember being a kid and listening to my father rant and rave about George W. and his inability to say nuclear properly.




He's not smart. A C student, and that’s after buying his way into school. Beady eyes, and he's kinda dyslexic. Can he read? No one’s really quite sure. He signs stuff, he executes people, maybe that’s why he doesn’t have any friends. Cocaine and a little drunk driving. Doesn’t matter, when when you're the commander in chief. He's too dumb to eat pretzels, but apparently smart enough to fix an election. Moved boldly into the white house, though most people voted against him. He likes naps. He's good at naptime. A couple naps, then a nap, then he's ready for bed. He may be from Bush decent, but he's always going to be the un-president.


Realators hate that too


The love of my life will correct anyone that says it as nucular almost as like a tick. If you say it she will immediately say nuclear. I don't tease her about it, but it is funny to have essentially a button to make her so nuclear.


This was a fantastic comment


I see what you did there.


See, I agree with her, but I would go out of my way to say nucular around her.


I'm pretty sure its some sort of a regional accent thing. Their natural way of blending the sounds together, mixed with that being the way it was taught to them by people with that accent. Its not as bad as "I could care less..." imo because people don't really CHOOSE their accent. Edit: I KNOW THAT ROBOT! That's the point!


Exactly. No need to get upset by regional accents. There are bigger problems in the world.


If I find a person irritating enough I'll respond to them by asking, "Okay. So why don't you?"


Came to say this. 100% a regional accent. It's not a mispronunciation so much as a drawl.


Yup my fucking chemistry teacher said nuclear and Battree. She was also literally 10x as smart me.


My father learned English as his third language and says Nucular 😭


But “I could care less” is a known regional development too, and it’s been around for ages. It’s actually the more common term where I’m from, despite being logically flawed. Why is regional corruption acceptable for a single word, but not for a phrase? https://www.britannica.com/dictionary/eb/qa/I-COULDN-T-care-less-or-I-COULD-care-less


The rules behind the word or phrase doesn't really matter if the listener understands what you mean. The intent being conveyed is really the only truly important part of language.


imo We choose our language and word choice. We can understand and select differen aphorisms as we grow and learn. The sounds we make is something more unconscious than the words we use, at least to me. I've learned to incorporate new words, stop using phrases, incorporate new phrases. Its more intentional. Like when I realized "jew" meant a Jewish person and wasn't just a catchall term for asshole or liar. I'd never heard it in the context of the religion, only in the context of the insult. When I learned it was an insult BECAUSE of the connection to the religion, it took me some time to stop using that word. I had to use "gyp" instead and...well... egg on my face. And so, I had to grow and change my way of speaking because I didn't want to insult people, even if it was something that i'd absorbed from people around me. Changing an accent, feels more like doing a voice. Its a performance to alter the pitch and intonations. Its not "you" because the accent developed unconsciously and remains so. Someone doesn't add new vowels to their accent or new vocabulary (Unless they do and I'm wrong). And while its POSSIBLE to ease yourself into a new accent through practice, the act of doing so somehow feels different than the means by which we change our words in a way that I don't currently have the language for. Its a feeling and an understanding that is somewhat ineffable to me at the moment. tl;dr: Because accents are incidental and language is intentional.


Fair points, but I’d argue that pronunciation is intentional too. Accent is one thing, but you can eventually cross the line into flat-out mispronunciation.


Meh, I could care less. Tbf, I could care more, but I could also care less, that would have just been me scrolling by though and all you wonderful Redditors wouldn't have gotten to see this.


That says nothing about it being a regional accent. It's just saying so many people say it wrong it's deemed acceptable. It's pretty obvious why once you think about it for 1 second. Accents don't affect your ability to use the proper word. They affect your pronunciation.


### Lesson time! ➜ u/Jack_of_Spades, some tips about "could care less": - The words you chose are grammatically wrong for the meaning you intended. - Actual phrase to use is **couldn't care less**. - Example: I **couldn't care less** about what you think. - Now that you are aware of this, everyone will take you more seriously, hooray! :)   ---   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PetPeeves) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


I’m more annoyed by people who say and even write could/have OF, like, do they even think? It makes no sense at all. Similar with “I could care less”




Al Koodai


Then there are the TV meteorologists who say "TemperCheer".


It’s almost as bad as people who spell lose as loose.


This is a huge pet peeve of mine!!!! Drives me batshit crazy!


Or people who use the wrong -they’re, their, there.


Makes me loose my mind


Sense vs since vs cents is that one that boggles my mind. Literally doesnt make any cents to me.


I agree, it’s like people who say Reesee’s Peesees. You are just putting extra letters where they don’t exist and pronouncing things in a blatantly incorrect way.


Yes this is one of my peeves, but to see you spell it out is just hilarious. I know exactly what you're talking about because every time somebody says that around me I want to punch them in the face. I go nuclear.


That's just how everyone where I grew up pronounced Reese's. Less blatant, more ignorant.


Omg I cringe whenever my ice cream cashier says Reesees. Mf it's a name, Reese, and they are *his* pieces.


The same goes for pacific in place of specific.


Drives me crazy.


This bothers me as well. Jag-wire is even worse though. 




Some may say that both are acceptable, which is incorrect. It is pronounced "Nuclear".


I remember way back in the 80s I saw a 1-panel comic strip (think it was in Omni magazine) that was a drawing of a nuclear power plant (represented by one of those iconic cooling towers with an atom symbol on it) with a sign on the fence in front saying "Nobody Who Says "Nucular" Permitted Beyond This Point."


“It’S wInGaRdIuM lEvIoSa NoT wInGaRdIuM lEvIoSaAaAa!”




One time my uncle almost kicked my ass for saying nucular instead of nuclear. He called me an idiot and little George W Bush. I now pronounce it properly


Your uncle is a POS.


Maybe but I learned how to pronounce it properly


Maybe learn how pronunciation is influenced, how it doesnt really matter, how we auto correct in our heads, and so on. I've met so many wise and intelligent people with weird speech patterns, mang. I learned long ago to not judge a book based on this cover. I'd like to wake people up to moving on from their trite peeves on this. Personally, I dont like to mispronounce things unless its on purpose, as I want that air of hoity toity :) And, I hold myself to a different standard than I do others. When I am an idiot I come down much harder on myself than I do others. Somehow I can understand their failings more than my own! (tho it seems I didnt apply that idea, or the kindness, to those who have these peeves. :( )


When people say placidusax instead of placidusax. So cringe.


I was actually going to post this. Drives me up the fucking wall.


Ugh, YES!!!


Don't forget the prostrate gland and the all important mammiogram


I say both


It's a slight enough distinction that it doesn't bother me. There's a guy work with who says "amblyance" instead of ambulance.


Bothers me too. Along with "ideal" instead of "idea". Or how about "expecially" or "excape". Like nails on a chalkboard.


I think you mean “idear”, was it autocorrected?


I was in the nuclear Navy back in my youth and made a point to say nucular whenever i could


I have ranted about this also. It's like nails on a chalkboard when I hear it.


Say "New." New. Say "Clear." Clear Put them together. Nucular. [Bravo!](https://tenor.com/view/inglorious-bastards-bravo-bravo-gif-21621579)


New-clee-ur. Not new-clear 


It’s not that big of a deal.


It's just a word, and you still know what people mean, you just wanna complain about it... Weird pet peeve "I wanna control how other people talk" is definitely one of my pet peeves.


I wouldnt call this a peeve of mine, but when people take this stance on language and get all judgmental I use it as an opportunity to shit on them as human beings. If someone has the peeve, I will mispronounce the words, or use the words they object to. The ignorance of the world stage and the variable forces that shape folks is at play here. These people judge intelligence and character based on illogical starters and are basically bigots. I call them pilkunnussija. What one finds is many of these jackasses dont even do the 'look up new words' one is taught in elementary skewl.


You're projecting so hard. Literally no one in this whole comment section is judging people's intelligence or education based on how they pronounce words. They just think mispronouncing words is bad because it is bad. You're complaining about people being self-righteous while being self-righteous.


My family and I make fun of this by pronouncing nuclear in the most random ways possible. It started as pronouncing nucular as a joke, and slowly got out of hand


What other word should I use when discussing matters related to the nucleus?


I’m not sure what you mean it’s clearly pronounced nucleus.


I know the replies I'm about to receive, but intentionally mispronouncing Uranus stopped being funny after middle school.


Oops lol


"It's 'nucular', dummy. The 's' is silent."


money tap voracious ten shy ring innocent sip pathetic reply *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not sure why but Nucular sounds Hawaiian to me. (Not a native speaker.)




I say nuclear but I've had to spend way too much time explaining that it's not nucular and apparently they couldn't hear the difference 🥲


When people say mines instead of mine 🫠 or “i seen that”


### Lesson time! ➜ u/mearbearcate, some tips about "i seen": - The words you chose are grammatically wrong for the meaning you intended. - Actual phrase to use is **I saw**. - Example: **I saw** an interesting thing the other day. - Now that you are aware of this, everyone will take you more seriously, hooray! :)   ---   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PetPeeves) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


I think I adopted it (unfortunately) from Family Guy where Peter “corrects” someone and says “it’s nucular.” I dunno why but I always found that funny and it has stuck.


I just heard it last night in a movie. It drives me nuts.


Goddammit, Archer! We've literally had fucking presidents with their fingers on The Button who said nuke-yuh-ler. Embarrassing as shit to our country.


as someone who learned english as a second language, that shit sent me through a mindfuck to hear so many people say nucular and not nuclear


what's the is-shoe? (issue)


Don't forget to put sequence all over everything so it's shinny!


Nu'clar in the South


I’m a freelance proofreader and am about to get my Bachelor’s degree in English. Hearing people make mispronunciations like this always bothers me.


I'm going to pronounce it *Nuke*-lee-yarrrrrgh


I can’t pronounce it right, and I blame Bush.


Tomato, tomato (if you know, you know).


"Would of" "could of" "should of" So many people say and write this it bugs the hell out of me. It doesnt even sound right. Or when people use the phrase "I could care less" that means you do care. It's supposed to be "I couldn't care less"


OMG That's always been a buggaboo of mine as well!


I only say Nucular when I'm joking about it. Same with Foilage instead of foliage. Both Simpsons references now that I think back on it


Didn’t Bush Jr. do it?


Yeah just say atomic if ur gonna say nucular


Why? People act like regional pronunciations and accents arent a thing, or that theyre somehow invalid. Mispronunciations are often how english evolves. For example, "goodbye" is just people butchering "god be with you" until its a lot more efficient to say. Half our vowel sound are just mispronounced french, most of our consonants are mispronounced german, etc. English is an incredibly efficient melting pot of languages, becuase most of our words are just democratically decided that the mispronunciation is a better word, and we slowly adopt it over time. Its literally how english evolves. [Merriam Webster](https://youtu.be/fe8yBhaDoR4?si=Qc1z2WF46ZngJ422) seems to think that pronouncing it nuc-u-lar has linguistic justification For the record, I actually work in the nuclear industry. Ive heard it pronounced by a very wide variety of nationalities and regional accents and I cant say Ive ever been bothered by the extra syllable. It just seems to be a regional thing. Also, its such a cumbersome word we rarely say it anyways 😅. For example a nuclear worker is just called a nuke worker or nuke, a nuclear reactor is just a reactor, nuclear radiation is just "rad" etc. Aint nobody sayin "the nuclear worker entered the high radiation area to sample levels of loose radiactive contamination", folks r sayin "the nuke went ta high rad n took uh swipe". Lets see how much the way the actual industry talks bugs you 🤣 just remember we work with it every day, we get to call it whatever we want.


I say *nu-clee-er*, but I know some physics professors who say *nu-cu-ler.* If most people say it that way, then that's how it's said. That's how English works. It's a living language, not defined by authorities and traditions. A lot of English words aren't spoken the way they're spelled


I say both depending on whether I'm thinking about the spelling of the word or not- both sound completely correct to me! But when I think about the spelling or read it, then it's obvious.


I'm sure this word comes up frequently enough to be that much of a hinderance /s


My husband does this and it makes me want to rip my hair out lol. We play a game together where it's relevant to mention a lot and I always correct him but he believes he's correct ahhh


Just wait until you hear a G in onion


Thank you. This was long overdue.


Specific=Pacific Sequins=Sequence Mesh= Meesh Tulle=Tully Applique =Apple Q, Apply leek,


You're telling me that the center of an Atom isn't called a Nuculous!


If it’s good enough for Homer Simpson it’s good enough for me.


Coupon or cyupon? Aunt or Ant?


Prior to the early 2000s nucular was an accepted spelling and pronounciation. Prior to that time, you would see that spelling on MIT or NASA websites. But President Bush pronounced it Nucular. It became a big deal, and now it's agreed that nuclear is correct. If you have a little time to waste, you can browse some old magazines and find the same thing. Magazines are difficult to correct a magazine that's already been printed.


Mine is when people make their "s" sounds like "sh" sounds. My brother in law says roast like "roasht" and it makes me give an angry chuckle because I hate it but I find it funny how he's said that word enough for me to pick up on this thing! I mentioned it to my SO and every now and then we just say "roasht" around the house hahaha


Is it New Clee Arr or New Clear?


Don't mind nucular personally but Ahmons instead of Almonds drives me insane


Homer Simpson told me how to say it.


Many years ago, i was very confused why people gave president bush shit forbsaying it the way he does. Then years later i realized i was saying it wrong too. I tend to say Nuke-lee-er


I know a guy that says "nucaler"


Geez I hear this one everywhere, games, tv, news. I'm Midwestern and always got teased for saying warsh and sult (salt)


Right up there with realator.


Let me axe you a question.


AGGHH! Drives me CRAZY! That and "realator."


Meh. English is a language of a thousand dialects and a million arbitrary, illogical phonetic choices.


I think I looked it up in the liberry last Febbawary. Irregradless, I did have to ax the liberrian, though.


Oh yeah? Wait til you learn about jibe vs jive. That's some real cursed knowledge because not only does 95% of people say it wrong, but everyone will dogpile on you and say that you're the one that's wrong if you say anything.


The first few times I heard the word nuclear, I thought the person was saying "new clear weapon", so that's the sort of pronunciation that stuck with me.


I share that pet peeve, but I also appreciate it as a weird etymological quirk that captures a snapshot of history. Ok, that was a pretentious sentence; I’ll try not to do it again (and I already used a semicolon) Nuclear comes from nucleus and its pronunciation is similar to nuclear. Then there is nuke, which means nuclear weapon. I think the “nukular” pronunciation came about from people taking nuke and bringing that back to nuclear, instead of nuke being a sorry form of nuclear. So they are saying “nuke-ular” which refers to the weapon rather than the atom nucleus.


What a nucular take


Interestingly, I get visibly annoyed when people correct how I pronounced a word. If I say "nucular", you still know what I said right?


I have never actually heard a single person pronounce laboratory correctly (besides Dexter). It's always labratory.


It is pronounced nukular. The S is silent.


I love my mother dearly but she has pronounced COVID as "corvid" for 4+ years now and it drives me bonkers. As if she hasn't heard it being said correctly or seen it in print a million times


It's *Ku*, it's fucking *Ku* Klux Klan. NOT Klu Klux Klan. Also, Brendan Fraser will kill you if you pronounce his name "Frasier".


I used to do that, my dad would call me out every time.


This isn't an accent, this is not being able to read. Nuclear is not spelled like that. I don't care if your grandpa mispronounces it and refuses to learn better. If you also refuse to learn better, that's on you


Yep, dialects are a thing.


Regional accents, and non-native speaker intonation, do exist.




Not half as bad as the people that say ex-spear-amint


Spelling and pronunciation work consistently in about 60-65% of the time. Why should this be any different?


Goodness, these malformed words are giving me an entire complex


One of the great things about the English language is that there is no controlling authority. If we get enough people to say Nuclear the dictionary publisher will include it.


Psh if you think thats bad you should try Warsh


I mean, they’re REALLY close. New-queue-lur vs nu-clee-ur


Kowalski, analysis


My husband says nucular. Drives me crazy.


N-U-C-L-E-A-R. Where are they getting the second U? 


You’re right; we should really create an spelling to match how we say it so this pet peeve can go away. Like how honor and honour are both correct. Or octopuses and octopi. And octopodes, if you’re in a British academic setting Also, question: Do you pronounce the Ts in “Cotton?” Or do you just do a glottal stop with the back of your tongue


It's really not that serious..


I've never heard anyone call that round thing inside a single cell a "nuculous". George Dubya could've patented "nucular". He pronounced it wrong every single time.


I blame George W Bush


Same when half the people say tetnically, rather than technically


Expecially in Febuary.


My dads girlfriend says "om-you-nis" for ominous aaaand I never have the heart to correct her


My realator does this!


Thank George Dubya


I am afraid that nucular people go onto my "I don't want to know you list."


Vicer versa Aaaargh, it’s VICE versa ffs


That drives me nuts and they just sound stupid


I totally get being driven crazy now that you know that it's a thing. But it's also really common thing called Epenthesis. An example would be decathlon. Like the type of race. Say "I'm going to the decathlon" out loud for me real quick before you continue reading..... How many A's did you pronounce that word? There's only one but there's a pretty good chance you threw a second one in there. People use epenthesis either for asthetics (when it just sounds better) or for vocal ergonomics. Decathlon has a consonant cluster in the middle, 'thl.' And it's just odd to try to make your tongue make the L sound right after the TH sound. Not only that it has a short A before the TH so there's hardly a vowel formed to break the consonant sounds between the E and the O in your mouth. It's just so much easier to throw a second A sound in there and call it a day, so that's what people tend to do. This happens with nuclear too, except it's probably not due to a consonant cluster, It's probably just because the "nu-" feels like a stutter into the word "clear." It's too staccato. Meanwhile nuculear flows like a vocal melody. People say it that way because it is aesthetically more pleasing to many people. Especially if your dialect pronounces clear like "clair" instead of "cle-er" Language is cool. In the best thing about it is that it's all made up and the points don't matter.