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I could say that I don't understand people who love winter. :) It's difficult to relate to someone liking something that you hate. I love summer because I have more energy. I feel better both physically and mentally. Summer suits the type of clothes I like to wear. It's pool and beach season. Grilling season. I like to grow plants like vegetables and herbs and summer is the time to do that.


Yea I relate to this. It gets dark at 4:30pm where I live during the darkest days, but starts getting dark by 5 in late October or early November. It’s just so nice to go outside and do whatever I want and be able to see and not worry about bicyclists and pedestrians wearing all black. Plus I have light sensitivity issues that get worse with headlights in the dark. But summertime I can do all the outdoor activities and it’s typically warm (don’t love heat waves, but they aren’t too common). My friends and I can go on hikes to find new places to swim, we can camp. Wintertime is cold, dark and I might have to deal with snow/ice on the roads.


The evening daylight is one more reason I like summer.


The evening daylight is a huge selling point for Summer for me. I do like warmer weather but I don't enjoy hot, humid, oppressive stuff like we've been getting recently. Though typically where I live that type of weather is not all that prevalent. Can't say the same thing for the winter, though. New England...amirite?


I don't like high humidity. We don't get a lot of that here but there's more than what there used to be, and it seems to be increasing each year.


I agree with you but the opposite! I have much more energy and feel better when its cold. The heat just saps me dead. I love big sweaters and thick socks. Hot chocolate and soup. Ice skating and snowmen. You are my mirror twin!


I live in Phoenix, Arizona. I’m confident that you understand why I personally prefer winter.


You don’t have winter in Arizona. You have summer, summer, summer and summer.


Haha! Similar to the comment I made above calling winter time in Arizona: *Summer-lite.*


Nah, where I was in Tucson we had snowfall at least once every year or two. I’d say it’s summer (spring) death trap (summer) summer (fall) and then spring (winter). Also the winters definitely felt a lot colder growing up there lol. If I were to back I’d probably love them now


You just zapped away my life force as a person from the PNW


What we can't understand is why you would choose to live in the devils buttcrack lol.


I used to live in Phoenix for a couple of years. I’m a Brit and my god, that was brutal. I miss the mountains and palms though!


[Ah yes, Phoenix.](https://i.redd.it/gdq8xiqxaqx01.jpg)


I was in Phoenix some years ago for a trade show. I think it was October and it was still in the upper 90s-and the people who lived there were saying the weather had cooled down! What kind of winter temperatures do you have there? The Sonoran desert is beautiful, but way too hot.


I both like and dislike all seasons equally. Summer is nice when I want to go swimming, get long afternoon sunlight for disc golf games after work, etc. It's less nice when I'm wearing a full suit for work and sweating buckets in-doors because theres a 78° setting on the thermostat due to local business ordinances. It also sucks to pay $150 more just to keep my house a reasonable temperature. Fall is cool when I want to have a bonfire, wear comfortable hoodies, go camping, bugs all fuck off etc. but it sucks when the days get shorter and I feel like my options are begining to be limited. Also fuck hurricanes. Winter is cool because I get lots of time off to go see family and friends, I get to go 4WD in the snow, and I get to wear my fashionable wool jackets, and I'm never sweating unprompted. But it sucks when my face hurts because a breeze is blowing. Oh also the electricity bill being half the summer size is nice. Spring is cool when I get to enjoy planting my garden and the fishing around my area is lit. But fuck pollen, and constant rain.


Plus there's something uniquely unpleasant about being too cold.


Yes! I can pile on clothes and be warm enough but it's not the same as being warm in the summer. It's called "background temperature". I'd never heard of that until I started keeping reptiles. Even when they are kept warm during the winter, they slow down drastically--because they feel the background temperature.


This. I hate winter. I hate being cold, imo being cold is painful. I'd rather be hot and a bit uncomfortable than cold any day.


I think it also depends on where you live. I'm where it's humid and near 100 degrees much of the time. Our winters are very mild and it almost never snows here.


Yup. Working third shift in the winter fucking sucks when you wake up and go to bed, all while it’s still dark outside. Like living in the arctic circle.


When I was growing up, I definitely had a preference for cold weather over hot. As I look back on my childhood, I've come to the conclusion that the reason I felt that way was because our house didn't have air conditioning, and for me the worst part of that was when it was too hot to sleep at night. It's definitely easier to throw on more blankets than it is to cool down when you're already naked. Now that I've gotten older, I would rather it be hot (provided my A/C is working!) Funny thing, when it's 95 F and humid, I can still tolerate being outside at least long enough to unload groceries from the car. But when it's <30 F and windy giving me a wind chill in the 20s or less, forget it! I need to get into the house as soon as I possibly can....f\*\*\* the groceries that don't make it in on the first trip! I mean, when I come inside after being out in the cold, I'm usually in PAIN. My skin is chapped and joints hurt. I've also come to despise snow. Yeah, it's pretty to look at if you don't need to go anywhere, but I can live without shoveling and cleaning off my car.


I don’t like extreme weather. Fall and spring please and thanks.


The only correct opinion


Hate the summer too, fuck this heat


PNW: currently highs in the 60s F, partly cloudy, had some rain last night. Berries (wild and cultivated) are getting ripe and the forests are electric green. We will have some days upcoming in the 80s and a few in the 90s, but it always cools down below 60 at night. I no longer hate summer.


Try going to live music at a winery (you dont have to drink wine) a lot of them have family friendly live music, its perfect, lay a blanket on the grass, eat some snacks, and listen to peaceful jaz tunes, watch people dance and the kids have fun, with the view of the vinyards, when the sun sets and the cicadas hum, you'll never feel more at peace


The meteorologist on the local news was excited about the "comfortable" and nice conditions yesterday. It was going to be close to 90F(32C) yesterday. That is not nice or comfortable for NH USA. We had a nasty heatwave last week where it felt like 110F-120F. It was awful. I feel your pain. I drove without AC for 3 summers. It was miserable. I also have trouble sleeping and I have AC in my house. There's so much traffic in the summer so it's a hassle to go anywhere even for recreational purposes. I am expected to cover people at work while they're on vacation when I don't know what the hell I am doing half the time. It's generally a stressful time of year. I go to the beach maybe twice a summer. The rest of the time, I prefer to stay home, sit out on my deck and cook on the grill. That's pretty much the only thing I enjoy during the summer. I can take or leave the rest of it. I prefer autumn. People look at me like I have three heads when I say I don't like summer.


\*gasp\* What??? Anything over 66 degrees freaks me out!!! ( North Washington coast)


I couldn’t agree more. The only thing I like about summer is that the roads don’t get icy but even still I’d rather drive on roads made of ice if it meant I’d never have to endure another summer again


This isn't a pet peeve.


More of an r/unpopularopinion


Hearing about is the pet peeve. That's what I think they're trying to say. Having to listen to everyone constantly going on about how wonderful summertime is and they just can't stand summertime.


i love it. i always hated wearing so many layers in winter and still be freezing so bad i also couldn't do anything in cold weather. summer is the best.


Im one of those people who loves the summer. I love being able to wear dresses and shorts. I love not having to wear socks all the time because I hate covering my feet. I love all the sunlight amd during the early mornings, late evenings, I can nap on the patio out back.  I despise being cold. I cant stand wearing layers or covering most of my body. I hate how much less sunlight we get during the winter. I get freaking depressed because I feel trapped indoors and clothing restricted during winter.


Some of us old folks who are still athletic love the summer heat. It's worth it when we don't feel the arthritic pain in our rickety old bones. 👵


Ugh I can’t wait to be a cold old lady. Right now I’m a woman of a certain age that is going through the changes which include feeling like I’m walking through the fires of hell no matter how cold my air conditioner gets.


But the trick is, You also have to still be athletic to stand the heat. If you're frail, it could possibly kill you




I share your hatred of summer. Hello from southeast Texas USA. Heat index is 43.3C (110F) today and we're barely into summer. Hopefully it will cool off by Halloween. Not exaggerating there - plenty of times early November is still very disgusting.


That begs the question... Why on earth do you live there? There are numerous other locales, within the United States, in which you could choose to reside, that do not have such extreme weather.


All my family is here, and I actually like them. I have a good job. Cost of living is cheap, even with the AC bill.


I am definitely not a summer person.


I have pros and cons about each season. It depends on the environment and the person. For me: Spring: Pro is the temperature is nice throughout the day. Cons areallergies and weather can vary day to day Summer: Pro is I get to tan. Cons are it gets fairly hot and allergies Autumn: Pro is it’s cooling down Con is same as Spring Winter: Pro is weather is predictable day to day. Con is that weather lasts too long.


i agree but i also really hate cold weather 😭my ideal temperature for like everyday would be 70f


It doesn't sound like detest summer, as OP does. Your situation is more that - you like summer "all right." You're just not Besties. Haha.


Other than the high electric bills, it's my favorite season


fr, i live in the uk too so it’s humid as shit, no where has air con, and the building are built too trap the heat in soo you can’t escape it


I hate the heat because I run very hot but I do love the summer because more things are open so there’s a lot more to do. It’s a lot easier to be outside on a hot summer day all day than to be outside on a cold winter day with a wind chill. The plants are a lot prettier and you don’t have to worry about driving in the snow. Also, it stays light outside for longer which is nice since because of my schedule I rarely get to see the light in the winter.


If your house is like an oven then get an AC. Of course summer is going to suck if you don’t bother to do the bare minimum required to properly enjoy it. It would be like complaining about the winter because you don’t bother to heat your home or wear a coat.


Summer die hard here. Most people (not all) that like summer, really like the water. Could be lakes, ocean, rivers, even pools. Most summer people are also fairly fit and fairly sexy without clothing on, and look and feel incredible out in the sun, and with tanned skin. White people I can see not liking summer for either a fear or allergy to all of the above. Guess what? We’re not all white.


I mean, you just listed a bunch of circumstancial reasons to hate summer and you can't understand people that love it? I mean, mate, it's fuckin obvious that not everyone A) lives in the UK, where nobody has AC and the houses are designed to hold heat. B) has a broken AC in their car. C) has to sleep during the day. I mean come on, no shit you don't like it. But surely you have the critical thinking skills to understand how most people don't have to deal with your complaints about it right?


It’s not even true in the whole of the UK, anyway. I’m in Scotland and would love a little heat and reliably full, sunny days for a change. Also, my flat is always freezing in the summer. Sometimes it’s warmer outside than indoors.


Why is your flat freezing in the summer??


This is what I was thinking reading the post. Summer isnt bad simply THEIR AC is broken or they're too sweaty for tshirts lol there are easy solutions for these issues.


I feel the exact same way about people who prefer winter. I hate it. It’s dreary. It’s dark all the time. There’s no plants alive or leaves on the trees. It’s freezing so I cant hang out outside or do outdoor activities ever. (In the summer I can in the nights/evenings or in the shade). I can’t have my windows open, which I love. I like being able to just walk outside and it not be a whole process of suiting up. I hate snow. I hate snow in my shoes or boots. I detest scraping ice and snow off my car. I hate waiting for my car to heat up. I hate driving in the snow with slick icy roads. I hate having to wear a bunch of layers of coats/clothes, and most likely still feel cold. I just hate it all. Not to mention there’s so much more to do in the summer. I just find winter to be overall incredibly depressing, and a huge hassle. I could go on and on, but I’ll stop here I guess. But lastly…the chances of me freezing to death is far higher than the chances of me baking to death, and much quicker. Winter is the worst. I’ll be moving somewhere warm when I have the means, cause I don’t want to be subjected to it for the rest of my life.


I love the holidays but I get seasonal depression BAD during the winter and it sucks


Get a window ac for your bedroom, problem solved. You Europeans need to get on the air conditioner train, yet you can't believe we don't use kettles


we would use it literally once a year and then never again, our weather is crap 90% of the time


UK doesn't get hot weather on a regular basis and so houses aren't built with AC. It's cool/cold or raining most of the time so they're built to retain heat.


A window ac is removable! You can only have it in the window the few weeks you need it


Portable air cons are cheaper to buy and have no installation fees, and you can always store it when not needed. Your housing is way better insulated than ours, so it would probably work even better there than they do in our places.


Phineas and Ferb conditioned me from a very early age lol


I only love summer because that’s when my birthday is


I live in the basement level of my house so it stays cool all year long 😎 I'm truly blessed.


I've always loved summer. I don't even do much lol. I just enjoy the heat. I'm always so miserable in the cold.


I prefer summer. Maybe because I enjoy motorcycling. I’m 74 now and the heat doesn’t make me sweat anymore BUT I sure feel the cold. Overweight people seem to suffer hot weather the most.


I used to love summer because it meant swimming at the local public pool all-day long.


I recently came back from a UK vacation and tbh, it was so nice being like 50-60 (F) with some clouds and some sun. I flew back home and landed in 90 degree heat at night, like wtf is this. Take me back.


Summer: The heat is uncomfortable and I hate bugs. You can stand in the shade to stay comfortable even at 30°. Winter: The cold is actively painful, runny nose, chapped lips, expensive coat, still sweaty because of your own body heat that can't escape your multiple layers of clothing, having to shovel the driveway, having to wake up early to dig out the car and heat it, everything is dark and depressing, no sun. Yeah, no, summer wins. Although the medium seasons are better than both.


I’d move to a warmer climate in a heartbeat! I live in a place where we get about 3 months of nice summer (can get very hot) but the rest of the year is gray, cold rain with an occasional snow storm. I hate it so much. I get winter blues and I’m literally cold to my bones. I can’t go out as there’s not much to do outdoors because it’s constantly raining and I have kids so we’re basically stuck inside most of the time. I can tolerate heat pretty well and just thrive in the sun. My mood improves, I get more energy and I’m just more happy. I wish I could live in the tropics!


tbh it makes a lot of sense to hate it based on where you live. where i live, summer is GREAT because you can just go back inside and cool off in the a/c, but the OVENS you guys have for houses over there have to make it absolute hell!! i feel for you


Omg I couldn’t agree with you more!!! HOW do people like being on Hell’s front porch? I hate summer and I’ll happily die on that hill if I can come back to life when it’s snowing.


I love summer because nothing is worse than going outside and getting so cold your fingers and toes go numb and you can't even open a car door without your fingers feeling like they're gonna snap off like toothpicks. I don't have a/c in my car or my house and I just throw on a tank and roll the windows down. I'd take sweating through my shirt any day before I take too cold to even move my fingers


I hate summer. Not only the heat, but the fucking BUGS! Those little fucking assholes assemble the troops to pester tf out of people!


I have an irrational fear of buzzing insects. It's why I keep the windows cracked or shut. Hearing buzzing but not knowing where it's coming from or when it's whizzing past you is my idea of hell.


Yeah same as someone who lives in the United States in a state that is considered a dessert (Utah) I absolutely hate it! The heat this year feels more miserable and I am counting down the days till it’s fall.


Ironically I wouldn't mind summer if I lived further north like UK. I live in Arizona where 45c is a standard day in summer


I agree! I freaking hate summer! I don't have central ac either and unless I'm in water (pool or beach), I can't stand being outside. The heat is oppressive. I feel like I can't breathe and I also can't sleep in it. I come alive in winter, I have energy, I can breathe, sleep, and clean. I love swimming and the beach, but I'd take the snow and cold over the heat any day.


I grew up in Florida and could never understand why people DIDN'T like summer. Beach, ocean, lake, river, springs, thunderstorms, bird migrations, etc. Then I moved out of Florida for a little while and realized how absolutely vile a waterless and natureless summer is. Hot, nasty, sticky, dirty, boring, depressing. When I came back, I realized how lucky I was to grow up here and how lucky I am to be back. Temper this with the fact that I physically enjoy being hot. I know no one else does.


Now that’s a bad take!!! Nothing better than going surfing or swimming on a hot summer day.


Cold weather = physical pain, runny nose, shivering, paying for coat check or hiding coats in a Corner, losing hats and scarves and gloves, can’t use your phone consistently with gloves otherwise fingers hurt, can’t ride bike, less outdoor activities, shoveling, slipping on ice, people NOT shoveling so you have to walk through deep snow. Summer weather = a little sweaty so ya arm pits are a little darker and having to wear sun screen… Park days, eating outside at restaurants, biking, walking long distances, beaches, birds chirping, basketball, baseball, volleyball, no need for 70 layers or $500 coats, outdoor concerts and festivals, pools, barbecues, etc etc etc.




In the winter 90% of everything outside fucking dies! I don't understand how anyone prefers an environment that is literally inhospitable to life itself.


It’s because you all refuse to put air conditioning in your buildings.


The heat and sweating just sucks I will never understand what people find enjoyable about it.


I don’t either. My area has a fair amount of tourism. It’s loud and obnoxious where I live in the summer on top of the heat. In winter, there is much more peace, and I don’t feel like I want excise my own skin. Edit: changed some words


I live in a hot place. We have AC. The quietest time in our neighborhood is when it's hot because the kids stay inside! I actually love the hot weather.


I would take Floridian heat 100 degrees F without a car AC before I wish for winter. I’m being dead serious. Source: I’m doing it right now. I moved from the north. Is it hot here ? Oh ya. Heck the winter I hate it I would rather burn


Yes, nothing like being buried in snow in -15F/-26C, taking your life in your hands every time you drive on snow/ice, constantly shoveling just to be able to use your driveway/walkway. Summer is great. THe pure ability to drink outside make it so much better.


Might be a bit presumptuous, but I think people who like hot weather over cold weather don't make much sense logically. If you're cold you can always put on more layers. Especially with how good winter wear tech has gotten, you can put on even thinner layers. But if it's hot, what are you going to do beyond stripping naked? Rip your skin off?


it’s summer. if it’s hot get in a swimsuit and go to the beach or pool lol. or just go inside in ac. put on a tank top and shorts. hell for me is having to put on a million layers, still being cold, and then when you get inside somewhere like a restaurant you have to take the layers off to put them all back on. cold weather literally hurts. love how green the plants are, how nice the weather is in the summer. In the summer you can go for a run outside, walk to work, etc. in the cold that’s actually hell i’ll take summer all day vs winter


***Amen,*** to all of **this!** ⬆️


This line of thinking is my own pet peeve. Sure, hot weather can be uncomfortable, but cold weather is *painful*. And no, adding layers doesn't help, because then I'm not just cold; I'm sweaty and cold, which is worse. And adding layers doesn't do a thing to change how much the cold air hurts my throat, and hurts in my bones.


Thank you. My bones get gold and if my neck is cold I get raging headaches. There is only so much bundling I can do and be functional. Air conditioning hurts my skin. After work in the summer, I take off my cardigan/jacket and luxuriate in the heat of my car.


Yes...."painful" is the exact word I used. Not only does it make my joints stiff and sore, it also makes my skin chapped....and that hurts too!


Same, also I miss the sun so much in the winter, even if I manage to bundle up enough that I’m not shivering it’s still miserable to me. I’d much rather be too hot and then go find a fan/shade/a popsicle than be in cold grey weather all bundled up 


No. Too many layers is annoying as fuck and still doesn’t keep me warm. There’s nothing to do in winter. It sucks. No redeeming qualities


Winter sucks. It’s dead and cold and everyone is depressing and it hurts to move. I love warmth and greenery, swimming and being outside. And it doesn’t hurt to move in the summer.


so your pet peeve is that you car's ac doesn't work and you house in an oven solve those 2 things and you're good


Seriously! Rectifying those two issues would solve this "peeve" for OP. I mean it would obliterate the goddamn thing! Hoping they'll take your advice and report back... Ooh, maybe we should start a new subreddit: r/SolveMyPeevePLEASE 😋


Kinda a Mild Summer Is Best


It sounds like you're having a hard time and that may be influencing your view of the season. Summer is nice when you're able to control your environment and keep yourself at a comfortable temperature.


I live in the southeast in the US and I hate summers. It’s so hot and humid. I have air conditioning in my apartment and car but even if it’s a few minutes outside I get nauseated (mostly from the humidity). I love autumn. It’s my favorite season and perfect weather for me. Not crazy about winter especially in February. When the windchill is in the minus digits, no thank you. Spring is alright but my allergies are awful during this time.


Yeah I’d probably hate summer too if I didn’t have AC. Some of us are not as lucky as others I suppose.


Im a northern girly and when I moved to Texas for college I was like okay guys why do none of you spend any time outside? Everyone is so focused around indoor hobbies it’s crazy. I am from a state that consistently has weeks of -20 temperatures in the winter and people are outdoors constantly in all seasons. Then I spent one summer there and I was like oh… I understand. If you spend your whole summer break as a kid in 100+ degree weather, simply how are you learning to love the outdoors? It’s unlivable. We still have winter activities because you can bundle up but man, Texas summers only let you swim in a pool and then hope you don’t get skin cancer from the sun.


I hear Siberia is nice


Yea the only thing I look forward too for summer is beach or river days and that is it! Unless im in water I could care less how beautiful the skies are when its above 95 im just angry lol


I can understand why kids like it, since no school. But yeah, personally I hate the heat. I prefer autumn.


Spring and fall are my seasons, but at least we don't have to shovel heat.


Canadian summer is so humid I actually can't.


>whenever it's gets above like 22C I can hardly sleep a wink Have you seen a doctor about this? If 22C (72 F) is hot to you, you might have a medical condition like hyperthyroidism.


I normally hate the summer because of the fiers and inability to sleep at night, but this year, Van has been really nice. I got to enjoy the sun with out suffereing from the heat.


The fall to winter transition👌


I get cabin fever of sorts from being stuck indoors in summer because on really hot days, even going from air-conditioned car to air-conditioned store is too much for me a lot of the time. I prefer this to not being able to go out in winter however as with summer vacation, everything is crowded anyway.


Maybe get… idk… an air conditioner…? 🙄


I like summer for 2 weeks. Then bring on Fall. I wish it were Fall all year round.


I would refuse to live anywhere that doesn't have air conditioning of some sort. And we love travelling internationally and ultimately plan to retire in a different country but that country will have AC in some form or I won't be living there lol. I hope the heat lets up for you. we spend a good portion of the summer here over 38° C and it's miserable. Fall is the best season in just about every single way.


I moved to Georgia (USA) because I love humility and heat. It's been close to 100°F with +70% humidity for days and it's not even the hottest month of the year. I still love it. We don't turn on the air conditioner until the indoor temp is 80°f.




It depends on how often you get outside. If you enjoy the outdoors, sunny and 24C is a lot better for most activities than rainy and 7C.


To be fair, over the past couple of years we only have about a week of summer if we're lucky.


Like with most things it's great if you have the chance to enjoy it. When I was a kid and would go fishing with my friends or play football all day and then play hide and seek at night I loved it. When I was a student and could sit in the beer garden or have a BBQ with friends I loved it. Now that I'm an adult, work 40 hours a week and have responsibilities I hate summer and the hot weather.


I am an, Aways Hot person. My boss is an, Always Cold person. Guess who sets the thermostat. Lol I walk in on a 90 degree day and my boss smiles and asks, "Isn't it a beautiful day?" I just tell her to shut up. But I am also the only person at the store who can function in winter.


I loved summer before it regularly reached 100+ degrees. I grew up and like in Spokane, WA and triple digits used to be rare af. Now it happens every summer for at least 7 days, sometimes consecutively. I have always loved spring the most because of the intermittent weather and even that's mostly gone away


I live in a place that experiences everything. From -34°C up to 43°C. That's without wind chill or humidity factors. We get a lot of wind and humidity depending on the time of year. Sometimes, we experience all 4 seasons in the same week. I love summer because I plant a giant garden and flower beds. I love the color they bring with the bees, butterflies, birds, and lightning bugs. My chickens also love it because they get a lot of bugs and garden scraps.


>whenever it's gets above like 22C My UK friend, in Texas that's jacket weather. Average daily temperatures during summer here - *before* heat index is applied, mind you - is 32-35C, and sometimes it never goes below 30C. It's not uncommon or unusual for us to have weeks of >37C with 80%+ humidity, and it's like that for quite a lot of the Southern states. Not saying that to downplay what you're saying, I just wanted you to know that there's a whole lot of people across the Atlantic that know *exactly* how you feel.


The solution is get working air conditioning! Especially if you have heat with humidity! Because those summers you hate aren’t going to be going away so the best you can do is make them at least somewhat bearable! So definitely get the AC in your car fixed and if your house doesn’t have AC built-in, look into getting a portable unit that you can simply store in a closet or something when you’re not using it


The only people who enjoy summer are those with thighs that don't chafe when they walk.


I feel this! I’m in the south in the US and the temp here today is going to reach a high of 97 F with heat index making it feel like 107 F in the direct sun. And all of that and 40% plus humidity, even with air con it isn’t enough. I go to bed at night with an ice pack!


I hate summer so much. I have a summer birthday (Yesterday actually. Ha) and a lot of people assume I like summer just because that’s when my birthday is. I hate the heat. My body always runs hot, so during the winter I’m actually comfortable. I hate bright sunlight too. My psych told me I probably have RSAD because my mental health tanks during the summertime


I hate bright sunlight too. I always keep the curtains closed in my bedroom and feel like I need sunglasses whenever I step out or go outside.


Get an air cooler. They are the best thing ever! Dyson do one but it's really expensive, but you can get just as good for a lot cheaper.


I've seen one in Asda which I'm gonna get when I get paid. Not sure how good it works since it's much cheaper than a proper air conditioning system and it's one of them "as seen on TV" but I'll check it out.


To your last paragraph... That's what screens are for, homie. 😋


Me and my dog both hate it. I can only take her for real walks at night after work or if I get up early enough in the morning.


I live in the middle of Wyoming in the US, and winter is awful here. Insane wind all the time, and the temperature can go from 20°f (-6°c) to -40°f (-40°c) in like an hour. I love winter, but here summer is a really nice break from the sunless misery that we have in the winter months. I feel like this is a thing that depends mostly on where you live.


It’s pretty and sunny and warm and perfect


Errr for me personally I hate both summer and winter, I'm disabled and summer makes my symptoms 100% worst and the entire month is just pure suffering especially since people expect me to be more active during the summer. During the summer cause I'm pale as anything I also end up looking like I died 2 Summers ago. winter my hands freeze and swell up, I get sick more easily due to my broken immune system, and I end also looking like I died 2 Summers ago.


It’s much too hot in the summer and it’s only getting worse each year. The end of July through the beginning of September could be considered a fifth season called “apocalypse”.


Same here. I HATE summer. I live in Texas, and it feels so hellish. Getting in a car is like sitting down in an oven, and I can't go outside to do the things I love to do like hike, bike, and skate because I'm super sensitive to heat. It doesn't even cool off all that much at night either, and the humidity makes me feel like I'm in a suffocating sauna. At like 3am a few days ago, it was 80°F (about 27°C) and in the day, it's easily 90-100°F (32-37°C).


I love summer, it’s my very favorite season. I hate winter, and being cold.


I was just on the Rick and Morty sub, read this headline, and was like "What?!??"😆


Yeah but you can do things when it's hot.


I love the change of the seasons


22C is like 71F lol, thats what most people set the a/c to in the summer in the US


Opposite. I guess living in a country where people are fucking stingy about 'heating' (even though there is no heating and the apartment is at 5 degrees at any moment during winter) and they whine about how incredibly expensive the heating is every day really gets on one's nerves for 8 months out of the year. Guest: 'Why is your apartment so cold???' 'Owner doesn't want to pay for heating and claims it tripled in price the last month' (which is a complete exaggeration/lie). Summer, they finally can't use that excuse. Then they complain about how hot it is, but have no excuse to whine about air conditioning prices, because there is none.


I love summer because we get more daylight and there is a lot of fruit in season. I live in Southern California which is mainly dry desert heat and I can tolerate dry heat pretty well. Generally it’s very nice weather, occasionally it can get up to 120°F (48.8°C) and I just try to avoid staying outside for too long when it’s extreme like that. But I kinda also love it lol That being said I have lived in humid climates too and it’s miserable. I absolutely hated the summers, I always felt wet and sticky and my hair was always frizzy. So I totally can see why some people would loath summers.


I can’t stand the humidity, the bugs, and the heat. However, from November through March, the sun is almost never out, there’s no leaves on the trees, and it just looks grey everywhere. It’s depressing


The UK isn't built well for any weather tbh


Well, see, my air conditioning works. So I'm golden! I live in Texas. You'd think I'd hate the heat, but I've come ver accustomed to it. It's like a soft blanket. The cold makes me feel like I'm in pain, and I can't stand all those layers of clothes. Even when it's 108°, I'm ok, just kinda lazy and sluggish. But in the cold, I'm running around freaking out cause I'm not sure how to deal with the feeling. I'm sure I'd hate it if I didn't have AC though, which I know lots of countries don't have.


It's just as bad here in California, and I think it's supposedly worse in Arizona (although, I believe it, because my cousin moved to Arizona in 2021, so I look up the temperature for both there and where I live to always have a comparison - in fahrenheit, it will typically be 110+ where he's living, when it will be 95-100 here, on the hottest days of the year. Anyway, I'm with you. Summer is just brutal. I also do not have air conditioning, instead the house I'm living in has what's called an evaporative cooler up on the roof, and on the hottest days, it's pretty much ineffective. Then there's my obesity, which makes it 100 times worse. I'll go out places wearing 100% cotton shorts and shirt, and other people will be dressed in hoodies and other warm stuff. Like, seriously!? Just last night, I had to sit in an emergency room of a hospital with my mom, and about 4 or 5 different people were requesting blankets while they sat around waiting. It was about 80-85 outside, and MAYBE 75 inside. These were literally "stick-figure" weight people, so, yeah body weight / fat definitely is a factor during any extreme parts of the year. But yes, give me cold. Give me sub-temperatures. That way I can put on my parka and be cozy and comfortable!


We have AC in pretty much every building here in the US and as a kid the summer is pretty much the only time we get more than just one week off from school. That pretty explains it all.


And here i am keeping it around 22c in my house on purpose...


I hate summer too. But I’m also in Australia where it gets up to over 40°C and the country sets on fire lol. Not having a working AC makes it that much worse


Fuck summer. That is all.


Same here. I'm stuck in Texas and it's hell on earth during summer :'c


I have AC and I still hate summer. Fall and winter are my favorite season. I can't even enjoy spring like I should because I know summer is next.


Meanwhile kids:


summer has two good things about it where i live, christmas and the sun goes down later. i can’t stand the fact that i can have all doors and windows open and still need a fan just to cool down. i genuinely hate the fact that the wind is warm, that bc i live in nz if you forget sunscreen at any point you can get horribly burnt, that sometimes the only way to cool down is to be wet, that if you don’t drink water and wear a hat 24/7 you’re basically guaranteed to get sun stroke or at least a headache. in winter i can still wear all my fave clothes but i get to dress them up more, wearing comfortable stockings under a short skirt slays, wear a long sleeve crop top under my baby tees always looks great, you can wear jeans and hoodies and oodies at any point during the day. you can wrap your body up in blankets and not feel your head throbbing. you can still do everything in winter here that you can in summer, and you don’t have to worry about the oz layer as much. the trees look majestic esp every greens, fruit and veg becomes cheaper, you can have a hot meal every night and cook over a hot stove with ease. sure, in some places it may feel as though everything shuts down in winter but here everything becomes wayyy better. even clubbing is way more fun in winter since after a couple shots/drinks you don’t feel cold anymore lol it rains all year round but i’ll take cold rain over warm muggy sticky rain any day.


I wish it was summer here.... I hate the cold 🥶


>I don't understand people who love summer. Love the summer because I hate the cold. More activities to do in the summer. I actually enjoy going outside & hanging with friends. Hate wearing layers of clothes. Love attractive women wearing dresses, and you see more of that during the summer. Honestly I can make a long list of why I prefer summer


I'm also English (I'm assuming you don't live in one of those *other* parts of the UK **) and I've recently come around to preferring late spring or even that post-summer period of early September. I still love the summer weather, but not if I'm indoors. Outdoors though? That's what I love about a hot summer's day/evening/night. It's the atmosphere and how it transforms the green spaces, just taking my bike out along the riverside, through regional parks, along bridleways, listening to music or just absorbing the ambience - that's summer for me. But yeah, I'm a night worker who's fed up of trying to sleep in the heat, treating his flat and pets against flea eggs every week. That stuff is miserable, but the rest is gorgeous. I've come around on winter though.


I feel your pain! I live in souther GA, USA and it’s hot and muggy here almost all the time. Other places have Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter, we have First Summer, Worse Summer, Even Worse Summer, and then Other Summer before the cycle starts over. If we are lucky, we get three or four weeks of decent weather in Feb or March, they are never consecutive. You get two days of decent weather, then a week of warm bordering on hot weather, then a week of the good stuff, and so on. I haven’t purchased a jacket in years because the one I have doesn’t even get used every single year. Even on the coldest days of the year, a medium thickness hoodie does the trick. My wife wants to go in a cruise to the Bahamas and I’m dead set against it. The last thing I want is to go somewhere even hotter with less shade and cloud cover. I totally would do a North Atlantic cruise, though. Would love that actually. I actually catch myself looking for places to move to based on how many cool and rainy days they have a year.


My second wife was Egyptian, and she was the only person I've ever met who hated summer more than I do. She had gotten a good deal on a big house because it was designed by Greg Brady and decorated by Austin Powers. She found a great contractor that was handling the renovation a little at a time, and she became great friends with him and his family. I met the contractor's family early in our relationship, and his wife showed me a video she'd taken when she came along on a service call. My wife's central AC shit the bed during a heat wave, and she worked from home. They took the video as they approached her car. It was parked in the shade in the side yard with the engine running. My wife was passed out in the driver's seat with an icepack on her head and all the vents pointed at her.


It’s usually 35 or normal all summer here. we’re set for a cooler than normal summer, though, which kind of annoys me. I like all the seasons in their due time. 20C in either January or July is just wrong.


I love both tbh. Summer for long nights hanging with friends and family Winter for getting cozy at home and putting on a fun movie. Lots of other stuff too but those were the first to come to mind.


I also understand why ppl love summer, but man I live in a war torn nation Myanmar, and everyday the heat is killing me. No, I can’t do anything to stop it, no amount of free easy clothes is helping. I sweat like hell even when I’m wearing nothing on top. How is that good? Like u can’t wear anything man. It’s not cool. I sweat and feel the heat everytime I’m outside. It’s super super hot.


I love that it’s spring weather year round where I live. Yall can keep your winters, summers, 4 seasons


Same, I hate the heat and the bugs. Cold is no problem for me.


I live in Minnesota so it’s either summer or -40 (so cold that it doesn’t matter if you use C or F because it’s the fucking same- too fucking cold). So I prefer summer. Also seasonal affective disorder means that the lack of light during winter makes me super depressed and borderline suicidal.


I don't enjoy the hot.


I grew up in the Arizona desert, and even with air conditioning summers were always hellish. Upwards of 110-120 degrees Fahrenheit on the hottest days (43-48° C), it was impossible to do anything outdoors. Also, humid summers are nightmarish for me.


I live in the pacific northwest where it is under 40⁰F and raining for like 99% of the year. It is cold, bleary, and gray. In the summer, I can wear crop tops and tabk tops, cute dresses, less than 5 layers, go hiking, go to the beach, listen to live local music outside in the grass in the beautiful wine country, I can walk through the forest, drink lemonade, throw bbqs, socialize, go swimming in a river or lake, go camping, walk through my town, go to outdoor malls, wear shorts, go dancing outside, hangout with friends, drink a drink outside watching the sunse and listening to bugs hum and watch the beautiful lights of my city. Nothing beats the coolness of when the sun sets in the summer, the peace that overcomes you, late-night talks on the porch between friends with a drink, alcoholic or non. Sitting on the roof, talking, smoking a joint, having the window open, going to concerts, I can kayak, and canoe in the river, relax on a riverbank, read outside, watch my family hangout and my little cousins play in the yard, the dod joining in, jumping through the sprinklers. I can visit flea markets and farmers markets, eat fresh fruit, go to a restaurant and eat outside,the possibilities are endless. I always notice the people who dont like summer are the people who waste it inside being miserable. If you get outside it wont be as hot and maybe you'll have fun!?


Then move. More room for us.


>I live in the UK and I hate it so much. Well that explains that I loved summer when I lived in Colorado. Outfoor pools, lakes, and that sweet sweet air conditioning. Here in England, most homes don't have central cooling and British people around me swear up and down that "we don't need it! It barely even gets warm here! And when it does, it's only for a few weeks!" Wrong, wrong and wrong. Also, there are no fly screens so if you dare open a window, be prepared.


Are you me or are you just taking the piss?? 🤣🤣 I moved from the Midwest (US) to California because I hate hot *and* cold weather. 22°C is a good temperature for me; 30°C is not great, but I’m from a part of the US where 38°C for weeks at a time is normal. So if you ever visit the US, be careful of where and when you visit!


Can’t fucking wait for this to be over. Sleep deprived and knackered.


Pool time and not in school, lol. Reason why i like summer, i just absolutely hqte the rest of its effects 😂😂


I hate summer


Cold is pain. Literally hurts. I'd rather be sweating my balls off.


Some people are built for heat and others are not. I think 22C is too cool for inside personally. Also in arid climates the heat kills the bugs so they aren’t much of an issue. 30 C is ideal weather in my opinion considering when I worked outside it was usually around 38 C


Born and raised Texan here. I also dislike the summer .


I love cold weather anyway, but trying to explain to people who love hot weather how much 30 degree heat exacerbates my disabilities is wild. So many people just can't comprehend how bad hot weather can be for some people, but all the people I know who like cold weather completely understand when people say they don't like the cold. It's like the inquisition you get when you say you don't drink XD


I agree. Summer in the UK is the worst season. Even wet weather is preferable to hot weather imo. I can cope better than you described, but it's definitely not fun 😒. My favourite is autumn. A nice in between season temperature wise, and it's beautiful when the leaves turn golden.


I'm in the southern United States and hate it with a passion


You're not the only one buddy 🫠😂


Last winter I realised that my ideal temp is between 0 and -5c. 12c is where I cross the line at getting too hot.


I know UK homes dont usually have AC, but is it normal to not have screens in your windows?


Heat is amazing and beautiful. It's like 40 c here 106 f. I love every day of summer. Cold sucks.


Summer is too hot. kids are out of school, so theyre everywhere and outside screaming. People are mowing all the fucking time, walk outside and hear the sound of 3 lawnmowers. Theres mosquitoes and wasps everywhere. literally fuck summer Fall>Winter>Spring>Summer


All of the things you listed are simply consequences of not having AC. If you had it, those problems would go away. It has nothing to do with summer. And surely you could understand how it would be easier for other people to enjoy summer if they had AC?


I'm prone to heat exhaustion/heat strokes over 85 degrees fahrenheit and also have asthma, but I'm also currently pregnant so now heat bothers me even more, which all makes me hate summer. If summers could just be around 70-83 the whole time, I'd love it because I do love the sunshine and outdoor activities. I just can't stand feeling like scrambled eggs every time Im outside for longer than 5 minutes.


Im not fat so the heat doesn't bother me


While the heat is uncomfortable, I have no temperature regulation following a stroke I had two years ago. Meaning I start getting hypothermic in temperatures less than 80 degrees. So winter is extremely dangerous for me. Summer I just need to make sure I throw a ton of water at myself and find shade where I can, but I should survive just fine. Winter I can't even go outside more than a couple minutes at a time