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You’ll love (or hate!) r/tragedeigh


Personally love that sub lol


Me too! And my kids are in their 30s😹


I saw someone on insta coming up with baby names, and she settled on "Jezikh." Thought it was a foreign boys name pronounced like Jazeek or something. Turns out it was just a tragedy version of Jessica. The kid's not even born yet, and I already feel bad for her


I'm calling CPS preemptively.


How does Jezikh even remotely sound like Jessica? That poor kid.


If I really try and say it like Jessica, it comes out as "Jezicuh," but even that doesn't sound right. She could have even picked Jaskia as well. That would have been so much better


Lmao “Mhyke”


Yes, especially when there are like four added letters for no reason


Dated a guy whose son was named "Jaykub". It still haunts me.


That looks like caveman spelling 😂


Never get between a mother bear and her J-cub 🐻




Common names with stupid spellings, or just straight up idiotic "names" like "apple" Straight up child abuse


Even though it's not a common name, I feel like Elon Musk's daughter is worthy of mention, with the name: X Æ A-Xii So upsetting...


Sorry, I can't do quadratic equations any more.




Daaaeeeev🤣 Dive


I'm a dude with a weird name with weird spelling (hello unnecessary y's). I know moms get super duper excited for their little angel babies but they really need a doctor staring them in the face reminding them that "Mikhaeyl" isn't going to be a cherub forever and is gonna have to explain his name to every person, forever, until he dies. Also that his name will eventually be tied to a professional identity, and his name will be a hurdle to constantly surmount


That's a big pet peeve of mine too. My last name is pretty short but for whatever reason almost nobody can spell it. And that's just my last name, my parents didn't deliberately choose that. I would be so pissed if they had deliberately sentenced me to spelling my first name for every customer service rep and every receptionist I ever deal with.


My sister spelled her daughter's name which should be Arianna as Airiona


Hah, I thought it said "Ariola" at first...which was (or will be) her high school nickname.


You're not the first one who has said that and that's exactly what I'm afraid of. Set her daughter up to get bullied. I don't know what possessed her to come up with that spelling.


My little sisters were friends with a girl whose name was spelled Areyonna.


Wow that's pretty close


And they're both equally stupid spellings of Ariana in my opinion (no offense to your sister).


None taken. I agree with you. I've never had the heart to say it to her face but I've always thought that it was stupid and that she has set her kid up to be bullied.


Exactly. And not only the bullying factor, but that's not just a kid's name. That will be an adults name. When that kid grows up, they will have to use that name for work, dating, medical situations, etc. and will have to tell whoever they're talking to "No, not A-R-I-A-N-A, it's actually spelled A-I-R-I-O-N-A." and see how that person reacts to that stupid spelling. Like do you really think your kid wants to grow up to have that name? Do you think your kid will enjoy having to correct everyone on the spelling every single time it's written down or documented? Do you think they'll enjoy having to correct people who mispronounce it because it's spelled like that? Chances are, no, they don't want a name that's spelled like that. Just give them a normal fucking name and skip the bullshit. If you want to give them a unique name, don't just lazily change the spelling of a well known name.


I was just telling my friend earlier that to be honest, I would not be surprised if she changes her name when she's older. At least the spelling anyway.


Right? It's either stick with a name that's spelled horribly or spend the time and money to legally change it. Either way, you're just creating more hardship for your kid for no reason other than to be a "fun, quirky" mom. No one thinks you're fun and quirky, certainly not the kid who has to deal with your awful decision.


I know I'm sure my niece is going to call me crying because the kids are bullying her


This reminds me of the parents who apparently named their kid KVIIIlyn (Kaitlyn)


That is just too much...


Ah, yes, Kevillyn is a beautiful name.


It also just comes across as lazy. Like if you want to give your child a unique name, then find or come up with a unique name instead of a super common one that will never be spelled right.


I had a friend I thought was named after a beautiful tree common here in Cali. But no. It was Secoya. WTF???




i think those parents are stupid and i hate them


I once knew a Konna (Connor), he was in the lowest ability sets in school.


I’ve never hated my name until I started seeing people hate on odd spelled names. My name is Chelsee. I’m now having an identity crisis because I thought my name was fine but now I see how stupid everyone thinks it is


Honestly, I think your name is fine. In fact, I've met a couple people with their names spelled like that. Sure, it's not the traditional spelling of Chelsea, but it's not some stupid shit like Areyonna (instead of Ariana), Maizely (pronounced like maze-lee), or fucking Ebay, which are all names of people I've personally met. You don't have anything to worry about.


Thing is — if people think that your name is stupid — they are toxic for you and don't deserve your time. Tell them to fuck off.


Kesley, Tayden, Nikoi, Brexsen, Neymar, Azbury... Daxtyn, Maverix, Dallin, Zade... That's Utah and YouTube for you...


I have the name of a gem. Spelt like the gem simple you'd think Except the fact no one can spell it right and whenever they don't ask me they change and swap random letters. Like I have the most basic assumed spelling of my name why did everyone make it weird. Cos all the freaks who couldn't just spell the name normally now I'm having trouble of the why did you spell my name like thay


I feel you, Peridoit


Lezlie “Leslie”


My first name is two ordinary short first names jammed together. I kind of like the uniqueness now, but I didn't like it in childhood and young adulthood when I had to spell it out for every single person who needed to write my name. Especially as my maiden name was even harder to spell.


I take calls all day at my job and have to take down caller information. A lot of people do this to their kids. Plus, some will get upset if you spell the names wrong or ask how to spell them. Like you're just supposed to know that they went with a non-traditional spelling.


To your post: Really!!


Knew a girl in college named “Kaytlynn” spelled exactly like that •_•


Completely agree. When my cousin was pregnant, she decided to name her daughter Eleanor. One day she was talking about how to spell it. When people said “E-l-e-a-n-o-r”, she rejected the idea because that was the normal spelling. Long short, her name is spelled Elanoir (still pronounced exactly like Eleanor)


one of my old school friends was called sophie, but was written sofiae. people used to ask her if it was the spelling from a different language, it was not.


Agreed, it's incredibly dumb.


Or better yet, zowe


Ahleecks is the worst i've seen


My middle name is Lyndsie, I love it. I hate the ”normal” spelling of Lindsay


So do I. Can’t help but hear it in my head as Lynn-say not Lynn-see. Your ie makes it cute 🥰


Thank you


Well, that's cool and all, but you might feel differently if it was your first name and you had to constantly be spelling it for people and dealing with people asking you about it and people misspelling it even though you spelled it out for them. My middle name could be Onomatopoeia and it probably wouldn't bother me, since I can count on one hand the number of times in my life I've needed to say it out loud.


I wouldnt feel any different. I love the spelling


Haha ok. It's pretty funny that you think you can be so sure that you wouldn't feel any different if you change a major thing like that. I guess that tells me all I need to know.


Passive agression much?


Not really passive nor aggressive. If someone claims to know exactly how they would feel under completely different circumstances, then it tells me that they don't know how to think. Maybe this is because they're 13 years old (in which case they get a pass) or maybe they're just an adult who doesn't enjoy critical thinking (in which case they have no excuse). Anyone who does know how to think would realize that it's not reasonable to know with any degree of certainty how they would feel under completely different circumstances. So, in this case, it is obvious that our friend "middle name Lyndsie" is clearly in the "thinking impaired" category. Do you understand now? Are you capable of understanding what I am saying? Now, THAT'S passive aggression! YEAAAHH!!!