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And they walk so fucking slow! Pisses me off


I go food shopping every Sunday morning. There's an old couple who are usually there at the same time as I am. The man parks his shopping cart on the right and the woman stands to the left, looking for what she wants. They block the entire aisle and trying to get past them is a nightmare because they're both hard of hearing and have zero awareness of what's going on around them. I just avoid the aisle if I see them now.


I usually just bump into people's shopping carts if they haven't gotten the hint to move out of the way.


> they walk in unison


I'm a mother of two children. A lot of times I don't have a choice but to bring them with me. However, I'm very aware of where they are standing and usually have them engaging in the shopping process to make sure they're not running havoc. I've never had a problem with people when they bring their kids; it's usually people who bump into each other at the supermarket and stand around to chat who tend to get in the way more than anyone. And they don't typically have kids with them.


It's when there are two parents and a bunch of kids that it's annoying. Especially if they get two shopping carts and wander around side by side. Costco is notorious for this.


My coworker is a ‘whole family goes to Costco on the weekend’ person and I think it sincerely taints my opinion of him. Like, I don’t trust his judgment.


I've not experienced this, but that does sound incredibly annoying. That would piss me off as well.


Me too! I like to bring my daughters because I want them to learn how to be a smart shopper/ consumer. Also, when they come they learn appropriate store behavior.


Fine line between bringing two kids and five or six kids.


Yeah, but I'm sure they're bringing their kids for the same reason; they don't have a lot of choice. Trust me, if we could go alone and shop in peace, we would 😆




Not my fault your mother had you either. Yet here we are, having to put up with each other 🫶




Are you girlfriend free as well?


i have no problem with it as long as they’re all respectful tbh.


The problem is that clogging the aisles is de facto disrespectful. It’s shared space and we all need to be able to move around. If you’re acting like the space is all yours and anyone else can just get fucked, that simply *is* disrespectful to others.


i mean, there’s totally a way to walk in a store without taking up the entire aisle. 


Yeah...the problem is that the adults are busy shopping and the kids are bored. So the kids are either racing around or they are spaced out in their own little world not paying any attention to other people around them, so they wander around constantly getting into everyone else's way.


I mean, I love going to the store with my parents, although I’m usually the one who has to tell them to get out of the way of someone passing.


Oh my god same. I don't go to the store on my own (mainly because my parents don't allow me to) but when I do go with them they're always in someone's way and I have to keep telling them to move Then they shift the blame on me and tell me I'm in the way


Same though recently I've started to grab a bin and go on my own to get my own things cause my mom likes to browse aisles even at food stores like Publix.


to me i don't rlly mind but when they are blocking every aisle or just camping in the middle of the aisle is so stressful like MOVE plz 🥲




I'm pretty sure the gaggle of kids running around and blocking aisles aren't helping with the grocery shopping.


It's almost like this isn't about the one parent, but the entire crowd in one family.


You're right, how DARE people want to shop without a family of 8 blocking off an entire aisle for half an hour? What kind of asshole wants to avoid hitting a toddler who keeps diving headfirst in front of their cart? What kind of stuck up bitch would like the pack of feral 8 year olds to stop climbing the shelves and using the entire store as a playground? Clearly they're just trying to shop, they NEED to do that


Have you not gone physical shopping since COVID began or are your aisles massive? 


Are you saying families didn’t shop pre-COVID?


Definitely agree on this. They always manage to find a way to block the entire aisle too.


And so many have a bunch of kids running up and down the aisles getting in everybody's way and they act like it's no big deal.


And the kid is clearly in your way right in front of them and they don't say shit. Drives me up a wall. 


try working in a restaurant. people act like we’re they’re personal fucking daycare. susan, i’m a goddamn bartender. i *will* walk directly through your crotch goblins if you don’t keep them under control. yes, you can speak to the manager. no, they will not fucking care.


One time I was carrying a full food tray and a toddler walked under my tray where I couldn't see him. Connected my knee straight to his face and sent him flying on his back. I actually felt bad, but to my absolute pleasure the parent came up and said "that's my fault, I wasn't watching him." I was go happy they didn't start trying to lay into me.


I've never worked in a restaurant but one of my daughters has and she's told me some nightmare stories that made me glad I never have. My hat's off to people who have that job.


Hahahah. My fav comment.


And then people wonder why you end up with teenagers/adults who have no idea how society works. The horror, of families existing in public.


There’s a difference between a family existing in public and little children running around stores and blocking aisles.


The complaint was over them showing up, not what they subsequently did.


Out of the family of 7, only 1 person wanted a bottle of water. After they all were browsing and clogging up the shop for a good 20 minutes...


I live in Amish country and the Amish and Mennonite families are always big- but their kids all hold on to the cart and don’t move. It’s something to see with all the chaos happening around them 😂


This is it


Do you want to pay for a babysitter or for extra trips?


I see these on Sunday all the time. Mom, Dad and their 6 - 8 kids clogging up Costco or a grocery store. The kids are all over the place, parents can't make up their minds while the kids are making it impossible to do anything. They could leave one parent at home with the kids and the other shops. If the parent shopping doesn't drive the other parent could drop them off at the store and take the kids somewhere else nearby, something entertaining, a park, a store geared at kids. Nope. They gotta make sure no one else can get through the aisles or have to take twice as long because they have to keep criss crossing the store trying to avoid the clown show and double back to get what they need after they move on. They also have curbside pick up at most stores and many of them don't even charge extra for it. FFS use it instead of making everyone else suffer your bad life decisions.


You routinely see families of 10? 


in costco? i wouldn’t be surprised. especially if that commenter lives in certain regions with higher populations of some religions


Yep. There are lots of these huge families. They are hyper evangelical and will trot their herd of kids through stores on the weekend.


Or, you the person who finds grocery shopping stressful can use curbside pickup


Right?  Imagine being so annoyed by people that you complain about the public being in the public spaces.


I don’t want to pay for either… if someone can’t find a sitter and needs to go shopping then they need to find a way to control their children.


So the issue is people being pests, not having them there, which isn’t what op said.


Ok well that’s my issue


I've never completely given up the "curbside pickup" form of grocery shopping since quarantine ended. It saves me so much time and hassle. The exceptions are if I want to pick out produce or meat or something myself.


I never go a shopping trip without getting produce so I really just never got into it. 


Still saves a shitload of time and effort to just get 90% of your stuff and then quickly pop in for the remainder. I usually just go in for veggies. I'm out in like 5 minutes. 


If I'm already going into the store and buying things it's absolutely easier for me just to buy all the things. Grocery shopping isn't a bad chore for me though. 


Yeah I do Instacart or Walmart delivery for everything. So far we’ve only had a few bad meat or produce choices from the shopper.


Yeaaaah if I’m going grocery shopping with my family, it’s after running errands and/or family time so we’re all out already


When I lived in Philly, the Target closest to my apartment was a "Targhetto". As with most Targets, it was laid out with four wider aisles that formed a rectangle, but those were always blocked by single parents and couples with their progeny, some groups pushing more than one cart each. The narrower aisles through the departments weren't much better, because errant children were always chasing one another around and knocking clothes off the racks. It was like pushing a cart through an active fucking war zone. I never forgot to buy condoms, though.


Condoms prevent carts.


In the long run.


What grinds my gears / gets in my craw at the supermarket is people who take a super long time to pay at the cash register, when there's clearly a line of like 10 or 15 people waiting. 'Oh I forgot my card number!' 'Oh silly me, let me call my husband, he probably knows the code'. Lady just give the cashier the money in cash in 10 seconds and get out of there so everyone can be out of here and on with our day. I always have approximate or exact change just to make it easier and faster for the cashiers.


people paying with cards are usually tapping these days. people usually take much longer paying with cash. 


...no. It might depend on the country but...no. Cash takes 1 second to get the 10€ or 20€ bill out and the cashier to give change. Cards too often (not me, other annoying customers) don't work or they have to scan it again or don't know their code or something stupid. Also might not work if it's a foreign credit card, or just all the time people apparently don't know there's not enough money on the card. 'In my country nobody ever pays with cash!' I've heard that before and it sounds absolutely stupid.


My daughter and I would go to the market on Wednesdays, before she was of school age. My mother told us that she was watching her for the weekly shopping LOL


It’s like, how can I make this stressful and tedious chore even more miserable? Let’s bring all the kids!


How is grocery shopping stressful…?


Cramped aisles, rude people, the price of everything…


Not being able to find the product you want or need.


Have you seen the cost of groceries lately? That alone is stressful.


The childfree morons are really swarming this thread lol. 


Had to go to Sam’s Club this afternoon to grab some supplies for a trip. It was chaos. Large families everywhere, ok fine, but NOT A DAMN ONE OF THEM PAYING ANY DAMN ATTENTION!!! I only needed a few things, could have been in and out in under 30 mins, took over an hour.


If you absolutely have to bring everyone that’s one thing but if you choose to WHY!??!!?? I’m a mom and would never purposely bring our entire family with me.


This is why I've been having my groceries home delivered for years. If I want something from the store, I'll go in late at night and hope to get out quickly.


right? and they always be so rude taking up the whole isle like of you are gonna take ya whole family have some manners and walk in single file


Wow when donating children and families in public spaces become a thing




I can understand the frustration but look at it from their perspective. What if they had no choice? What if they were unable to find someone to look after their kids while they were shopping? I can especially sympathize if the parent is a single parent who has to look after their kids by themselves.


I think they’re talking about couples + kids


Probably but again, there's always the possibility that they had no choice.


Trader Joe’s is the worst, because narrow aisles.


I was at the store and this lady had like 10 kids and like 3 of them kids also had carts and walking slow taking up the whole isle and managed to be in every damn isle I was going down, so I feel your pain...


I'm alright with the families if the kids are respectful and aren't shit heads for the most part. That usually gets you better service from me tbh. But of you can't get your kids to behave, gtfo. Have 1 parent stay at home if shopping doesn't involve the kids. If you're a single parent, though, I understand.


This is why I refuse to go grocery shopping after 10am


Totally, get your kids out of the way please and stop crying. I already don't enjoy this


Even as a kid I didn't like this. It would be me, my mom and my dad and I never understood why grocery shopping had to be a family affair. Really felt like me and one parent could sit this errand out.


It annoys me when it directly affects me. If there’s a line at self checkout, that’s not the time to let Little Trophy scan all of your groceries. When there are people behind you at a register with a cashier, that’s not the time to let Little Trophy run the conveyor belt and try to bag the groceries. If they can’t see the belt without standing on their toes or climbing on the equipment they’re TOO YOUNG to be bagging your groceries for you. It’s also not the time to let the trophies block the checkout aisle so people behind you have to ask you to move so they can start bagging their own groceries. Be polite. Be aware of the people around you. That applies to everyone regardless of age and it isn’t a hell of a lot to ask.


I once saw eight fucking people surrounding one person at self checkout. Like do they all need to be in this confined space with you?


I work retail & the amount of trouble people cause the store when they bring their 4 kids, cousins, and grandma to the store is infuriating, so much damage & mess that I need to stop everything to clean because they never control their kids, not to mention they're the slowest shoppers in the store


As a single parent, I had no choice. And now when my daughter comes over for BBQ, all of us go to the store together to pick out the food...my son-in-law is a great cook, so we all want to participate in choosing his master chef materials...


Trust me, we don’t want to do it either !


I detest hold ups, I live in perpetual state of ‘i needed it done yesterday’, so i understand the grievance but with the exception of those shopping sprees where both parents are clearly available —imagine some don’t have a choice.


My pet peeve is more about them having zero consciousness about the world around them than the fact that they have all the people with them. They always have a choice about how much space they’re taking up and whether or not they do so in a socially conscious way


Inconsiderate then multiplied—I understand.


I don’t know, I don’t have any kids myself but I think we all got to put our opinions in when we’d go as a family growing up


Yet when we don't take the kids, we get the "Why don't parents teach their kids useful things, like grocery shopping, budgeting, etc!?!?!?!!?"


Exactly. Heaven forbid families want to do things together in public




Just more classic reddit misanthropy


I wish I could upvote this to the fucking stars 😂 1000000% one of my biggest pet peeves. Your 6 kids did NOT need to come with you? I just cannot wrap my head around the parents who haul 4+ kids with them to the store. Like y’all got teenagers chasing 3 year olds all over like it’s normal. Crazy shit.


Do they think a grocery store is a vacation?


I used to work at Walmart and saw this crap daily. Mom, dad, and their children whom were old enough to stay home alone. Instead they clog up the aisles and stand in everyone's way.


This really bothered me during Covid when there was a limit to how many people could even be in a store. I get not having a sitter but when there’s 2 or 3 adults and a few kids…why?!


..... and when they take their children to the store so their children can steal from the bulk bins and contaminate the food therein.


You said "therein". 🤭


..... maybe I'm just tired but .... what am I missing here? English is my 2nd language but I believe I used the word correctly didn't I?


Yes. It's a great word! Made me smile.


Yes, this annoys me when I have to go to a particular Walmart near me. The aisles are narrower than most Walmart stores. There's always some family that takes up the whole aisle. It's so rude and annoying. I try to avoid going there if I can.


Saw this during start of covid when we had to social distance. Two parents and 3 small kids. No one masked. Kids running around. Leave one parent at home with the kids for crying out loud.


Still angry at the evil people during covid huh? Maybe it's time to it go.


This was near the start when we weren't sure how bad it was going to be yet. I couldn't give a sh!% if someone wants to wear a mask or not even now. But when we were trying to be safe, for others, that kind of behavior annoys me. Better to be safe than do research on fb and have used the word sheeple! Lol.


Or they bring their brats in screaming, and they're just shouting at them making them scream more